The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 4
T4 i w V 9 n ft V r r JU I KM ffisar i J JMJMft frikp By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoflice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly What has become of the Nelson Clothing -Co and Johnson Bros of Holdrege Partial or complete eclipse It is the tragedy of reforms of every character that so many selfish crooks seek shelter and source of operation under its skirts Is it Just a coincidence All this Judson Harmon publicity among the Nebraska weeklies A remarkable vogue Whole pages in Republican weeklies My countrymen Even to Harmon epigrams But they havent the peerless flavor V 3 V The Standard this week publishes the formal announcement of C E Eldred of McCook as a candidate for district judge Mr Eldred is a suc cessful attorney and the press of the district speaks very favorably of his qualifications for the bench Oxford Standard -If our Holdrege friends will just calm down a wee The Tribune has no misgivings that McCook would enthusiastically endorse our spright ly neighbor up on the brave loess divide for the location for the tuber culosis hospital But come out of it boys The McCook Tribune for the past thrity years always one of the best weekly newspapers in the state has just launched into the semi weekly class and there is no question but that Editor Kimmeil will keep his semi weekly up to the standard of the former weekly Trenton Register J 5 I An exchange says Iceland has no jail no penitentiary there is no court and only one policeman Not a drop of alcoholic liquor is made on the island and its 7SS00 people are POLITICAL ADVERTISING ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination of county treasurer on the Republican ticket subject to the Primary Election August 15th 1911 5c ARTHUR B WOOD Barritt Huahes Wedding On the evening of June 14 1911 at the home of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Walter W Barritt occurred the marriage of their only daughter Miss Hazel to H Guy Hughes At the hour of nine Miss Stella Mathes took her place at the organ and as the sweet strains ofThe Bridal Chor us from Lohengrin pealed forth the happy couple attended by Mr Lloyd Barritt and Miss Francis Hughes a brother and sister of the bride and groom took their places before a beautifully decorated window Carna tions and ribbon in the brides colors blue and white were used making beautiful decoration a dainty and very tion In the presence of nearly thir ty guests Rev Harry M Mitchell of Indianola spoke the words which made this worthy couple man and wife The bride was most becommg lv dressed in a gown of white silk messaline and with her bridal wreath looked very sweet indeed The groom wore the conventional black Immediately after the ceremony a dainty two course lunch was served by Mesdames Ruby and Mathes and Misses Maysie Light and Stella Mathes The bride is the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Barritt and has spent most of her life in southeastern Ne braska but during the past three years she has lived in McCook She has won a host of friends The groom is the eldest son of Mr and Mrs S D Hughes an intelligent and industrious young man of the firm of Jennings Hughes They were the receipents of many useful and beautiful presents such as checks cut glass hand painted china and silver ware The guests from out of town were Mr and Mrs B F Newlon of Pal mer Neb Mr and Mrs D M New lon of Central City Neb -uncles of total abstainers since they will not FJora aiid Mol Tiormit nnv linnnr to be imported I nf There is not an illiterate person on the island not a child ten years old unable to read the system of public schools being practically perfect The announcement of C E Eldred of McCook for the nomination of judge of this the 14th judicial dis trict subject to the will of the repub lican electors at the coming primary election appears at the head of this column Mr Eldred needs no intro duction to the voters of this county from this paper as he has practiced good law in this district for the -past-twenty years and is eminently quali fied to fill the responsible position to which he aspires Trenton Register The McCook Tribune want ads line Most people read them i rf rvi tril CltV lOll US UL the bride Mr Wilcoxon of Lincoln and Mrs Ray of Norton Kansas un cle and cousin of the groom The same evening a merry crowd of young friends of the bride and groom accompanied them to No 3 Amid laughter and a shower of well wishes they left for Denver and other points in Colorado After June 24th they will be at home to their many friends on West 2nd street COMMUNICATED Wants for rent for sale etc 5c line in The Tribune MRS GEORGE A NEVE Chiropractic McCook Nebraska Examinations free Office at 324 1st street west Phone black 258 I That New Buggy For YOU SHOULD HAVE 4th of July So you can go out in good shape You need not postpone it longer Our large beautiful line of the LATEST STYLES OF BUGGIES AND SURREYS ALSO HARNESS LAP ROBES WHIPS AND FLYNETS makes it con venient for us to fit you out complete Velie Buggies Give Satisfaction because they are the best made and that is 1 why our trade has grown so THE PEOPLE WANT A VELIE