The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8
DANBURY Sidney Dodge of Marion died Thurs day morning of pararysis W H Harris agent left Wednes day evening for a visit -with his folks at Steele City Neb An auto load from here went over to McCook Thursday to the races W Stilgebouer took his sister-in-law Miss Leila Burbridge -to Mc Cook on Wednesday Miss Burbridge will attend summer school Ed Ruby aand Fred Osburn came home from Bird City Kansas Tues day night having finished work up there Mrs Cordelia Ilarbaugh and dren arrived Thursday lor a visit with her parents Mr and Mrs J A McGuire Warren SLmmonsen came home on Thursday from Manhattan Kansas where he has been learning the veter inary work Mrs Floyd Ressler came up from Hendley Thursday for a visit with her nlother Mrs J E Dolph Gilbert Norman took W H Harris place at the depot during his ab sence for a few days He was a British workingman and he had so many children that he used to call the roll before the Sunday dinner to make sure that they were all there His wife was bringing in lie steaming joint It ias time tg begin Erbert he cried Err Pa- Orace Ere Pa Ezekiah 12 J I i Eery Ener who had just entered the seventh grade decided to show off his Latin AdsumVhe bawled For a few moments hfs father re garded his with baleful eyes Oh youve ad some ave yer he growled at last Well you jist Sit away then an make room for the as aint Ex Rcbt Hendcrscn is here visiting A Bates s Mr and Mrs Frank Laidig return ed heme Wednesday after a few days visit in the eastern part of the state Mr and Mrs J A Clouse are the proud parents of a baby boy born June 11th Miss Lena Gray will preach at the M E church June 25th Everyone should attend and hear this speaker rs Earl Peacock of O vrseasA FF FOR wrS mry Geo Thomas was a Clayton Kan visitor Wednesday He went over in his auto iC Wise and family are living in the Sims property in town Miss Nellie Osburn spent last week visiting Lena Thompson This part of the country received a good rain Friday afternoon which made the creek overflow its banks Mrs C W Rogers and children of south of Marion stayed all night at the M M Young home Friday night Mrs T E McDonald is entertaining her two sisters from University Ph ce at Lincoln this week J A Clouse and J C Ashton were McCook visitors Sunday Mr Clouse took Mr Ashton to McCook as he went to Omaha Sunday night INDIANOLA Indianola enjoyed quite a Friday afternoon an inch Of course you will ZiTS3L UAllMi MW Mf J UTC Wil 1 ft iu THE SMAR ROZ r5i4sRR5Siv toaayon xmo ram on and six tenths The Childrens Day exercises were held at the Congregational church on Sunday morning Fred Dow returned from Colorado Wednesday morning and began work for Mr Elmer at the swimming pool Mack Lords new harness shop is going up quite rapidly Chris Jensen was on the sick list last week Emil Hillers and wife of California are here visiting relatives and friends Quite a number from here attended the races at McCook Tuesday Two of Mrs Ruggles sisters from California and one from the east are visiting her this week Mr Jessiip ofJowa is here on a visit with relatives Mrs Earl Calhoun who has been visiting her parents for several week returned to her home in Scotts Bluff Sunday morning Clara Schobel returned to her home in Bloomington Friday morning Ollie Collings came down from Otis Colorado this week to buy a binder He says he has wheat which will go 25 bushels to the acre Mr Norman the hotel man was taken to Omaha on No 14 Thursday evening for a second operation on his ear need a ham mock Everyone does We sell the 4 Wilsonville kind that are built for two came up Fricay for a visit with home to see them before you buy folks i C R WOODWORTH Druggist GRANT Still very dry weather Mrs Harve Rowlafid and daughter Miss Belva visited with her daughter Mrs Archie Beard over in Kansas a few days last week Mike TJnger and family visited with their daughter Mrs John Maisel over Sunday Chas A Wesch called at the Leit ner home last Sunday There was a dance at the Traer hall Saturday night All reported a fine time George W Miner of Cedar Bluffs Kansas was around Monday on his motor cycle buying cattle Aug Wesch Sr was