The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 22, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 2
t Kr rM u 5J ft fs j w The McCook Tribune F M KIMMELL Publisher McCOOK NEBRASKA OLD SYSp 10 DIE NO MORE EXPLOITING OF MEX ICO BY FOREIGNERS REFORM IS NOW THE ORDER Americans and Others Who Profited During the Diaz Dynasty to Ee Hard Hit Under the New Regime Chihuahua Mex Reforms immedi ately affecting millions of dollars worth of American property in Mex ico have been announced Governor Abrani Gonzales declared that under the new regime foreign concessions which might be considered monopolies would not be extended or renewed and that every legal effort would be made to restrict monopolies now existing in Chihuahua one of the richest states in minerals and timber which is practi cally controlled by Americans British and German interests The Americans are the largest holders All Americans who grieved at the downfall of the Diaz administration will find that their grief was- well founded said Governor Gonzales We do not intend to take away the riches of any foreigner who legally holds them but we realize that under the Diaz system the granting of conces sions with their ruinous payments of large sums of money to Mexican poli ticians was a virtual selling out of Mexico Governor Aldrich Delivers Address Columbus O Governor Aldrich of Nebraska was orator at the com mencement of Ohio state university here and delivered an inspiring ad dress on Progressive Citizenship be fore a graduating class of four hundred and thirty five and an audience of three thousand representing many cities and towns in Ohio Governor and Mrs Aldrich have been the recipi ents of many social honors during their visit in Ohios capital Denies Any Hand in Revolution Port Barrios Guatemala Juan J Sstrada former president of Nica ragua sailed Monday on the United fruit steamer Heredia for New Or leans Senor Estrada denied any con nection with a general Central Ameri can revolution plot and declared the stories that he had planned to estab lish a separate republic out of the northern half of Nicaragua were of the slightest foundation Open Door to Free Wills Philadelphia Pa Resolutions tak ing into the organization the Free Will Baptists were passed by the northern Baptist convention now meeting in this city The consolidation if it is finally consummated will mean that 87000 Free Will Baptists will enter into what is known as the liberal wing of the church To Try Mosque Officials Jerusalem The sheiks and othei officials of the mosque of Omar have been sent under armed escort to Bei rut where they will be tried before a special court on charges growing out of the operations of the English ex plorers who it is alleged were per mitted to violate the moEque while ex cavating for sacred relics German Crown Prince in Accident Berlin Crown Prince Frederick William was driving to the home of Chancellor von Bethmann Hollweg when his car struck the curb smash ing a wheel The crown prince was thrown to the sidewalk but not with great force The chauffeur was slight ly bruised Wants Them Prosecuted Washington Criminal prosecutior of the officers of the Standard Oil company and the American Tobacco company has been demanded by Sena tor Pomerene who addressed the sen ate on his resolution calling on the at torney general to undertake such legal action St Louis Has 1000000 Fire St Louis Losses conservatively es timated at more than 1000000 were sustained in a fire which- raged for four hours in a manufacturing district bordering for four blocks the terminal railroad yards in the southwestern part of the city The plants of the Huttig Sash and Door company Fat ham Miller Planing Mill company Missouri Stair company Koken iron works a subsidiary of the American Bridge company and the Mound Box company were practically wiped out Silver Service for Anniversary Augusta Ga A silver punch set valued at 1000 will be presented to President and Mrs Taffbn their twentjt fifth wedding anniversary by the chamber of commerce and other organizations of this city Valencia Spain The great en trance of the cathedral here was shattered by a bomb exploded la the plaza in front of it So violent was the shock that several neighboring buildings were damaged No one was injured 9 iiVvMr0AMulfiiXSi Mistake in Game Season Chief Game Warden Henry N Mil ier recently sent out cards bearing the dates of the open seasons for game in Nebraska and other facts in rela tion to the game laws but a mistake in the open season for ducks geese and water fowl was made in the printed list The cards Issued by the game warden state that the open sea son for ducks geese and water fowl is from September 15 to the fifth of the following April The original bill H R 243 shows that the open season for game birds is from September 1 to the fifth of the following April The open season for other birds and game is as follows Prairie chickens grouso and sage hens September 1 to November 30 Jack snipe and other snipe September 1 to April 30 Plover and doves July 15 to August 31 Squirrels October and November Bass not less than eight inches long April 1 to 15th of November the law to be effective after July 7 of this year Trout not less than eight inches long April 1 to September 30 All other fish April 1 to November 15 3uail first fifteen days in November Must Enlarge the Exits Deputy Labor