and wont take anything else Come look them over and make your selec tion now We will fit you out satisfactorily OPENS JUNE 27TH Information for the public concern ing the postal savings bank to be opened in the McCook postoffice on June 27th Object The postal savings system is estab lished for the purpose of providing fa cilities for depositing savings at in terest with the security of the Unit ed States Government for repayment- Safety The faith of the United States is solemnly pledged to the payment of deposits made in postal savings de pository offices with accrued interest as provided by the postal savings act Who May Deposit Accounts may be opened and de posits made by any person of the age of 10 years or over in his or her own name and by a married woman in her own name and free from any interference or control by her hus band No person can have more thai one account at any one time No person may open a postal-savings account at any post office who is not a patron of that office All accounts must be opened in nerson bv the depositor or his auth orized representative After opening an account a depositor may forward subsequent deposits to the post of fice by mail Deposits will be accepted only from individuals and ho account will be opened in the name of any corporatioi association society firm or partner ship or in the names of two or more persons jointly No account will be opened in the name of one person in trust for or on behalf of another person or per sons Service Free The service of the postal savings system is free and no charge or fee is collected or required in connec tion with the opening of an account or the withdrawal or money deposited Privacy of Accounts No person connected with the post office department or the postal ser vice is pormitted to disclose the nami of any depositor or give any informa tion concerning an account except to the depositor himself unless direct ed to do so by the Postmaster Gen eral How to Open An Account When a person applies to open an account he must furnish the neces sary information for the posmtaster or his representative to fill out an plication which he will then be re j quired to sign If the applicant signs by mark his signature must be witnessed by a disinterested person Deposits Deposits are evidenced by postal savings certificates issued in fixed denominations of 1 2 5 10 20 50 and 100 each bearing the name of the depositor the number ot ins account the date of issue the name of the depository office and the date on which interest begins The post master or his representative will mairfi out a duplicate of each certi ficate issued which the depositor will be required to sign and which the postmaster will retain in his records No account may be opened for less than 1 nor will fractions of a dollar be accepted for deposit No person is permitted to deposit more than 100 in any one calendar month nor to have a total balance to his credit at one time of more than 500 exclusive of accumulated interest Savings certificates cannot be transferred or negotiated and will be payable only to the person to whom issued On opening an account a depositor is supplied with an envelope in which he may keep his savings certificates On this envelope is printed informa tion for his guidance and also a blank ledger record on which to keep an account of his deposits and with drawals In case a savings certificate is lost or destroyed the depositor should notify the postmaster If deemed proper a new certificate will be is sued upon compliance by the deposit or with the necessary requirements Postmasters are not permitted to receive savings certificates for safe keeping Savings Cards and Stamps wmiwuMOMBDBasaaBgmM8ag - m V- CcDyrisiit Eart SchaCaer Marx NOTICE OF HEARING In the County Court of Red Wil low Countv Nebraska In the Mat ter of the Estate of Robert B Wil son deceased To all persons in terested in said estate You are hereby notified that on June 5 1911 Joseph D Wilson filed his petition in the county court of said Red Willow county praying that letters of administration be issued to D Y Dorwart upon the goods chattels rights and credits of Rob ert B Wilson late ot said county deceased and that a hearing win De had upon said petition at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county on June 20 1911 at the hour of nine oclock A M Dated this 5th day of June 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys First publication June 6 1911 6t Notice to Creditors of Estate State of- Nebraska Red Willow rrTir ca Tn Pmmtv Court In JUUUlJi jfcj Vw w I jx 1 ntn rf Amounts less than 1 may ed for deposit by the purchase of 10- j c jioore County judge of cent postal savings cards and adhes said county in said state hereby havincr claims and ive 10 cent postal savings stamps Each postal savings card contains blank spaces to which savings stamps may be affixed from time to time as purchased and a postal savings card with nine 10 cent savings stamps thui affixed will be accepted as a deposit of 1 either in opening an account or in adding to an existing account Savings cards and stamps will be redeemed only by the issue of savings certificates and are not valid for postage They will not