The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 06, 1911, Tuesday Evening Edition, Image 1

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V t
Next Sunday Will Mark the First
Observance of Memorial Day
by the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive Engineers
It has come to be a settled policy
of orders to observe a Memorial Day
in memory of the deceased members
of the orders and in keeping with
this policy the members of McCook
division No 623 will observe this
day in the First Methodist church of
our ctiy next Sunday morning at
eleven oclock
There will be a special sermon by
Rev L E Lewis pastor and special
music by the choir
All railroad men are invited by
the order to attend these services
An Anonymous Suggestion
The Burlington wreck near McCook
is the subject of an anonymous letter
received by the state railway commis
sion A letter written on Burlington
stationery and mailed on the train be
tween Alliance and Lincoln address
ed to the commission is as follows
Wreck east of McCook Wreck
between trains Nos 9 and 12 on the
Burlington Such wrecks can and
should be avoided as follows Make
a law that a railroad company cannot
put out meet orders at any siding
unless there is an operator on duty
and that he must have a copy of the
order before such trains start from
one direction to the other Lincoln
Daily News
Card of Thanks
We desire in this way to express
our gratitude and thanks for the
kindness and assistance shown our
dear ones Mr and Mrs H J Fee
kin who were fatally burned in the
Indianola wreck by the people of
Cambridge McCook and Culbertson
and especially by the members of
the A O U W and the Burlington
company and employes
Mr and Mrs M H Feekin and family
Mr and Mrs Geo Cappel and family
Speaking of advertising Nebraska
the Omaha Bee says Every news
paper in Nebraska is a permanent
publicity bureau for the state These
newspapers ask no subsidies but
they are entitled to and should re
ceive appreciative recognition for
what they are doing and substantial
support from all other business in
stitutions and members of the com
munity that share in the benefits
Odd Fellows Elect Officers
At their regular meeting end of
week the Odd Fellows selected of
ficers for the coming six months
beginning July 1st William Ham
mell W G L A Fitch V G
Their hall has recently been com
pletely equipped with new furniture
carpets chairs etc
Mr Dodge Very Low
Nels J Johnson drove over to Mar-
ion Sunday to see Sidney Dodge
who has been ill for two or three
weeks He reports Mr Dodge as
having had a fourth stroke of
sis and as being in a very low and
serious condition speechless and
helpless j
By the Car Load
The McCook Bottling Works does
business on the car load lot plan
They have just received a car load
of cases and bottles for their
ness in our city and vicinity They
are heavy shippers of their product
Two Late Filings
Since our last report two more fil
ings have been made for nominations
John W Randal for Democratic nom
ination for county commissioner
Charles W Kelley for Republican
nomination for county assessor
The National Secretary
Mr Carl Lehman the national sec
retary of the Christian Endeavor so
ciety will be in McCook on Sunday
June 11th to do some boosting for
the movement Fuller notice will be
given later
Hand Crushed
J A Rozell had the misfortune to
have his hand crushed painfully end
of last week while working in the
Anderson mill
Hammocks for out of doors com
fort 1 to 825
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Claytons Dog Remedies for every
disease of the dog
L W McCONNELL Druggist
it Arapahoe six
The small attendance can be ex
plained on the theory that the pub
lic was not posted on the merit of
the local team it will be different
next game
Arapahoes battery Lollman and
Was Rosa Catt
Mrs Rosa B Moore S26 N Street
died yesterday She -was thirty four
years old The funeral will be held
from the chapel of Castle Roper
Matthews Friday afternoon at 3
oclock Rev H H Harmon pastor
of the First Christian church will
conduct the funeral services Burial
will be in Wyuka cemetery Mrs
Moore leaves three children Vashti
Charles and Albert all under sixtee
years of age She also leaves a fathe
Thomas Catt living with another
daughter Mrs H J Benson at 331
South Eleventh street Mrs D T
Richardson 1208 M street Mrs Nora
Monroe of Sheridan WyoMrs Hat
tie Thompson and Mrs Emma Young
of Seattle and Mrs Chambers of Los
Angeles Cal are also sisters
Lincoln Journal June 2
Square Hold Pulling Match
Between Frank Houlihan champion
square hold puller of McCook and
Adolph Weskamp champion of the
East end on Saturday June 17th at
230 p in in Diamonds hall at Mc
Cook Neither has ever found his
superior in square hold pulling A
wrestling match at close
Married in Kearney
Mr A E Hotchkin manager of
The McCook Milling Co and Miss
Bertha Hecox of Kearney Nebraska
Wednesday May 31st They arrived
in our city last Thursday evening
and have gone to housekeeping at
401 6th street east The Tribune con
Notice of Equalization
Notice is hereby given that the
County Board of Equalization will
meet on the 13th day of June 1911
to equalize the 1911 assessment and
will be in session at least 3 days as
provided by law 18 4ts
County Clerk
For Sale
S E Vi sec 7 and N E sec
iS T 3 R 29 and N E and
N W S E Yi sec 13 T5R30
