The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 27, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 3

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East Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 P M
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 645 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1235 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arr 830 p m
13 940 A M
15 1230 A M
y o d j xvl
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 176 arrives 330 P M
No 175 departs - 645 A M
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
uiy point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
The bridge inspectors special was
up on the Imperial branch on last
Chief Heber of the Western Un
ion could use several more men in
his service
T J Sapp has succeeded C E
Tuttle as division line man for the
Western Union
Passenger train No 3 had to run
in two sections last Thursday night
to take care of the traffic
George E Bailey wire chief at
Sterling Colorado was in the city
last Saturday evening between trains
He went west on No 3
Conductor and Mrs Frank Neu
bauer of Orleans and her sister Miss
Hazel Gilliand of Stansbury Missou
ri were guests of McfCook relatives
end of week
A car load of old ties caught fire
in the local yard last Saturday morn
ing but were soon extinguished Be
ing loaded in a steel car the fire did
not communicate to the car
The Burlington weed burner which
is in competition with S W Wind
has completed its work on the St
Francis branch finishing between
Beaver City and Orleans Wednesday
Beaver City Tribune
The Burlington operated their weed
burner on this branch this week
burning off the weeds on the right-of-way
on the Hendley and Wilson
ville sections on Thursday The
destroying agent is coal oil which is
burned in a machine somehting on
the order of a street sprinkler which
is trailed behind an engine While
it does not burn the green weeds to
the ground they are saturated wLih
oil and it is claimed that they die
in a day or two Hendley Delphic
Edgar Eno returned home Wed
nesday from Holdrege where he has
been taking treatment im a hospital
Roy Brock and Ralph Messner were
Indianola visitors Wednesday even
Miss Lena Gray gave a very inter
esting sermon at the M E church
Frank Thompson left Wednesday
evening for his home at Merline Ore
gon J W Nutt and family accom
panled them as far as Ogden Utah
and then they go to Imonte Calif
A number from here are attending
the Normal school at McCook
Ardil Minniear and Clarence Green-
way left Wednesday for Nance county
this state to look for work
J W Paine the traveling sales
man for the Lincoln Daily Star was
in town Tuesday
Fred Mack formerly of this place
but now living in West Chicago 111
came in Thursday for a visit with
Miss Bernice Stilgebouer of Bart
ley Neb has been visiting in this
neighborhood the past two weeks
Thursday June 22 was the long
est day of the year and it was a
very hot day
Fox Hethcote of Indianola was
an over Sunday visitor at this burg
J A Clous e and Harry Woods
went over to Indianola Thursday to
attend the races
Omen Smiley and Miss Nellie Lord
were McCook visitors Thursday
S R Messner departed Wednesday
day evening for Kansas City and
from there will go to Excelsior
Springs for a few days
Adolph Weskamp was the lucky
man in the pulling match at McjCook
last Saturday
S W Stilgebouer is on the sick
list this week
The railroad officials passed thru
town Wednesday inspecting the cul
verts and bridges
Everyone should stay in town on
Saturday evening and hear the band
concert at 730 oclock
The Danbury military band will go
to Orleans Neb next Tuesday to
celebrate the Fourth of July and to
furnish the music
You vill find them fresh and clean
at Magners grocery
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
Wreck Victim Who Didnt Know
Where He Came From Foilnd
by Relatives
The mystery surrounding the iden
tity of one of the men hurt in the
Commerce Commission Orders Wire
Account of All Fatal Railroad
Washington June 22 Every com
mon carrier wall be required after
July 11911 to report to the Inter
state Commerce commission by tele
graph any collision derailment or
other accident resulting in the
death of one or more persons
By the terms of an order issued to
day by the commission a report must
be sent immediately after the oc
currence of the accident by a re
Sponsible officer of the carrier
The Cost of a Wreck
That the head on collision of Bur
lington trains Nos 9 and 12 near In
dianolaNeb May 29 will cost that
road at least 250000 is the opinion
of the accountants who are now com
pleting the damage figures Nearly
200000 of this amount will be paid
1 because of personal injuries One
death claim asking 32000 for the
life of a Holdrege Neb citizen was
filed the day following the catastrophe
This was the largest amount asked
for a death and it is said will not
be paid outside of court All other
claims probably will be adjusted with
out recourse to law Omaha News
I was at Sibley Iowa the other
day and caught this one Two Ger
man women met in a store and after
friendly greetings one of them said
I see you have been buying an auto
mobile What kind o f a one is it
Oh yes ve haf but I fergit the
Why cant you think what it is
a Reo or a Ford or something like
No I cant think vat it iss but
