THIRTIETH YEAR mm Comfort First Always GET A PAIR OF - Viersen Osborn Oxfords or Slippers And be in Line ANNOUNCEMENT We will continue to close our store at 7 p m as usual except Saturday night and pay days and trusting this arrangement meets the approval of all our customers We try to keep busy in the store from 7 a m till 7 p mf and feel that in justice to our employes and ourselves no long er hours of confinement should be required However we shall be glad to take care of our customers out side of tbese ihours in cases of gency McCOOK HARDWARE CO Bert Beyrer a Benedict The Tribune learns from private source of the marriage of Mr J Albert Beyrer formerly of our city and Miss Ruth Pearson of Grand Junction Colorado The ceremony was performed in that city June 7th and they will make their home there where Eert has for some time been in the drug business The Tribune congratulates a worthy young couple and wishes them much hajfpiness A Few Necessities for the Chickens Conkeys Lice powder Conkeys Roop Remedy Conkeys Gape Remedy Conkeys Scaley Leg Conkeys Poultry Tonic Standard Insect powder And all kinds of chicken feed at Marshs feed store 215 Main ave Negotiating for Grounds The management of the base ball club are negotiating for a lease of that part situated west of the road to the subway of the strip of land lying between the railroad track and West B street it would make a de sirable and accessible ball ground Buggy Time Now and Velie Buggies are the kind as they ride easier and give better sat isfaction We have a nice line for your selection McCOOK HARDWARE CO Gauze Corsets The recognized coolest in corsets I Price 50 cents Two styles Also light weight batiste corsets 100 The Thompson -D G Co Utmost values 5 Room House 1200 Corner house 2 blocks east of Cit izens Bank Inquire at The Thomp son D G Co Couch Hammocks and many other kinds for your com fort now ready McCOOK HARDWARE CO it C L DeGroff Co 10 Days of Special Sales Get Busy Save Mqnjey Dain Hay Tools are handled by McCook Hardware Co -They are the best ThoseTvho pay cash for their foot-wear buy at Diamonds Shoe Store Why Because they can get better values for less money than any other store in McCook Friday entire line of trousers 1 2 to 1 5 off regular price C L DeGROFF vCO fiWS 1 I Mr and Mrs Dorwart Entertain Wednesday evening Mr and Mrs D Y Dorwart entertained a company of young people in honor of their guests Miss Hazel and Miss Ethel King of Victoria Texas The residence was prettily decorated for the event roses and carnations affordinga choice floral vehicle for the purpose The evening was one of distinct enjoy ment games and music adding to its pleasurabel flight A two course lunch was later served and it being Flag Day the national colors were carried out cleverly in the refresh ments served I O O F Memorial The members of McCook lodge No 137 I O O P will attend Memor ial Day services next Sunday morning at the Congregational church They will assemble at their hall at 10 oclock and march to the church in organization Rev Bayne will preach the sermon After the services in the church the decoration of the graves and the ritualistic work will take place at the cemetery Filed Tentative Report Representatives of the Audit and Bond Co of America who have been doing some checking of county of ficers for the county commissioners made a preliminary report to the board Wednesday but the contents of the report will not be made pub lic until at a later date The coun ty commissioners will be in session again on Monday RISKY Its risky to buy drugs just because low prices are quoted Quality de termines value Extremely low pric es generally mean inferior quality Theres a limit and our prices are the- limit of lowness for goods of worthy quality L W McCONNELL Druggist One Minute and Motor washers-save-work arid clothes Elec tric motor washers and those to run with gasoline engines are now ready for you at McCOOK HARDWARE CO Rummage Yes thats what we are after Epis copal ladies solicit your donations Phone black 299 Store open Friday- afternoons and all day Satur days West B street Gauze Underwear for everybody with long or short sleeves unions or separate garments and extra sizes too The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Rebate Checks After July 1st we will not give rebate checks owing to new law in effect at that time A McMILLEN Druggist Tub Dress Skirts 135 150 165 175- and 275 In white blue and linen Alterations free The Thompson D G Co Ut most values The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Mens Latest Suits at 2000 750 1800 1000 1650 1250 The Thompson D G Co Ut most values Mens and Boys Clothing at- a big reduction June 15 to 24- C L DeGROFF CO t Get our rates on Farm Loans DORWART BARGER - J s The McCook Tribune want ads 5c line Most people read them McMillen druggist is again serv ing the noted Franklin Ice Cream at his fountain Magner sells better groceries than the just as good kind Try him for an order Buy flower field and garden seeds from H P Waite Co Their seeds are reliable 9 tf Bed bugs die without a struggle wherever Lees Bug Killer is used Try a 25c bottle and see them go For sale by C R WOODWORTH Druggist cCoo Simmons Browne Mr Ralph M Simmons and Miss Winifred E Browne were married in St Albans Episcopal church Wednes day afternoon June 14th at 4 oclock Rev Alfric J R Goldsmith rector performing the impressive ceremony The wedding was a quiet one and witnessed by only the immediate members of the family and a few friends Mr and Mrs Simmons left on No 10 same afternoon for the eastern part of the state to be ab sent about a week on a short weddin trip visiting Mr Simmons folks etc The bride is the eldest daughter of Conductor and Mrs Will Browne and is an accomplished and estimable young lady with a wide circle of friends The groom is a brakeman in the Burlington freight service stands well with the company and wiih his fellow railroad men and among all in this city who know him The Tribune adds to its eongratu