The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 08, 1911, Thursday Evening Edition, Image 7

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sliced p
p Dried Beef If
Old Hickory Smoked jj
ji Highest Quality W
11 Finest Flavor ft
jlV In sealed gloxa jart at your grocers 4wS
BITCUTC Fortunes are mads in patents Pro-
tn I w tectyourideas Our C4 page bookfres
Xltzcerald Co Box S Washington D C
Record Act of Bravery That Is Set to
Credit of Intrepid New
York Man
The bravest man in New York
made his appearance in a Broadway
store last week He carried an enor
mous bandbox which contained an
enormous hat in which the man want
ed what he considered an enormous
amount of money refunded The man
was pretty mild and while looking for
some one who had the authority to
negotiate the transaction he talked
loud enough for everybody to hear
My wife bought this hat he said
She doesnt need it She has already
bought three hats this spring She
paid 535 for this one She has never
worn it It just came home last night
I cant afford to throw all that money
away and I want you to take the hat
back She wouldnt bring it down so
I undertook the job myself
By the side of that man Napoleon
was a cringing coward said the
young woman who had made the sale
Imagine his flouncing into a Parisian
millinery shop with a hat that he
didnt want Josephine to buy He
couldnt have done it Very few men
can Once in a long while some poor
New Yorker with the courage of
desperation in his heart returns mer
chandise which he cannot afford to
buy for his wife and his audacity up
sets the whole store for a month
New Fishing Industry
Albicore fishing in Nova Scotian wa
ters has become interesting but for
financial reasons These fish frequent
ly weigh over 500 pounds and are
known as horse mackerel A number
were shipped to Boston last season
The average price there is three and
one half cents per pound Formerly
these fish were considered a nuisance
to the fishermen
Where They All Happen
I heard of a remarkable adventure
with a boa constrictor
Where did it happen
At a cafe table
Knicker Brown counts his wealth
In seven figures
Bocker Perpendicularly
There is no fool like the peacemaker
who Interferes between husband and
Greatly Improved by Leaving Off Coffee
The manager of an extensive cream
ery in Wis states that while a regu
lar coffee drinker he found it Injuri
ous to his health and a hindrance to
the performance of his business du
It Impaired my digestion gave me
a distressing sense of fullness in the
region of the stomach causing a most
painful and disquieting palpitation of
the heart and what is worse it mud
dled my mental faculties so as to seri
ously injure my business efficiency
I finally concluded that something
would have to be done I quit the use
of coffee short off and began to drink
Postum The cook didnt make it
right at first She didnt boil it long
enough and I did not find it palatable
and quit using it and went back to cof
fee and to the stomach trouble again
Then my wife took the matter in
hand and by following the directions
on the box faithfully she had me
drinking Postum for several days be
for I knew it
When I happened to remark that
I was feeling much better than I had
for a long time she told me that I
had been drinking Postum and that
accounted for it Now we haveno
coffee on our table
My digestion has been restored
and with this improvement has come
relief from the oppressive sense of
fullness and palpitation of the heart
hat used to bother me so I note such
a gain in mental strength and acute
ness that I can attend to my office
work with ease and pleasure and with
out making the mistakes that were so
annoying to me while I was using
Postum Is the greatest table drink
of the times In my humble estima
tion Name given by Postum Co
Battle Creek Mich
Head the little book The Hoad to
Wellrllle In pkgs Theres a reason
EreEread the above IctterT A Belt
one appears from time to time They
are ecaalnc tree and falL of Itobuus
Male Churchgoers Find It Hard to
Resist His Power Though Women
Seem Immune
Why is It that men will go to sleep
In church the Washington Post in
quires What profound meanings lie
at the bottom of this inclination to
somnolence on the part of the brother
dearly beloved when under the minis
trations of the bishop of his soul
No one ever heard of a woman sleep
lug during a sermon She is as bright
and as alert at the conclusion ef
the sermon as she was when the text
was read But man poor man he
like the sluggard slumbers and sleeps
pis record is bad from the beginning
Acts XX contains the Inevorable rec
ord of the first offender of one
Eutychus who while Taul preached
sank into sleep and fell from the third
Let a word be said in defense of
the Order of Eutychus And in thus
coming to their support there is no
wish to cast reflection upon the wide
awake and breezy sermonizer To
begin with man is inferior to his
mate in the highest sensibilities of
the soul Calloused in his nature the
assembled array of dresses and bon
nets is wholly without appeal to his
sordid instincts What does he know
about the cut bias or the latest effect
