The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 13, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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Carl Marsh was in Denver last
A T Meyers of Culbertson was a
guest of C H Jacobs Sunday
A J Jones and R M Green were
both Lincoln hotel guests Saturday
Mrs Neal Beeler entertained her
niece Miss Ruby Bly of Beaver City
last week
Mr and Mrs W R Starr have re
sumed residence in their Main ave
nue home
Earl Murray formerly of our city
late of Wilsonville has moved to Fil
er Idaho
Carl Marsh returned home Monday
afternoon on No 10 from his Den
ver visit
Miss Margaret Thompson is home
from the state university for the sum
mer vacation
Mrs Chas Read returned yester
day from McCook after a few days
visit Lincoln Star
Miss Morton of Clapps millinery
department departed for her home ox
train 10 last evening
during the summer vacation
Myrtle Drake of McCook is at pres
ent working for C L Taylor at the
Gosper store Arapahoe Mirrror
Miss Florence Jacobs returned
Sunday from her stay in Culbertson
with her sister Mrs A T Meyers
Chas and Cady Burgess and families
left for Gunnison Colo in prairie
schooners Saturday morning Leban
on News
Miss Vera FitgGerald will leave Sat
urday next for Kearney to attend
the summer session of the state nor
mal there
A Galusha and family arrived from
Lincoln end of week and have oc
cupied the Kelley residence third
street east i
Miss Marie Shoemaker of McCook
has been assisting Judge Kelso in j
his office the past week Blooming-
ton Advocate
Herman Fade departed this morn
ing for LincoLn to attend the ses
sions of the Nebraska Undertakers
association this week
Mrs Gary Dole who has been vis
iting the folks near Indianola and
McCook friends left on 13 Sunday
for iher home in Denver
iMisses Hazel and Ethel King of
Victoria Texas are here to spend
the summer being guests of their
aunt Mrs D Y Dorwart
Mrs V F Jones and young son
have gone to Hill City South Dakota
she being summoned there by the
serious illness of her father William
Harry Cox went up to Stratton
close of last week and is engaged in
electric wiring in that burg a late
addition to the electric lighting towna
of the state
Mrs Anna Schobel and Mrs Kate
Williams as delegates from chapter
X of our city are in Central City
this week attending the state P E
O convention
Harvey Burgess accompanied Char
Merlyn Cox went down to Frank
lin Monday and will bo engaged
there for some time doing electric
wiring work in that burg which is
putting in an electric lighting sys
Mrs S A McCarl arrived from
MdCook Wednesday evening visiting
her daughter Mrs Geo H Thomas
until Thursday when she departed
for Des Moines Iowa Harvard Cour
ATicc Tnnr Kit Jfirald of our city
Epworth League Convention
The ninth annual convention of
the Epworht League of the Hold
rege district will open in Cambridge
next Wednesday June 21st to con
tinue until the 23rd
Following is the program
Wednesday Evening June 21
Song service Rev N H Lines
Thursday Morning June 22
Song service
Bible study hour Dr Colvin theme
Infant Church Membership
Departmental Conference
Missionary department Miss Boyd
Question box and discussion
Social department Oscar Carlson
Question box
Afternoon Session
Song service
Address by Deaconess from our
school at Kansas City
Junior Institute Mrs Raskins
Evening Session
Song service
Address Dr Burress who is our
Roy Green went to Wauneta
representative on the Board of Con
Monday morning and win worn tnere
Friday Morning June 23
Song service
Bible study Dr Colvin
Business session summary of re
ports Miss Mattie Marshall Re
ports of committees General busi
ness Election of officers
Demonstration of methods
Afternoon Session
Song service
Address Rev M B Carman
id and Goliath
Spiritual department Rev Ralph
M Fagan
Question box
Mercy and Help Deaconess
Evening Session
Song service
Installation of officers - -
Address Bishop Quayle
A number from McCcok will attend
especially on the closing evening
Friday June 23 when Bishop Quayle
i will deliver an address
The Moose Play
At the last regular meeting of the
L O O M we were surprised to
find our hall all newly furnished Avith
new carpets and chairs and one big
moose head on the wall
After the regular business meeting
we proceeded to celebrate the occa
ion with a few social games of cards
after which we retired to the ice
cream parlor where we were served
with the best that is made in the ice
cream line
Joined the Angel Body
The two-months-old boy baby of Mr
and Mrs Dan Tirrill joined the an
gelic choir last Thursday afternoon
about two oclock atfer a brief ill-
ness Brief services were conducted