Commissioner Louis V Guye has adopted rules and regu lations for the carrying out of the fire escape and theater inspection law passed at the last legislature which will make radical changes in almost every moving picture house in the state Under his interpretation of the law the little narrow exits at either side of the stage in moving picture houses must be enlarged to doorways three feet wide by six feet and six inches high He believes the prevail ing narrow exits near the stage are worse than no exit because they are an invitation for people to crowd into an impossible opening and that in pase of fire or a panic the narrow openings would be worse than none To Mark Old Oregon Trail A determined effort to mark the Oregon trail from where that trail enters Nebraska at the southweslcor her of Gage county to old Fort Kear neay made by Rev E J Ulmer of Alexandria is being ably seconded by C S Paine of the state historical so ciety The plan originally was to take a party of boys over the route organ ized something after the manner of the boy scouts Since its first an nouncement by Rev Mr Ulmer the number of people who have signified their desire to go has been a sun arise Rules for Cream Testers Testing cream while you wait has been prohibited by Deputy State Food Commissioner W R Jackson He has ruled that inasmuch as an accurate test cannot be made instantly samples of cream shall be held by testers who purchase until the evening of the day c f delivery or until the next morning and that payment for cream in whole or in part shall be suspended until the day -following delivery Mr Jack sons new ruling is to become effective July 1 To Test Medical College Bill Preparations to test the validity of ihe Grossman medical college bill which was passed at the last session of the legislature are under way ec lectic physicians of the state being behind the movement The bill ap propriates 100000 for the construc tion of a new building at the Omaha medical college and will go into ef fect July 7 but whether or not pro ceedings will be started before that time has not yet been determined Revise Nebraska Statutes Secretary J H Broady of the state commission appointed to revise the Nebraska statutes has issued an invi tation to both attorneys 4and laymen to co operate with the commission in making changes and notifying any such persons that they will be wel come at the commissions office the first Monday in each month at which time public hearings will be held by the commission for the purpose of re ceiving suggestions Thinks Boy Hurt by Fall Governor Aldrich held a conference With Superintendent Thomas of the state institute for feeble minded Fouth at Beatrice and after hearing the superintendents account of the Injuries received by eleven-year-old George Reeder who was an inmate of the institution for twenty four days flecided not to go further with the in quiry The black and blue marks on the body of the boy are accounted for by the superintendent as the result of the boys fall down a flight of stairs Governor Aldrich has been asked by many politicians to get into the race for United States senator He has de cuined to do so under present condi tions The only condition he will con sider is one which he does not believe will arise and that is that the nomina tion shall be offered1 to him on a silver platter With impressive ceremonies Clark k Fulmer was installed as chancellor of the Coiner Wesleyan university by John A Slater of Holdrege president of the board of trustees 1 S Eji v fv n f t - ALL OVER NEBRASKA To Give Nebraska Publicity A movement of interest to every Nebraska resident is the organization of the Nebraska Publicity league which gives as its purpose the follow ing To advertise the agricultural com mercial and educational interests advantages and oportunities of Ne braska stimulate immigration and the investment of capital within the bounds of Nebraska and further the collection and dissemination of com plete and reliable statistics showing the resources and products of Ne braska This league is to be an affiliation of the members of commercial clubs ad clubs chambers of commerce and other commercial or publicity organi zations in Nebraska Officers elected are as follows President S R McKelvie Lincoln Vice president P P Fodrea Omaha Coresponding secetay N A Huse Norfolk Executive secretary Fred Creigh Omaha Treasurer Victor White Omaha This organization provides a plan for advertising the resources of Ne braska and is the immediate out growth of an active attempt to send a trainload of Nebraska Boosters to the national convention of the Asso ciated Advertising Clubs of America which is to be held at Boston Aug 1 2 3 4 and 5 Already the Omaha and Lincoln Ad clubs are assured of be ing able to send at least 25 delegates each to the convention and the Nor folk and Grand Island Ad clubs have signified a desire to be represented It is not doubted that other organiza tions in Nebraska towns will desire to be represented on that trip While each town will expect to tell much of its opportunities and industries the several organizations represented in the train will boost as a whole for Nebraska Stop overs will probably be made at some of the larger towns en route such as Chicago Detroit Cleveland Toledo Buffalo Rochester Albany and Springfield These stop overs will be of short duration and will provide only time