in ruchings Or whether the Jones
girls have turned the black bomba
zine they have worn for two seasons
already Or how much Deacon put
into the contribution box None of
these inspirations comes to his relief
Instead he begins with good inten
tions lining out the text and setting
himself resolutely to unimpeachable
behavior But to no avail The soft
swish of the skirt of the late arrival
the hynotic spell of the music the
murmur of repeated responses the
chanting intonations the rising and
falling inflections of the speaker are
too much The imp of insomnia flees
the eyelids fall and close the drowsy
god usurps the throne of his righteous
purpose and he is disgraced again as
the audible snore resounds against the
chancel and reverberates from the
ceiling He awakes with a start and
tries to look solemn and duly im
pressed but it is too late
The Infinite
The soul is infinite and it cannot
rest until it rests in the infinite But
lust and hunger are not infinite and
neither are the titillations of pleasure
and praise And the agency or hope
of unescapable death of involuntary
dying these one can measure But
there Is something in death and the
master of death that you cannot meas
ure There is no infinity in just dy
ing but to see a man that is willing to
die for love that goes to meet death
in the way and with perfect sweetness
and sanity celebrates defeat that is to
be Infinite It is like an arrow passing
swiftly up into the air and not return
ing like the still energy of plants or
the resistless growing of grass or like
the haunting thrilling murmur of re
membered music that faded down the
avenue as the soldiers went to war
You are left endlessly expectant you
cannot come to an end but must fol
low that which is beyond and still be
yond Charles Ferguson
Hubbys Happy Hunting
He sat down with a bounce
rose with a bound
Yow yow he shouted
rWhere ever did you find it
Good gracious Cyril what a noise
you do make exclaimed his wife
Whats the matter
Matter yelled Cyril in anguish
Im in pain in agony Send for the
doctor Mabel I can feel the blood
runing down my leg Now keep calm
Cyril he went on capering madly
around the room Keep calm my
Iboy On the banks of Allan Water
Mabel dont stand there staring Do
She did She made a sudden dart
forward wheeled him round with a
little squawk- of joy and extracted a
1nrrr Tmfrifn TivTri life Qnotnmv
Heroic Prescription
Ruth Mason of Holyrood road jujt
cast five is not only an attendant up
on Sunday school but a Bible reader
Also she loves to play doctor At
tired in her fathers coat and topper
a pair of glasses on her nose and a
imake belleve cigar in her mouth she
pretended to make a professional call
jon her mother who Is indisposed for
the moment After feeling her moth
ers pulse looking at her tongue and
considering for a minute she gave her
A white pill every hour a brown
pill every other hour
But- doctor her mother complain
ed Ive a severe pain in my eye
Pluck it out prescribed Dr Ruth
and cast it from thee Cleveland
Its Kind
Dont you think it was mean for
the druggist to put the perfume I or
dered in such a little bottle
Yes twas a vial proceeding
A Taste
Missionary And do you know noth
ing whatever of religion
Cannibal Well we got a taste of It
when the last missionary was here
Nw my dear what Is the next
thing in housekeeping on the carpet
you on your knees dearest taking
it up
- dLh J t
Really No Task at All to Turn Out
Most Effective Ornamentation
for All Kinds of Pretty Bou
doir Baskets
Dainty in color and workmanship
are the little baskets that depend on
their trimming of ribbon flowers for
the delicate effects for which you must
pay a pretty price if you cannot make
them But you can So buy- your
ribbon In pale pink old rose moss
green and the soft yellows Purchase
little baskets of fire reed or sweet
grass and then follow directions
For the preliminary step in rose
making take a piece of narrow ribbon
and fold It in the center as you need
it Over your finger roll the end and
sew at the lower edge Keep up this
rolling process until the flower Ib the
size that you wish When making
leaves gather the ribbon at one end
so that the pointed effect can be easily
obtained The narrow green ribbon
twisted forms an effective stem
After making a number of roses of
different sizes and a supply of leaves
apply them by strong thread to the
basket to be decorated The little
French basket shows a line of rose
buds around the base and a cluster of
flowers and leaves at one side The
high handle is wrapped with green
ribbon tied in a bow at -the side
On a little sewing basket with the
silk top roses are used in another way
n one plece wlthtne
Why Cyril its my hatpin she cuttnf
shoulder longer reigns
cried delightfully Oh I am glad
Really Few Fundamental Changes
Will Be Noted in Styles for the
Coming Season
Beyond the all important advent of
the trouser skirt no fundamental
changes and few even of a second
ary order have been made in styles
Skirts are no wider and some of the
modes are narrower than ever Pos
sibilities however are held out of
their being rendered less inconvenient
and dangerous by a plait or two hid
