The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 3

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UCLE SAM has very good reason
to plume himself because of a
number of important recent
achievements that most distinctly
make for progress Some of
triumphs have taken the form of
W J that wero virtually impossible of
others none the less valuable
have been in the line of discov
eries of ways and means for doing things that
have been done heretofore but of doing them
more easily more quickly more economically
or more effectively than has heretofore been
deemed possible
Tho national government has been taking
the lead In scientific mechanical and engi
neering development to a constantly increas
lng extent in late years For of course the
reader will understand that in speaking of
Uncle Sams current triumphs in the field of
invention and experiment reference is made
not to the federal government as represented
by its own experts and employes Now tho
national government has always been a con
tributor to tho cause of science and invention
there being dual reasons for its activity in
such direction On tho one hand the central
government with paternal instinct has been
bound to contribute in every way to the well
bcing of the whole people and as is well
known such benefit is more often than not con
ferred through the instrumentality of scien
tific discoveries and inventions Obviously
then It is up to Undo Sam to foster Yankee
ingenuity by every possible means
Yet the second Incentivo to federal activity
in this broad field has been even more of a
spur than tho first It arises from the fact
that the national government la to an extent
- v
but this does not prevent the magnet from do
Ing stunts of great popular interest now and
When the magnet is charged with its fuP
electric current of 125 amperes a piece of metal
weighing hundreds of pounds might bo sus
pended at the pole pieces and the leakage
that is the stray magnetic field way out at
the ends of the magnet is sufficient to suimort
In all sorts of positions wrenches and bars of
juiib no mutu us uvb or bix pounus
apiece whereas wire nails in series of half a
II IIHmw iiial I i i hm I II I I i
appreciated by comparatively few of our citi
zens an operator of scientific laboratories a
manufacturer and a business corporation Now
with Uncle Sam in the actual conduct of arts
and Industries on a greater scale In some in
stances than they are being carried on by any
private corporation it has become imperative
from tho hard practical business standpoint
that tho government shall have the benefit of
the highest possible attainments in time and
labor saving equipment
In the effort to keep abreast of or a little
Ahead of the worlds march of progress the
federal establishment ha3 continually carried
on tests and experiment with a view to dis
closing new capabilities in instruments and ap
paratus of one kind or another that rank as
cAn soTte fACHste cisr
sywxKP sn cmsis
dozen or more end to
end are supported In
horizontal position
One of the most
amazing tricks per
formed by the mag
net Is to support a
glass dish by means
of a small piece of
iron placed inside the
dish the power of
magnetic attraction
being exerted upon
the iron through the
thickness of the lay
er of glass Another
impressive illustra
tion of tho power of
this monster magnet
Is afforded when a
handful of nails are
thrown In the air
perhaps three or four
feet away from the
magnet As though
whisked in by an in-
visible hand and almost more quickly than
the eye can follow the operation these nail3
are one and all drawn to the highly magnetized
This new magnet a worlds record breaker
In size as well as in power was constructed
specially for the United States government by
a firm of instrument makers in Switzerland
The circumstances connected with the design
ing of the magnet illustrate how great minds
may run In the same direction Mr Frederick
Bates the United States government expert
who is at the head of the division of polarlmet
ry at the bureau of standards and working In
conjunction with other government scientists
Just worked out the detailed plans for such a
magnet when ho discovered that the foreign
commercial products and as such may bex instrument makers who ultimately built this
bought in the open market But a large share
of what nan been accomplished these past few
years has been due to new Inventions evolved
iy government officials And it is pleasing to
note that there Is an increasing disposition on
part of the men on Uncle Sams payroll to
regard as federal property the inventions from
which they might otherwiso reap a fortune
There have from time to time been charges
and rumors putting in question the ethics and
honesty of men who derived private wealth
from inventions alleged to have been worked
out in government time and with the aid of
facilities offered by a governmental position
Happily however such cases appear to bo
growing moro rare and to counterbalance the
isolated instances we have oxamples such as
recently afforded by Major Squier assistant
chief 3ignal officer of the United States army
when he dedicated to tho free use of the
American people the patents covering his new
system of multiplex telephony
Some of the most spectacular of Uncle Sams
current scientific triumphs are being worked
out by the aid of the most powerful magnet In
the world which has recently been installed at
a cost of 1200 at the United States bureau of
standards This magnet Is in effect an en
larged edition of the familiar toy from which
femall boys dorive so much enjoyment and it
may he whispered that the government scien
tists are getting a proportionate amount of ex
citement from the almost miraculous powers
of this largest of all magnets Primarily the
new magnet is employed by the government
experts for optical work of the most highly
technical character a pushing back of the
bounds of the unknown In this scientific field
one for our government had been covering the
same ground at the same time each inventor
unconscious of tho activities of his rival on tho
opposite side of the Atlantic
Perhaps the most unusual attribute of this