be received in exchange for postage stamjps nor will postage stamps be accepted in exchange for postal savings cards or stamps TJie Citizens National Bank has been designated the postal savings bank depository for this city nntifv -ill TiprsnnK demands against the said Stephen Bolles deceased that I have set and appointed the following days for the reception Examination and adjust ment of said claims and demands as provided by law at the county court room at McCook Red Willow Coun ty and state aforesaid to wit June 29th 1911 and December 30th 1911 And all persons so interested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly present their said claims and demands in the manner i omiirori hv kw or show cause for not so doing and in case any of said claims shall not be presenteu Dy tne 29th day of December 1911 the same shall be forever barred Given under my hand and the seal of the county court of said county this 27th day of May 19H Seal County Judge First publication June l 4ts Subscribe for The Tribune ji JUr rT TT SSrJJ and distribution of said estate made It is ordered that notice of the time and place of said hearing be given to all persons interested in said estate by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper printed andi published in said county for three successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing Dated this 7th day of June 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication June 8 1911 3t BLUE SERGES ARE MORE POPULAR THAN EVER Urn 1 X J f OM THIS SEASON When you buy a blue sergeyou have the sat isfaction of knowing that you are right We have them in all styles hues and weaves Prices range from 12 Pj 00 00 to In straws the Yacht is still the dressy hat We have them in all prices Soft shirts with detachable collars are what you need to make you comfortable Either in plain or figured material A GALUSHA SON The Bright Spot In McCook notce to creditors In the County Court of Red Willow County State of Nebraska In the matter of the estate o James B Wade deceased Notice is hereby given tnat uiv time limited for the presentation of claims against saia estate is - months from and after July 1 1911 and any claim not presented by that time shall be forever barred that I win nfr tho nnuntv court room in TVTrrVnlr in cmijl PnimtV On the 2nd day of January 1912 at the hour of ten oclock a m to examine ad just and allow the claims against said estate and that the time limited for the payment of debts is one year from June 3rd 1911 Dated June 3rd 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge CORDEAL McCARL Attorneys First publication June G 1911 3t NOTICE State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To all persons interested in the estate of Ira H Harrison deceas qCLz You are hereby notified that on the 7th day of June 1911 Margaret J Harrison and Reason O Harri son executors of the last Will and Testament of Ira H Harrison de ceased filed in said court their fin al account as such executors ana petition for a distribution of said estate and for their discharge tnat snifi ncnnnt and netition for dis tribution and discharge will be heard on the 2Sth day ot June rj at the hour of nine oclock A M at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county You are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designatea and show cause is such exist why NOTICE State of Nebraska County of Red Willow ss To All Persons Interested in the Estate of Eva A Tomlinson Deceas ed You are hereby notified that on the 16th day of June 1911 William S Tomlinson executor of the last will and testament of Eva A Tomlin son deceased filed in said court his final account as such executor and netitinn for his discharge that said account and petition for discharge will be heard on the 8th day of July 1911 at the hour of nine oclock a m at the county court room in the city of McCook in said county You are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated and show cause if such exist why said account should not be allowed and such executor discharged It is ordered that notice of the time and place of said hearing be said account should not be allowed given to all persons interested in said estate Tt causing r nrr rr of The McCook Tribune the year in advance fclMtsrtrpyiili i i i ii y i i y i IlTti ii P imiT I I V i7Tr TV iHyyit f ffWW HBBMBB9HBnnnBaHBMIBaMHHHHnMiBailBMHIlBSEaaH0V by a copy this order to be published in the Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and Tiiihlished in said countv for i - I three successive weeks prior to the date set for said hearing Dated this 16th day of June 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication June 20 6ts It is 100 M 31 - r i When Visitors Come and Theres Not a Thing 1 m me uouse Telephone 423 and a case of Eoot Beer Cherry or any flavor you desire will be delivered in a hurry But better still have a case of our goods on hand at all times and a few bottles on ice then you are ready for emergencies Our goods are prepared from the choicest ingredients under con- ditions of scrupulous cleanliness McCOOK BOTTLING WORKS 1 PHONE 423 I IfrfAWAM iW tUW th tL b LM tai rvr Pp Iwrniri into Tri c p lnrv Tlrvw CPdai i V