The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 6
FULL fflOm OF WAY i I lifes disappo RECIPROCITY TO HAVE FREE GO ING IN SENATE DEBATE IS WELL LAUNCHED Session Frcm Nov On to Eegin Two Hours Earlier McCumber and Curtis Speak in Opposi tion to the Bill Washington D G The senate on the first day of the consideration of Hie Canadian reciprocity bill besides listening to speeches by Senators Cur tis of Kansas and McCumber of North Dakota in opposition to the measure made the bill the unfinished business on the calendar and without opposi tion changed the regular daily hour of meeting from 2 oclock to 12 oclock noon The change in the time of con vening is expected materially to assist in disposing of the speeches Senator Nelson of Minnesota will Fpeak in opposition to the bill Sena tor Penrose in charge of the bill ex pressed satisfaction at the outlook paying he believed there will be gen oral co operation in bringing the dis cussion to a close as speedily as pos sible Senator Bristow has introduced an amendment reducing the sugar duty His amendment would strike out the butch standard provision of the pres ent law and remove the differential Ibetween raw and refined sugar so that tne duty would be 95 cents per 100 on sugar testing 75 degrees and h cents for each additional degree llr Bristow expressed confidence that he amendment would receive a con siderable vote Dr Freeman Resigns Sioux City la because of iews on lh inspiration of the Bibie expressed an a sermon in Kansas City which were not acceptable to the trustees ol IMorningude college a Methodist in stitution ot which he is president Dr liiither Freeman has tendered his res ignation which was accepted by a unanimous vote Dr Freeman de clares he cannot be bound by a re striction of his views while the trus tees of the college hold that a person in passing such opinions is unfit to 3iead this institution which is under direct control of the Northwest Iowa conference Ban on Air Navigation Liondon Acting under the powers conferred by the act recently passed by parliament Home Secretary Churchill has issued an order prohibit ing navigation of air craft of any de s riptiou over the county of London on the three days of the coronation processions and also over Windsor and London on the three other days devot ed to events connected with the coio nation The penalty for violations is imprisonment for six months or a fine of 1000 Suffrage Convention Stockholm The congress of the in ternational suffrage alliance ol the world has attracted to Stockholm noted equal suffrage advocates from many countries The national Ameri can woman suffrage association will Lave a large numerical representation and is expected to take a conspicuous part in the proceedings of the con gress Mrs Carrie Chapman Catt of New York will preside 2t several of the sessions River Steamer Is Burned Paducah Ky The steamer John B Lowry with fifty excursionists aboard hiurned to the waters edge at Ham fletsburg 111 opposite Smithland Ky Thursday morning Loss of life i3 ex liected to be heavy Dakotas Golden Jubilee Yankton S D Yankton is now in the midst of her golden jubilee with the main attraction for pioneers at jieast Dakotas first governor William Uayne with his remarkably clear memory and fund of good anecdotes Mrs J H Wayland wife of the edi tor of the Appeal to Reason pub ilfshed at GIrard Kan is dead from injuries received in an automobile ac Icident near Girard Opposed to Honduran Loan New Orleans La To make repre sentations to congress against ratifica tion of the proposed Morgan loan of 10000000 to Honduras Dr Policarpo fBonllla former president of Honduras j2ias left here for Washington Dr jiBonilla asserts that his country never would accept the loan unless forced Ao do so at the point of the bayonet Honduras is -willing to meet her debts but does not want to be sold on the block of a big financial syndicate which might desire the selfish exploit ation of her resources he said Rev Plass Pleads Guilty Boston Mass A plea of guilty was offered in the midst of his testimony in the United States district court by Rev Norman Plass formerly presi dent of the Redeemable Investment company who is on trial for using the Jmails in furtherance of a fraudulent scheme Charles PI Brooks the president and John I Traphagen the treasurer pleaded guilty to