at the home Friday afternoon be
tween two and three oclock Rev L
E Lewis of the Methodist church of
ficiating and interment was made in
lie and Cady as far as McCook Rjyerview cemetery
day where he expects to spend the
summer with his daughter Mrs A j Get Your Hammock Early
T Gatewcod Lebanon News vhne the assortment is complete
Hammock days are due and youll
want to take the out-of-doors com
fort that only a good hammock af
Youll find something here in just
the weave and colors you desire
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Bartley Inter Ocean
who has been and is now doing post 1 age
graduate work at Kearney state nor
mal will teach in Cambridge next fa
having been chosen high school prin
cipal at that place
tMiss Martha Ncthnagel of south of
McCook who was visiting friends in
this city paid a visit to friends at
Wray Colo from Saturday till Tues
day being accompanied by AVillard
Haun Miss Nothnagel returned to
her home Wednesday evening Ben
kelman News Chronicle
Mrs N T Hall entertained at her
spacious- and hospitable home Satur
day afternoon June 3rd The occa
sion being a dish towel shower in
honor of her daughter Mrs D T
Little of McCook All who were pres
ent had a most enjoyable chat after
which a dainty two course luncheon
was served and the ladies pronounced
Mrs Hall a royal entertainer and de
parted for their respective homes
Trenton Register
Married in Bartley
Mr Aubrey F Ervin and Miss
Vera Dwyer both of McCook were
united in marriage by G R Miller
Wednesday evening at the parson-
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
At Beaver City Friday
The McCook base ball club will play
a game at Beaver City Friday with
the local team
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
We have ready mixed house pa
in the colors you want and in the
quality you ought to have
Our Sherwin Williams Mixed Paints
are money saving paints Ask about
L W McCONNELL Druggist
McConnell fills prescriptions
Tuesday Evening Edition
I Young Man Struck by Train I
Sam the nineteen year old son of
D H Montgomery of Perry precinct
was struck by the Imperial branch
train Monday morning and perhaps
fatally injured Both horses attached
to the vehicle were killed and the
vehicle badly smashed No clear ex
planation is available The track at
that place is clear on both sides
The young man had been to McCook
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
Theres your floor getting shabbier
every day and plenty of my smooth
flowing varnish right here in this
store with which you could give it
new life and lustre
For sale by
L W McCONNELL Druggisl
FOR RENT Furnished room Mod
ern Phone red 260 6 13
with his father and a brother who
took train No 2 that morning for
Lincoln and was on his way back to
the farm the family occupies the
Droli farm near Perry
The injured boy was taken on to
Culbertson and reports received on
Monday indicated that his condition
was serious being unconscious from
injuries received about the head
I A Few Junior Normal Notes
Supt Delzell who inspected the
Junior Normal while here to give
the eighth grade graaudates address
gave a pleasing chapel talk He gave
great praise to the work of the mod
el school and its teacher Miss Rec
The normal enrollment now reach
es 6G with a few additions each
The regular teachers examinations
for June will be held Friday and Sat
urday in the high school building
An Overflowing House at the First
Methodist Church on Sunday
An overflowing audience witnessed
the Childrens Day exercises of the
Sunday school last Sunday evening
in the First Methodist church The
exercises were given in the main by
the children of the primary and low 1
er grades and consisted of recita
tions and singing Besides the SunJ
day schcol efcpir sang a number of-
selections The entire program was
interesting and appealing and the
tots gave a very pleasing account of
themselves highly entertaining all
Besides the evergreen decorations
of the morning there was a profus
ion of cut flowers in the evening
platform decorations which gave a
cheerful effect to the joyous occasion
A special and liberal collection was
taken in the morning session of the
Sunday school and in the evening the
total collection going to assist in the
education of deserving boys and girls
The Board of County Com
missioners is hereby called to
meet in special session on Wed
nesday June 14th 1911 at 9
oclock a m for the purpose
of considering the report of the
Audit and Bond Company on
the checking of the various
officers and to transact such
other business as may properly
come before the board
Dated at McCook this 9th
day of June 1911