enough for a demonstration or parade in the cities visited It is believed that a trainload of boosters with advertising literature of such a convincing characters can be prepared regarding Nebraska re sources will be of wonderful value to this state This train will accommo date from 75 to 100 people and it is desired that every commercial club ad club chamber of commerce or other publicity organization in the state will affiliate itself with the or ganization as a means of furthering the effectiveness of the work Prof Holt Goes to Idaho Franklin County Prof and Mrs C W Holt of Naponee will leave soon for Colorado to spend the sum mer before going on to Meridan Ida ho where Prof Holt has been elected principal of the High school Tecumseh Men Buy Oregon Bank Johnson County Charles J Canon until recently cashier of the Citizens National bank of Tecumseh and John L Sherman a pioneer grocer of that city have bought the only bank at Jefferson City Ore and will take charge of the institution in the near future Jefferson City is a town of 800 population lGmiles south of Sa lem in the Willamette valley Mr Sherman will sell his grocery store in Tecumseh to his brother William M Sherman and both the Canon and Sherman families will soon locate at Jefferson City Golden Wedding Anniversary Clay County The golden wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs L C Davis was celebrated at their home here Nearly 200 of their friends and neighbors were present Examination of Bonds Examination of 300000 worth of Chadron water works bonds which will be issued August 1 is now being made by the state auditor Dakotan Killed at Alliance Box Butte County Charley Story 23 years old was killed at Alliance as the result of a cave in while dig ging a sewer His home is at White wood S D Scotts Bluff is Growing Scotts Bluff County The Scotts Bluff postofBce shows the greatest gain of any postoffice in Nebraska and passes to the first class on July 1 Of the 48 postmasters that receiv ed an increase of salary Nasby West ervelt takes the lead with a change from 1800 to 2100 Belmont Postoffice Robbed Dawes County The postoffice at Belmont 13 miles southeast of Craw ford was entered and robbed One hundred dollars in cash a book of money orders some checks and sev eral pairs of shoes were taken Peru Summer School Nemaha County The Peru normal summer school starts out under ex ceptionally favorable circumstances with an enrollment of over 600 before the end of the first week Farmers House Set Afire Furnas County The house of W B Green a prominent farmer three tulles south of Beaver City was burn ed with its entire contents The Greens had been away from home at a camp meeting for three days x The fire was evidently incendiary K I h v r - rf ANNUAL OF EDITORS THIRTY NINTH YEARLY SESSION IS HELD IN OMAHA FEASTING ID FUN GALORE Editors and Wives Given Hearty Wel come and Treated to the Best in the Metropolis New Officers of the N P A Newly elected officers of the braska Press Association are John M Tanner president South Omaha H G Taylor vice president Central City C C Johns secretary treasurer Grand Island Miss Eunice Haskins correspond ing secretary Stella The thirty ninth annual meeting of the Nebraska Press association held in Omaha June 5 6 and 7 was large ly attended editors with their wives and sweethearts being present from all sections of the state Some of them came 500 miles and all of them brought the results in experience of another years work in chronicling the happenings of every city big and lit tle in the state On the floor of the assembly hall the women were numerically stronger because while every married editor brought his family there were some women who conduct newspapers themselves and with these present the fair sex predominated Omaha newspaper interests wel comed the visitors through Roger Cra ven of the World Herald It is not distance that lends enchantment to the country editor said Mr Craven Seeing you here convinces us that you look the part you are credited with playing in leading the thought of the state We welcome you most heartily to the metropolis of the state and hope to make your visit one of pleasure and profit A B Wood of the Gering Courier president of the association delivered his annual address and urged more zeal and enthusiasm in the work of the association The welcome of Omaha to the vis iting journalists was extended on be half of the city by Mayor Dahlman and for the Commercial club by G E Haverstick chairman of the execu tive committee At noon Monday the men were en tertained at luncheon at the Henshaw as guests of the Omaha Daily News and the visiting women were similar ly feted at the Loyal by the American Press association Monday evening the Nebraska news papermen members of the Nebraska Press association fittingly opened King seventeenth cere monial season at the Den Eight hun dred men assembled to enjoy the fes tivities as presented in the show Colonel T W McCullough of The Bee took the gavel after the knights had taken the oath of fealty before the high tribunal Colonel McCullough de clared that a bright prospect was in view for and urged every knight to get out and boost Each editor who spoke showed his training in listening to long speeches by refusing to talk more than three or four minutes but each one had a bright thought at his tongues end Frank D Reed editor of the ton