The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 7
r V E i KJ f jp A fa 1 2 sasp si EXCUSE FOR HIS BLUNDERING Ideal Waiter True to the End Had Been Working Under Pretty Heavy Handicap He was an immaculate servant To watch him serve a salad was to watch an artist at work To hear his sub dued accents was a lesson in the art of voice production He never slipped ne never smiled and his mutton chop whiskers marked him as one of the old and faithful stock But one even ing to the surprise of his master he showed unaccountable signs of nerv ousness AYhen the chicken came on he confused it with the pheasant He served everything in the wrong or der made blunder after blunder and put a final touch to his shame by up setting the salt over the only super stitious member of the party Then at last when the ladies had retired to the drawing room he touched his mas ter on the shoulder I beg your par don sir he said in a respectful un dertone but could you manage to spare me now My house is on fire DOCTOR PRESCRIBES CUTICURA REMEDIES I wish to let you know of a couple of recent cures which I have made by the use of the Cuticura Remedies Last August Mr of this city came to my office troubled with a severe skin eruption It was dermatitis In its worst form It started with a slight eruption and would affect most parts of his body thighs elbows chest back and abdomen and would terminate in little pustules The itch ing and burning was dreadful and he would almost tear his skin apart try ing to get relief I recommended all the various treatments I could think of and he spent about fifteen dollars on prescriptions but nothing seemed to help him In the meantime my wife who was continually suffering with a slight skin trouble and who had been try ing different prescriptions and meth ods with my assistance told me she was going to get some of the Cuticura Remedies and give them a fair trial But as I did not know much about Cuticura at that time I was doubtful whether it would help her Her skin would thicken break and bleed es pecially on the fingers wrists and arms I could do nothing to relieve her permanently When she first ap plied the warm baths of Cuticura Soap and applications of Cuticura Ointment she saw a decided improve ment and in a few days she was com pletely cured I lost no time In recommending the Cuticura Remedies to Mr and this was two months ago I told him to wash with warm baths of the Cuticura Soap and to apply the Cuti cura Ointment generously Believe me from the very first days use of the Cuticura Remedies he was greatly relieved and today he is completely cured through their use I have great faith in the Cuticura Remedies and shall always have a good word for them now that I am convinced of their wonderful merits Signed B L Whitehead M D 108 Dartmouth St Boston Mass July 22 1910 Hadnt the Material I really never saw such an impu dent man as that Mr De Borrowe said Miss Wrathy He actually had the audacity to ask me the other night how I managed to get that lovely tinge of auburn in my hair Really Well why didnt you box his ears asked Miss Slimm Why I only had my Easter hat box handy and that wasnt big enough said Miss Wrathy Harpers Weekly The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the I choice of Starch a matter of great im t portance Defiance Starch being free from all injurious chemicals is the only one which is safe to use on fine fabrics Its great strength as a stiffen er makes half the usual quantity ofj Starch necessary with the result of perfect finish equal to that when the goods were new A bachelor Is a man who thinks it wise to view matrimony from a dis tance Charity is too often charily dis pensed Garfield Tea overcomes constipation Mck headache and bilious attacks Its difficult for people to generate advice that is foolproof If your digestive system is weak the bowels clogged the liver sluggish you can not wonder that you feel half sick all the time but listen Hosietters Stomach Bitters is a good remedy for such ills as well as Malaria Fever and Ague Try it today Makes You Well Again FROCKS FOR THE GIRLS AGREEABLE VARIETY FOUND IN WREATH OF THIN MATERIALS Prettiest of Fragile Weaves Can Be Had Cheaply Beautiful Design for Costume for Dancing or Other Party Use The month of roses Is heralded by more thin dress materials than one has seen this many a year and with laces appropriately delicate these make the most attractive of dressy frocks for a young girl The wash material so called among these filmy textiles is not necessarily a thing for the tub for thin silks may be used upon them in some way or other and all the style of a costume suggest the careful touch of the dry cleaner rather than the rude one of the laundress But the prettiest of the fragile weaves can be had cheaply and suitable trim mings are correspondingly Inexpen sive so if the gown Is made at home there seems no great extravagance in discarding it after it is too soiled for use In fact with an occasional press