it sounds sometings like Vomick
Vomick no no there is no auto
mobile like that Is it a Mitchell or
a Buick or
Thats it Puick I knew it vas
Lsomethings like Vomick but I could-
not jes tink vat it vas Puick Den
nison Bulletin
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
FOR RENT 6 roomi house almost
new at 812 2nd st E Inquire of
J M Henderson 808 2nd st E
LOST In the neighborhood of the
Hippie farm a mounted dove Finder
will be rewarded by returning same
to George Cappel route 2 McCook
CURES and Purifies the Blood
These shoes represent the best effort
of the shoemakers art There -is noth
ing better on the market at any pric
for quality style and comfort
For service they lead all others In
stead of selling for 500 and 600 like
other fine shoes Calendar Shoes sell foi
300 350 and 400 Every pair oj
these shoes iis a calendar attached sc
you can mark the date of purchase anc
see for yourself how much better and
longer they wear than any shoe you
ver naa on your leet
Attorney General Grant G Martin competitors I regarded this as a
has written a letter to J R Cooper point very much in its favor
Indianola wreck has been solved sajs a Holdrege newspaper man in which You suggest that Curtis is
the Lincoln Daily News He thought
his name was Hart and that he once
lived at Mt Pleasant la After the
wreck he was taken to Holdrege
where he lay in a stupor for a long
The fact that a man named Hart
who thought he came from the Iowa
town was brought to the attention of
Mt Pleasant people and a cousin
Mrs Mamie McDorman came to care
for him He was able to recognize
her A dispatch from Holdrege says
The relatives think that it will be
necessary to have a guardian ap
pointed for him on account of his
present condition and papers have
been filed in the county cour there to
this end F W Byrd an attorney
of this city has been retained as
counsel to look after the injured
mans interests It is alleged that
Mr Hart while in worse condition ev
en that he is now in made a settle
ment with the railroad company which
the relatives think will not stand
when the facts are properly presente
The sum the injured man is supposed
to have settled for is 700
him cessible I do not so regard it It is
he states the position taken by
located on the Burlington high line
in regard to the location of the new i
i which traverses the entire territory
southwestern Nebraska agricultural
from Holrege on the east to the
school at Curtis The letter is in re
ply to one from Mr Cooper which
reads as follows
line 81 miles from the Colorado line
and 181 miles from the extreme west
trn line Approximately the popula
tion of the district west of Curtis
leaving out the county in which it is
located ds 45000 and east of it 110
000 Three lines of railroad traverse
this territory east and west To lo
cate the school on the Union Pacific
would leave two parallel lines to the
south to locate it on the Burlington
main line anywhere west of Holdrege
would leave two parallel lines to the
north The high line of the Burling
ton running between the other two
more nearly traverses the center of
the prescribed district Curtis is sit
uated on the high line and while it
is consiederd east of the geographical
center of the district it is much
nearer the center than any of its
The republicans of Red Willow coun
ty are hereby called to meet in con
vention in the city of Indianola on
Wedesday July 19th at 2 oclock in
the afternoon for the purpose of
electing eight 8 delegates to the
republican state convention to be
held at Lincoln on July 25th 1911
and for the purpose of electing a
county central committee and for
the transaction of such other busi
ness as may properly come before
saod county convention
The convention shall be made uj
of delegates chosen by the republi
cans of the respective precincts of
the county on the basis of one dele
gate at large for each voting pre
cinct of the county and tone delegate
for each 15 votes or fraction thereof
cast for C H Aldrich republican
candidate for Governor at the gener
al election held November 8th 1910
which basis of representation en
titles the respective voting precincts
to the following number of delegates
Alliance 3
Box Elder 4
Driftwood 4
Gerver 3
Lebanon 5
Perry 3
Valley Grange 4
Beaver 5
Coleman 2
Bast Valley 7
Grant 2
Missouri Ridge 2
Red Willow 5
Bondville 2
Danbury 5
nritsch 3
Indianola 7
North Valley 3
fTyrone 3
Willow Grove
1st Ward 1st prceinct 13
1st ward 2nd precinct 9
2nd Ward 1st precinct 11
VIERSEN OSBORN McCook I it is recommended that -no proxies
Colorado line on the west reaching
ing Sterling Col a distance of over
200 miles at which place it connects
The people of this section of the with the lines enabling the whole of
state have been awaiting some state- the northwestern Nebraska as far
ment from the board of public lands north as Harrison Chadron Alliance
and buildings of which you are a and points south thereof to reach
member giving the controlling rea
son for the location of the Nebraska
agricultural school at Curtis We have
noticed statements from Mr George
and Mr Wait to the effect that each
gentleman favored a certain city as
the location We understand that you
are not bound to explain your vote
and yet in justice to yourself dont
you uk it would be h2 bt thli g
to do From authority which we be-
