rfj - it Nt vrr u y m W B I j THIRTIETH YEAR mkt DEATH OF S R MESSNER Passed Away at Danbury Satur dayFuneral Monday In the death of S R Messner last Saturday in Danbury pass ed from earthly scenes and act ivity one of the early settlers of Eed Willow county and one of the prominent farmers and stock men of the Beaver valley as well as one of those high in Masonic circles The funeral was held in Dan bury Monday and burial was made in the cemetery a few mil es east of that town A large concourse of people from all over the Beaver valley and from var ious parts of this county attend ed Deceased was a member of St John Commandery of this city and several members from here attended as well as a number from other Masonic bodies of the city Amony the Knights Temp lar were TV E Hart M 0 Mc Clure B E DeLong S S Silver H G Phelps V B Mills and C E Eldrcd Other Masons pres ent from McCook were Clifford Naden Lon Cone A G Bump R J Gunn W T March T A End sley Joseph Lowley The pall bearers were Sir Knights Hart Phelps Mills Eld red DeMay and Morris Honor ary pall bearers McClure and DeLong Master R J Gunn of McCook lodge 135 was marshal S R Smith of Indianola was acting master during the ceremonial Be sides there were a number of Ma sons from Tndianola Lebanon and other points in attendance Deceased was one of the po j tential factors in the settlement development and advancement of Red Willow county lie was Stewart J T O Stewart rj uon ana tins win ue useu in im M Stewart T B Stewart C R provements Stewart F II Stewart Are Grateful to All For svmnathv flowers and as from 100 up at Mc- Subscribj for the Semi Weekly Tribune 100 per year One way to build up home institu tions is to buy Anchor and 91 Patent The McCook Milling Cos choicest flours StX The sanitarium is a neautiiui nuuaing or sanusione roofed with English tile and sits in the center of a seven acre tract of land west of Kearney Fresh fruits at Magners sistance in the death and burial near tjle lake Omaha Bee of our son ana oruuier uunu W Rogers we are most thank ful to all the kind neighbors and friends Mr and Mrs W N Rogers and family For Sale in Hayes County 250 to 300 tons of choice mid- land hay growing or in stack privilege of feeding on place Al so privilege of autumn and win ter range No other stock for past year running water Ad dress R B Sheridan McCook A representative born Co compilers Book and Church Directory was in the city Friday and Saturday Improvements were made on the Leach property on Main ave nue first door north of Metho dist church this week Rubber gloves 75e per pair McMillens Drug Store at Good capable girl wants any good paying work Phone black 302 Phone your drug wants to No 11 and Ave will do the rest L W McCONNELL Druggist Paint- for all purposes L W McCONNELL Druggist Kodaks Connells Farm Loans Money to loan on land No de lay if title is perfect and land de sirable See or Avrite DICK SIIRIGLEY Wauneta Nebraska Do you intend papering soon If so now is the time to buy be cause we have a number of od lots of paper that we are ing extremely low prices on L W McCONNELL Druggist Boot strans are all right for of the Os i their specific purpose But they of the Year j npver lifted the wearer very high ----- - - - i We never hesitate to guaran tee Lily Patent flour At the McCook Flour and Feed Store MeConnell for drugs If You Have houses to rent list them with Whit taker Gray They have several applications on file now for hous es Phone black 283 Office in Tem ple block We Serve to Please lea cream soda and sundaes with pure crushed fruit including all the specialties A McMILLEN Druggist Dont Forget to Get Our prices on corn and feed of all kinds McCOOK MILLING CO Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line ot other makes You will find them fresh and clean at Magners grocery BURRIS H STEWART LAID TO REST Body Shipped to Tingley Iowa Friday and Buried Beside His Mother Funeral services over the re mains of B II Stewart were conducted at the home Friday af ternoon at three oclock McCook lodge No 135 of which depart ed was the late master being in charge The lodge members inarched from their temple to the residence in organization Their ceremonial was beautiful and im pressive A large circle ot friends were present to pay a tribute of respect to the memory of the departed and to give ten der expression to the living of their heartfelt sympathy A watch from the same fratern al body remained with the re mains until evening train bore the body to Tingley la a large body of Masons escorting the re mains to the train and F L