The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 5

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r t
East Depart Central Time
No 6 1110 PM
16 500 A M
2 550 A M
13 945 A M
12 645 A M
14 920 P M
10 505 P M
West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1235 P M
3 1142 P M
5 arrive 830 p m
13 940 A M
15 1230 A M
9 625 A M
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 17G arrives - 330 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
Sleening dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
any point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
A full set of new flues were placed
in the 2211 this week
The cylinders on 2019 were given
needed attention this week
Machinery repairs and cylinder
work were placed on the 2923 this
Work was done on the driving
brasses of engines 1751 1963 and
2S02 this week
Engine 1759 had repairs made this
week tc her pilot trusses and other
slight machinery work
Some new flues were given engines
2S01 and 1066 this week besides
some other repairs on the 2801
Paul Benjamin has quit the serv
ice on the Imperial and is now a
clerk in the general foremans office
William Enlow came up from Or
leans Saturday night for a months
vacation He is employed as helper
at the Orleans depot Cambridge
Fireman W J Bagan who recent
ly went on the irelief with a sore op-
tic received by a hot cinder gettin
doctor thinks he will not be badly
scarred Mrs Jones was burned
about the left hand She will stay in
Hot Springs where she has the help
of one of the most noted surgeons
in the country patients coming to
i3r Walker from all parts of tin
United States He is a protege of
the Mayo brothers
Hot Springs is a noted health and
pleasure resort its mineral waters
not being surpassed anywhere for
the cure of rheumatism and many
other diseases and Mrs Jones says
Hot Springs has the largest tourist
hotel ia the middle west Because of
its surpassing climate and mineral
waters the government has located a
sanitarium there which cost nearly a
million dollars
Hammocks cameras base ball
eoods etc for out of door pleas
ure and recreation
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
R R Employes Picnic Success
Continued from pagej
For lack of tubers the spud race
was annulled
Girls Foot Race
Belle Burke first bloomer suit by
H C Clapp Rosa Hegenberger sec
Misses Foot Race
Miss Zella French of Cambridge
first hat by H C Clap Miss
Florence Ramsey second pair of
shoes by Sam Diamond
Girls Egg Race
Belle Burke first pair of fancy
shears by H P Waite Co Delia
Simmons second gold medal Rosa
Hegenberger third silver medal
Womens Board Sawing Contest
Mrs J W Spencer first dress
pattern by C L DeGroff Co Mrs
W G Allison second Best time
25 seconds
Nail Driving Contest
Mrs W C Allison first pair of
shoes by E D Perkins Co Mrs
J W Spencer second pair of slip
pers by E D Perkins Co
Shot Put
Will Enlow of Orleans first Gor
don hat by DeGroff Co 71 feet
Fat Mans Race
E S Howell first The first run
was a tie between E S Howell and
E H Grigsby Howell won on the
second trial Howell has held the fat
mans race now for two or three
years in succession Viersen
Osborn have decided to give each of
the runners a pair of 500 shoes
Boys Costume Race
George Wood first gold medal
George Fenney second silver medal
There werent enough legs to go
around so the three leg race was
side tracked
Tug of War
W Ulmer George Lundy and C
Benjamin were the winners 100
Wilson Bros shirts o winners by Ro
zell Sons The losers were C F
Lehn George Ray and Mr Tuttle
each of which received 50 cent ties
from the same firm
The Base Ball Games
The morning game was between
into it is now much improved and McCook and Cambridge and resulted
will in a few days report for duty jn a victory for McCook
Cambridge 00200005 07
A Nebraskan Goes Up McCook 0 013202 1 9
The rumor has reached Denver in the afternoon the winners play-
from New York that George W Val- ed Oxford This was a close and ex-
lery for many years a Burlington -citing game with a score of 5 to
man and lately general manager of 3 in favor of McCook Crip Mil-
the Colorado Midland has been made ligan especially acquitted himself
president of that road at a meeting with glory in making a home run