over to see John H Wesch on business matters Monday Mrs Henry Wesch is improving slowly after being sick for nearly two months Every body go and see the ball game Cedar Bluffs vs Traer will cross bats Friday afternoon on the Cedar Bluffs grounds Secretary Mellor of the State Fair Board closed contracts with the Wright company for two aviators and two aeroplanes for the coming state fair Sept 4 to S The contract calls for four flights each day each flight to consist of raising 200 feet in the air and remaining up for a period of ten minutes The accident which befell Hoxey on Tuesday morning of the last fair determined the board to secure two complete outfits so that patrons who come from a distance have reasonable assurance that they will not again be deprived of the op portunity to witness modern bird men in action Cambell Bros circus is dated for McCook on July 20th I Hammocks at big reduction in price Now closing out stock L W McCONNELL Druggist They all say The ice cream servec at Woodworths drug store is the best they ever ate There is magic in the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence And Huber is Sunburn or wind cause no the prophet fort if McConnelPs Fragrant Lotion is promptly applied Price 25 cents An ill fitting shoe is not only bad on your feet but they get shabby and wear out quicker At Diainonds perLenced thee fitter thats one of Be sure perienced shoe fitted thats one o w tlie reasons why Diamonds shoes feel better and last longer wlife5 j t f -v v -pr rir r ar r r v V F rrirrrirr9rrr r USINESS 9 OUTING jmlj ii jiiJHAMHiAi twnjii ju m fuuum FOR FOR CHURCH fwAitti m TSnUJIli J WiHrfttfriii rrrr7TiLiriTrTTTHFffTI T CLOTHES 39GSmaBZ39 You can dress economically you can dress with style and in perfect taste and in this time of expensive living you can dress like a gentle man at small cost They are so well made so carefully handled that they offer you the best values in the cloth ing and furnishing world STEIN BLOCK THOROUGHBRED HATSWILSON BROS SHIRTSCOOPERS UNDER WEAR AND CORLISSCOON COL LARS ELL SONS r McCOOK NEBRASKA 9 A - r County Commissioners Proceedings The Board of County Commission ers met in regular session Pres ent F S Lofton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commis sioners Chas D Ritchie county at torney and Chas Skalla county clerk The minutes of the meeting held May 24th and of the special meeting held June 14th were read and on mo tion approved A motion was made by Rogers sec onded by Sughroue that the board of county commissioners at their meeting on the 5th day of July 1911 wall reconsider the action taken by them on the 14th day of June 1911 on the claim of the Audit and Bond company of America for 00280 for the checking of the various officers railroad fare and expenses and that said Audit and Bond company of America be given notice of said in tended reconsideration Motion car ried unanimously On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to J R Stans berry the sum of 912 being the amount of 1910 taxes paid by him un der protest for the reason improve ments assessed in 1910 on lot 4 in block 7 7th addition to McCook were built after April 1st 1910 The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the re spective funds levy of 1910 in pay ment thereof as follows County general fund L M Higglns salary sheriff April 100 00 L M Higgiiis j aiary sheriff May 100 00 E Benjanrn salrrj deputy shr riff May 30 00 Mathe J jauftcr service April 40 00 M Maihes janitor service May 40 00 V Benjamin boarding prison ers May 35 50 Wh re Line llanisfer Ct H mhng I li loads of dirt aiil lock 52 30 l M Hiagins postage May 1 20 C A Hedge Z loads of sand 12 S5 Elizabeth Bettcher salary su perintendent April Elizabeth flettcher salary su perintenuent May Elizabeth Bettcher county in stitute appropriation Mitiao Tres assessing Al liance precinct Y J Stilgebouer assessing Beaver precinct Danbury precinct Lennie Coburn road work Tom Earl road work Tom Earl road work James Bergin road work Frank Hill road work Wm Powers road work Jack Powers road work Frank Crocker road work Henry Vontz road work Frank Hill road work M x 100 00 100 00 100 00 i8 01 03 00 Henry