Clipper the paper which put out an extra for the Omaha Boosters on their trip avowed his belief in Ne braska and declared he had been preaching the gospel of this state C W Pool ex speaker of the Ne braska house of representatives and editor of the Tecumseh Journal-Tribune thanked the Omaha people for the entertainment given the editors and voted that Omaha had more than fulfilled its promises of a good time to the editors If they would come here Senator J M Tanner of South Omaha also spoke briefly to the meeting in behalf of both the editors to Omaha and of Omaha to the edi tors E E Correll of Hebron voiced the general spirit of gladness that was with the crowd of editors thanking the and Omaha business men for the entertainment and con sideration given them and declaring that the Nebraska Press association would be more than glad to repeat its visit to Omaha on the strength of the first days meeting here on Tuesday South Omaha and the management of the Union Stock yards vied successfully with the hospitable efforts of Omaha in the entertainment of the Press association which held its second day session Tuesday in the Live Stock exchange at the Union Stock yards Over 100 editors with the ladies of their families arrived from Omaha im mediately before noonin special cars The company was immediately es corted to the Union Stock yards Rome Miller Welcomes Editors Rome Miller bid the editors thrice welcome in behalf of Omaha and ad vocated the get together spirit Demagogues and politicians have at tempted from time to time to blacken the fair name of Omaha I am certain that no city in the union with the same population has cleaner morals than our city and men who know have told me that nowhere is the standard of morality so high among the business men as in Omaha de clared the hotel man Help us he said that we may get our own charter ---v - whore the visitors were taken in a tour of inspection through the differ ent departments of the great plant At 1230 a dainty lunch was served in the dining hall of the Exchange building where about 400 of the visit ors partook of the companys hospi tality After dinner 700 employes of the Union Stock yards deployed before the visitors A photograph of the as sembly was then taken after which the ladies of the party were taken for a trip to Fort Crook and the dele gates retired to the Exchange dining room for a business session Officers were elected as above given At the lunch Senator J M Tanner of South Omaha acted as toastmaster and introduced the speakers Sena tor Tanner in behalf of the men en gaged in the live stock industry the local newspaper men the South Oma ha Commercial club the bankers mer chants and citizens in general extend ed the visiting editors a most cordial welcome to South Omaha Bruce McCulIoch editor of the Jour nal Stockman paid a high tribute to the womanhood of the state whom he said had done their full part in mak ing Nebraska what it is today James H Van Dusen In a neat speech paid a tribute to the honorable profession of the press of which he said he had one time been a member When the business session conven ed Charles C Rosewater general manager of the Omaha Bee took up the subject of Advertising Mr Rosewater went into practical details of the business and his address was listened to with close attention The speaker said that while the associa tion had a social side it was certain ly not the main object of the dele gates He declared that newspapers live by their advertising no matter how high their editorial idoals may be Advertising was a matter of par amount importance and the possible source for a large amount of revenue to any publisher Will M Maupin of Lincoln read a paper entitled Nebraska as it should be Known The paper was replete with information on the state and closed with a poem Several motions in favor of the pub licity bill were voted down because of the rule of the association forbid ding interference in questions of a political nature Will Maupin put the association on record as favoring a bureau of publicity and reform Through gatherings like the editors convention Mr Hammond averred the people of the state and the me tropolis are brought to a better un derstanding Mr Hammond decried what he termed was an attitude of fear for the point of view of -the press towara capital that was implied in Mr Wat tles address As the press becomes acquisitive it becomes conservative What I mean is that the prosperous press of today will treat property rights with all due respect Mr Hammond said Festivities at the Field club broke up at a late hour and the editors were automobiled back to the city for rest preparatory to the work of Wednesday which will bring adjourn ment of the thirty ninth annual meet ing of the Nebraska Press association On Wednesday the system or organ ization proposed in the morning by F O Edgecombe for the Nebraska Press association was provisionally adopted at the afternoon session The plan provides for a permanent secretary who shall be the present incumbent C C Johns of Grand Island The membership is to be divided into two classes All members who want the benefit of the work of the paid secre tary shall subscribe to a fund to maintain the office In towns under 1000 people they shall pay 6 a year in towns up to 4000 12 and in larg er towns than 4000 15 The memorial committee reported resolutions of sorrow for the