County Clerk
Many of the students will begin on
examinations at this time
Rev Reed Taft Bayne gave a talk
at chapel this morning upon the
Movement for Peace Among the Na
A special program will be given
on Thursday morning of this week
Friends and visitors are welcome
Mrs Gary Dole a former county
superintendent attended the eighth
grade graduating exercises last Fri
day afternoon and informally address
ed the graduates
Deabenderfer Rhoads
Mr Richard R Deabenderfer and
Miss Margaret Marshall Rhoads both
of our city were marrried last Sun
day evening at the residence of the
brides sister Mrs J A Eckman
Rev L E Lewis officiating The
ceremony was performed in the pres
ence of only immediate relatives
Both bride and groom have been in
the employ of C L DeGroff Co
the bride in the ready wear depart
ment the groom in the clothing sec
ion Eoth are most excellent young
people and many friends will join in
wishing them a happy and prosperous
matrimonial voyage They at once
went to keeping house in a suite of
rooms over the Pade furniture store
on Main avenue
Four Days of Races
Beginning with tomorrow McCook
Ls to have four days of racing on the
grounds just east of the city The
races will be almost exclusively run
ning races and about forty horses
are already on the ground for the
meet There will be a few harness
events Sixty horses are expected
to be here before the races close
This will undoubtedly be the greatest
running race event McCook has ever
Reported Out of Danger
A telegram from Denver Monday
announced that Miss Lois Eosworth
who was recently operated upon in
that city for a malignant growth is
now out of danger Mrs C G Bos
worth is still in Denver at the bed
side of her daughter however
On Saturday Only
Beginning with Monday June 12th
we will do feed grinding only on
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and teed ct all Kinds
The Missionary Society of the Con
gregational church will give a tea at
the heme cf Mrs Earney Hofer on
Thursday afternoon June 15th
For all aVjments of the kidneys and
bladder use Rexall Kidney Remedy
50c and 1
L V McCONNELL Druggist
Dont Forget to Get Our
prices on corn and feed of all kinds
Odd question to ask but its relevanantly recognize who he is dont you
WHEN YOU MEET a friend you instt to these HIGH ART PHOTO
GRAPHS that this studio is famed for As soon as you see one of
them you instantly recognie it as one of our make
so that it looks like life itself Good idea to have some new ones
Come in and engage them
IIP j4iiiv
Arfs -
3 1
City Council Meeting
The city council was in regular
session last evening with the fol
lowing present Mayor James Mc
Adams Councilmen Middleton Brown
Stansberry and Woods City Clerk
Frank Travers City Attorney F L
Several claims against city were
read and allowed and warrants or
dered drawn for the same
A permit was granted C F Pade
to build a brick addition to his barn
on the residence lot within the fire
Report of the libraray board was
read and placed on file
Mayor nominated four persons to
fill vacancies on library board caus
ed by retirement of three members
and the resignation of J E Kelley
namely Mrs H P Sutton Mrs J
M Trammell Rev Wm Patton and
J S LeHew All were confirmed but
Mr LeHew The mayor then nomi
nated E C McKay which nominatioi
was confirmed
On motion the mayor was author
ized to employ The Audit and Bond
Company of America now working on
the county records to audit the city
books at their regular price of 1500
per day and expenses
On motion it was determined that
upon the execution approval and fil
ing of the bond therein described
the mayor and city clerk were auth
orized and instructed to enter into
a contract with said McCook Cement
Stone Co as per draft of contract
prepared by the city attorney
Cherries for sale Phone Ritchie
A daughter was born to Engineer
and Mrs A P Walters last Friday
James- Crawford the coal expert
arrived in the city last evening on
No 10
Conductor Frank Rank has taken i
his case with the railroad authorities
in Chicago through the good offices
of the order
T E McCarl of McCook was in
the city between trains Wednesday
on his way home from Chicago Har
vard Courier
F W Rank and H C Brown de
parted Monday for the western
coast They will look over the north
west with a view of locating possibly
somewhere in that part of the coun
Mr and Mrs Con Snell are the
parents cf a fine ten pound girl
which was born on Sunday June 4
This is net their first born but
they are justly proud alright
Trentcn Republicn Leder
Mrs Joseph Allen is visiting in
ihe city
Frank Everist is a visitor in the
city and vicinity
Mrs H A Beale arrived home this