olfi accompanying the body to Iowa as the joint representative of the Masons and the Knights of Pythias Burris II Stewart the young est in the family of thirteen boys was horn in Little York Illinois April 18th IS82 Died in Mc Cook Nebraska July 13th 1911 lie is survived by his young wife nee Miss Dora Oyster to whom he was married June 1st 1910 The floral offerings from the several Masonic bodies and 4rom other orders and friends consti tuted an elaborate and appropri ate expression from brethren and neighbors A quartette Mrs Neal Quick of Indianola Mrs A M Will iams Mr T E McCarl and Mr II N Rosebush sang several fa miliar appropriate hymns Pastor Bayne of the Congrega tional churqli offered pra3rer an- made brief remarks preceding the ceremonial service Four brothers accompanied the remains from McCook namely E M Stewart of Colorado Springs Colorado J R Stewart of Diag onal Iowa W W Stewart of Tingley Iowa J T O Stewart of Omaha Nebraska There were thirteen brothers in this unusual family ten brother surviving the departed and in addition to those going from here it was expected that the six oth ers as well as the father would be present at the burial in Ting ley Iowa viz L B Stewart of Des Moines Iowa W B Stew art of Chicago Illinois A R Stewart of Columbus Ohio T B Stewart of Bellevue Iowa C R Stewart of Kit Carson vsirln T TT Stoirjivt nf Tlno r J t va9 J J rJj II til u passed into 14th 1896 the spirit land July Father Stewart sur vives though being now in his 83rd year The father and the ten broth ers were present at the funeral in Tingley Iowa which was held in the M E church there Sun day the fifteenth anniversary of the funeral of his mother and was conducted by the Tingley and Diagonal pastors The large church was filled many being un lodges of Tingley and Diagonal able to secure seats The K P attended At the grave the six younger brothers relieved the pall bearers and gently laid all that was mortal of their youngest brother beside the mother he lo ed so well He was highly respected by the people of Tingley where he grad uated from the high school at the age of fourteen not long before the death of his mother fulfilling her wish that she might live to see the graduation of her young est child Since the death it has become known that he was overcome with heat about July 6th the date of the first issue of his pa per that this caused mental de rangement although he struggled to conceal his illness and contimn his work and that the prospects for mental recovery would not have been favorable McMillens Cream Lotion will re move tan and sunburn IP 111 lJ 111 I II li Tuesday Evening Edition A Reliable Formula The pest association committee held a session in the commercial club rooms last Saturday Mr Giese of the Great West ern Sugar Co was present at the meeting It was made known that the railroad company had agreed to burn over its right of way through Red Willow county to assist in the work of destroying grasshoppers and other pests Discussing a dependable pois on to use in destroying hoppers etc the following formula was given being that used at Brush and Fort Morgan by the sugar companies and sugar beet grow ers 15 pounds bran 1 pound paris green 1 ounce oil of anise half gallon molasses It was developed at the com mittee meeting that some pro gress is being made which Avet conditions in some parts of the county will still further improve Still the committee urges ev ery effort to be put forward by ovory farmer to assist in erad icating these pests By poisoning hopper dozing plowing burning etc - Destroy the hoppers Dis turb the eggs Abraham Jeffers Dead Abraham Jeffers of East Mc Cook died on Sunday morning after a long illness having for years been a partial paralytic and quite helpless for last sev eral months Deceased was born in Clark county Illinois July 24 1842 Died in East McCook Nebraska July 16 1911 Funeral services were conduct d at the home Tuesday after noon at three oclock burial en suing in Longview cemetery of this city Four children survive him Mrs Mapes of East McCook Mrs Wal tor Bales of Ravenna Nebraska Henry and Ed Jeffers Deceased was a member of and carried insurance in the Wood man ordor which conducted the services Golden Wedding- Fiftv years ago last Saturday July 8 1SG1 Mr and Mrs Geo Stennett of Cottonwood town ship were wedded in Illinois and the fiftieth anniversary of their wedded life was observed at their home last Saturday About 125 relatives and friends were presen to help them celebrate their gol den wedding lloldrege Citizen Above are the parents of Mail