The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 27, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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    A f
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A Lawn Dancing Party to Meet New
Members of Young Social Set
Miss Gertrude Milligan and Miss
Pearl Mitchell gave a lawn dancing
party on last Thursday evening at
the Milligan residence on 1st street
east which is regarded as a social
achievement of more than usual mer
The party was given to meet Miss
Juliet Galusha and Mr James Galu
sha former Lincoln and Red Cloud
friends of the hostesses Ahout
two score young ladies and gentle
men participated in the soiree
The spacious lawn about the Milli
gan residence was brightly illumin
ed by incandescents some of them
in colors giving an attractive ef
fect to the joyous scene
A dancing platform on the lawn
and Mr and Mrs Henry Best at vio
lin and piano were essential details
C E Eldred for District Judge
After Many Delays New Law Will Be
Operative and First Assessment
Becomes Due
Lincoln Neb June 24 After
months of delay Nebraskas bank
guaranty law will become operative
July 1 On that date there will be
created a guaranty fund Avith an in
itial assessment of 1G5G3392 This
ds one fourth of 1 per cent of the
average deposits of C5S state banks
for the six months beginning Decem
ber 1 1910 and ending June 1 1911
Notices are now being sent out to
the state banks The money is set
apart but need not be sent in An
other one fourth of 1 per cent will
be demanded January 1 and two sim
ilar assessments will be made at in
tervals of six months thereafter
When the sum
county were present at the meeting
Dr Hathorn commander was made
chairman of the meeting and J W
Hammond temporary secretary The
following executive committee was
chosen to have charge of the reunion
ir o t111 n T foco iT T
Tuesday Evening Edition
The People of McCook Are
Enjoying the Chautuaqua
Fair Sized Audiences at All Sessions and the Sentiment Is
One of Satisfaction
With a Final Concert by the Famous Royal Italion Guards BandDont
Miss the Great Musical Number of the Season
The McCook Chautauqua opened
auspiciously last Thursday afternoon
with an address of welcome by City
Attorney Wolff response by Plat
form Supt Sias and a concert by
The Singers and Players Club
At the evening program Lincoln
McConnell was the chief attraction
of 00000 has the prelude being given by the Sing-
been set apart the assessments shall ers and Plaayers Club Line talk-
Mrs W A Mitchell served fruit cease and no more money will oe on seveial phases or the negro
punch during the evening and at a set aPart urtil the fund shall become wMh an interest and weight equalled
convenient interval light and season- depleted j by few men on the American plat-
able refreshments were served upon form today
the lawn with tasteful particulars Wanted Marriage License Canceled Fridays program was put on by
I - last Saturday with acute indigestion net been entirely well for a eople
l ti u ftinnn nn iti iiTnn ilk ill -
l i n jti vjiitiiv iu mv
If You Have
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
June 28th and 29th
We limit the offer to only one pur
chase to each customer Remember
the bargain
L W McCONNELL Druggist
We Serve to Please
Ic2 cream soda and sundaes with
pure crushed fruit including all the
A McMILLEN Druggist
50 cents worth for 26 cents
Wednesday and Thursday June 28
and 29 Rexall Store 212 Main St
Miss Mabel Winters who has been Mrs W F Brewster wife of Con 1
visiting Miss Fay Stayner departed tiactor Erewtter at S45 North Arthur
for her home Sunday morning last avenue died this afternoon after an
M L Rishel was taken quite sick ilaess cf less than a week She had
mg school
but is some better and improving at c f yea is but only a week ago she
this printing bacame so ill that she had to take
I p t 7imnipr nmi hrnthfir nrrivpcl to her bed The ciuse of deatli was
houses to rent list them with Whit-
arterio scleicsis chronic
Monday from MUwaukeet a
taker uray iney nave uuiuij j
applications on file now for llouS attend
es Phone black lS urnce in
ple block
While they last at a big reduction
in price It is net too late Get
one now and enjoy it the rest of the
L W McCONNELL Druggist
cousin where the brother lias been j tion of the arteries cf the system
Mrs C M Sparhawk and Miss May
Wood of Maywocd Nebraska who
have been guests of Mrs L E Han
ford departed for home Monday eve
Mr Ora Simons son-in-law of
Frank Harris died in Denver June IS
and was buried in that city on last
Tuesday the 20th Deceased was the
husband of Alice Harris
Mr and Mrs C E Tuttle departed
last Saturday evening for their neAV
heme in Savannah Illinois where he
continues in the employ of the West
ern Union Telegraph Co
Mr and Mrs Frank McCallum and
Mr and Mrs Hugh McCallum were
down from Wauneta Sunday to en
joy the chautauqua They were the
guests of Mr and Mrs Barney Hofer
Miss Fay Ilostetter is home from
Idaho spending the summer vacation
with her parents Agent and Mrs D