den beneath an overlapping breadth
and other similar devices Coats are
almost invariably short but they con
tinue to set close to the hips while
not made to tighten in at the waist
Empire styles of waist prevail the
skirts coming up high and both
tumes and dresses always belted in
about the natural waist often right
under the bust Many of the smart
dresses have trains but such an addi
tion is not considered obligatory by
any means and dresses without them
are reckoned quite as smart Trains
are always narrow a large percent
age do not exceed in importance a
prolonged panel Slight modifications
have been made in sleeves The
no supreme
Half long and three quarter long
sleeves are cut Blightly wider and all
sorts very straight Boleros have
have been revived but as part of the
costume or dress bodice not as sepa
rate garments Wide collars are retain
ed but revers enjoy less favor and
are either omitted or rudimentary
Unf rayed Scallops
Some housekeepers object to the
buttonholed scallop on embroidery be
cause it frays in washing This can
be overcome in several ways The sur
est Id to buttonhole a second time
over the purled edge when the scallop
has been worked and cut out
Another method is to run the out
line of the scallop with machine stitch
ing before buttonholing or in cut
ting leave a narrow margin and turn
ack under the scallop and hem to the
If these are too much trouble at
least wash the linen before cutting
out The material shrinks and is
much less likely to fray Where the
entire piece is not washed the em
broidered edge can be dipped in luke
warm water for a few minutes then
iron dry and later cut out close to the
purled edge
Straw Flowers
Flowers of colored straw are popu
lar as trimming Blacle and red flow
ers have yellow centers and there are
various striking color combinations
They represent y edelweiss dahlias
roses and popples in natural tints and
tsU j TB
A serpentine line of tiny ribbon ends
made of baby ribbon decorates the
straw case A straight line of flowers
twines over the strap handle Green
silk is used for the shirred top al
though any serviceable figured silk
will be just as attractive The fittings
of this basket are in pink the same
shade as the flowers on the outside
Roses are used on the cover of an
oblong shape They also appear in
groups of three at each side Dark
green ribbon is strung through the
straw and decorates the handle A
rose with green leaves is attached
to the top of the handle This shape
is always procurable and can be
changed completely in effect by the
addition of ribbon flowers
A rose in a circle of leaves is used
on a round flat basket Small buds of
ribbon are attached to green stems
and hang from the handle The bas
ket Is lined with green silk stitched in
pink or yellow to repeat the color oi
the flowers
On another little suggestion there la
a Vandyke effect of ribbon Both up
per and lower rims are wound with
ribbon Large roses are surrounded
by ribbon leaves They are placed at
the lower ribbon points on the basket
Perhaps the exquisite wofk of the
empire days in France is convincing
proof of the charm of ribbon trimmed
baskets and bags They are beautiful
examples of handiwork and in the re
turn of this style of decoration all
women can rejoice for it can be done
at home
This dressy waist is of white silk
voile trimmed with narrow bands of
embroidery and a wide band of black
velvet forming a corslet
Over all are wide bretelles of em
broidered linen with applique rosettes
of Irish lace The guimpe and under
sleeves are of fine white lace
Stylish Chains
Long chains of ornate style are
high In favor with the spring tailor
made Nearly all the smart models
have a breast pocket into which to
tuck the end of the chain and to it
may be attached the watch change
purse or small vanity case of the sort
that only lately reached this side of
the water After all it matters little
whether or not anything Is attached
to the end of the decorative lorgnette
chain as its apparent purpose Is hid
den in the pocket There Is no end
to different varieties expressed In the
combinations of these little affairs
Many have several different semi
precious stones mounted in odd shapes
while others are more conservative in
pearl decoration
Two Season Frock
Fine serge may be used for the un
derskirt of a foulard to make a very
serviceable dress For Instance a
black foulard with a floral design of
red is hung over an underskirt of red
stitched black serge the girdle and
tunic hem being black satin and the
yoke tucked red chiffon v This Is a
frock that could be worn equally well
early in the spring and In the chill
days of fall
Clean Sanitary Floors
Varnish which is commonly regard
ed only as a beautifier is an efficient
sanitary agent Varnished surfaces can
be cleaned by wiping and the microbe
laden dust is thus kept out of the air
A varnished floor is therefore not only
up to date beautiful and easily clean
ed but is wholesome The National
Association of Varnish Manufacturers
63G The Bourse Philadelphia Penn
are distributing free a booklet entitled
Modern Floors which tells how
floors may be made and kept whole