magnet is that it Is made available for con
tinuous use this being accomplished by re
placing ordinary insulated wires such as are
commonly used with copper tape This cop
per tape is surrounded by insulating oil
Through this oil there are run C0II3 of copper
tubing about one half Inch in diameter and
through this tubing cold water is circulated to
carry off the enormous heat which Ib devel
oped In the same room with the new magnet
is a yet newer Invention the product of gov
ernment scientists which promises great
things It is known as a vacuum gauge and it
will enable more minute and moro accurate
measurement than has heretofore been possi
ble in the case of a vacuum
One of the most notable of Uncle Sams
scientific triumphs of the present year is the
new system of multiplex tolephony mentioned
above and which by its disclosure of a method
of transmitting a number of telephone mes
sages simultaneously over the same wire Is ex
pected to greatly reduce the cost of long dis
tance telephone conversation In connection
with the development of this new form of tel
ephony which will make one wire do the work
of ten Major Squier and his associates have
carried on some experiments which though
originally Intended only as a means to an end
now promise to have a distinct value of their
own in disclosing the possibilities of transmit
ting music by telephone
The music of a phonograph or graphophone
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air tight connection between the human lungs
and the mechanical lungs of the machine It is
said of this new invention that It will make
a corpse breathe meaning that it will compel
the diaphragm to move in a body In which life
is wholly extinct The new device costs 800
making it one of the worlds most expensive
pieces of rescue equipment as it is certainly
one of the most effective Comparatively little
experience is required for its succssful opera
Government officials have within the past few
months invented several new machines for
quickening and cheapening the manufacture of
paper money and postage stamps and whereas
these inventions may not find very extensive
adoption outside the government workships
they will exert an important Influence there
Among these new Inventions is a remarkable
combination machine which at one operation
stamps the successive serial number on each
bank note impresses in color the official seal
cuts tho sheets of money into individual notes
and counts the bills tasks that formerly re
quired as many different machines and an im
mense expenditure of time Another new inven
tion is a machine which automatically trims at
one stroke all four edges of a sheet of bank
notes A third new invention is a machine for
automatically wetting the sheets of paper used
in printing our currencs a chore that had for-
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was the particular form of melody transmitted
and the results were really surprising In many
respects For one thing the music as heard
at the other end of the line was remarkably
clear and sweet Indeed It was seemingly
more perfect tone production than that obtain
able under any other conditions inasmuch as
the telephone served to entirely eliminate tho
needle nose the one suggestion of the me
chanical which talking machine inventors have
never been able to entirely eliminate It Is
believed that this disclosure of the possibili
ties of transmitting music by phone will ulti
mately enable people to enjoy concerts by the
best vocal and instrumental talent when seat
ed In their own homes This would of course
prove an especial boon in the case of subur
banites and residents of the rural districts
where the use of the telephone has increased
so tremendously in recent years In the ex
periments with multiplex telephony the graph
ophone music was employed to still further
demonstrate the possibility of using a single
wire for the transmission of various messages
simultaneously each independent of the others
For instance on one occasion Caruso by
means of a talker sang on the line while
The Charge of the Light Brigade as re
cited into a separate transmitter close at hand
was carried over tho same wire at the same
time without in any way Interfering with the
famous tenors voice
Of Uncle Sams recent innovations In tech
nical equipment none bids fair to ultimately
work greater wonders than the lately intro
duced Pulmotor The Pulmotor is a delicate
ly adjusted machine that occupied a portable
case not much larger than the ordinary dress
suit case and its function is to bring back to
life persons supposed to be dead The gov
ernment provided the first of these new mir
acle workers for the use of the newly estab
lished United States bureau of mines In its
work of rescuing men overcome by the-poisonous
gases In coal mines but the advent of the
invention is opening up life saving possibilities
In other fields as for instance at bathing
beaches and In city hospitals In short in any
case where death is threatened through the
filling of the lungs with gas or water
The Pulmotor Is in effect an automatic
breathing machine its functldn being to draw
the poisonous gases out of the lungs and to
force into the lungs In turn the life giving
oxygen The mechanism includes a cylinder in
which oxygen is stored under pressure a blow
ing and suction valve actuated by two accordion
bellows and a hood or mask which fits over the
mouth and nostrils of the patient making an
merly to be done by hand and a fourth in
vention is a mechanism which neatly arranges
in coils the postage stamps which are to be
placed on sale in venrfing or stamp selling ma
chines which it is planned to introduce in this
country following the example of Germany and
other foreign countries
Much has been printed from time to time re
garding the machines that almost think in
vented by the mechanical experts of the United
States census bureau to aid Uncle Sam in the
big task of counting noses However there is
one invention newer than any of the others re
garding which little has been said This is the
automatic card sorting machine the function of
which is to sort mechanically the ninety odd
million cards representing the people of the