F Hostetter Miss Fay is instructor
on piano in the music department of
the University of Idaho at Moscow
Mrs W A Mitchell went down to
Hastings Saturday evening on No 10
to visit Mr Mitchell a few days in
that city where he is now in charge
of the hardware section of the Stein
department store She arrived home
on No 1
Mils Brewster was born in Mont
gomery county Ohio March 9 1S47
and came to Pocatello to live in 1894
She was an estimable woman with a
large circle of friends The funeral
will be held on Wednesday at 2 from
the residence where the services wil
be held Rev W S Woodhull of the
responsive audience A brief vesper
service followed and Platform Supt
Sias closed with a brief lecture
which proved his ability as a for
mal lecturer as well as a platform
Monday the program was in three
divisions Eruh the magician had
the forenoon lie had many to com
mend the excellence of his work
The Boston Lyrics made their first
appearance at the afternoon session
They offer a varied program of in
strumental and vocal music with read
ings drawing and other specialties
gs The letter received by the ure and Father MacCorrys pictures a lecture as
This paper is pleased to endorse Judge indicated that they were not in words and on canvas left nothing stranger to
Cook without opposition and that division of the Burlington railroad is chestra did not materialize just as
he has successively held the of- ei pushed by his friends lor sec- advertised but they had the merch
fice of county judge and two terms rotary of the interstate commerce aidise along with them and gave the
as county attorney to the entire sat- commission Mr Wells is well known jest musjcai offering of the season
isfaction of the people j Lincoln as lie lived here for to date The soprano singer was an
To us t seems that no better years He is now master mechanic Special and deserved favorite with
choice can be made for the office of of the Lake Erie railroad and lives the audience Hon Francis J Hen
district judge and advise die voteres at Brewster Ohio Lincoln Journal ey s iecture on Graft estimated
of this county to give him not only
your own vote but your active sup
port Eustis News
Date of the G A R Reunion v
Tim momlifTs of the G A R re
cided to hold this
Cambridge August 21 to 2C inclus
ive Comrades J E Hathorn E S
from the viewpoint of eloquence or
The presence of A M Walling oratory was not great but his was
gave the A O U W meeting Mon- a grcat achievement and Ills mission
day evening added interest and on the platform is great His story
portance Walling is one of the aild his work were greater than the
grand old men in the Workmen order telling In the evening the
Adolpli Weskanip won the pullJng
match Saturday
Hill and W S Fitch of Red Willow
and his visit horG Monday evening
union committee of S W Nebraska nevs agaIn deiighted an appreciative
- I iras pninvpfl hv thr lncal memhershin
met recently at Cambridge anu
Present at uie seio
years reunion at
I Estimable Pocatello Woman Passes
I Away This Afternoon Funeral
I to bo Held Wednesday
Articles of mission furniture County Judge Moore received an the Ruthven McDonald Co and Dr which mark them as versatile and
ions and oilier comfortable items unusual request first of the week Allen A Tanner in the afternoon In I entertaining The day closed with a
completed the provision made for the had a rather humorous aspect the evening the same musicians j conceit by the Lyrics and a lecture
entertainment and pleasure of the It seems that some time in March were there but with Father Mac by Judge George D Alden The
meats ne countJ 3utJse married a couple Corry as the stellar attraction Mc jujse was platform superintendent
from a town between here and Hast- Donalds singing was the musical feat -ere three years since and delivered
well so he was not a
us His lecture was
the candidacy of Attorney C E Eld getting along very satisiactomiy anu to e uesireu ine btory ueauuiui aiOIlg sociological lines His plea
red of McCcok as Judge of this an application was filed to have the was a charming bit of artistic effort was Ior a purer healthier citizenship
judicial district He has had a license canceled as an easy and by orator and vocalist and while you may not have been able
bread experience in his profession chpap way out of the uncongenial The Hattie Rood Grace Co and to follow the judge to the limit the
and is eminently qualified both insta of matrimony which has since Mrs A C Zehner opened the potentiality of the man his forceful
temperament and training for the developed day afternoon program the former fearlessness yea even the vital
duties of the office he seeks in musical numbers and Mrs Zehner pcrtance of his topic appealed to you
Mr Eldred hes always been rep- Former Citizon Dead In a lecture oil social problems liiiz Tuesday afternoon The Lee
resented to us as being absolutely -lames Rocney for years proprietor Sid Landon the character Lathrop Fullenwider Combination and