Clerk C II Stennett of our city who was presnet at the tion o Tmvn Officers Installed W Hv wn wh 101 rnOL The officers elect of McCook I F installed last eel on before were P II Stew- v were duly mllt bcl art who died in 1S64 and E W11 CoiT1 St- IflfU Mntln qwh e ueputy granu master occasion The new young for officers L 3 tHt httJi C II Jacobs R S A McMillen Chaplain Roy Hiler Conductor Hal Durham I G Birthday Party Little Evelyn Converse was five years of age last Friday and soni twenty little friends helped her celebrate the occasion with Installation Service Next Sunday morning at 1030 oclock Rev Evers will conduct the installation services of Rev O R Richart as pastor of the German Evan Lutheran church of our city All Germans in vited to attend these services Stationery We have a fine assortment of Box Paper from 10c to 100 A McMHjLEN Druggist Colorado Irrigated Lands near Denver several thousand acres of fine level land will come under irrigation next spring Write for full particulars M R Stewart 535 Empire Bldg Denver Colo MeConnell for drugs McMillens cure Corn Remedy will ms lV X- McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 181911 COMPLETE LIST OF FILINGS Saturday Was Last Day to File for Nomination Complete List of Filings Saturday July 15th was the last day for filings for nomina tion for county offices Follow ing we give a list of all filings made REPUBLICAN County Clerk Chas Skalla County Treasurer Arthur B Wood C B Gray A L Cochran Clerk of District Court Elmer Kay Comity Sheriff M C Murray E F Osborn Chas AY Dewey Orville B Woods D C Baker County Judge James E Ryan Seth S Silver J C Moore County Superintendent v Elizabeth Betteher Countv Surveyor Chas W Kelley Countv Coroner David F Smith County Commissioner 1st Dis William J Stilgebouer DEMOCRATIC County Clerk Chas K Dutcher County Treasurer J J Iladley Otto Puelz Clerk of District Court D W Colson County Sheriff L A Fitch L M Iliggins Countv Judge Frnk M Colfer W George Sheppard peeially prominent -in politics be- County Superintendent ing one of the leaders of theJRe J Annie McDonnell rmblican partv from its earliest County Commissioner 1st Disk organization in the county Card of Thanks We wish to extend to the peo ple of McCook and community Mike Esch John W Randal K State Buys Sanitarium araey Neb July 14 our sincerest thanks for the bpeciaD Dr Georgiana versal sympathy tender kindness an of this city has sold the Elm and generous assistance given at wood sanitarium to the state for the time of the death of our be- 240C0 to be used as a tubercu loved husband son and brother losis hospital as provided for by Burris II Stewart Signed Mrs house roll No 89 passed by the B n Stewart P Stewart J R j late -legislature As -10000 was Stewart W W Stewart W B I appropriated for this hospital Stewart L B Stewart A R 16000 remains of the VB v cfF s McCOOK WON ANOTHER Took Alma Into Camp by a Score of 11 to 6 McCook maintained her winning gait last Saturday afternon in a game with Alma on the local field There was a good attend ance and the interest was sharp Some of the details appear be low ALMA ab r Richmond c 4 2 Schart 3b 5 0 Tanner p lb 4 2 Bradie ss 4 0 Whitted If 4 1 Astin cf 4 0 Kintsel lb 4 0 Beyer rf p 4 0 Watts 2b 4 1 McCOOK Kennedy lb Norman ss Milligan If Barbazette 2b Harmon rf Green c Hopkins If Carhill 3b 37 ab 4 o o 4 5 Reynolds p 4 Score by innings Alma 10 0 0 3 McCook 15000 Summary 4 2 r 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 9 h 3 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 s h 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 2 2 35 11 7 5 0 0 1 0 Earned runs McCook 5 Alma 3 2 base hits Barbazette Car hill Richmond 3 base hits Ken nedy Whitted home runs Tan ner wild pitch Reynolds 1 base on balls off Reynolds 1 off Tan- Jner 4 off Beyer 1 hit by pitch ed ball Harmon struck out by Reynolds 13 by Tanner 2 by Beyer 5 Umpires Colfer and Jackson Time of game 135 Monday Afternoons Game It is the opinion of the fans Jiat the game of Monday after noon between Alma and McCook was the best of the season on the local grounds and one of the best seen here in years It re quired eleven innings to settle the discussion the final score be ing 3 to 2 in McCook s favor McCook plays Arapahoe at Arapahoe this afternoon Tile i boys went down on 12 this morn- I ing I It will be McCook and Cam bridge at the B M grounds tomorrow afternoon Down in Missouri He paid for his paper twice a years subscription each time celebra j but refused to pav for the third year However he had taken it from the postoffice