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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1911)
V V V l i l tf 1 ilk tF 1 r to r L THIRTIETH YEAR liberty during good behavior Arthur Sanford paid 1175 last Fri- Fire Hose in Court House Since the court house has been equipped with proper connection with the water system of the city fire Hall Underhill Orie E Hall and Miss Gracie A i i day evening for being drunk and Underbill were married at the damaging the window glass in the Frazier dwelling Sanford was on his way to Colorado driving overland in a wagon with wife and children Friday he became more or less un duly influenced by thealkali in his drinking water Some boys kidded him and in his anger he stormed the Frazier home although the Frazier lad had no part in the joshing Sanford was taken before Squire Whittakerwho assessed him as above to cover house damage fine and the costs James Anderson of Imperial paid 100 and costs into justice court on Monday morning for looking upon the wine when it was red He was placed in limbo over Sunday to re cover dence of her parents Mr and Mrs E C Underbill in South McCook on last Thursday afternoon June loth 1911 Rev D L McBride of the Bap tist church officiating A goodly company of relatives and friends were present Mr and Mrs Hall be gan housekeeping immediately in South McCook with the good wishes of many friends Monroe Lively and Miss Hazel Hall of Wymore Neb acted as grooms man and bridesmaid Miss Florence Wilson presided at the piano and ar tistically rendered the wedding march Little Minnie Wilson acted as ring bearer Resident guests Mr and Mrs S D Taylor Mr and Mrs A M -- frf Tuesday Evening Edition McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 20 1911 COMMISSIONERS PROCEEDINGS rA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH McCook Nebraska June 13 1911 The County Board of Equalization met in regular session present F S Lofton Edward Sughroue and W N Rogers county commissioners T A Endsley county assessor Chas Skalla county clerk and Chas D Ritchie county attorney A motion was made by Endsley seconded by Sughroue that the val uation of the northeast quarter of section 13 in Perry precinct of W N Cheney be reduced from 4700 to 4200 Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Skalla sec onded by Endsley that the improve ments of John Morris on lot 15 son Mr and Mrs John Knobs Misses block 22 original town of McCook The board reserves the right to dis continue this checking by giving at least 24 hours notice There being no second the roll call was ordered and resulted as follows Yea Lofton Rogers 2 nay none Not voting Sughroue Motion was declared carried The following claim was audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the re spective funds levy of 1910 in pay ment thereof as follows Audit and Bond Company of America 15 days of check ing railroad fare and ex penses 60280 Sughroue voting against the allow- Another repeater resorted in the Ella and Dora Simmerman Eva and be reduced from 6000 to 5500 the ance of this claim countys castle on the hill over Sun- Bertha Knobs Polly Boyd Esther actual cost day He was fined heavily and is at Amen Messrs Jake Amen J W Un- mously Motion carried unani j On motion the board took a re cess until 7 oclock p m of the derhill Out of town guests Angie a motion was made by Skalla same day Underbill Fred Underbill Mrs N E onded by Endsley that the assess- Dawson of Cornell Neb ment of the improvements of Mrs June 14th 1911 7 oclock p m Matella Gordon remain as placed by The board reconvened with all I O O F and Rebekahs the city assessor Motion carried members county attorney and county The Memorial Day observance of unanimously clerk present hose has been installed on each floor the I O O F and Rebekahs last a motion was made by Endsley A motion was made by Sughroue of the corridors of the building for Sunday morning was largely attended seconded by Skalla that the improve seconded by Rogers that the con better fire protection Small reels at the Congregational church by the ments of W A Dolan on lot 6 tract just entered into with the Audit have been attached to the walls and members of these orders Rev Bayne block 26 Ihdianola City be reduced and Bond company of America is hose with nozzles attached have been delivered an appropriate sermon ar from 1450 to 1275 Motion carried hereby terminated and that notice be placed in each of them Until this the choir rendered fitting music unanimously served on the auditors today to quit improvement was made the court ter the church service the members a motion was made by Skalla sec- work at the time specified by their house did not have laid into it a of the orders repaired to Longview onded by Sughroue that the valuation contract Motion carried unanimous pipe over three fourths of an inch cemetery where the ritualistic Qf the norhtwest quarter of section ly in diameter and no pipe arose above ice and decoration ot graves rwere at- 2b in Coleman precinct of O G On motion the board adjourned sine the basement Owns West B Street Barn Frank E Hamilton recently tended to with due impressivcness Intellectual Butterflys Gordon be reduced