fair and impartial in his dealings and of the Palmer hotel of this city met Uor was added to the evening and Dr Mattison V Chase Tonight the
he net only brings with him in this ll 3 death Friday of last week in jie maie good with the audience from Combination and a lecture by
campaign a stiong endorsement from Hastings by falling down a stairway the get away He is an artist in his ter A Long
his heme county and the people who A rib entered his heart and caused i ne and carries his audience right Tomorrow the prelude by the Roy
know h jm best but his standing instant death 2 long with him si Italian Band in the afternoon and
there is satisfactorily disclosed by The Killarney Ladies Orchestra and the Seton Indians and Boys Circus
the fact that he was three times M E Wells former general boiler- nm Francis J Heney provided the Closing at night with a concert by
elected as mayor of the city of Mc- makers foreman for the Nebraska Sunday afternoon program The or- the great band
Mii3 AVico Mozier is in charge of
the Seton Indian work and Mr Pin
net is athletic dircetor
Appointed a Committee
At a meeting of the board of di
lectors of the McCook Commercial
club tills morning a committee was
appointed by Vice President
stok tt have in charge the matter
of ascertaining the public sentiment
a it i lKMitauqua for exc year
and to take the necessary steps to
F2curc pledges for tickets This niat
tvr wiil be aced before th people
cf M Ccok at once
range for the funeral Pocatello
Idaho Tribune
Mrs Brewster formerly lived in
McCook in the early days and will
be remembered by early residents as
a sister of Will Sharp one of the
early barbers of our city
McCooks Postal Savings Bank Op
ened for Business
As announced the postal savings
bank at McCook opened for business
this morning
The first postal savings bank cer
tificate issued by the local bank up
on commencing business this morn
ing as in the name of C F Lehn
for the sum of 1000
Full information concerning the
poDtal savings bank system appears
ji this issue of The Tribune
Methodist church officiating j To compy with the state law
The deceased leaves a husband auditor June 50th we will issus no more
two daughters Mrs N D Brook 1 casj rebate checks
heart and Mrs Clara Leaf to mourn j L W McCONNELL Druggist
heir loss Mr Brcokheart who is
foreman of the construction depart- j Miss Edith Wait is home frcm
ttnent of the Short Line came in Crete having been graduated from
this morning from Ontario to help Poa no college this spring
W mJ 9 JIW villi Jsw i
Odd question to ask but its relevanantly recognize who he is dont you
WHEN YOU MEET a friend you instt to these HIGH ART PHOTO
GRAPHS that this studio is famed for As soon as you see one of
them you instantly recognie it as one of our make
so that it looks like life itself Good idea to hrve some new ones
Come in and engage them
Loss on House and Ice Will Total
35000 It Is Estimated
Last Thursday afternoon between
five and six oclock the west one of
the companys two big ice nouses at
this place was practically destroyed
by fire The ice house was built of
wood and was covered with a tin
roof Both the railroad companys
and the citys fire fighters prompt
ly responded to the alarm and did
all possible but the building was
practically a total loss by the time
the flames were subdued
The character of construction and
the weak water pressure handicapped
the fire companies and prolonged the
fight to get the fire under conrtol
Both company and city departments
however did all they could under the
ratiier unfavorable circumstances
The Loss Nearly 5000
more convenient and practical than
the present plan
The company now stores about
000 tons of ije at this place but
the demand is fcr at least one half
more than that quantity
Sparks from the switch engine are
ed the fire Officials do not place
much credence in the spontaneous
combustion theory
der June 28th and 29th
Buy a can of Pearl Tooth Powder
and for one cent extra you can get
your choice of the following items
Any 2 cent tcctli brush in our
Any Rexall preparation regular
price 2f cents
2 cakes Harmony Rose Glycerine
cakes Violet Glycerine Soap
1 can Violet Dulce Talcum Powder
Rexall offer Two Days Only
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Called on Account of Rain
inlay not by ary base ball aggre j
ujifri hut one 1 Pluvius Beaver
ist ronilv tn bat Avith Bickford up
C E Bailey is here from Utah
on business arriving first of the
Mrs Katherine Heun will leave
early in July for a long visit int
J Moore and Howe Smith
heard Bishop Quayle at Cambridge
Friday night
Mr and Mrs Chilson who lived in
MoCook some years since are now
residents of Pocatello Idaho
Miss Josie Stewart of the superin
tendents office heard Bishop Quayle
in iCambridge Friday night
Miss Ruby Fitz Gerald went up to
Denver last Thursday night on a
visit in city and mountains
L D Vanderhoof of Haigler Ne
braska had business in this city his
former home end of last week
William Richardson a former cit
izen but now located in eastern Col
The loss on the building is about orado
was a city visitor close of