morning frcm a visit in Denver
Miss Lona Phelps departed today
for Missouri on a visit of come
Mrs M L Ruby and Miss Maysie
ight will leave next Tuesday for
California en a visit of six weeks
to relatives and friends
A L Ziirmer left today for Mil
waukee Wisconsin to bring home
bis brother who has been attending
rIiccl in that city for mutes
Mr and Mrs Ben Allen drove over
frcm Stccktcn Kansas last Sunday
in their automobile and are visiting
her parents Mr and Mrs Wentz
over on 2nd street east
Mrs J B Meserve Mrs F M
Kimmell and the Magee children de
parted this morning for Creston la
on a short visit They will briefly
stop in Aurora and Lincoln Nebras
ka alsc
Mrs L E Hanford returned on
No 15 Sunday night from Platts
mouth where she had been visiting
her parents Her sister Miss Edna
Shopp returned with her and will
spend the vacation here and with an
other sister in Denver
Postmaster Lon Cone departed on
Monday night for the east He will
visit Washington D C and New
York City among other points east
He expects to attend a school of in
struction on the postal savings bank
proposition before returning home
The Loyal Workers of the Metho
dist church are now ready to receive
old clothing etc Send same to Mrs
L E Lewis and they will be plac
ed with the needy and deserving
Our stationery department offers
you an up-to-date line of merchandise
at modern prices
McCook Division No 623 B of L E
Observe Their First Annual
Memorial Day
The morning service at the First
Methodist church last Sunday was
specially notable in that upon that
occasion was held the first annual
memorial day exercises of the Broth
erhood of Locomotive Engineers the
great order having recently decided
to hold such an annual service
All the available members of Mc
Cook division No 623 were present
in a body
Rev L E Lewis delivered a spec
ial sermon to the brotherhood and
the choir offered appropriate music
Miss Minnie Viersen gave a reading
to the Boys in Overclothes which
was especially significant and appro
priate It was appreciated by the
enginemen and many hearts were in
accord with the sentiment breathed
by the author
The platform chancel rail and oth
er parts of the church were decorated
with evergreen and potted plants and
cut flowers gave color to the effcet
A B of L E banner occupied wall
space just in rear of the pulpit
It was a significant service which
filled the church with citizens who
sympathize with the purpose of the
servic aend the boys of the great
Pythian Memorial
McCcok lodge No 42 observed
Pythian Memorial day last Sunday
afternoon in usual form Following a
brief service at their castle hall the
members marched in organization to
the First Congregational church
where Rev R T Bayne delivered
the memorial address There was
appropriate music by the church choii
Following the church service came
the decoration of the graves of de
parted knights with ritualistic cere
mony at the cemeteries of the city
The Pythian Sisters also participat
ed in the church services in a body
and repaired to the cemeteries for
the closing services of the day
Ball Player Dies After Game
Ed Poort died very suddenly Sun
day night at nine oclock He played
in the ball game between Norton and
Arapahoe that afternoon doing the
catching for the former team Af
ter the game he drank ice water
and ate ice cream which in his over
heated condition affected his heart
Mr Poort workde in a grocery store
and was not used to being out in the
sun and Sunday was an extremely
hot day His death was a hard
blow to his team mates who have
disbanded and will not play again
this season Deceased leaves a young
wife Arapahoe Mirror
Second Operation Necessary
A telegram frcm Kansas City Mo
last Thursday afternoon announced
the serious fact that a second opera
tion was imperative in the case of
Tom Tirrill son of J E Tirrill of
our city who was earlier operated
upon for appendicitis J E Tirrill
tock No 14 same evening for Kansas
For Sale
S E 4 sec 7 and N E sec
18 T 5 R 29 and N E and
N W S E sec 13 T5R30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
part on time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
Fractured Left Arm
Master Tom son of Mr and Mrs
Martin Kennedy fell from a wagon
Wednesday of last week and frac
tured his left arm He is getting on
nicely however
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
oenfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
We Serve to Please
Ic2 cream soda and sundaes with
pure crushed fruit including all the
A McMILLEN Druggist
McConnell for drugs
For cherries phone 348
Everything in drugs McConnell
Phone 348 if you want to buy cher
Kqdajandodak synnlies