technical fraud All three ill be fined instead of im prisoned it is understood GEN AR0ZC0 LOSING PATIENCE Fails to Understand Why Mexico City Does Not Give the Word Vol unteers at the Capital Are Causing Trouble Chihuahua Mexicos military com edy continues Four thousand fed eral troops commanded by three gen erals are patrolling the streets deter mined that the victorious insurrecto army under General Orozco shall not enter the city Orozcos force extends north along the railroad thirty miles with headquarters at Suaz The insur rectos made no effort to conceal their anger They say while reports come to them of banquets being served in Mexico City they in spite of peace are being kept in the field on short war rations While wonder is expressed that Mexico City does not promptly straighten out the tangle Governor Gonzales anticipates no serious con sequences He says in time the fed eral troops will evacuate and the in surrectos will be allowed to enter Chi huahua However General Orozco Maderos foremost military chief when interviewed at Suaz frankly ex pressed displeasure at the failure of the authorities to turn the city over to his forces Victor Swanson Unharmed Fez Morocco Victor Swanson of Arborville Neb a missionary of the gospel missionary union whose gen eral office is at Kansas City Mo has arrived here safely from Sefroo where it had been reported he was be ing kept a prisoner in his own home by Moroccan tribesmen He brought no news as to the whereabouts of George C Reed of Weeping Water Neb the secretary of the Moroccan mission of the gospel union To Hunt in Primitive Way Atchison Kan Z E Jackson and J M Chaliss of this city Harry M Richardscn of Boston and W H Thompson of Seattle all expert arch ers will start July 2 for a hunting trip I in British Columbia armed only with bows arrows hunting knives and fishing tackle All firearms are barred The men expect to hunt mountain lion bear and deer Observes Anniversary Washington The annual tribute of flowers and eulogy was paid Sunday to the soldier dead of the south in Ar lington National cemetery with all its historic and sentimental associations at the tomb of General Robert E Lee commander of the confederate forces The national cemetery was dedicated for the day to the memory of the confederates Duluth Minn In order to create an endowment fund for pensions for min isters of the Lutheran denomination a fund of 150000 will be raised by assessment of 1 per member through the entire country This decision was reached the synodical council of the Augustana synod of Swedisk Lutheran churches of America meeting here Washington An attack upon the protective tariff system by an Ameri can manufacturer who claims to have studied labor and manufacturing con ditions in many countries held the at tention of the house of representatives for two hours Tuesday Representa tive William C Redfield of Brooklyn a new democratic member a manufac turer of machinery and long connect ed with export trade said that Ameri can manufacturers are abandoning the protective principle as unnecessary as they develop more scientific manage ment of their own plants To Prevent Chinese Inundations Washington Charles David James an expert engineer and once head of the engineering department of Iowa university has been selected by the Red Cross to proceed to China to aid the Chinese government in preventing the great periodical inundations which have resulted in frightful famines Thirty Drowned in Volga St Petersburg The sinking of an overcrowded ferry boat on the Volga near Uglitch is reported Thirty per sons were drowned miMEm - fJisk S I i fVlM - J ry a tn5Tifn MM Ife a Copyright KILL Ji02nK DEMOCRATS ARE COMMITTED Sloan Not Real Sure and Kinkaid Waiting for News from Home Norris Says Progressives Are Intact Washington It vill not be surpris ing if every member of the Nebraska delegation in the house votes for the democratic revision of the woolen schedule now pending in that body The three democrats are of course bound to vote for the bill by the man date of the caucus just as they are bound to vote down all amendments offered by republicans It was learned however that for the first time at this session of congress the insurgents will act in concert there being an un derstanding among more than a score of them that they will vote for the bill Representative