The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 08, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 8

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New Ideal Gas
for those who live in
the city and use gas are
BEST STOVES obtainable
Prices ranging from 2000
to 3200 and hot plates for
gas from 400 to 600
f r S 71
y a y
Our Coal Oil Cookers
you will find very SATISFACTORY and ECONOMICAL
in fact we guarantee them to give absolute satisfaction
You run no chances when you get one of these
Quick Meal Gasoline
stoves in all styles and prices are ready to DO YOUR
WORK QUICK These stoves have been sold so long in
McCook that every body knows they are right but we
want you to come in and get one and SEE FOR YOURSELF
Herrick and Economy Refrigerators
AH made of hard wood nicely finished so they are an
ornament to any room besides having mineral wool filling
between the best kinds of linings and perfectly
sanitary Prices from 1000 up
Come in and let us show you any of these goods you are
interested in
ITS T J7 Z i
h - - tz T r w m
t VT vrar ttcts w 3 BsnAfjr i xap ts r
XSab JT LHiSLiLV7 2tvUX Vfe 9
irri 1 1 iin 1 1 rrmvi m we jbmb teim i m t i l y Tgww TMTfyv
Rea Estate Filings
The following real estate filingi
have been made in the couaty clerks
office since our last report
F -Clarion Williams et ux to
Benjamin B Mosher wd ne
Senjamin B Mosher to Stella
A Williams wd neY 21-4-27
X M Higgins sheriff to Neb
Cent 3 L Assn sd Pt
ne 29-3-29
1 00
1 00
7S9 00
Anna S Stiles to George How
ell qcd nei 23-3-36 1 00
A brilliant future in store
floor finished with my pure un
adulterated transparent varnish
3Tor sale only by
McCONNELL Druggist
If you feel you want to be shown
In the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Storea
Miss Gray assisted in the serv
ices of the M E church last Sun
day Jliss Gray is a popular reviv
alist and well liked wherever she
goes Iir the morning there were
special seats reserved for those who
started the christian life in the late
revival at Lebanon Miss Esther
Johnson furnished the bouquets
which were pinned on the new fol
lowers of Jesus
Under the leadership of the pas
tor Harvey Anderson this church
has increased In membership over
100 per cent since November last
The church is organized on business
principles and each officer is ready
to do his duty The prayer meeting
has increased in interest and a very
bright future is in store for the
church in Lebanon
All the fresh fruits of the season
at Magners
Ventilated Oxfords
Hot Weather
r Cool and Comfortable
E D Perkins Co
John Sims who has been visiting
his brother J L Sims for a few
days has returned to his home at
Bussey Iowa
No man ever gagged and made a
face after taking a drink- of pure
water Only the substitutes are
Morris Mvas a Beaver City
visitor from Tuesdaay nightjill Wed
nesday noon
A scientist says that about one
third of what a man eats enables him
to live The other two thirds prob
ably enables somebody else to live
a doctor for instance
Barnett Witham and sons from Ce
dar Bluffs were in town on business
H V Lord and W H Kelly have
treated their stores to a new coat of
Lester Lord recently received a
new slide trombone and you can hear
him most any time of the day a
blowing himself
Leonard Rogers from south of Ma
rion came down Monday and stayed
for Decoration Tuesday and return
ed home Wednesday noon on the
passenger accompanied by Everett
Miss Leila Burbridge came in Sat
urday on the train for an indefinite
visit with her sister
W A Stone was a business visit
or in Lebanon Thursday
B N Leisure left Wednesday eve
ning for a visit at Pawnee City to
his daughter
The new agricultural college will
be located at Curtis Nebraska
Tuesday was Decoration Day and a
arge crowd turned out to decorate
the graves Hon C E Eldred of
fjtnr1r ffOTfn r fnannli no
ball before a large audience
Madeline McDonald and Edna New-
ton went down to Beaver City on
Tuesday evening to attend the grad
uating class play
Mr and Mrs H V Lord spent
teacher3 normaI
Sunday last with relatives at Or
leans Neb
nas a uirierent meaning As a re
sult of the translation the word wine
mysterious things that are seldom
egesis or guess work used in the
Doirt forget Childrens Day exer
cises Sunday morning
Tom Masters and wife of Mc
Cook were over Sunday visitors at
the home of Mr and Mrs George
Mrs Stewart of McCook is visit
ing her sister Mrs S D Bolles
Basil Doyle and sisters Bessie and
Dorothy visited at the Wm Randel I
home last Sunday J
The social given by the Young peo
ple last Thursday evening was not
very well attended on account of
the cloud which arose about time for
people to start but those who at
tended report a very enjoyable time
The proceeds were 5 There was
a charge of 15c at the door and -everyone
enjoyed the program by the