its central location geographically car
ried any weight in favor of its choice
by your board
This paper would be pleased to
give space to any statement you
would choose to make
Attorney General Martin says in his ing
letter written in reply
I shall speak for myself only The
democratic stato platform pledged
the establishment of an agricultural
school i southwestern Nebraska
The legislature fixed the boundaries
within which it should be located
Curtis by rail The high line is eas
ily reached from points on the Un
ion Pacific in from one to three
hours ride by automobile The same
is true of towns on the Burlington
main line Conveyances are kept for
this purpose at a number of towns
I rode from Lexington which is on
the Union Pacific to Elwood which
is on the high line by auto in one
hour and from Curtis to North Platte
lieve to be reliable Ave understand in two and a half hours The public
that but for your influence the school are accustomed to travel by team
would have been located elsewhere
The people of our section choose to
hear from you before passing their
final judgment in this case On ac-
and nowadays more by automobile
from one railroad line to the other
Any student residing in this prescrib
ed district may reach Curtis within
count of the inaccessibility of the a few hours at an expense ranging
town of Curtis we cannot believe that from a few cents and not exceeding
6 The fare from Holdrege to Cur
tis is only 146 Under present ar
rangements those going by way of
Holdrege would be required to re
main over night in Holdrege at an
additional exfpense of a nights
The selection of Curtis was made
by ballot exactly in the manner pub
lished in the press The vote is re
corded in detail is public property
and shows the exact vote which each
town received The first night
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
100 Reward 100
The readers of Jhis paper will be
to learn that there is at last
one dreaded dispi3e tliu science has
been able to cm i in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith in its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Received on Account Pali
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
Whooping cough is not dangerous
when the cough is kept loose and
expectoration easy by giving Cham
berlains Cough Remedy It has
been used in many epidemics of this
disease with -perfect success For
sale by all dealers
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska In the Matter of
the Estate of Carolina Feekin de
Notice is hereby given that the
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is six
months from and after July 22 1911
ty three ballots were taken and the and any claim not presented by that
making the 99th meridian which pass various towns discussed No town5 shall be forever barred that I
about two miles west Zllni afc the county court room in
es of Minden received more than two votes The
McCook in said county on the 23rd
the east line and making tne 4th second night ten ballots were taken day of January 1912 at the hour of
standard which passes along the edgf making thirty three in all Two of ten oclock A M to examine ad-
of Broken Bow the north boundary J the board voted thirty times for the Ju3t and allow the claims against
The legislature left the selection of towns of their choice I was willing sd estate and that the time limit-
I ed for the payment of debts is one
the site to the four members of the to agree on any one of seven of the vear from june 26 1911
board of public lands and buildings applicants and so stated to the Dated June 26 1911
of which I am one board In an effort to agree I voted J C MOORE
When fton fronting the fact that thfi thrpe t imps far Hnlrtrc P Thpsowprp vaeaij county JUCige
-O W -WW
T P TT1TT lx-
0 w W V V-
district is from 161 to 261 miles
the only times Holdrege received more to- niIhintnn Tne 07 ionstc
length it seemed that the schi ran one vote I was satisfied an
onht to be located farther west thi treement could not he reached on NOTICE TO CREDITORS
any of these cities Approximate Holdrege after a full discussion In In the County Court of Red Willow
the population east of those cities injall I voted twelve times for Curtis 5ouni Nelwaska In theMatter of
iie Estate of Hiram F Feekin de-
this district is 40000 and west -- and the remaining - twenty one votes ceased
000 Besides there was a state nor- j were cast for some one of the oth 1 Notice is hereby given that the
mal school located almost on the er applicants On the thirtieth and time limited for the presentation of
east line at Kearney and only a thirty first ballots Curtis received clainf against said estate is six
people of that prescribed district and
the state at large
CALL FOR REPUBLICAN COUNTY be allowed but that the delegates
present from each precinct be author
ized to cast the full vote of sucii pre
It is ordered that precinct caucus
es to elect delegates be held on
Wednesday July 12th at such hour
and place as the precinct committee
men shall designate and that the
several precinct committeemen shall
at once call such caucuses and give
-notice thereof by posting or publica
It is suggested that the precinct
caucuses nominate precinct officers
at these caucuses and that such bus
iness be included in the call for
the caucus
Dated this 26th day of June 1911