of directors held in New York City
George W Vallery is a brother of
John F Vallery general agent for
the Burlington at Denver George
W Vallery was for a number of
years general agent for the Burling
ton at Denver
The Colorado Midland is owned
one half by the Burlington and one
half by the Gould interests It runs
from Colorado Springs to Grand Junc
tion with a number of branches to
coal and mining territory Lincoln
Master Francis Jones Burned
Hot Springs S D June 22 Spec
ial to The Tribune Francis Jones
of McCook Neb was seriously burn
ed Saturday in an accident which al
most proved fatal and has been
brought to the hospital here and
placed in the care of Dr Walker and
his staff
He and his mother who is the wife
of Dr W F Jones a physician and
veterinary in the employ of the gov
ernment were visiting her brother
R J McNish at Hill City where
they went a week before to see her
father Wm L McNish who is in a
serious condition Francis and his
cousin Lisle McNish each about five
years old were playing with a toy
steam engine The alcohol lamp burn
ed empty and they poured alcohol
from a bottle into the hot lamp when
the fluid exploded and set fire to
Francis clothing His mother heard
him scream and with presence of
mind rolled him into a rug and
smothered the flame that enveloped
him with her skirts His left arm
is burned from wrist to shoulder and
his chest neck and chin are badly
WnAd but he will recover and the
and slide which brought down
plaudits of the grand stand
There were almost 1500 passengers
on the special train which went from
McCook In the neighborhood of 500
tickets and passes were taken up
out of Oxford Leaving 500 for all
other trains and making allowance
for a large attendance upon the part
of the people of Cambridge and the
total attnedance upon the picnic
reached somewhere between 3000 an
3500 people And while we are on
this part of the subject a finer buncl
of orderly citizens out for a good
sane time you never set your eyes
And those Cambrdige people They
are just like their handsome little
city appears Clean well mannered
hospitable social The finest little
burg in this section ext to Mc
McKanley park is a great boon
to Cambridge as it would be to any
city in Nebraska A little assist
ance to Avhat nature has done would
make it an ideal spot
The railroad boys made every effort
to entertain their guests outside of
the service And they succeeded
The only tragedy of the day was
the condition of Johnny Morrissey
whose face resembled a prize pug
dogs the result of an eye tooths per
nicious activity which prohibited him
from smiling out loud or indulging
in any of his vociferous stunts But
he had a doodle of a time if he
couldnt adequately tell it
o r h e
Oxford 0 0 0 3 0 0 03 5 3
McCook 000032 5 6 2
Pitcher Reynolds in the morning
game did some star work In the
Oxford game Pitcher Matheny Left
Fielder Milligan First Baseman Ken
nedy Second Baseman Barbazette
played an exceptionally strong game
The State of Nebraska Red Wil
low County ss In the County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J Real deceased To the Credit
ors of said estate
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court Room in
McCook in said County on the 6th
day of January 1912 at the hour of
two oclock P M to examine all
claims aerainst said estate with a-
view to their adjustment and allow
ance The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is six months from the 2nd day
of June A D 1911 and the time
limited for payment of debts js one
year from said 2nd day of June 1911
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court this 31st day of
May 1911
Seal - County Judge
P S HEATONxAttorney
First publication June 1 1911 4t
4A Few Junior Normal Notes
Continued from page 1
normal this week has seemed to
get on under full sail earnestly
Prof Bengston hopes to do some
research work on the Driftwood sonn
time this summer or fall and it is
not byeond probability that he may
be well rewarded
The Mission of Story Telling was
the topic presented by Miss Dunlap
Tuesday evening She explained not
only the why but the how of story
telling with a cleverness and interest
which held the close attention of her