from 2525 to 2- die 000 Motion carried unanimously I How many times we hear people seconded by Skalla that the valuation F S LOFTON Chairman j A motion was made by Sughroue Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk ased frcm W W Barritt Son the say My but I have a poor of the northwest quarter of section 23 well known West B street livery barn ory TMs is said much more in Driftwood precinct of Lucretia C McCook Nebraska June 14th 1911 This livery barn has alwajs been quently than in the past and is the Doll be reduced from 2275 to 1- 11 oclock a m popular for its good horses and well direct result of too much desultory 600 Motion carried unanimously The county board of equalization kept equipment and Mr Hamilton pro reading and studying When thr Moved by Sughroue seconded by met pursuant to adjournment poses to maintain the reputation of were but few books people eagerly Skalla that the board adjourn until ent F S Lofton Edward Sughroue the establishment by keeping for hire read and thoroughly digested them ll oclock A M on June 14 1911 and W N Rogers county the best driving and riding horses ob- Tihey became a part of their lives Motion carried unanimously tainable and vehicles cf all kinds in and they thought about them con the best possible condition Also will tinually But now there is too much give special attention to feeding and to read and in order to even make boarding animals Phone 40 Prompt a pretense of keeping up with the service and satisfaction guaranteed J times we hastily skip from one thing - jto another Ex Some Uneasiness Prevails Some uneasiness prevails in the city over the water works situation Last Fridays Rain In the immediate vicinity of Mc- Doubtless due to lack of knowledge Cook the rain of last Friday after- F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk sioners T A Endsley county asses sor and Chas Skalla county clerk and Chas D Ritchie county attor ney A motion was made by Skalla sec- McCook Nebraska June 14th 1911 onded by Sughroue that the 9 oclock a m tion of the southeast quarter of sec- The board of county commissioners tion 35 in Driftwood precinct of met in special session pursuant to Jacob Crocker be reduced from 2275 the call of the county clerk of which to 2000 Motion carried unanimous- the following is a true copy ly of the real facts of the situation nDon was light but from almost all Notice of Special board Meeting A motion was made by Skalla sec The Tribune understands that the around us come reports of a fine The board of county commissioners onded by Endsley that the valua city administration is doing all it rain Indianola reports 150 Bart- js hereby called to meet in special tion of the improvements of the tract can to unravel the situation and to iey 175 0f an inch In the Ash session on Wednesday June 14th situated in block 14 Webt McCook carry out its pledges and the wishes of the people in the important mat ter But we are reminded that such matters necessarily move slowly and with some secrecy creek neighborhood there was a flood ion at 9 oclock a m for the pur The rainfall south and north of the p0se of considering the report of city was considerably heavier than the Audit and Bond Company on the here Fridays rain covered other cheeking of the various officers and parts of the southern and southwest- to transact such other business us ern part of the state may properly come before the board A Master Stroke I Dated at McCook this 9th day ot Locating a state school seventy five Death of Judge Pratt June 1911 miles Up a branch line with one a telegram Monday morning an- CHAS SKALLA train a day running on a twenty two nounced the illness of Judge W n County Clerk Addition to McCook city described as follows Commencing 140 feet east of the northwest corner of block 14 east 60 feet south 300 feet west 60 feet north 300 feet be reduced from 2000 to 500 Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Skalla sec onded by Sughroue that the valua tion of the new improvement of mile an hour schedule where ninety Pratt of Phillipsburg Kansas anu Present F S Lofotn Edward I George S Meyers of 225 being on per cent of the students must come aricther shortly afterwards brought sughroue and W N Rogers county a new barn on the southeast quarter from the east and ten per cent from the sad intelligence ot ins aeatn rommSsioners Chas D Ritchie of section 28 in Willow Grove home or west is surely a master Judge Pratt is known to many read- county attorney and Chas Skalla stroke Elwood Bulletin j ers of The Tribune as the father of county cierk Mrs C E Eldred of our city whom The auditors presenting the Slightly Damaged and Mrs- Eldred left Mc nuay for will the chejfe ly Pyrography pieces which we gented yerba report of sell at a big reduction beginning on Friday June 23 Whether you neect these pieces now cr not it will pay you to see them and get prices L W McCONNELL Druggist Returned to McCook linery etc up from Indianola and is now located in the old Bee Hive building corner of Main and East C street On Saturday Only Beginning with Monday June 12th we will do feed grinding only on Saturdays McCOOK MILLING CO We Serve to Please lea cream soda