Vonlz assessing Bond- ville precinct -42 00 T M Campbell assessing Box Elder precinct 39 00 Robert Moore assessing Cole man precincct 33 00 J Errst VVejc neth assessing 48 00 R M Hill assessing Drift wood precinct 42 00 Joseph Hougnon assessing East Valley precinct 5S S5 Andy Barber assessing Fritsch precinct 3C 32 J W Ruudel assessing er precinct 42 00 Albert WotIs assessing Grant precinct 22 50 C K Dutrhcr assessing Indian ola precinct C4 50 C F Waterman assessing ieDaion precinct 72 70 Fred Bamesberger assessing Missouri Ridge precinct 33 00 P D Brooks assessing North Valley precinct 36 35 W J Fleischman assessing Per ry precinct 30 po W II Meyers assessing Red Willow precinct 49 50 llojry L Eckard assessing Ty rone precinct 42 2S E P Nelson assessing Valley viauge precinct I 42 00 A B Wood assessing Willow Grove precinct 4G 50 W B Whittaker assessing McCook City 16C 50 F S Lofton commissioner vvice and mileage 47 20 Edward Sughroue commission er service and mileage 32 30 V N Rogers commissioner service and mileage 40 00 Commissioner district No 1 John Haag road work Tyrone precinct 30 00 Win C Ilarsch road work Tyrone precinct 54 00 Otto Harscli road work Ty rone precinct 78 00 Commissioner district No 2 Joseph Lehn hauling grader MqCook to east of Bartley 11 00 W T Clark running grader 3 days 10 08 Road district No 3 Fritsch pre cinct Otis Coburn road work 3 00 1 50 4 50 1 00 1 00 3 75 6 00 G 00 6 00 1 50 5 00 Road district No 7 Willow Grove precihct W T Clark ToaoT work 47 50 W T Clark road work 17 50 Road district No 8 Red Willow precinct tC J Suiter road work 6 25 Ben King road work 6 75 Keith Jones road work 9 00 S A Wilber road work 3 00 Garetfc Wilber -road work 3 00 Harry Wing road work 4 50 C J Suiter road work 5 00 Joe Suiter road work 3 00 Road district No 14 Valley Grange precinct Robert Johnston road work 3 00 Road district No 19 Beaver pre cinct William Harris road work G 00 W Z Phillips road work 6 00 W C Hiersekorn road work 12 75 Albert Wingo road work 3 00 M R Hiersekorn road work 9 00 William Hiersekorn road work 12 5 On motion the board adjourned to meet July 5th 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk McConnell fills prescriptions Everything worths in drugs at Wood- All the fresh fruits of the season at Magners For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner The McCook Tribune the ea in aivance It is 100 Use Nyals Eas Em for feet 25c at Woodworths tired Observe the date after your name on The Tribune Notch it up Bartley carried electric light bonds last Saturday by a vote of 53 to 28 Nyals Peroxide Cold Cream takes off the tan and sunburn 25c For sale by nnv er hesitate to guarantee Ay Patent tlonr At the McCook lour and Feed Store If you feel you want to be shown in the matter of quality go to the McCook Flour and Feed Storea None better and few aquals 91 Patent and Anchor brand flour Made by our own mill The McCook Milling Co For a few days only we will give a big reduction in the price of our hammocks to close out our stock L u McCONNELL Druggist It is worse than useless to take an medicines internally for muscular or chronic rheumatism All that is needed is a free application of Cham berlains Liniment For sale by all dealers Do the flys bother ycu If so kill them off We have all the best in sect killers made Call or phone to C R WOODWORTH Druggist The uniform success that has at tended the use of Chamberlains Col ic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha made ic f favorite everywhere It can always be depended upon For sale by all dealers A little nice toilet water makes the I bath delightfully luxurious Youll find the choicest of the worlds best in our stock L W McCONNELL Druggist F S Rexford G15 New York Life Bldg Kansas City Mo says I had a severe attack of a cold which settled in my back and kidneys and I was in great pain from my trouble A friend recommended Foley Kidney Pills and I used two bottles of them and they have done me a world of good A McMillen For job printing of every kind The Tribune office is well equipped Meets all legitimate prices Guaran tees satisfactory work Let us fig ure with you before you let your work Phone us if