By order of he County Central
Chas A Wesch left Thursday on
No 10 for Hastings where he is em
Messenger Hawkins are going to
ship their threshing rig to the east
for this seasons run
Mr and Mrs Aug Wesch were
McCook visitors Wednesday
R E Adams who was badly hurt
some time ago is able to be around
Jacob Wesch took his son Chas
Wesch to the train Thursday even
Pyrography pieces slightly damag
ed a real bargain- See them
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
1 u tw Wlu
uia uum ctuu iuiei July iiii
few miles distant from those cities two votes and on the thirty third nni 5 ioiri -on xtx
Curtis is SO miles from the east ballot all four votes The members time shall be forever barred that T
of the board differed widely in their will sit at the county court room in
ideas and an agreement on one of flnv V hma ruiy on tlle 6Ta
nf Xntinnrir 1019 o Ti Tim f
the eleven had to be
applicants ten 0clock
A t examine adjust
reached This no doubt brought and allow the claims against said
disappointment to the other ten Hon- estate and that the time limited for
est consideration was given to the
claims of every town An unbiased
effort was made to make a selection
that would be for the best interests
of all the people in that part of
the state which the legislature des
ignated as the site of this school
I regret that many of my friends
uie payment or uebts is one vear
from June 26 1911
Dated June 26 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 27 1911 8ts
State of Nebraska Countv of Red
should suffer disappointment in this willow ss
of the board I have great I To All Persons Interested in the
the future development of of Eva A- Tomlinson
tnat part oi our sxaie aim luuuy You are nereby notifkd on
lieve that this school will grow and the 16th day of June 1911 William
eventually be of great benefit to the
S Tomlinson executor of the last
will and testament of Eva A Tomlin
son deceased filed in said court his
final account as such executor and
petition for his discharge that said
account and petition for discharge
will be heard on the Sth day of July
1911 at the hour of nine oclock a
m at the county court room in the
city of McCook in said county
You are hereby cited to appear at
the time and place above designated
and show cause if such exist why
said account should not be allowed
and such executor discharged
It is ordered that notice of the
time and place of said hearing be
given to all persons interested in
said estate by causing a copy of
this order to be published in the Mc
Cook Tribune a newspaper printed
and published in said county for
three successive weeks prior to the
date set for said hearing
Dated this 16th day of June 1911
Seal County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication June 20 6ts
Notice is hereby given that the
property of the McCook Pressed Brick
Company consisting of about 2 acres
of ground on which the plant is lo
cated 1 Fernholtz 4 mold brick press
boiler engine pulverizer screen el
evator and fittings line shaft feed
water heater feed water pump belts
pulleys all pipe and fittings grates
shovels timbers 1 plow 2 scrapers
3 spring brick trucks 2 dirt barrows
fronts doors kilns buildings and in
general all of the property both real
and personal belonging to said com
pany will be sold at Public Auction
at the Brick Yard in McCook Ne
braska on the 30th day of June A
D 1911 which sale will commence
at 10 oclock a m and remain open
one hour By authority of the stock
Dated June 17th 1911
P Walsh
H P Waite
J E Kelley Committee
First publication June 20 3ts
Middle Aged and Elderly Pecpfe
Use Foley Kidney Pills for quid
and permanent results in all cases
of kidney and bladder troubles zajS
for painful and annoying irregulari
ties A McMillen
The woman of today who has qd
health good temper good sers
bright eyes and a lovely compleaaoiv
the result of correct living and gd
digestion wins the admiration ofcthe
world If your digestion is faulty
Chamberlains Stomach and 3L3cssr
Tablets will correct it For sale- ip
all druggists
Huber handles the Carhartt gloree
and caps also and a full line S
other makes
Fresh fruits at Magners
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Physician and Surgeor
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 residezsres
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temp
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av oves Xi
Connells drug store Phones
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms
building McCook
3 and 5 Wa2s
Phone 378
Room 4 Postoffice building STe
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Masonic tenpitej
McCook Neb
Phone 190
Office over McAdams store JSc
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in oGes
McCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and aS
McCook Water Works Co Office 2r
Fostoffice building McCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn McCooi
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing McCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods oi qualit
Main avenue McCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemect
Postoffice building
Real Estate
and Insurance
302 overWoodworth8
Your combings
made into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrated
Ford Auto
210 1st st W -- Phone red 435-