Norris is among those insurgents in addition to which it is entire probable that Representa tive31oan will cast his first vote with the democrats He has not yet defi nitely committed himself on the prop osition but it is suspected that on the roll call he may vote for the bill on the ground that schedule K is as the president has frequently said inde fensive That is the theory which is prompting Norris and the other insur gents Representative Kinkaid will not make up his mind until the last minute The judge said he had not heard enough from his district yet to enable him to judge how the folks wanted him to vote on this particular bill He hopes to hear more before the bill is put to a vote and will guide himself accordingly New Womans Labor Lav Seattle Thousands of working wo menfc throughout the states of Wash ington are to be benefited by the eight hour law which went into operation Friday The new law which was en acted by the legislature at its last ses sion provides that no woman or girl employed in a mercantile establish ment cilice laundry hotel or res taurant shall be permitted to work more than eight hours a day The pen alty is a fine of 10 to 100 for each violation Attack on the Wool Bill Washington An attack on the dem ocratic wool tariff bill on the ground that it affords protection to the so called worsted trust was made in the house by Representative Victor Mur dock of Kansas He attacks the 40 per cent duty on worsted clothes which the bill contains declaring that it meant immediate protection to the combination that controls the worsted output For Popular Election of Senator Washington The senate 64 to 24 has passed the senate amendment to the constitution to provide for elec tion of senators by direct popular vote The Bristow amendment giving to the federal government supervision of such elections was adopted 44 to 44 the vice president casting the de ciding ballot The house had already passed the resolution Stricken With Apoplexy Louisiana Mo David A Ball a prominent lawyer and several times a candidate for the nomination of gov ernor of Missouri on the democratic ticket was stricken with apoplexy at his home here His condition is seri ous say physicians who are attending him Boston Mass Citizens of Dorches ter the third oldest settlement in New England Saturday celebrated the two hundred and eighty first anniversary of the founding of the town Drank Poisoned Cognac Torreon Mex Poisoned cognac which the insurrectos secured upon sacking a government office and which they drank in a Chinese restaurant is alleged to have been tne cause of the slaughter of Chinese in Torreon This incident doubtless will become an is sue in the adjudication of the Chinese claim for indemnity Andrew Carnegie has donated 500 000 florins about 203000 for the establishment of a hero fund in Hol landi THE PIGS N CLOVER MAIt Srm Loyd the Inventor of Numeroui Puzzles and Chess Problems Is Dead Brooklyn N Y When Samue Loyd the puzzle expert and inventor of chess problems passed away at his home in Brooklyn the world lost a man whose contributions to the pub lic have probably entertained more people than those of any other man of the age Young and old rich and poor alike have wrestled with the fantastic creations of his fertile brain Born in Philadelphia in 1841 and educated in the schools of New York city he early displayed the gifts which were to bring him fame and wealth At the age of six he was pro ficient at chess and was untangling the hardest mathematical puzzles of fej fir k PS II f Samuel Loyd he day When a young man he began his contributions to the newspapers and the invention of mechanical puz zles some of which attained an almost universal craze One of the first inventions to bring him fame was the Fifteen Puzzle Later came The Tigers and the Men Pigs in Clover Parches and The Disappearing Chinaman Mr Loyds most profitable idea was The Donkey puzzle of which 1 000000000 were sold Mr Loyd took the view that there was something more in his puzzles than the simple amusement of the mo ment He believed that he had in his devices come across something which would sharpen the wits of the aver age man He pointed out that they could Interest and amuse men who re garded ordinary mathematics with dis gust and that the boy who had at school shrunk from the very idea of an algebraical