you cant come to the office We will call and quote you prices BOX ELDER A number from this place attend ed the railroad picnic at Cambridge last Tuesday J A Modrell and family visited Max Wolfe and family Sunday The postoffice at this place has been discontinued Thurston Doyle has closed the store and moved back to his farm Geo Harrison and wife visited Mr and Mrs Wm Sexson Sunday The drouth still continues Miss Edith Lytle accompanied Mrs Brown to Spring Creek last Monday Every Farmer Should Have one of our Chore Boy or Hired Hand Gasoline Engines They will pay for themselves many times over You can irrigate your gardens and do a hundred other things with them and besides you can buy one for less than you can hire a marifor one month Iiet us explain further McCOOK HARDWARE CO Wall paper worths iobfibkMtifii bargains at Wood- nl rpfV Tnnr Zn MARION The past week has been pretty warm with the thermometer at the 100 mark most of the time Lawrence Short of Wilsonville vis ited his sisters Mrs Bacon and Mrs Shorey last week Wm Musgrove from south of Dan bury marketed hogs here one day last week R E Bacon left last week for southeastern Kansas to help harvest the large wheat crop there A small bolt found its way into the cylinder of the hay grinder of the al falfa mill one day last week and about two dozen teeth were extracted For tunately there was plenty of ground feed on hand to last while the re pairs are coming Miss Roxy Rollins of Indianola visit ed her brother J C Rollins and wife last week Dr D F Smith and wife and F G Stilgebouer and wife and daughter from Bartley were callers in town one day recently coming over in the doctors new Overland touring car Mrs I Pew and children left for their home at Hebron via Indianola last mid week after a weeks visit with her son A C and family Miss Grace Relph of Cedar Bluffs is helping Mrs A C Pew with her housework S H Stilgebouer and family re turned last week from their visit to Geneva and Friend J H Wicks was an over night vis itor with the home folks one night last week Mrs Wicks was a McCook business visitor closing days of last week Mrs Ellen Plumb and daughter Mrs Dimmitt arrived home Thurs day from Rochester Minn where Mrs Plumb underwent an operation for cancer She is greatly improved in health Embalnier Fred Douglass of Ober lin accompanied by Dr Smith were in town on professional business last Thursday Geo Jackson and family of Ober lin were business visitors in town last week driving over in a covered wagon Mrs N F Daytons father Mr Niccodemus came over from Oberlin last week for a visit at her home He is 84 years old but quite active Born to Mr and Mrs W S Bartholomew Saturday June 17th a m pound son Mother and babe getting along nicely Haying is the order of the day along the creek The first crop be ing Ught but of excellent quality R H Partridge put a sliding sash in the front of the Enterprise office ast Thursday so the editor could get a breath of breeze and ventilation Sidney Dodge whose illness we have reported from week to week passed quietly to the great beyond on Thursday morning at 3 oclock aged 09 years 1 month and 10 days He had a stroke of paralysis nearly a month ago and finally succumbed to the dreaded disease A large crowd gathered at the school house on Fri day to pay respect to their depart ed citizen Services were held by Rev Dick of Cedar Bluffs and inter ment in Riverview cemetery at Mc iCook McConnell for drugs The Flag brand at DeGroffs McMillen prescription druggist Everything in drugs McConnell Try a Tribune want ad and watch results jT Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McCONNELL Druggist One way to build up home institu tions is to buy Anchor and 91 Patent The McCook Milling Cos choicest flours Does Your House Need Painting Give it a coat of Brad ley Vrooman absolutely pure paint Made of Carbonate of Lead Oxide of zinc and Linseed Oil Packed full net meas ure full U S Standard gallons The best paint made for wear appearance tion and economy Saves you money in creases the value or your property Try it and see for yourself Stansberry Lumber Co 1 latiror uiaimuautiutawCcatMoiIiraitia mtn tin p lnrv Timr Caflar t v 1 1 I