4000 while the loss and damage to last week
the ice will reach in the neighborhood jlax Hare
spent last week in Den
of 70-
ver and first of this week joined his
The building is divided by a par- mother and sister Mrs E O Vahue
tition and but a little ice remained
ln Chicago for a visit of a few weeks
unused in the west half of the
Mrs j B MeServe and Mrs F M
building This ice is being Kimmell arrived -home last Thursdav
iported to Holdrege for storage The nirM frnm thir hpfpf n
east half of the building not
was so
ern xbraska and Iowaj with rela
badly burned and there was over a tives
thousand tons of ice in this
M and Mrs Peter Qarty of Mc
tion which was damaged perhaps a Donaid Kansas who have been vis
halt This end of the building will
iting MaCook reiatives departed on 3
be temporarily covered and
last Thursdav night for Denver on
from the elements until the ice is a visit
use1 up I Mrs Walter S Bales of Ravenna
Need Larger Storage Capacity Xebraskaf Is vioting his mother Mrs
The company needs a considerably j Tom M Bales She was present at
increased ice storage capacity at this
the wedding of Miss Myrtle Bales
place and the probabilities are that lart veek
i when they rebuild they will net only
increase the capacity several thou
sand tors but they wil likely change
the location of the houses to be built
Nearer the Depot
While the plans are still in embryo
it is expected that two houses will
replace the one burned and that
Misj Mamie Miesen departed this
morning for east Nebraska on a
vi it of a few weeks to he- brother
and other relatives Omaha Lincoln
and Crete will be visited
O N Rector arrived home Friday
monirg from spending a week or so
at Overton uhis state looking after
they will be located in the yard space
thQ harvest5ng of some on the
between the headquarters building and
fann near there for whIch he recent
rcunu house special iaciiities to be
pi ovided for transporting the ice to
ly traded
Mra Win Mason anil daughters
die building and trains This will be
the Ascs essie anfl at
tended the Cambridge picnic Tues
day Mil 5 Bessie went to McCook to
visit friends for a few days Beaver
City Tribune
Mr and Mrs George Sommers of
Grafton came up to see Sam Mont
gomery who was recently severely
thought by the company to have cans-
injured Jn an accident at perry croS
sing Mrs Sommers is a sister of
the injured boy
Chairman W B Whittaker E F
Osborn Chas Skalla and C B
Introducing Rexall Pearl Tooth Pow-
a tbose from McCook
who attended the Republican county
central committee meeting in In
dianola Monday
Mrs J D Hare and daughter
Mrs E O Vahue departed on last
Thursday fcr Ghicago to be absent
until the end cf July Mrs Vahue
will devote the month to study under
her old violin master
Miss Ethel Martin cf Bnming who
had been studying music at Lincoln
came in Saturday and visited at the
home cf Mr and Mrs John Oliver of
near Fairmont over Sunday leaving
Monday for McCook to visit her sis-
ter Mrs Briggs Signal
The Boosters were defeated last Gencya
rnlaI lnn n 1ITvv 1 rt
Richard Green and wife of McCcok
and son John of Wauneta Neb were
eveninS to look at their
City and MoCook were right after it
iii rea
eu nut wnei iiiu uuuua
loose From all appearances there
was to lit- a mighty gcod game of
base ball McCcok had been to bat
twice and put out botli times with
t oledy getting further than second
failed to score The Boosters were
while with A O Elsons He appre
ciate the prospects he had on al
falfa seed but lamented the loss of
a wheat crop Cedar Bluffs Booster
Dr J D Hare departed last Wed
nesday night for California to at
tend the meeting of The American
ATrxlirnl n5cnfintinn in Trc Ansrolns
and Warner on deck when the rams I 7
came Beaver City Tribune 1 - - - -
Killed by Lightning
Sunday evening Joe Alex son
of Henry Alex of Chase county was
killed by a bolt of lightning The
tragedy occurred near Chamtpion The
dead boy was employed on the Kil
patrick Bros ranch at the time of
the accident which winked out his
yoing life Father Haggerty of our
city went up to Imperial today to
conduct the funeral of the deceased
The Holdrege District Campmeetjng
will be held at Rankins grove at
Holbrook Neb July 16 30 1911 Rev
Dr E J Bulgin of California will
be the evangelist Gov Aldrich will
speak on Farmers Day Other emi
nent speakers will be present
acme via roruanu uregon anu Mis
soula Montana where he will look
after his ranch interests during the
month of July
S Seaman of Beatrice was a brief
visitor end cf week He was
among McCcoks early settlers and
business men and still has some real
estate interests in this vicinity He
left for the west Saturday morning
expecting to visit for the next two
months in the coast country and up
into British Columbia
We learn that Elwin Speck Ken
nedy is playing with McCook on first
base and getting hits every game
that would do credit to a profession
al ball player He ihas been in the
McCook high school this last year
and made good Speck would
rather play ball than eat so lie Is
rAm intn HTg cnre niwr CMwr
f -v