square root would de vote his spare moments to the solu tion of a puzzle which involved the same principles as the sum just be cause he was interested Consequent ly he maintained that he supplied something which the average system of education had missed Apart from his puzzles Mr Loyd was for a time the editor of the Sani tary Engineer and a shrewd operator In Wall street He also wrote for a number of magazines He was a mem ber of the New York Press club the Brooklyn Chess club and the Brook lyn Whist club He is survived by z widow one son Samuel Loyd Jr and two daughters THE FIRST WOMAN MAYOR Mrs Susanna Salter of Argonia Kan Holds This Distinction Her Sugar Policy Workd Topeka Kan The troubles oi Mrs Wilson mayor of Hunnewell Kan recalls the fact that Mrs Susanna Sal ter was the first woman mayor of tho V MHJK world She held office for one year at Argonia Kan a town located in the same county with Hunnewell Mrs Salter was elected mayor of Argonia in 1887 and served for one year She is an active suffragette and be lieves that women should hold office but should not be on the police force or hold offices of a similar nature no more than a man should cook the meals and keep house In their homes Mrs Salter believes that sugar catches more files than vinegar and says that while she was in office by applying the sugar she had little trouble I just made those men of the coun cil believe they were the nicest men in the world and we got along admir ably she said When Mrs Wilson was elected mayor of Hunnewell I wrote her a letter and advised her to adopt this policy but she is having lots of trouble I was very anxious for Mrs Wilson to mak6 a success just to demonstrate that women are capable of holding office 7 y srrvti vrrrKirjzyvTte JtefiT M m y2 Send fcr our interest inj booklet I pi P mm The Truth About Coca Cola S22S3I Publicity Law Badly Needed Connecticut District of Columbia Kansas Maine Maryland Michigan Mississippi New Jersey New Yoj k Rhode Island and Vermont have laws which provide specifically for the re porting of tuberculosis and which make provision for the proper regis tration of living cases of this disease In fourteen other states laws or reg ulations of the state boards of health require that tuberculosis be reported simply as one of a list of infectious diseases The following 2S states and territories have no provision what 1 ever for the reporting or registration of tuberculosis cases Arizona Alas- ka Arkansas Colorado Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illi nois Kentucky Louisiana Missouri Montana Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina Ohio Oklahoma Philippine Islands Porto Rico South Carolina South Dakota Texas Virginia West Virginia and Wyoming Kissing Breach of Peace The better half of a respected sen of New Jersey recently had the temerity to hale her lord and master before the court on a charge of having kissed her against her will For this heinous offense this shameless Jersey j benedict was bonded over in 100 bail was warned by the judge never again to kiss his wife without first obtaining her consent in due form If he is any kind of a man probably he will never want to kiss her again Washington Herald His Instinct I see the family dog slinking out of the room Whats the matter with him Prescience Presently there will be a tremendous family row on But how did the dog know that Well so to speak his nose is something of a storm scenter Ungracious Drops Stella Did they give the bride a shower Bella Well all her friends threw cold water on the bridegroom COMES A TIME When Coffee Shows What It Has Been Doing Of late years coffee has disagreed with me writes a matron from Rome N Y Its lightest punishment being to make me logy and dizzy and It seem ed to thicken up my blood The heaviest was when It upset my stomach completely destroying my ap petite and making me nervous and Ir ritable and sent me to my bed After one of these attacks In which I nearly lost my life I concluded to quit the coffee and try Postum i It went right to the spot I found it not only a most palatable and re freshing beverage but a food as well All my ailments the loginess and dizziness the unsatisfactory condition of my blood my nervousness and irri tability disappeared in short order and my sorely afflicted stomach began quickly to recover I began