young people and best of all every
one had all the icef cream and straw
berries they could eat
None better and few aquals 91
Patent and Anchor brand flour
Made by our own mill The McCook
Milling tCo
PASTURE For horses and cattle
Horses 50c and cattle 40c month
Phone cedar 1154 Roy Newell Box
Elder Neb
One way to build up home institu
tions is to buy Anchor and 91
Patent The McCook Milling Cos
choicest flours
Mrs C M Dodge and children
were over Sunday vistors Avith her
husband at Wilsonville
John AuMiller of Johnson was here
last week looking after his real estate
business south of town
Dan Rupert states that he is lo
cated at Swanton and that crops are
good and work plenty
Services at M E church Morning
Sunday school at 10 preaching at
11 Evening preaching at 8
A special meeting of the officers
of the M E church immediately af
ter the morning service as desired
Mesdames Pepper and Darnell and
children attended Decoration Day ex
ercises at Cedar Bluffs last week
S H Stilgebouer and family left
Friday evening for a few weeks visit
with relatives at Geneva SW Stil
geboue and wife of Danbury are
here and looking after their interests
George Bull returned from a trip
to his homestead near Flagler Colo
where his brother now lives He
reports everything prosperous there
Vernie Parker returned from Coun
cil Grove Kan and is working for
Powell Nilsson
J W Rhoades stopped off and vis
ited his brother N R and wife en
route to his home at Minden from
McDonald Kan over night recently
Forest Redman of Oberlin was a
business visitor in town last Thurs
About eighteen of our citizens went
over to Indianola to view the terrible
wreckage of the two trains that col
jlided there
berger were initiated into the mys 1
teries of the M B Alodge Monday
t night
Myrtle Siner and Grace Rodabaugh
went to Oberlin Sunday to attend the
The M E Sunday school at Mar
ion is using the graded cource and
ituu ui a suuu im riiua iBuL
children This school is attracting
Some of the from
young people
atteatlon f the neighborhood
questions that we have time to an-
ia aciiKitxiiy uuuciaiuuu UJ iuuva n i ji
- oiibi nil llcut u uieai Uliu ueillllLC
mean intoxicating wine or liquor All
wer in the word study the word
interested in real definate
persons wlne is found to have 13 different
understanding find a welcome and forms
fellowship at the meeting The
A good rain would not do any harm
at this time but a whole lot of good
Christian Jensen lost one of his i
fine animals Friday evening by light
Bmilnh Mitchp ll snpnh several davs
Miss Barnett who has been teach
ing in the primary returned to Lin
coln for her summer vacation Mon
day evening
Miss Edith Dutcher came up from
Bartley Saturday evening on No 5
returning on No 12 Sundaymorning
for a visit with friends and rela
Francis Schobel has been visiting
with his sister Mrs Jas Boldman
the past week
Tim Haley sold his household goods
Saturday He expects to move to
New Mexico Mrs Haley left on No
16 Monday morning for Republican
Mrs Earl Calhoun is visiting rel
atives in McCook this week
Miss Conety left Saturday nigh
for her home in Valley
Miss Murray was hove over Sun
Miss Spear returned to her home
in Seward Monday morning
The eighth grade graduating ex
ercises were held in the opera house
Wednesday there being ten in the
Mr iChambers left for Peru Sun
day evening to resume his studies
The graduating exercises of the
twelfth grade were held Friday eve
ning Although the evening was
quite stormy there was a large crowd
out The class gave the play The
Merchant of Venice Up to Date
Miss Clara Rodabaugh was an over Iter which
Sunday visitor with her sister atsented
the diplomas were
i Wilsonville
Ernest L Dodge and Glen Small- SHERIFFS SCLe
Notice is hereby given that by
tue of an order of sale issued out of
the District Court of Red Willow
county Nebraska and to me direct
ed and delivered under a judgment
and order in an action wherein Glas
ner Barzen Distilling Importing
Company a corporation is plaintiff
and James Steinman is defendant I
shall offer at public sale and sell to
This section of the country was vis tis appreciated both by parents and the highest bidder for cash at the
east front door of house No 224 on
Main Avenue in the City of Mc
Cook in said county said house be-
here attended the social out at W in block 21 in the Or-
and the attendance is increasing Theing on lot 1
O Harger s Saturday night children come regular and the school Tcwn nw City o McCook
Mr and Mrs Hupp from Lebanon f tp in pilid County on the 13th day of
u June 1911 at oclock
one p
w nh i t md ivMnv ninht
0 J 0 s
as tney ame to town and were en
teitaicd ever night at the r E
McDonald tome
J L Newman and family were en
tertained over Saturday night and
Sunday at J L Sims rorth of
m tne
