The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 06, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 4

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fcv rggs
akes the most nutri
tious food and the most
dainty and delicious
Absoiufefy Pure
The only Baking Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
No fussing or fretting over
the biscuit making Royal
i the aid to many a
cooks success
Royal Cook Book 800 Receipts Free Send Name and Address
X -40
No 6
i i n
McCook Citizens Testify for the Pub
lic Benefit
A truthful statement of a McCook
citizen given in his own -words should
convince the most skeptical about the
merits of Doans Kidney Pills If you
suffer from backache nervousness
sleeplessness urinary disorders or
any form of kidney ills the cure is
at hand Read this
Charles Weintz of McCook
says My back ached constantly ar
if I lifted or stooped I had sharp
pains in my loins The secretions
from my kidneys often contained sedi
ment and the passage were irregular
and painful A tired feeling v as in
evidence when I got up in the morn
ing convincing me that my kidneys
-were at fault After trying a number
-of remedies without being helped to
any extent I procured Doans Kid
ney Pills at McConnells drug store
and they entirely removed my trouble
I have since advised other kidney suf
ferers to take this preparation and in
every instance it had done good work
Several years ago I publicly endorsed
Doans Kidney Pills and at this time
I gladly do so again
For sale by all dealers Price 50
-cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novein
ber 13
Dundy County March G and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
29 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcok county May 1 and No
veniber 27
Red Willow county February J
May 11 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
There is one medicine that every
family should be provided -with and
especially during the summer months
viz Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy It is almost cer
tain to be needed It costs but a
quarter Can you afford to be with
out it For sale bv all dealers
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
You didnt look in the Directory before you called a num
ber the wrong bell was rung and an innocent subscriber was
disturbed You said Central gave me the wrong number
Of course she did You called the wrong number why
shouldnt you get it
Another time you thoughtlessly called a wrong number The
next moment you remembered that it was not the one you
wanted You quickly signaled Central and asked for the
right number
Meanwhile the party of the number you first called answer
ed when his bell rang He got no reply He angrily ex
claimed My bell rang He did not know you called him
and then decided you wanted another number after Central
had rung his line
The Telephone Company received the blame for your care
Nebraska Telephone Company
CHAS W KELLEY McCook Manager
- M
Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
- L
The Buck Surveying Party
Sometime during the month of July
or August 1869 a surveying party
under the direction of Nelson Buck
of Pontiac Illinois consisting of
eleven or twelve men disappeared
on the plains of Southwestern Nebras
ka While nothing was seen of the
party after it left the vicinity of Fort
Kearney investigations made in the
fall of 1S69 leave no room for doubt
that the party was killed by the In
dians The event is of especial in
terest to residents of Red Willow
county because it has been definite
ly determined that the massacre oc
curred in this county probably on
Beaver creek a short distance west
of where the town of Marion now is
Mr H B MacG regor who was or
iginally one of the party but who
was sent back to the Fort after they
had gone into the field is so far as
is known the only survivor The
following account of his adventures
written by himself was recently re
In the spring of 1SC9 six of us
were enlisted by Mr Buck to accom
pany him on a government survey
ing expedition into Nebraska then a
newly created state They were Ly
curgus Perry John Nettleton James
Sager David McFarland H B Mac
Gregor and Frank McCulloch Ly
curgus Perry finally declined to go
but the rest of us started on the
day set in charge of Mr iBuck We
were all young men all under age
and without the faintest ideas of the
service we were undertaking but
looked upon it as a sort of a pro
longed picnic We traveled by rail
to Chicago and from there to Coun
cil Bluffs Iowa Then we followed
the river down until opposite Platts
mouth Nebraska Here I came upoa
the first Indians I saw camped in
the brush I was told they were