ing and scrupulous care one of these airy gowns can be made to do for a whole season without washing and persons who understand the art of dress prefer to manage in this way for there Is no doubt that even dry cleaning is hard on the prettiness of a dainty material Embroidered batiste Is a texture with most rewarding possibilities for summery elegance such textures showing a filminess equal to mar quisette and a delicate striping In the weave and worked dots on the white portion between Lengths of six yards are sold for misses gowns the pat tern costing six dollars but as only the least bit of ribbon Is needed for the belt and other little touches and the guimpe and undersleeve edges can be made of a cheap brussels net the frock is still cheap Our illustration displays a little frock designed for dancing or other party use and the youthfulness of the style suggests the girlish wearer more than the matron however youthful and slim she may be Nevertheless the latter would find the design appro priate for house gowns for in ones own home one can wear garments that might seem foolish elsewhere The dress as pictured is an em pire slip made of fine white handker chief linen with a trimming of lace tucks and embroidery The bodice shows a liberal use of the narrow in sertion this outlining the novel yoke SERGE STREET SUIT 1 Paquin suit of dark blue serge The overskirt opens on one side disclosing dark blue and white striped linen band edgingl skirt all around The lapels are also of the linen as is the band edging the sleeves The brass ball buttons fasten the cutaway jacket on one side and are finished with a design embroidered on the serge Frocks for Evening Wear Not the least important of the mod els on display arethe evening dresses dancing frocks for informal wear at seashore and mountains says the Dry Goods Economist Voile mar quisette charmeuse chiffon net and lace are used over satin or messaline linings Effective lace Charlotte Cor day fichus and collars are used to a surprising extent in many instances different widths of the same lace be ing used for the wide lace bands at the bottom edge of the tunic or skirt forming the belt and a good portion of the sleeves The bottom of the nkirt is elaborate with alternate rows of tucking and lace two bands of in sertion above this forming a deep scalloping that may head a wide flounce or only simulate one For a thin white muslin swiss or gandy or marquisette this model is ideal and there are many ways of varying the trimming For Instance the whole upper portion of the bodice Jljfhml may he made of an all over lace and the scalloping of the belt and the In sertion on the skirt might be replaced with straight bands With any thin material an under slip is required and if good use and an elegant effect are wished it had better be of silk Silkaline will also give a pretty and graceful effect for the undersllp tJLyy cU DOLL WORKBAGS THE LATEST Quaint Affairs Topped With Head of Doll Dressed in Same Ma terial as Bag Quaint doll workbags are now pop ular These have the ordinary round bottom of pasteboard to which the bag is sewed in the usual way Fastened to one side of the top so as not to interfere with the drawing string is the head of a doll dressed in a big bonnet and neckpiece made of the material of the bag When finished the bag looks like a maiden of Civil war times sometimes narrow pinked ruffles are added to the outside of the bag to Increase the resemblance Choose a dark old fashioned silk or India print and make the bonnet in poke shape with long pointed lap pets around the neck and falling half way down the bag A similar bag could be made from a gay bandanna handkerchief with turbaned head of the black doll Put a kerchief around the neck at one side of the bag might be a checked apron Shirtwaists Still Here Separate blouses are essential to comfort this year and while the never ending cry continues to be heard that white shirtwaists are out of fashion still one realizes that It is necessary to Include at least one smart white waist in the wardrobe Waists to match the skirt in color even if not in material are much more generally becoming but the elaborate white waist is always smart and attractive Harpers Bazar Do You Know That walking skirts are a trifle longer than they were last season That the queen of England has for bidden the wearing of the hobble or harem skirt in her court That the satin scarf is one of the most graceful and the most useful of the spring fashions That the empire waist line In tail ored suits Is extremely modish Sanitary Slippers There are new bath slippers which are sanitary if not artistic They are made of raffia lined with blue or pink crash and when soiled can be scrubbed inside and out and put In the sun to dry i s ffl Frightful Disease That Attacks the Match Workers Caused by the Absorption of Phos phorous Through the Teeth or Gums and Agonizing Death Often Results Washington In 1909 the American Association for Labor Legislation