e a ciicol using tne latest ot fn lo wins described nrnnertv heine
coa hsli3 and a thorough willing set the property heretofore attached in
of leaders visit this school or join action as the property of said
defendant to wit a stock of liquors
it n Its the school with welcome and aml cigarSj and the bottles caskS
sunshine for 3 ou and yours boxes cases and packages contain-
rhe prayer meeting will begin next iS the ine valued at the sum of
week the day and hour will ba an- f f lld aJ 250 29 femj
leer casr s 1 stove ton of hard
nounced this cominc Sunday The mni rr fQ f f rtr Mr
The of the M E
prajer meetings questions of mystery in the Bible will 1 - V2 gross of flasksy mop
oxurch continue to grow more inter- lje looked nto and made plain Such v nwr liunjs 1 ong brusi
ecing The Pes
pastor Harvey
que3toils M Where did Cain t Jf
will teach the bible the s of - lcoop
son on g
nfa ife nd wfco wag ghe Wag R a
inary plan from this week on 1 squil of salter
srake that tempted Eve Did gee pail peanuts
nately Jesus make intoxicating wine What1 pper measures 1 case of seltzer
The English Bible translates 13 n11 tM - u bttles and 1 electric fan
Hrf vn wn vf e1h wi v1fa I Uated this 1st day of June 1911
JV - snail own the land Will the body
be ressuTected and all the other
W S MORLAN Attorney
First publication June 1 1911 2ts
Notice to Creditors of Estate
State of Nebraska Red Willow
County ss In County Court In
the matter nf tho pstafp nf
in the Hebrew text but only en Bolles deceased
the one form wine in the English I J C Moore county judge of
text Tfcinh fnrm mwns n fliffprpnt MU ccuniy in saia state Hereby
understood will be handled and made
kind of wi but wine jn the Eng i1 Pf0 SinfnaInJS lnd
nlin ThPrp will hp m phpan ov i demands against the said Stephen
t j iisn ir cPTiprai v tpliPVffl tn in- Hnilntj nnnnni ua t i
llco ucvccu uidl J iliiVt a
toxica tins ivinp nr linnnr and annointed thfi ffkllnwinir djiv fnr
study These studies will be of inter- he
tor reception examination and adjust
of the E church will be the
est to all people regardless of church
or creed Those who belong tot no
church will find a profit in the
study Bring a bible and pencil next
lli itday at 8 p m
Rev E E Crippen will preach in
the M E church next Sunday A
awaits you at this
cil and
Bring your Bible and pen- provided by law at th cmmtv irt
spend an hour of study each room at McCook Red Willow Corni
ty and state aforesaid to wit June
29th 1911 and December SOfch 1911
And all persons so interested in said
estate wilj appear at said time and
J J Bash and family departed for ylace and duly present their said
ftT h wot i to claims and demands in the manner
lnrl wplpnmp rpmiirnr li r low oo f
cliiircli next Sunday morning and eve- Celia Kolbet accompanying them for not so do5ng and in any of
a visit of about six weeks claims shall not be presented by the
The Willow farmers are busy this 2th day of December 1911 the
week cutting alfalfa This is about sha11 je forevf r barf
1 Given under my hand and the seal
ten days earlier than usual and they 0f the county court of said county
say it i 3 as heavy if not heavier than this 27th day of May 1911
other years - J C MOORE
iseaij county Judge
First publication June l 4ts
Mr and Mrs John Braun visited j NOTICE
at Jacob Kleins Saturday night andiwSate -E Nebraska County of Red
Wallow ss
bunday To u person interested in the
Mr and Mrs Anton Giespert and estate of Ira H Harrison deceas
girls visited at F Schneiders on ed
Pmiriv You are hereby notified that on
i 7th da of June 1911 Margaret
r vTrm nBw a b
in iuw - j Harrison and Reason O Harri
itor Sunday son executors of the last WUland
Joseph Harr the Columbia Testament of Ira H Harrison de
ance agent was in Saint Ann Monday ceased filed in said court their fin-
ai account -as suun executors ana
R F D No 3
Mrs Jacob Wishon is visiting at
her home with her little son and
Mr and Mrs Nothnagel and two
Mr- August Nothnagels to celebrate
his birthday
Walter Nothnagel is done listing
corn and cane
R F D No 1
Miss Frorinie Meyers of Nebraska
City -is here staying with her sister
Mrs Bennie Schamel
East river bridge is getting a lot
of new piling
A Eberts and family and Carl
Schlutsmeier and family went to H61
brook this week to attend the S D
A cainp meeting
iTi xfrTiTjrOTn 7
a distribution
petition for of said
estate and for their discharge that
said account andpetition for dis
tribution and discharge will be heard
on the 28th day of June 1911 at
the hour of nine oclock A M at
the county court room -in the city of
sons and Mrs Jacob Wishon went to McCook in said county
You are hereby cited to appear at
the time and plaqe above designated
and show cause is such exist why
said account should not be allowed
and distribution of said estate made
It is ordered that notice of the