goodly audience
Prof Bengstons talk on Myths
before Tuesday mornings chapel was
one of the interesting features of the
Mr Hoenschel the American Book
Co man ex school man grammarian
etc spoke before Wednesday morn
ings chapel on the subject of Eng
lish The professor is highly quali
fied to speak on this topic and his
offering was valuable and appreciat
Miss Florence Rosebush added a vo
cal solo to the program of this morn
The attendance so far this week
has reached the total of 130 placing
McCook well up among the best nor
mals being held in the state
Mr Kleinhauer of the chautauqua
sang beautifully and responded with
an encore at the chapel exercises
this morning Miss Mozier in charge
of the Indian girls told of her work
told an Indian story etc Mr Pin
neo the athletic director who has
charge of the Indian boys gave a
talk and demonstration of how In
dians produced fire etc
Board of Equalization
McCook Nebraska June 20 1911
The county board of equalization
met pursuant to adjournment pres
ent F S Lofton Edward Sughroue Sociology
and W N Rogers county commis
sioners T A Endsley county asses
sor Chas Skalla county clerk ab
sent Chas D Ritchie county attor
The minutes of the meetings held
June 13th 14th and 15th were read
and on motion approved
A motion was made by Sughroue
seconded by Endsley that the valua
tion of the new improvements asser
ed in 1911 of Wm Parrish on the
south one half of the northwest quar
ter of section 5 in East Valley pre
cinct be reduced from 15000 to
An amendment was offered by Skal
la seconded by Rogers that said im
provements be stricken from the as
sessment list
The roll call on the amendment re
sulted Yea Skalla Rogers 2 nay
Endsley Sughroue Lofton 3 Amend
ment declared lost
The original motion was adopted
A motion was made by Sughroue
that the improvements of Otto Web
ber on lots 23 and 24 block 53 or
iginal town of Bartley be raised from
1500 to 1800
The roll call resulted as follows
Yea Lofton Sughroue Rogers Ends
ley 4 Nay Skalla 1 Motion was
declared carried
A motion was made by Endsley
seconded by Rogers that the follow
ing changes be made in the 1911 as
sessment of horses
Valley Grange reduce 10 per cent
Gerver reduce 10 per cent
East Valley reduce 5 per cent
Driftwood add 10 per cent
Grant add 25 per cent
Lebanon add 10 per cent
Missouri Ridge add 10 per cent
North Valey add 10 per cent
Red Willow add 10 per cent
The roll call resulted as follows
Yea Lofton Rogers Endsley 3 Nay
dared carried
A motion was made by Skalla sec
onded by Rogers that no more com
plaints will be heard and that the
board now adjourn to meet August
2nd 1911 to make the levy subject
to the report of the state board of
equalization and assessment Mo
tion carried unanimously
F S LOFTON Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
A girl had gone to a dinner in
New York with her steady The
young man noticed a speck of what
appeared to be lint on her shoulder
When she wasnt looking he attempt
ed to knock it off with his finger
After futile attempts he took hold of
the line and started to pull it off
He unraveled several yards of the
fleecy stuff and when he seemed to
have all of it threw the wad under
the table That night the girl told
her mother she had a perfectly love
ly time But she added I have
just been lying in bed mother and
wondering what became of my union
suit Charles Blakesley
To the Honorable Mayor and Coun
cil of the City of McCook for the
year ending June 1 1911
The library has been open every
day in the year during library hours
except 5 legal holidays and 46 days
for scarlet fever quarantine
There are now in the library 4S37
volumes During the year 4S0 vol
umes have been added of which num
ber S3 have been presented G8 vol
umes have been rebound 45 volumes
of magazines have been bound in pat
ent binders and placed on the shelves
30 newspapers and magazines have
been subscribed for and 2 donated
Number visitors during year 26528
Books loaned during year
New borrowers cards issued
Total cards June 1 1911
Financial Statements
The finances have been adminis
tered as follows
New books 294 44
Books re bound 55 5S
Newspapers and per
iodicals 79 75
Total expended for
reading matter