In co operation with tho United States bureau of labor investigated the match industry in America and in May 1910 the result was published in Bulletin SC of the bureau of labor The investigation showed that phossy jaw has attacked large num bers of match workers and that 65 per cent of all employed in the match Industry are liable to contract the disease while 95 per cent of the women and 83 per cent of the chil dren are so exposed And the list of victims is growing month by month The disease is caused by the absorp tion of phosphorous through the teeth or gums Inflammation is set ip which extends along the jaw killing the teeth and bones The gums be come swollen and purple the teeth loosen and drop out and the jaw bones decompose passing away in nauseating pus which sometimes breaks through the neck in the form of an abscess or oozes into the mouth When the disease is once estab llshed a surgical operation is usually the only means of arresting It En tire jaws have been cut out and agon izing deaths occasionally result The stench from the decomposing bones is indescribable and is so nauseating that dentists and physicians alike avoid patients suffering rora phossy Jaw There are several cheap and harm less substitutes or the poisonous phosphorus Probably the cheapest and best of them is sesquisulphide of phosphorus an invention of French chemists the patent being owned un til recently in this country by the Diamond Match compar This com- A Victim of Phossy Jaw pany following its promisu to the United States bureau of labor grant ed the use of the patent to other manufacturers at cost price But a cry of monopoly was raised that threatened the buccss of eglslatlon against the poison he Association for Labor Legislation then induced the Diamond company to assign its patent to three trustees Charles P Neill commissioner of labor E R A Seligman professor of Columbia university and Jackson H Ralston attorney for the American Federation of Labor As even this extraordinary step did not satisfy some people the owners were induced to cancel the patent in order that phossy jaw might be abolished Realizing the terrible menace to the health comfort and safety of the match workers realizing the menace to public safety afforded by easy ac cess to so deadly a poison knowing the unanimous experience of leading European countries that has led them absolutely to prohibit the use of the poison and knowing Low readily available are cheap and harmless substitutes the Association for Labor Legislation urges that the use if white phosphorus In match composi tion be restrained by means of a prohibitive tax Waited 60 Years for Pay San Francisco Cal After waiting 60 years A G Lafferty a California pioneer 82 years old will be recom pensed by the state of California for mules and supplies advanced Califor nia soldiers who fought under Captain Liscom in the Indian outbreak in Trinity county in 1851 For 20 years he saw his claim turned down by one legislature after another Once it passed both houses but was vetoed by the governor In addition to his loss of fortune he became crippled suffering an injury which cost him an arm and not long ago his house burned down The 1 000 which the state will now give him Includes no interest He did not ask that Alaskas Fishing Industry Alaskas fishing industry next in Im portance to mining gives employment to 12588 persons of whom 2823 are natives In the last five years the territory has sent us a wealth of 43 000000 In salmon alone The total output of fish In 1910 was worth 11 181388 fentieaiAEfQcti IKiP I AMFllMtiin frBHAYIlUPOI W84ZMW ill tfie Circle oneveroPacae of ilm Genuine DO NOT LET ANY DEALER DECEIVE YOU synupOF FIGS AND elixir of sewa has OVEN UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION FOR MORE THAN THIRTY YEAKS PAST AND ITS WONDERFUL SUCCESS HAS LED UN SCRUPULOUS MANUFACTURERS OF IMITATIONS TO OFFER INFERIOR PREPARATIONS UNDER SIMILAR NAMES AND COSTING THE DEALER LESS THEREFORE WHEN BUYING KotetfeMNameoftfe Gompani PRINTED STRAIGHT ACROSSNEAR THE BOTTOM AND IN THE aRCLENSAR THE TOP OF EVERY PACKACEOFTHE GSTUINE REGULAR PRICE SOc PER BOTTLEt ONE SIZE ONLY FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS lTliEARn H v UWxni UK III M DAISY i tuu5r r nflr iw i ic 11 V I H ISA 3 1 3 17Zr33lAJiJ pf ffl W m gfCENT Of ALCOHOL t IS Si i rS i y d worr 48afrrais re kt III1 fflq M ii n mmki w m i 31 If JV4 mmmii mw m vet 1 1 1 1 1 m Mt aMM f Slid H ij t Tm TMtn to mm m zl 1 1 1 1 1 H flfUmicoKsnmno5 j jlsl m Jl t MnRv mmu fa m If l mam AjxxnsimxBwnsfl HI vl mmm nw ftT Tf B bB M1HIATURE PICTURE OFrACXAGE FLY KILLER SYRUP OF FICS AND ELIXIR OF SENNA 13 THE MOST PLEASANT WHOLE SOME AND EFFECTIVE REMEDY FOR STOMACH TROUBLES HEADACHES AND BHJOUSNES3 DUE TO CONSTIPATION AND TO GET ITS BENEFICIAL fctJCrS IT IS NECESSARY TO BUY THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE WHICH 13 MANUFACTURED BY THE Cmifornja An Unlaureled Hero Here is a niche in the Hall of Fame