e dations its hearty well wishes IB E Thursday Evening Edition McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENINGJUNE 15 1911 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYVY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y Y Y YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y YM l HE IS GETTING ALONG NICELY MAJLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAJL1AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAK The Tribune is pleased to print the fact that Sam Montgomery who was severely injured at the Perry crossing on Monday morning is at home and recovering nicely He cant tell much as to how the acci dent happened but is mighty happy it is no worse than it is An eye witness states however that the young man apparently not knowing of the approach of the train was waving a handkerchief at some one In the neighborhood and that at the same time the engineer was leaning out of his cab and looking hack toward the rear end of the train looking for a signal from the train men SKIRT DAYS Our complete line at 20 discount June 15 16 17 C L DeGROFF CO Sun Hats and Bonnets at 25c to 150 See us for the right things at the right prices Thompson D G Co They will be at home on West 2nd s treet to their friends after July 15 1911 15 1911 Ladies Dresses Coats and Suits at 1205 discount from June 15 to 24 C L DeGROFF CO rTYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY A Few Junior Normal Notes I AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM INSTITUTE WEEK The institute week for Red Willow county will be the week beginning June 19 This week promises to be one replete with the kind of work which will make you glad to be here All of the Junior Normal faculty j oljher work will have concentrated specially pre pared work for institute week while the reading and geography-agricultural work will be presented by spec ialists in those lines Prof N A Bengston The stu dents who were here last year will be delighted to know that Prof Bengston is to be with us again He dii able to do so only by Special ar rangement for his absence at summer session of the state j er who has that ability Miss Dun lap will tell how this may be acquir ed Reading simple interpretation from the printed page is a subject which needs more emphasis Tit is at the very foundation so to speak of all It must be a live sub ject Just how its enlivenment may be accomplished Miss Dunlap will show us In fact as presented by her it will be inspirational as well as grounded in the mechanics and meth ods from the primary through the grades Evening Entertainments At High school auditorium Monday June 19 Informal the tion sity His work as Adjunct Professor of Geography and Economics Geo Get a New Buggy and harness now at McCook Hardware Co and be ready for summer Rumors are already afloat of the probable curtailment of water privil eges in near future You can get the Lincoln Climatic Mixed Paint of A McMILLEN Druggist Subscribe for Tne Tribune Tuesday June 20 Lecture Story Telling as an Aid in Securing the Chads Greatest Inheritance by logy at the University of Nebraska i Miss Margaret Dunlap of whicli department Dr G E Con j Wednesday June 21 Illustrated dra is at the head is too widely I lecture Prcf N A Bengston known to need advertising The in spiration he brought us last year will be sure to again make his class rooms cAowded ones Many of his lectures will be- illustrated in our1 well equipped dark room His work will be in three general lines Geog raphy of Nebraska Particularly the souhwetstern Industrial Geography Agriculture Miss Margaret Dunlap Miss Dun lap is well prepared for the presen attion she will make She is a graduate of the Department of Ex pression at Peru and spent last year at the Columbia College of Expres sion In Chicago one of the largest schools of expression in the west Her line will be that of story telling and reading She comes to us from Chicago where she has been working and will surely bring us the latest and best thoughts in these subjects It is an art to be able to tell a story well All children love to be told stories and a teacher is much strong- luiursaay ana Friday evenings will be free to attend Chautauqua which will open Thursday June 22 Fee for institute will onlylie 100 with full privileges of Junior Normal The members of the Juni jr Normal will indulge in an informal picnic this evening at the water works park Rev Goldsmith addressed the Ju nior Normal Wednesday morning on the subject The Schools of Eng land There was a worthful program of music and recitations on Thursday morning Senator Cordeal will address the in stitute Monday morning on the sub ject dear to his heart Southwest Nebraskas Early History There will be special programs at chapel each morning next week Ten oclock is the hour Rev Mr Goldsmith addressed the Junior Normal on Wednesday morn ing in the high school building Swat the Fly But its easier to keep him out Mosquito netting for 5c yard at The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Refrigerators Save Money for you by keeping 3our food in good condition Get one now at McCOOK HARDWARE CO Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store TWMM The KYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I SOME OF CUPIDS DOINGS j AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaAAAAAAA On the evening of June 14 1911 at S oclock a quiet home wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr and Mrs Waiter W Barritt when their daughter Hazel was united in mar riage to H Guy Hughes Elder Har ry M Mitchell of Indianola officiat ing The couple were attended by Lloyd Barritt brother of the bride and Miss Frances Hughes sister of the groom Immediately following the ceremony a dainty two course lunch eon was served The house was beautifully decorat ed throughout with white carnations The bride and groom left on No 3 for Denver for a weeks outing in the mountains NOTICE Out of consideration for ourselves our employes and the respect of the