each week and the court of appeals in that state held that mere acceptance ol the paper at the postoffice as a part of his mail created a liabil the itv Tho oniiiion rnnds are The preparation and William Hammel N G A Uon 0f i newspaepr involves Fitch V G S L Doan Warden mucll mwltal and physical labor as well as an outlay ot money One who accepts the paper b continuously taking it from much glee and joy from three to j for thp snbJeription price six o clock Games occupied the afternoon and retreshments were later served and enjoyed by th folks the postoffice receives a benefit and pleasure arising from such labor and expenditure as fully as if he had appropriated any other pro duet of anothers labor and by such ael he must be held liable Friday afternoon at 3 oclock the W C T U will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs S E Callen All members and friends are urged to be present The Ladies Aid society of the Methodist church held a Kensing ton in the church basement this afternoon The Willing Workers of the Junior League will serve ice cream this evening in the same room For Sale or Trade My lot 70x150 on West B cheap for cash or will trade St for cows and heifers G W PREDMORE 13 4t Haigler Nebr Toilet Soap We carry a large line of toilet soap from 5c a cake up A McMHjLEN Druggist The ice man still occasionally finds his wagon wheels in the sewer trench AVY NUMBER Sfc DIRECTORS MUST BE ACTIVE No Lax Interest Permitted in National Banks Washington July 14 Direct ors of national banks who fail to hold meetings frequently and who give other evidences of a lack of personal interest in the affairs of their banks will hereaf ter find a national examiner ov erhauling their institution at least four times a year Orders were issued to all examiners todav to request banks in their districts to hold directors meetings at least once a month to maintain a dis count committee an examining committee and to adopt a perm anent system of approving loans and discounts Barton for Congress State Auditor Silas R Barton has announced formally his can- umacy ior tne ncepunn an con gressional nominaiton Vn Fifth Nebraska district Mr Barton re turned yesterday from a trip to Grand Island and gave out the statement as to his candidacy at once Mr Barton may not have a easy race in his Fifth district campaign Presuming that Con gressman Norris enters the ra 0 6 for the senate which is the ex- 11 pectation of the other Fifth di trict aspirants now there are said to be at least two cans who will contest with the state auditor These are Repre sentative Prince of Grand Island and Secretary of State Junkin of Gosper county Lincoln Journal Curtis in the -Balance It is rumored that Curtis has been given an extension of fif teen days in which to make good on her offer to tlie State Board of Public Lands and Buildings of certain lands for the location of the proposed southwest agricul tural school The law for mak ing the appropriation for the building went into effect last week but no definite move to ward the establishment of the in stitution has been made by the authorities lloldrege Progress Notice The Republicans of the First Ward First Precinct in Willow Grove Precinct will meet in the basement of the Commercial ho tel in the City of McCook Tues day evening July IS 1911 at eight oclock for the purpose of selecting delegates to the Repub lican countv convention J G SCnOBEL Committeeman Loss Nearly 20000 Two lads set out fire in the slaughter house yard of Rogers Modrell last Thursday and about 18 tons of alfalfa hay and some fencing were destroyed It was only by a narrow margin that the loss did not extend to buildings The parents made good the damage to Messrs Rog ers Modrell Juvenile Court Matters A session of juvenile court was held before County Judge Moore Saturday evening EmoryrThay er was before the eourtharged with connection Avith the theft of W A Golds bicycle His case was continued 30 days and he was placed under the care of Probation Officer E Benjamin Walter Allison who was charged with the same offense could not be found hence was not arraign ed 20 per cent discount this week on any suit in the house except Blue Serge C L DeGROFF CO Read our advertisement this issue C L DeGROFF CO m The Ladies Guild of the Epis copal church will meet with its president Mrs Chas W Taylor on next Thursday afternoon ESTRAYED One buckskin colt 3 years old weighs about 1000 One black yearling colt weighs about 700 Kindley let owner know if found Mrs Ed Carfield 4 miles north and 4 miles west of Cedar Bluffs Kan sas 18 2ts H i u