Electric lights 44 6S
Fuel 98 64
Gas 3 85
Water 26 90
Janitor services 260 03
Librarian 320 40
Improvements 45 04
Repairs 8 15
Supplies 38 40
Total expended
429 71
1275 SO
Money Received
Fines and penalties 76 50
Balance on hand
June 1 1911 4 96
Paid out during
year 75 24
Balance on hand
June 1 1911 6 22
Of this amount 7524 605 has
been spent for new books
Summary of books loaned from June
1 1910 to June 1 1911
General Works
Natural Science
Useful Arts
Fine Arts
Sughroue Skalla 2 Motion was de- 0 juy
Literature 229
History 176
German 154
Fiction 9261
Juvenile 790S
Total books loaned 16S09
The retiring members of the board
are J S LeHew H P Sutton and
Rev Patton J E Kelley resigning
leaves four vacancies to fill
Respectfully submitted
J S LeHEW Pres
Grace Willetts Secy and Libn
A fine rain Friday afternoon but
more is needed Small grain is all
gone corn is looking fine
The Quick boys are to play ball
here Saturday This will be our first
game of the season
Matt Droll wife and daughter Miss
Bertha were up from McCook Sundas
Also Mrs Mary Schilz sons Mike
and Gust and daughter Sophia all
being the guests of Mr and Mrs
John Braun
Gust Schilz had quite an accident
Sunday One of the buckles on the
line pulled through the ring when
the team became unmanageable The
buggy was turned over and the oc
cupants were thrown out With him
were his sister Sophia and Ida Sch
neider Miss Schilz being somewhat
hurt but nothing very serious
Frank Roe of Hayes Center went
through here with his auto to Mc
Cook Tuesday
The Woodmen are having their hall
painted this week I
Henry and Fred Kolbet made a
trip to Maywood Monday v-
Several of the boys from here are
utending to go west after the fourth
Thirty children received their first
communion on Sunday Those who
received were Francis Schlick Lucy
Schlick Helen Pick Mary Fritchie
Helen Braun Maggie McKillip Mary
McKillip Frances Schneider Tessio
Schneider Julia Andrejeski Bernice
Kolbet Emma Kolbet Anne Traphag
en Rose Traphagen Rose Andrejes
ki Lucy McKillip Mary Andrejeski
Maggie Hakenkamp Joseph
ki Herman Andrejecki Frank Andre
jeski Peter Andrejeski Matt Braun
Henry Braun Willie Kolbet Johnnie
Voirel Josenh Hakenkamp Willie
Hakenkamp Frank Hakenkamp
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
All grades Of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffed
and be happy At Hubers only
Lewis Ludwick arrived home yes
terday on No 1
C W Kneeland arrived in the
city Wednesday on No 13
ititig her mother Mrs S A Haley
Mrs A E Petty and son of Lin
coln are guests of McCook relatives
Introducing Rexall Remedies Rex
all Store June 28th and 29th Re
William Travers arrived home early
in the week from his Denver visit of
a few weeks
25 cents worth of Rexall Remedies
for one cent Rexall Store June
2Sth and 29th
C K Critchfield of near Indian
ola had business which called him to
the countys capital yesterday
Mrs William Hagadorn nee Miss
May OBrien is here from Chicago
visiting her mother and brother
Miss Bernardina Haley who has
been attending school at Columbus
NeDraska arrived home yesterday
Mrs D C McCallum of Wauneta
is a guest of her daughter Mrs Bar
ney Hofer during chautauqua week
Mrs P J McManus returned home
Sunday evening after spending a
week with her mother at McCook
Cambrdige Clarion
Mr and Mrs Frank Real entertain
ed the stork last night and a fine
girl baby has become a regular board
er at their happy home
Mrs M L Ruby and daughter Miss
Maysie Light departed Tuesday night
for Los Angeles Calif to be absent
on a visit of several months
Mrs Clara M Randel was in the
city Monday between trains on her
return to Blue Hill from visiting the
folks at Palisade She will teach next
school year near Blue Hill
Al E Shera arrived from Prairie
City Iowa last Friday night He
has sold his farm adjoining Wm
Lewis farm just northwest of town
to Mr Lewis and is here closing
up the deal
Mrs W F Burris wife of Dr
Burris of Cameron Mo arrived in
the city today on No 1 and is a
guest of Rev and Mrs L E Lewis
The doctor will be here Friday night
and be their guest for a few days
Mrs D C Marsh left the sani
tarium in Lincoln today and went to
Superior Nebraska where she will
visit her brother Owen Crispin for