death of H C Wells of Crete Rosa Hud speth of Stuart Mrs D H Cronin of ONeill and Mrs C C Johns of Grand Island C C Johns who has begun his fourth term as secretary was given a handsome gold watch as a token of appreciatiou A resolution was adopt ed against the printing of envelopes by the government in competition with local offices and resolutions of thanks were passed for all the people who have contributed to the entertain ment of the convention Colonel T W McCullough of the Omaha Bee delivered the farewell ad dress which he said was no farewell but a passing greeting until the next occasion At the morning and after noon sessions a number of addresses were made and papers read A W Ladd of the Albion News conducted a round table A luncheon was given at noon at the Rome hotel and in the early eve ning at the same place the editors were regaled with song and joke as the closing festivity of what was con sidered by the visitors as the most successful convention in the history of tho meetings ofthe Nebraska Press association The three days session wound up with a luncheon given by the Omaha Ad club in the summer garden of the Rome hotel Distinguished Newspaper Woman The attendance of women at the Nebraska Press convention in Omaha was very large but the proud distinc tion of owning and conducting a newspaper all by herself belongs to but one of theeminine visitors Miss Chattla Coleman of Stromsburg Neb is the sole owner proprietor editor-in-chief business manager and adver tising manager of the Stromsburg Headlight and she confesses that she has cleaned rollers set up ads and about everything else that is to be done on a newspaper i 3pEiliSfr9CBz TBAOCi nt jygK jy mark A trial package of Munyons Paw Paw Pills will be sent free to anyone on re quest Address Professor Munyon 53d Jefferson Sts Philadelphia Pa If you are in need of medical advice do not fail to write Professor Munyon Your communi cation will be treated in strict confidence and your case will be diagnosed as care fully as though you had a personal inter view Munyons Paw Paw Pills are unlika all other laxatives or cathartics They coax the liver into activity by gentle methods They do not scour they do not gripe they do not weaken but they do start all the secretions of the liver and stomach in a way that soon puts these organs in a healthy condition and corrects constipation In my opinion constipation is responsible for most ail ments There are 26 feet of human bowels which is really a sewer pipe When this pipe becomes clogged the whole system becomes poisoned caus ing biliousness indigestion and impure blood which often produce rheumatism and kidney ailments No woman who suffers with constipation or any liver ailment can expect to have a clear complexion or enjoy good health If I had my way I would prohibit the sale of nine tenths of the cathartics that are now being sold for the reason that they soon destroy the lining of the stomach setting up serious forms of indigestion and so paralyze the bowels that they re fuse to act unless forced by strong purgatives Munyons Paw Paw Pills are a tonio to the stomach liver and nerves They invigorate instead of weaken they en rich the blood instead of impoverish it they enable the stomach to get all the nourishment from food that is put into it These pills contain no calomel no dope they are soothing healing and stimulating They school the bowels to act without physic Regular size bottle containing 45 pills 25 cents Munyons Laboratory 53d JeSerson Sts Philadelphia CREATING ENVY cwMfjauA Bronson What do you find is the greatest pleasure in living In the country Woodson Getting in town and tell ing people about the cool breezes whether there are any or not Some Contrast Mornin Sis Judy called a neigh bors cook to our good old mammy I heah dat Skeeter Jim is dun got him a new wife I hope she leetl fat tern dat spindlin no count streak o lean Fatter n him Mammy replied rolling her eyes and clasping her own fat hands Lawsy chile day jus lai a needle an a haystack Beautiful Post Cards Free Send 2c stamp for five samples of our very best Gold Embossed Birthday Flow er and Motto Post Cards beautiful colors and loveliest designs Art Post Card Club 731 Jackson St Topeka Kan Probably there is nothing so in sincere as the struggle between two women to see which shall pay the car fare When a laxative is needed take the al ways potent Garfield Tea Composed of Herbs Its easier to put up a bluff than it is to put up the stuff JAMES BRAID SAYS No Athlete can do himself justice if his feet hurt Many thousands are using daily abroad and in this country Allens Foot- Ease the antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes All the prominent Golfers nd Tennis Players at Augusta Pinehurst and Palm Beach got much satisfaction from its use this Spring It gives a rest fulness and a springy feeling that makes jrou forget you have feet Allens Foot Ease is the greatest comfort discovery -of the age and so easyto use It prevents soreness blisters or puffing and gives rest from tired tender or swollen feet Seven teen years before the public over 30000 testimonials Dont go on your vacation tdthout a package of Allens Foot Ease Bold everywhere 25c Dont accept any substitute Sample sent FREE Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y T V 6 V j 4 ff tr A 7f v Jj a h J iriiiiriirh Ju cumuli irrimriff iiiii ii imi