time and place of said hearing be
given v to all persons interested in
said estate by causing a copy of this
order to be published in the Mc
X3obk Tribune a newspaper printed
and published in said county for
three successive weeks prior to the
date set for said hearing
Dated this 7th day of June 1911
Seal County Judge
C E ELDRED Atorney
First publication- JVne 8 1911 3t
i lV1U
In the County Court of Red Willow
County State of Nebraska In the
matter of the estate of James B
Wade deceased
Notice is hereby given that the
last week with Mr and Mrs Jess time limited for the presentation of
nn ilgaiUSL ScllU COUllC iWA
months from and after July 1 1911
and any claim not presented by that
time shall be forever barred that I
will sit at the county court room in
McCook in said county on the 2nd
day of January 1912 at the hour of
ten oclock a m to examine ad
just and allow the claims against
said estate and that the time limited
for the payment of debts is one year
from June 3rd 1911
Dated June 3rd 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 6 1911 3t
The State of Nebraska Red Wil
low County ss In the County Court
In the Matter of the Estate of John
J Real deceased To the Credit
ors or said estate
You are hereby notified that I
will sit at the County Court Room in
McCook in said County on the 6th
day of January 1912 at the hour of
two oclock P M to examine all
claims against said estate with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said es
tate is six months from the 2nd day
tef June A D 1911 and the time
limited for payment of debts is one
year from said 2nd day of June 1911
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court tfiis 31st day of
May 1911
Seal County Judge
P S HEATON Attorney
First publication June 1 1911 4t
In the County Court ofRed Willow
County State of Nebraska In the
matter of the Estate ofCharles H
Nash deceased To aff persons in
terested in saidestate
You are hereby notified that on
the first day of June 1911 Elizabeth
Nash filed her petition in the coun
ty court of said county praying that
letters of administration be issued to
her upon the goods chattels rights
and credits of Charles H Nash late
of said county deceased and that
a hearing will be had upon said pe
tition at the county court rooms in
the city of McCook in said county
on the 17th day of June 1911 at
the hour of ten oclock A M
Dated this 1st day of June 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 1 1911 3t
In the County Court of Red Wil
low County Nebraska In the Mat
ter of the Estate of Robert B Wil
son deceased To all persons in
terested in said estate
You arc- hereby notified that on
June 5 1911 Joseph D Wilson filed
his petition in the county court of
said Red Willow county praying that
letters of administration be issued
to D Y Dorwart upon the goods
chattels rights and credits of Rob
ert B Wilson late of said county
deceased and that a hearing will be
had upon said petition at the county
court room in the city of McCook in
said county on June 26 1911 at the
hour of nine oclock A M
Bated this 5th day of June 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 6 1911 6t
Legal Notice
To all persons interested in the
estate of August Droll deceased
Notice is hereby given that Ed
ward Jtf Droll executor has filed his
final account and report of his ad
ministration and a petition for final
settlement and discharge as such
and for the distribution and assign
ment of said estate to the persons
entitled thereto
It is ordered that the same be
heard in the county court room in
said county on the 10th day of Jane
1911 at one oclock p m
Witness my hand and the seal of
said Court this 22nd day of May
County Judge
First publication May 25 3ts
Notice to Non Resident Defendants
To George Mogridge Lillian E
Mogridge and Geo H Green Defend
You are hereby notified that Wil
liam Travers plaintiff has filed his
petition against you in the District
Court of Red Willow County Nebras
ka the object and prayer of which
are to foreclose a mortgage given by
George D Troendly and Gussie Tro
endly to plaintiff upon the south Yz
and the southwest northeast
section 4 township 3 range 30 in
Red Willow County Nebraska in- the
sum of 40000 and interest dated
Dec Il902 recorded in mortgage
record 35 of said county at page 624
Plaintiff prays for an accounting
and foreclosure of said mortgage and
the saleof said premises to satis
fy the amount due him on said mort
gage with interest and costs and that
each of you be foreclosed and barred
from any interest in or lien upon said
premises and for equitable relief
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 26th day
of June 1911
Dated at McCook Nebraska May
15th 1911
Attorney for Plaintiff
First publication May lS 4ts
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