community we the undersigned mer chants of McCook hereby agree to close our respective places of busi ness at 630 p m for the remainder of the day every day except Satur days pay days and two nights after pay day by locking our doors and pulling down our blinds Upon vio lation of this pledge by any signer it is agreed that a penalty of 5000 shall be forfeited by the violater vto the public library of McCook enforceable upon the complaint of any one signer It is provided that upon special public events such as fairs races or other equally public doings this agreement may be voided for the time by the signatures of a majority of the under signed This agreement not deemed violated by accommodations of cus tomers in- cases of emergency This agreement binding when sign ed by all dealers handling dry goods clothing groceries or shoes Signed this 12th day of June 1911 and to take effect June 19th and de posited with the city attorney C L DeGroff Co H C Clapp The Thompson D G Co James McAdams Rozell Sons J A Wilcox Son Ed Huber Viersen Osborri E D Perkins Co L A Paris D Magner S Diamond M E Knipple A- Galusha Son Allie J Peck New Early Closing Agreement In another column will be found another early dosing agreement by the merchants of McCook The hour has not been changed remainingat except on Saturday eve nings and for the two lavenlngs fol lowing each monthly pay day Pro vision is made in the agreement for emergencies and special occasions There seems to be no urgent rea son for prolonging the open hours for business On the other hand there are sane reasons why both merchants and clerks should have more time out of their places of business time they may devote to pleasure and improvement The Tribune hopes the public will take this reasonable view of the matter and cheerfully acquiesce in this arrangement by making their purchases before the evening closing hour 630 oclock Change of Proprietors Wednesday morning Carl Marsh took possession of the Ryan feed store recently purchased by him Mr R3an will for the present at least maintain an office in the store Carl has the rustling qualities to make his new business a success and such we hope will be the case with him Gingham House Dresses 135 made of Everett gingham worth 12 cents yd Trimmed with contrasting colors Wrappers 125 Long sleeve aprons 65c Band aprons 20c You cannot afford to sew at these prices The Thompson D G Co Utmost values Forgot to Cage Him I notice in Tuesdays Tribune an account of the Moose play Guess the boys forgot to chain the moose up as I found him still at large Friday morning JANITOR Special on Wall Paper For the next two weeks we are making very low prices on wall pa per It will pay to look our paper over A McMILLEN Druggist Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCockii for the unexcelled Barrington Hall coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c per pound Hammocks Take rest in your spare moments in one of our comfortable hammocks A McMILLEN Druggist For Sale Alfalfa hay Phone ash 3852 6 tf J A SCHMITZ For sunburn and tanuse McMil lens Cream Lotion The best brands of canned fruits and vegetables at Magners NUMBER 6 If You Want a Home of Your Own Begin Bank in Your Money NOW It is worth all the effort and self denial that it costs to OWS YOUR OWN HOME You cant be happy mowing some ones else grass Were you to bank and save 2000 a month for only nine years you would have over TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS with which to buy a home of your own Then youll no longer hear the unwelcome knock of the rent collector Let OUR Bank be YOUR bank THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President F Lehn V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning is Is the Uni verse Including Man Evolved by At omic Force Episcopal First Sunday after Trin ity Holy Communion at 730 a m Introit Usalm No 119 part 1 color for altar and vestments green hymn 225 Nunc Dim Sunday school at 10 Service and sermon at 11 offering for Diocesan Tract Department Evening prayer and sermon at 8 Rev Mr Goldsmith was present at Holdrege last Monday when Mr L W Doud formerljr lay reader at Arapahoe was advanced to the dea conate Other clergy present were those from Grand Island Hastings Lexington and Red Cloud also Bishop Beecher of Kearney who officiated Following the above the Rev Mr Goldsmith visited friends at Arapa hoe returning to MoCook on No 5 Thursday evening to take part in the 8th grade graduating exercises Friday afternoon in the high school CARL LEHMANN A LIVE WIRE His Meetings in McCook on Sunday Were Most Interesting and Instructive Carl Lehmann field seccretary of the United society of Christian En deavor spent Sunday in McCook making two addresses and infusing much of his boundless enthusiasm in to his hearers He spoke at the Congregational church in the morning on World Wide Christian Endeavor showing the growth and development of the movement in the world today In the afternoon at four he conducted a conference at the Christian church on Methods in Young Peoples Work in which he proved himself a walking encyclopedia of C E methods and principles In the evening he addressed a large audience in the Congregational church on Christian Endeavors Three Big Words followed by another con ference He left same evening for Holdrege The rally was attended by a number of Endeavors from Tren ton and Indianola Mr Lehmann is a live wire charg ed with Christian Endeavor his words scintillate with wit and op timism Fancy Parasols 10c Childrens fancy parasols for 10c 45c 50c 65c 75c La ditto 125 to 375 The Thompson D G Co Ut most values Hot Weather Comforts are Quick Meal gasoline and oil stoves also Perfection Oil Cooks Ab solute satisfaction guaranteed - McCOOK HARDWARE CO Alfalfa Seed at 150 would be an unheard of priced but Am A 2 bu seamless bags to put it in can be had for 22c each at The Thompson D G Co Utmost value There is magic in the words Advo They are the final word in canned excellence And Huber is the prophet