United States for under our present system of
card indexing the country the census office has
on file a bit of pasteboard to represent every
man woman and child In the republic The
new sorter sorts cards at a speed of from 300 to
325 per minute sorting the cards Into thirteen
different drawers The machine Is operated by
electricity and the sorting is done through the
medium of sensitive needles which seek out the
holes which have previously been punched in
each card to record biographical facts and dis
tribute the cards according to the location of
these holes
Uncle Sams greatest business institution the
postoffice department has lately fostered its
share of new inventions aside from the stamp
vending machines with which it has long been
experimenting The late novelties include an
electric canceling machine for canceling the
stamps on letters and postmarking the envel
opes a trolley system for handling mall in city
postofflces and a belt conveyor system for the
same purpose Two clerks in the postoffice de
partment lately Invented a machine that cuts
down work 20 per cent in the money order
branch of our postal headquarters through its
faculty in automatically printing the money or
der fees as the amounts of the paid money or
ders are recorded for auditing purposes And
finally tho department is on the eve of per
fecting a remarkable new machine for the use
of every postmaster throughout the country whe
conducts a branch of the new postal savings
bank This last mentioned Invention Is sugges
tive in appearance of the familiar cash register
and its function Is to mechanically fill out the
deposit slips of the lately established poor
mans bank a work that had formerly to be
done by hand Not only will this new mechan
ical toiler save time and labor but It will make
dishonesty virtually Impossible on the part of
any employe handling postal bank deposits
A year and a half ago I wa3 taken with
a severe attack of kidney trouble that
pained me to such an extent that mor
phine had to be given me Was attended
by a doctor Avho pronounced it as stone
in the bladder and prescribed Lithia
Water I took Lithia Water and tablets
for some time and received no relief from
them I stopped taking medicines for some
time and having come Dr Kilmers
Swamp Itcofc in the house I decided to
try it and felt much relieved while taking
the second bottle commenced to pass
gravel in urine until I had passed in all
at least a half a dozen cr more and have
not suffered the slightest since and in all
have taken one bottle and a half and feel
very grateful to Dr Kilmers Swamp Root
Yours very truly
Camp Hill Ala
Personally apDeared before me this
16th of August 1909 H W Spinks who
subscribed the above statement and made
oath that same is true in substance and
in fact
Dr Xllaer A Ca
EJashmtan J T
Notary Public
Prove What Swamp Root Will Do For Yoa
Send to Dr Kilmer Co Bingham
ton N Y for a sample bottle It will
convince anyone You will also receive
a booklet of valuable information telling
all about the kidneys and bladder When
writing be sure and mention this paper
For sale at all drug stores Price fifty
cents and one dollar
Should Report Tuberculosis Cases
The National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis
says that the first requisite for a com
prehensive campaign for the elimina
tion of tuberculosis in a state or city
Is well enforced law requiring that ev
ery living case of tuberculosis be re
ported to the health authorities Such
reporting is now required by law or
health reulation in 25 states whi
in 2S states and territories no provi
sion whatever is made for keeping rec
ord of cases of this infectious disease
Several cities in non registration
states as for instance Chicago Cleve
land St Louis and New Orleans have
local ordinances requiring that tuber
culosis be reported In all there are
about 100 cities In the United States
f which have ordineVces of this nature
Awful Contingency
What are you girls doing
Settling our costumes for
Shakespeare ball mother
Take my advice and wait They
may dig up something at any moment
to prove there never was such a per
son and then where would youi
Rosalind and Celia be
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA a safe and sure remedy for
infants and children and see that it
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years
Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria
All There Is to It
What constitutes a first class so
ciety drama
Three acts six gowns and nine
How can a man expect his wife to
be interested in business when half
the time he doesnt know the color
of her last new dress
The love of a man for his wife may
be the real thing but it doesnt seem
to Interfere with his appetite
By taking Lydia E Pinkhanfs
Vegetable Compound
The following letter from ITrs
Orville Bock will prove how unwise
it is for women to submit to the
dangers of a surgical operation when
it may he avoided by taking Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
She -was four weeks in the hospital
and camo home suffering worse
than before
Here is her otto statement
Paw Paw Mich Two years ago
I suffered very severely with a dis
- 54-
V7H flM
Iff iff
iwLf 4f If
placement 1 coma
not be on my feet for
a long time My
physician treated
me for seven months
without much relief
and at last sent me
to Ann Arbor for
an operation I was
there four weeks ana
came home suffering
worse than before
My mother advised
me to try Lydia
E Pinkhams Vegetable ComnoundL
and I did Today I am well and strong
and do all my own housework I owe
my health to Lydia E Pinkhams
Vegetable Compound and advise my
friends who are afflicted with any
female complaint to try it Mrs
Orville Rock E It Ko 5 Paw Paw
If you are ill do not drag along until
an operation is necessary Dut at once
take Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Por thirty years it has been the stan
dard remedy for womens ills and has
positively restored the health of thou
sands of women Why dont you try it
a monthly Illustrated publication descrtblogFlorlda
will be sent to anyone address for one yearlreoof
cost Write Z2 Scarrltt Building Kansas City Mo