Omahas and harmless Certainly
they paid no attention to us
We crossed over to Plattsmouth on
a ferry boat by pulling a rope I do
not know what they charged but it
was consideiable for an outfit like
ours Arriving in Plattsmouth we
I romped out and were there for some
time Mr Buck renewed his supplies
thLie gathered information and re
cniited six other young fellows and
a teaniitfr I regret 1 cannot after
this lapse of time recall any of their
names although I can still rerali
their faces equipment etc except
the teamster who was a tough look
ing green eyed curly headed Polish
Jev by the name of Levy Mieroslow
ski We were still in Plattsmouth
July 4th I remember the celebration
there on that day and the driving
of the first spike in the construction
of the Burlington railroad which I
witnessed on that day
We were in Plattsmouth possibly
two weeks but in due time started
west over what was called the old
government trail passing what was
then Grand Island on the south side
of the Platte a collection of half a
dozen or more sod houses I recall
the people there were very bitter
toward all Indians One old lady
where I bought a little milk boasted
that she Jiad finished seven of the
red devils by putting arsenic in the
sugar and letting them steal it while
she was absent and their equip
ments were on the walls too to
prove her story
The trip from Lincoln to Fort
Kearney reservation was uneventful
except for the fact that Mr Buck
could not locate a parallel which an
other crew had run and from which
we were supposed to start For that
reason and to renew supplies and to
make requisition for arms and an
escort we camped at the reservation
I do not recall just how long we
remained but I know Major Pollock
who was in command of the post and
ether officers and even enlisted men
insisted if we went on without an
escort and poorly armed as we were
we would all be massacred The days
went by but with no escort no arms
and no news Finally we started as
we were After about three days
travel we pitched camp near the Re
publican in what as near as I can
tell is now Red Willow county and
prepared to run a parallel Mr Buck
called Nettleton and myself to his
tent and told us he was afraid there
was considerable danger and he
wanted us to return to Fort Kearney
reservation and await the requisition
for arms and an escort and come
back with them to this camp We
found our way back to the fort read
ily enough and reported to the com
manding officer Nettleton had no
money and I only three dollars
half of which I gave him He hired
out that same day to the man who
was running an ox ferry across the
Platte from Kearney City to Fort
Kearney getting three dollars for
each trip Nettleton agreed to come
down to the bank of the Platte the
next morning and talk across with
me but he did not and I never saw
him again
1 received every attention from
the commanding officer of the post
and in a day or so he told me I
could get a job from the post trader
if I wanted it hauling -wood into the
post by ox team from Plum Creek
crossing two trips a week I had
never driven oxen but claimed I
had and got the job I did not know
how to yoke them up but the morn
ing we were to start I told the young
man who was goiug with me the
truth about it and told him if he
would show me how this one morning
I could do it and could drive all
right I was sure This de did be
ing a gccil ellow I lis name I re
gret to say has es nnrd Pie but we
got aiong all right for a number of
trips 1 learned long afterwards that
it was a most dangerous job the
Sioiix using that crossing and killing
nearly every wood hauler who had
tried it We did not see an Indian
though we heard them often at
night as we laid hid near the cross
Evans Brothers of St Louis came
along there soon and as I heard
nothing from my companions and
nothing as to an escort or arms and
they were going west I hired to
Evans as a rider at one dollar a day
and found This was a large and
well equipped outfit There were a
number of well known western men
with this crew as scouts I remain
ed with this cattle outfit until they
reached the foothills when I quit
them and started back alone and on
foot for home I had no serious trou
ble I slept at night on the islands
in the Platte and traveled days I
often heard Indians and gun shots
but did not see one nor was I seen
by them on this trip fi
When opposite North Platte lla
-warn over to the north side and id
there found some parties with three F3
nnlr tfnm frninn prist Tiipv vrrf
without a driver for one of the teams tS
nnil T rrinu tlmt inTi lin i fh
portation I quit them at Colum
bus Nebraska and from there on