a while before returning home A
host of McCook friends will be de
lighted to learn of her marked im
provement in health
R F D No 1
Last Thursday afternoon three of
Ben Schamels children indulged in
a game of doctor and patients One
of the children administered poison
ous tablets to two of the other chil
dren Prompt administering of em
etics on the telephoned advice of
a physician doubtless kept two little
angels out of heaven for a while
Miss Pearl Rogers arrived home
Jon last Thursday from her visit in
eastern Nebraska of several weeks
There was something like a cloud
burst in the Ash creek neighborhood
on last Friday afternoon Only once
before in the history of the creek
was the water higher Some estimate
the downpour at about five inches
Nels Downs has added a kitchen
to his home
School creek and Ash creek play
ed base ball last Sunday Ash creek
winning by a score of 10 to 8
Mr and Mrs Will A Irons went
down to Holdrege close of last week
to attend the funeral of his mother
who died over in Iowa but whose
remains were brought to Nebraska
for burial
Body Brussels 9 x 12
Others in proportion
The Big Land Show
The many thousands of Nebraskans
who expect to attend the Omaha Land
Show October 16 to 28 inclusive
will have the pleasure of seeing their
home state magnificently represented
Mrs E P Curran of Lincoln is vis Some of the best space in the big
coliseum where the show will be con
ducted is being reserved for the Ne
braska exhibits There will be a
special Nebraska State Day and noth
ing will be left undone to show up
the resources of the state to the
best advantage
The regents of the University of
Nebraska have decided to assemble
an exhibit designed to show the ad
vantages and vast resources of th o
state Besides this big exhibit there
will be a large number of individual
county displays Indications are that
every section of Nebraska will be
represented at the Land Show Al
ready a -number of western counties
are arranging for space in the colis
eum and more will be heard from as
soon as the individual communities
show what to send for exhibition
purposes -
The people from all over the west
will be especially interested to know
what Nebraska has to offer and the
object is to make the best possible
showing General Manager W O
Paisley who has just returned from
a tour of several western states says
that everywhere he went he found
basic conditions wonderfully solid
largely because the era of develop
ment is beginning to dawn and the
speculator is being crowded out of
the field He is enthusiastic over
the crop conditions which will in
sure a prosperous season and finer
land displays than have ever gone
out of the west
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filingi
have been made in the county clerks
office since our last report
Alvin P Bodwell et ux to W
T Elliott wd 3 in 1 Bod
well add Lebanon
E F Freeman et ux to J P
Watson wd e se4 21-2-30
125 00
Carpets and Rugs
Best Axminsters g xi2
Others in proportion
Luther Valentine et ux to Lou
is Provost wd s1 nw4 n
V2 svrli 34 430 4500 00
United States to Ellen Reilly
patent w sw 1-3-30
United States to Ludwig Bohl
man patent se4 17-2-28
John Neuhalfen to William
Baumbach wd seH 17-2-
28 3000 00
BARN FOR SALE Inquire 607 3
2nd st or phone black 290
FOR RENT Three desirable dwel
lings Whittaker Gray phone
Black 2S3 Room 3 Temple building
Phone red 260
FOR RENT 5 room cottage In
quire O N Rector phone red 349
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie McBride phone
black 464
FOR SALE A Stanhope buggy in
good condition Phone black 46
WANTED Plain sewing washing
and ironing Mrs May Jeffers 106
2nd streeteast
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards will re-
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed
jly Call and see samples and we
The best brands of canned fruits will quote you prices Satisfaction
and vegetables at Magners Iguarantofd
We have rugs in all sizes however and all go at the same
i low price at cost
Special Sale China Closets
We have a splendid line of these as as well as all
goods in the furniture line and we are putting the
slaughter knife in deep for the next thirty days
-Drew Furniture and Carpet Co
1 i