for Seth A Eaton a rural mail car rier from the Middleboro postofiice who surrounded by woodland fire his horse lying on the ground stifled with smoke his own hair singed his hat burned and one side of his face and hands blistered was still mindful of duty and saved the mail he was carry ing by burying it In the sand before he fought through the line of fire to safety Not all the heroes tread the battlefields Fall River Herald SASKATOONS splendid English-speaking agricultural community has won phe nomenal prosperity from a wonderful soil What are the farmers in your district do ing Why not participate in our pros perity Come here if you want to make the most and best of your energy and ability At anv rate do it for your chil drens sake Write for all information to Commissioner Board of Trade Saskatoon Saskatchewan Western Canada Sincere Prayer Teacher Now Tommy suppose a man gave you 100 to keep for him and then died what would you do Would you pray for him Tommy No sir but I would pray for another like him The United Presbyterian Give Defiance Starch a fair trial try It for both hot and cold starching and if you dont think you do better work In less time and at smaller cost return it and your grocer will give you back your money More Palatable Mr Benham Ill eat my hat Mrs Benham Try mine dear theres some fruit on it Judge Mrs WJnsiowa Soothlnp nyrnp for Children teething softens the srums reduces inflamma tion allays pain cures wind colic 2Sc a bottle You cant reform a man by sug gesting that he ought to be as good as you are Garfield Tea keeps the bodily machinery in order it regulates the digestive organs and overcomes constipation Many self made men forget to make themselves agreeable Fie Syu p Co I Instead of Liquid totiseptacs or Feroxida 100000 people last year used Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder toba dissolved in water as needed For all toilet and hygienic uses it Is better and more economical To save and beautify the teeth remove tartar and prevent decay To disinfect the mouth de stroy disease germs and purify the breath To keep artificial teelh and bridsrework clean odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth and purify the breath after smoking To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing The best antiseptic wash known Relieves and strengthens tired weak infiamedeyes Heals sorethroatwonnde and cuts 25 and 50 cts a box druggists or by mail postpaid Sample Free THE PAXTON TOILET COBostonMass Mipk SM6LE W EINDEB j SliBgCIGJB L You Fay 1 Oo I HI Not ao Good H gSgfrJ ij FP LEWIS Peoria Ill Hj truU and kills J1 flii Neat dcia ornamental cootcd euoa CarTttplllcr I tip orer will not od or injere ujtluns I Guaranteed eSect W 0111 drilcnnr sent prepaid Cor 20c JUKOLD SUBEB3 1SU O Kalfe In Brooklyn B T THE TVELI AD FAVORABLY KNOWN Seftn FLORIDA LANDS for tho lnxie Plantation Company 222 rJcarriU1 Building Kansas Jity Missouri Write fcr terma W N U LINCOLN NO 24 1911 If the blood is poor and filled with the poisons from diseased kidneys or inac tive liver the heart is not only starved but poisoned as well There are many conditions due to impure blood such as dropsy faintingspells nervous debil ity or the many scrofulous conditions ulcers fever sores white swellings etc All can be overcome and cured by Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery This supplies pure blood by aiding digestion increasing assimilation and imparting tone to the whole circulatory system Its a heart tonic and a great deal more having an alterative action on the liver and kidneys it Helps to eliminate the poisons from the blood To enrich the blood and increase the red blood corpuscles thereby feeding the nerves on rich red blood and doing away with nervous irri tability take Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and do not permit a dishonest dealer to insult your intelligence with the just as good kind The Discovery has 40 years of cures behind it and contains no alcohol or narcotics Ingredients plainly printed on wrapper Dr Pierces Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of wrapping and mailing only Send 31 one cent stamps for the French cloth bound book Address Dr R V Pierce Buffalo NY if MmkB Qs Ag Oeii WstS ThiFQ of I 0 i Twenty acres of corn that will produce 50 bushels per acre is worth 500 in the crib The same 20 acres of corn will produce 3oo tons of ensilage and is worth 1800 in the silo HAVE YOU A SILO 4 THE HmE SQOR SSLO is the highest quality silo ever placed on the market It is built of triple a Washington Fir the best material known for silo construction It has hinge doors the greatest improvement ever placed on a silo The doors are always in place easily swinging into and out of position on their hinges and are not scattered about the farm as barrel covers box covers or step ping stones across muddy places Send for free catalog We want to tell you all about this KING OF SILOS Nebraska SSIo Company DepLwu Lincoln Nebraska r iJ n