some and attractive Send for one
Varnish is cheaper than carpet and
far more satisfactory
There are times in the life of every
rmall boy when he would like to as
sume the role of father to the man for
a few brief moments
Garfield Tea will regulate the liver giv
ing freedom from sick headache and bilious
attacks It overcomes constipation
Some men are anxious to get money
because they think it will enable them
to get more
Some men look upon laws as things
merely to be broken
AVegelable Preparation For As
similating theFoodandRegula
tin he Stomachs and Bowels of
tBi WiariftflYSf Pti if fllgrfltB
Promotes DigcsfiorCheerful
ness and RestContains neither
OpiumMorphine nor Mineral
Not Nar c otic
Keep cfOtdDrSAMVEimCffER
silx Stiria
FtxhtUt Sails
Amu StiJ
Hrm Setd
Whiyrren Flavor
A nerfecl Remedy forConstioa
lion Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms Convulsions Feverish
ness and Loss OF SLEEP
Facsimile Signature of
The Centaur Company
vlfiliarnfpoH nnrlnp tha Pnnrland
Exact Copy of Wrapper
Looking Out for Number One
Sydney had been given some dis
carded millinery with which to amuse
herself She trimmed ttv marvelous
looking hat and so arranged it that a
long red ostrich plume hung straight
down from the front of the brim over
her baby face
Come here Sydney said her
mother Let me tack that feather
back out of your eyes
Oh no mother I want it that
way so I can see it myself Most
always only other people can see the
feathers on my hats Judge
Laundry work at home would ha
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used In order to get the
desired stiffness it is usually neces
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness which not only destroys the
appearance but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch as it can be applied
much more thinly tiecause of its great
er strength than other makes
He Knew
Backer You got trimmed bad I
thought you said you were confident
of the result
Pugilist I was I knew Id get
licked Puck
Mrs WlnslowB Soothing Syrnp for Children
teething softens the rums reduces inflamma
tion allays pain cures -wind colic 25c a bottle
The biggest work in the world is be
ing done in the little red schoolhouse
Garfield Tea overcomes constipation
The way of the transgressor is hard
but smooth
Cleanses the System
effectually Dispels
colds and Headaches
due to constipation
Best for men vomen
and children young
and Id
To get its Beneficial
effects always note the
name of the Company
inaig aiin g aw IV2 V
plainly printed on the
front of every package
of the Genuine
jJj umiiiiiiwiihiim mllllllllllllll Por Infanta and Children
jfjlBilllli The Kind You Have
Always Bought
bo mi fsiasuvHi sejuaBii
I ft
Bears the A
i Signature JM
ft yr n
y For Over
Irty Years
Ymzoirtauhcobpaht KrarYonxcrrr
Dont Persecute
Your Bowels
Cut out cathartics and purgatives They aia
orutai narsn unnecessary 1 1
Purely vegetable Act
gently on the liver
eliminate bile and
soothe the delicate
membrane of the
bowel Cur
Sick Head
aEKjauvi Bivcrv
ache and Indigestion as millions tcow
Genuine must bear Signature
Shake Into Your Shoe
Allens Foot Ease the antiseptic
powder for the feet It tsIistm
punfol Trouea lmaitme tender ner
Tooa feet and instantly txtsi the stioaT
oat of corns and bunions Its the
greatest comfort discovery of
the axe Allens Foot Easa znaltas
tight or new shoes feel easy It is at
certain relief for inrromng mils per
SDirinr callons and tired achinjr fees
Wehara OTerSOOCOtesthnonials TJtY
IT TO DAY Sold eTsrywhere 25c
llo not accept any aubstltnte
Sent by mail for 2ic in stamps
rrDgrp tihai package
m IV jent by mail
Inanlnrfc POWDiHtiS the best median for
PU5 Ferensn sickly Children Sold by
pse Allen s Tiit ri
rtOt Eaie Trial Packagra FREE Address
HaiaLlSMERTyi ill
21 Drop of Blood
Or a little water from the human system when
thoroughly tested by the chief chemist a Dr
Pierces Invalids Hotel Buffalo N Y tells the
story of impoverished blood nervous exhaustion
or some kidney trouble Such examinations are
made without cost and is only a small part of the
work of the staff of physicians and surgeons under
the direction of Dr R Y Pierce giving the best
medical advice possible without cost to those
who wish to write and make a full statement of
symptoms An imitation of natures method of
restoring waste of tissue and impoverishment of
the blood and nervous force is used when you
take an alterative and glycerio extract of roots
without the use of alcohol such as
9ld asTwhir naiV
tmu a4 kill all
fJIti Neat clexa
I ornamental coarea
I lent cheap- Lasts all
litaaaft CantsplUo
I tip otct will not soft
for injurs acythiar
I ooaraateed
it OfalltJaaltnotr
j seat prepaid tor 20c
ISO XU stall At
for starching
finest linens
Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery
Which makes the stomach strong promotes the flow of digestive Juices re
stores the lost appetite makes assimilation perfect invigorates the liver and
purines and enriches the blood It is the great blood maker flesh huilder
and restorative nerve tonic It makes men strong in body active in mind
and cool in judgment Get what you ask for