and sundaes with pure crushed fruit including all the specialties A McMILLEN Druggist Dont Forget to Get Our prices on corn and feed of all kinds McCOOK MILLING CO There is something back of the name the Flag brand They are packed by a reliable factory They are sold here by a dependable f irm C L DeGroff Co Whats needed in toilet goods for vacation trip We can supply you L W McCONNELL Druggist tjjgggs gi wBaMS Phillipsburg to attend the funeral Arapahoe Won The game Sunday afternoon be part of McCook would easily have raised the Arapahoe top knot If You Have houses to rent list them with Whit taker Gray They have several applications on file now for hous es Phone black 283 Office in Tem ple block On Saturday Only Beginning with Monday June 12th we will do feed grinding only on Saturdays McCOOK MILLING CO Any hoy anxious to earn money can secure a position with me To my best boys I am going to give SAVINGS BANKS and cash prizes llhe work is easy and does not in terfere with other duties W E Hart 215 Main ave In case of doubt buy the brand C L DeGroff Co McConnell fills prescriptions Flag The McCook Tribune 100 a year pWfaairtStdMiwaatew wtWajtuA v ing done by them so far A motion was made by Endsley A motion was made by Rogers as 1 seconded by Skalla that the lollows 1 tion cf the improvement of 1500 as- tinue the checking of the following of- ed as personal property to other par- ficers R W Devoe clerk of district j ties Motion carried unanimously court for 1904 1905 and 1906 J C On motion the board adjourned to Moore county judge for entire term meet June 13th 1911 jof incumbency also to make a com j F S LOFTOiN Chairman plete check of the offices designated Attest in the original contract at the CHAS SKALLA County Clerk lar contract rate per diem of 1500 per day and expenses for each man Continued on page 2 Odd question to ask but its relevanantly recognize who he is dont you WHEN YOU MEET a friend you instt to these HIGH ART PHOTO GRAPHS that this studio is famed for As soon as you see one of them you instantly recognie it as one of our make WE PRINT YOUR LIKENESS sp that it looks like life itself Good idea to have some new ones Come in and engage them K I M M E L L S T U D I 0 LI ZZJI KHHiHB A jit Srtbtme m week at the Junior Normal and the attendance Monday morning was swelled to IIS The address by Senator Cordeal Monday morning at chapel was es pecially interesting The senator is making a specialty of Southwest Ne braska history and always has some thing of instructive interest to offer along that line Miss Dorothy Dungan played a se lection Monday morning in a skill ful manner on the piano Monday evening an informal recep tion was held in the high school aud itorium Tuesday evening Miss Dun lap will be the attraction Wednes day evening Prof Bengston will head the program Special programs each morning this week at chapel You are all invited Ten oclock is the hour Death of Sidney Dodge day An escort of old soldiers coun ty officials and others of this city met the body near this city and ac companied the remains to the ceme tery where they were buried with G A R honors and ceremonies Sidney Dodge was an early settler for an alleged infraction of the fed eral laws namely the mailing and delivering of certain unmailable mat ter The federal grand jury found two indictments against this Jl x 15 1 Ml Il 1 L Unusual Writing Papers Those who like nice stationery something different will find it here for we have an unusual line of stationery including all the latest weaves tints etyles and shapes These goods are different from what cinct be stricken from the asses3 i1 uu 1UUU nrices are uniform and reasonable ment list as this improvement took throughout the place of one destroyed by fire 1 r Jlnet Afntio onrriol niitnnis uiuicio i 1C anu uonu cumiJiiuj ol niiu itrt jiit jn VHU1 v envelopes to match 1 L W McCONNELL Druggist All Way From Canada ATr Rm V Rvprts of Dftnver Whereas the results of the sessed in 1910 on lite north 17 feet - riHn r tween McCook and Arapahoe result- iminary examination of the auditors of lot 17 and all of lot IS in block mefc in J - o tne Audjt and Bond Company or zw original town ol iiuuuh uc Outside McCooks mound artist the has been resented to the stricken from the assessment list as Close of last week I M Smith j work of the locals was loose Bet- bodrd and fQund satiSfact0ry the said improvements are not owned by mnvPfi his stock of hardware mil ti uuiiw - -- 1- jiors are nereiiy auinorizeu 10 con 1 it uwhsi m m Wi - -- Ccok last Saturday and were mar ried the same day Rev L E Lewis of the Methodist church officiating The groom is a locomotive engineer They departed on the night train for Dnever their future home The best thing to give your enemy is foregiveness to an opponent tol erance to a friend your heart to a child a good example to a father deference to your mother conduct that will make her feel proud of you to yourself respect to all men char ity Ex Everything in drugs McConnell Users of canned goods know the satisfaction of a reliable standard ar ticle when they purchase the Flag brand C L DeGrcff Co Wall Paper that is different from the general stock can be found in