to rebuild and have steadily continued until now Have a good appetite and am rejoicing in sound health which I owe to the use of Postum Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read the little Book The Road to Wellville in pkgs Theres a reason Ever read the above letter A nerr one appearv from lime to time They are jrenulnc true and full of bunas Interest iJiiSteXZiXWtXXX Heres toYoHr Good Health aad Pleasure Come follow the arrow til you join the merry throngof palate pleascdmen and women who have quit seeking for the one best beverage because theyve found it 1 m I WmlE fijy V- N iQss r S igjri Wk Real satisfaction In every glass snap and sparkle vim y tji ana go tucnenca uic mini coots use u uiccze pv DelicicGs Refreshing Wholesome Ja 5tv rv COCA COLA CO rrv Whenever X33 see zn Arrow tislc ol Coca Cola naeivrt ii S3 T 1K2 fcSMKJSiA P F VAhC1 C AtttjEaJl irilV f Sii1 WftlXWriSJSysArt sJIrsr V k i jj rsM i if KVC iSVJ i w ffi k hV iifl POOR RETURN FOR CHIVALRY Incident That Probably Has Forever Discouraged Kind Hearted Mr Jones Chivalrous Mr Jones purposely dropped a-fifty-cent piece at the foot of a poorly dressed woman who pass ed through the Subway turnstile loud ly lamenting that the ticket agent had cheated her out of a half dollar then he picked the money up and gave it to her Excuse me madame said Mr Jones I think you dropped this Oh no she said it cant be mine Perhaps you dropped it your self Oh no said Mr Jones It is yours I am sure I picked it up just as you passed She took the money and hurried after another man who had passed at the time the money dropped Excuse me sir she said I think you lost this Thanks said the ether man and jumped aboard a train that was ready to start said chivalrous Mr Jones New York Times sZnbL ZZZl sr - - tijiirvTfj Cl2S - VSjKS fgjill Best 1 MifMl SOUP j BIB Made J If Good Convenient LibbyfSoups have - jjfc nfche home made flavor - J Your -JO Livei s Clogged Up Trv V1 M -V sU Uft LiDy s UncKen ooup y li Libbs Vegetable Sou i n t c a i ifrtiTT i nTnarn V- at voar grocers e compelled to nay to your landlord most ur hard earned profits Own your own iarm Secure a frr e Homestead in Manitoba Saskatchewan or i Ui3kn V 9iJ3riifcSi Mm QjZtt taVS JE2faVS J yTVCtiV wSffiSA i ffwS 1 rSflj - fj 70 O IN 1UWIY5I Alberta or purchase land in one of these districts and bank a profit of 51000 or S1200 on acre eery year Land purchased 3 years ago at 10 00 an acre has recently chanced hands at 2500 an acre The crops erown on these lands warrant the advance You can me mm byeattleraisinsrdairyinffmixed farminsr and cram irrowirfr in the provinces of Mnnltoba Saskatchewan end Alberia Free homestead end pre emption areas asv rll as land held by railway and land com panies will provide homes for millions 23 Adaptable soil healthful climate splendid schools and churches jood railways For settlers rales descriptive iiteratnroLar Uest West bow to r ucbtheeounrTind other par ticulars write to iupt of Imnii c ration Ottawa Canada or to the Canadian GoTercruent -Agent W V BENNETT K3cn 4 Bsa Eg Cacha fob IIeao write to thajrnt nearest you m sm i VI il TVVitt TVTrNmll CO LibbV -- 5M Why Ian a Farm and b of yo I Thats Why Youre Tired Out of Sorts Have No Appetite CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS will put you right in a lew days They do their duty CureCon stination T4Alv mK MitfiiTin fl vtiizzmi SCARTERS Jbmg SS1TTLE Amfttmr miver xSCSaw ffl P I LL5 Jszt Biliousness Indigestion and Sick Headache SJIALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine must bear Signature nflTCUTQ Fortunes are mada In patents Pro IH I Cil I w tect jourldcas Our64 page bookfree Fitzgerald Co Sox K Waslilnston X C Nebraska Directory lima AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY LINCOLN NEBRASKA CTCONTKSTABLB ACCIDENT and HBAXTH IH SURANCB BNIWWMENT POLICY ABXaTSWA37n STUDY MUSIC at the University School of Music Lincoln Nebr A sure income to those who complete the course No pleasanter occupation in the world Send for year book to E B Carder Registrar Liogolsi Seiiltariinn JlLS mnfxz SuJpho Saline Springs Located on our own Drcnljes and used in the Natural Mineral Water B a i h s Unsurpassed In the treatment of BS Ol Heart Stomach Kidney and Liver Disease MODZHaTE CHARGES ADDRESS 3R O W EVERETT Mfir 1405 M Street Lincoln Hob v r t -0 i