home nothing of especial interest
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
iave been made in the county clerks
jffce since our last report
tate or eorasica to Lanus ja
E Southwick deed eV fA
2 30 2240 00
Linda Arnold widow to Peter
Foxn ct al wd swi 51-3-29
7000 00
Robert MeQuilkin to John E
Ford wd e 1-3-28
Wilson S Wait et ux to Jas
M Lyon wd 4 in 9 7th
James M Lyon et ux to Ray
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
nnnn nn fJ
Barnett Lumber Co
200 00
The lady students of the Junior Normal to visit our
store often during your their stay in McCook
We are showing a complete and well selected as
sortment of
White Dresses
Linen Dresses
Gingham Dresses
Silk Dresses
Wash Skirts
Wool Skirts
L Lyon wd 4 in 9 7th
McCook 200 00 Your Neighbors Experience
How you may profit by it Take
It is worse than useless to take Foley Kidney Pills Mrs E G
any medicines internally for muscular Whiting 360 Willow St Akron O
or chronic rheumatism All that is says For some time I had a very
needed is a free application of serious case of kidney trouble and I
berlains Liniment For sale by all suffered with backaches and dizzy
dealers headaches I had specks floating be-
fore mv eves and I felt all tired out
The Tribunes job department can
as usual handle your job printing
promptly and satisfactorily Prices
reasonable and right
In the County Court of Red Wil
low County Nebraska In the Mat
ter of the Estate of Robert B Wil
son deceased To all- persons in
terested in said estate
You art hereby notified that on
June o 1911 Joseph D Wilson filed
his petition in the county court of
said Red Willow count praying that
letters of administration be issued
to D Y Dorwart upon the goods
chattels rights and credits of Rob
ert B Wilson late of said county
deceased and that a hearing will be
had upon said petition at the county
ourt room in the city of McCook in
said county on June 2G 1911 at the
hour of nine oclock A M
Bated this 5th day of June 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June C 1911 Gt
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
results showed almost at once The
pain and dizzy headaches left me my
eye sight became clear and today I
can say I am a well woman thanks
to Foley Kidney Pills A McMil
Observe the date after your name
on The Tribune Notch it Up
Linen Suits
Serge Suits
Summer Coats
Tailored Waists
Lingerie Waists
and dress accessories
of all kinds
Our Dry Goods Department
You will find up to-the-minute in every line
Summer Dress Goods
White Waistings
Embroideries Laces
Fancy and Plain Hose
KayserSiIk Gloves all Igths
Alunslng Underwear
Muslin Undergarments
Gossard lace front and
American Beauty Corsets
Ladies Home Journal Patterns
and in fact every well known and desirable article you will find
in our large and complete stocks
Special Great Reductions
Are now being given in
Our Jliilinery Department
and it will pay you to learn our prices and see our
line before you buy It is a pleasure for us to show
goods Come in and look around
and miserable I saw Foley Kidney
Pills advertised and got a bottle and
took them according to directions and
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
ike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n t acr - Plrfnolr
streetiu r W ith brmoR i vuua
New Government Irrigated
Opened in the Big Horn Basin
THE RALSTON UNIT and other choice lands comprising 14000 acres
of government Shoshone Project within three miles of Powell Wyoming
will be opened to entry June 23d 1911
Come with me on June 20th homeseekers date and let me help jou
select a valuable claim My party will arrive at Powell in time to make
your selections before the opening
This is the land for which so many settlers have been waiting and is a
part of the rich valley surrounding Powell and Ralston where over 400
farmers are already located You can see the bunrper crops now grow
ing on these Government irrigated farms
YOU HOMESTEAD THE LAND and buy water rights from the Govern
ment at actual cost on the ten payment plan without interest The Gov
ernment Shoshone Dam insures permanent and ample water for all time
NEW FOLDER just from the press contains a map and plat of these
farms and pictures showing crops grown last year also the dam storage
lake and several farm scenes Send for it QUICK
Immigration Agent
1004 Farnam Street - OMAHA NEB
giyni r in1 WTiPhwWTWvvtfl f vtnwffvPr invvViirii H ii iiwfl
V Franklin Pres G H WATKistVice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capitall50000 Surplus 25000
VFranklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
ffllitfi Mi ifttf 1 I t Ilif V fVMI f i1 tlj i