our wall paper room L W McCONNELL Druggist The postoffice at Box Elder having been discontinued mail formerly sent to that office is now being carried and delivered to boxes by the star route carrier NUMBER 7 i S55SS5 Justice Court Cases TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTK INSTITUTE WEEK JUST PERSONAL MENTION This is Red Willow counyt institute Iiss Corinne Hasty is visiting her grandparents in Arapahoe H G Phelps was a Lincoln busi ness visitor end of week Arthur ORourke is now employed in the McCook National bank Mrs James Remington visited rela tives in Wray Colorado last week Bert Johnson came down from Sterling Colo end of week on bus iness Mrs Emerson Hanson arrived home end of week from her visit to the old Illinois home Mrs Will Pate and son are down from Sterling Colo guests of her mother Mrs Mary Mullen Lloyd Hegenberger has returned to the city and is working for Okerson Hegenberger in the barber shop Miss Merle Haegan went down to McCook Tuesday evening for a few days visit with friends in that city Trenton Register D C Baker of Bartley was a guest Sidnpv Doflerp masspd intn tho snirit - t m 7 - m county judge and Mrs J C iauu xuuiwiujr muiiimg vl il ee Moore end of week He is a broth after a final illness of a few weeks er of iIrs Moore Death caused by paralysis Mr Dodge A p Schmitz Nebraska was in his 70th year Services were lhas been visiting his u held Friday morning in the Methodist aicAdams arriving from Eastern Ne church at Marion Friday afternoon braska last week the body was conveyed overland to Mr and Mrs Hugh KeU haye McCook where interment was made every sjmpathy in the deatQ of tQeir in Rivfirvimv nfimptprv ltfr in thp I i new born baby boy Monday morning Mrs Kelly doing well Mrs George A Neve came up from Hastings close of last week and Inay decide to remain here in the practice of her profession Robert LeGore of Lincoln arrived in the city last Friday night on No of Red Willow county locating in an 5 and has been the guest of Li eany uay in uie neignoornoou ot wnat l daughter Mrs C D Ritchie is now called Marion He was al 1 Miss Alma Craw of Stratotn has ways closely identified with the de- been a guestofMiss Mabel Randel velopment of the county serving two past few days MIss AIma g mem terms as its prosecuting attorney ber of the class of 11 McCook high He was a citizen of exemplary school us anu me anu goes to nis reward Mrs n v nnrwnrt ont0rtoin esteemed and mourned by man Gave Bond for Appearance -James Pontius of Indianola appear ed before the U S commissioner in - - - t 4ACl company of lady friends Friday af ternoon last in honor of lies guests from Victoria Texas the Misses King J L Walton of MqCook has open- McCook Friday last and gave bond j ed up a plumbing and steam heaJ for his appearance in federal court ing shop in the building first door south of Woodys restaurant Strat ton News E L Traubert who has been em ployed on the Oberlin branch has been transferred to the Sc Francis ual some time since The first count He has been visiting the family herej was dismissed by Judge Munger on first o the ground of indefiniteness In the second count the federal prosecuting attorney makes the indictment more definite and specific It is this in- Miss Lena Gray the well known evangelist of Cedar Bluffs Kansas drives over to McCook twice a week in an automobile to receive vocal uKJuneiiL uiiiuii wm Lie uuuaiueieu L lessens from Mrs the next term of federal court The U S commissioner approved the bond for 500 offered C W Britt of our city J N Gaarde deputy postmaster went down to Nebraska City Sunday night to spend a few days at a school of instruction on the postal savings system to be installed in the McCook postoffice June 27th Dr W F Jones received a tele gram from Norfolk Sunday acquaint ing him with the fact that his little son Francis had been burned by an ex plosion of alcohol Injuries not ser ious however The mother and child recently went to the bedside of her ailing father L W McConnell arrived home on last Thursday night from attending the sessions of the Nebraska Pharma ceutical society in Fairbury The society endorsed and recommended Mr McConnell for membership on the State Board of Pharmacy a posi tion he could fill with ability Harry Cox of McCook has been vis iting James Corwin and family Charley Grant Jr of McCook is vis iting his sister Mrs Claude Har mon Will Johnson and family and Mrs Arnold and family of Mc Cook unloaded their car of house hold goods last week and moved out to their claims both being near the Douglas ranch anSd Hills cor in Wray Colo Gazette Dr C L Fahnestock returned home Monday morning on No 13 The wife and daughter will be in the east longer The doctor did scr fishing while in the effete east of which he is taking conspicuous pleas ure and pride in showing his admir ing friends The doctor is thought by some of his friends to be secret ly seeking an appointment for a professorship in the new school of Discatology at Curtis You will find them fresh and clean at Magners grocery Rexall Kidney Remedy costs less than a cent a dose and is guaran teed to produce beneficial results 50c and 1 L W McCONNELL Druggist i A 3 i i 1