Will consider any fair offer cash or
rart on time Address owner
J T FOLEY Lewistown Montana
Can Pay at the Store
Parties owing the Updike Co
may pay their bills at Jones Cos
oenfectionery and news stand on low
er Main avenue Phone 13 or 169
S S GARVEY Manager
We Serve to Please
lea cream soda and sundaes with
pure crushed fruit including all the
A McMILLEN Druggist
Do you trade at the Rexall store
Every item guaranteed satisfactory
or your money refunded
L W MoCONNELL Druggist
In the County Court of Red Willow
County State of Nebraska In the
matter of the estate of James B
Wade deceased
Notice is hereby given that the
time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate is six
months from and after July 1 1911
and any claim not presented by that
time shall be forever barred that I
will sit at the county court room in
McCook in said county on the 2nd
day of January 1912 at the hour of
ten oclock a m to examine ad
just and allow the claims against
said estate and that the time limited
for the payment of debts is one year
from June 3rd 1911
Dated June 3rd 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication June 6 1911 3L
McCook Beat the Braves
McCook opened the base ball sea
son auspiciously last Friday win
ning from the Arapahoe team by a
score of five to three The local
pitcher kept the visitors guessing all
the time McCook fans look forward
with considerable enthusiasm for
a season of good ball here The Trib
une hopes and expects the locals will
come through handsomely
Debmhani and Harmon constituted
McCookc battery and they were
Carhiil on third played a profess
sional game
Debenham and Norman each had
three base hits to their credit and
the latter two singles to boot
McCook had nine hits to her cred
Tuesday Evening1 Edition
McCook Junior Normal Opens
The McCook Junior State Normal
school opened its 1911 session Mon
day morning in the McCook high
school building with an opening en
rollment of 53 pupils
The teacher corps as advertised
except Miss Allen is in charge of the
regular work of the school In place
of Miss Allen the model school is
in charge of Miss Cleo Rector of the
McCook public schools
The counties of Red Willow Fur
nas Frontier Dundy Chase and
Hitchcock are represented in the at
tendance and there is one pupil pres
ent from Kansas
The Seventh Annual Eighth Grade
will be special music for the occasion
Deputy Supt Delzell will deliver the
address before the class on this oc
casion Hear him
Agriculturist Weybright of The
Great Western Sugar Co was one
of the principals in a little runaway
episode Monday and now navigates
with some dignified slowness with
the aid cf a crutch Injury slight
The Tribune printed three thousand
copies la- week This is doubtless
the largest lf tue ever parted by a
newspaper in Red Willow county
People know a great many things
Graduating Exercises will be held in that are not true
the auditorium of the high school on
next Friday the ninth of June There Everything in drugs
An Invitation
Is extended to the Lady STUDENTS
of the JUNIOR NORMAL to visit the
only exclusive Ladies Furnishings
Store in our city
C Clapps advertising- notice on the back page
I McCook Gets Savings Bank
offices having been designated so far
t irty additional postortices were
designated today as depositories mak
Washington June 3 Postmaster inS a total to date of 430 Superior
General Hitchcock has decided to in- Nebraska is among the number
crease the extension of the postal
savings system from 100 to 130 offices Washington D C June 1 Post-
a week with at least 1000 depositor- master General Hitchcock yesterday
ies designated by July 1 This will announced the designation of seven-
be a worlds record in the number op- ty four more second class postoffices
crated within so short a time after scattered in forty one states as postal
establishment savings depositories effective June
On July 1 the system is to be ex- 27th The following western offices
tended to first class offices in the were among the number Aurora an
large cities only second class post- McCook
Sipt C W Taylor and family have
moved into the Sawyer residence on
1st street cast this week
Rev L E Lewis pastor of the
First Methodist church went down to
Lincoln this morning on business
Mr and Mrs H H Rawson of
Seattle Wash are visiting in the
city guests of Mrs M A Northrup
to whom they are related
Mrs Jessup wife of the night op
erator - ouiiylsis u visit from a
slhter who arrived fron McCook on
Tuesday morning Wray Rattler
Mr and Mrs W H Smith who
have been living with their daughter
Mrs C L Markwad at Westboro
Mo for several months arrived at
home Saturday last
Mrs Linda Arnold Misses Lynn
and Lucile and Master Lewis left
Monda for Wray Colorado where
they will go onto a Kinkaid homo
stead in that vicinity
Miss Edith Yamen of Richland Cen
ter Wisconsin is a guest in Judge
LeHews family being out west for
a visit of a month with relatives at
Denver and in our city
Dr and Mrs C L Fahnestock de
parted on 10 Friday for the east on
a vacation They will go direct from
here to New York city via Chicago
thence to Philadelphia Will visit
St Louis on the return home They
will be gone a few weeks
L Thorgrimson assistant cashier
of the First National bank departed
on Friday night for Seattle Wash
ington on a visit to the parents and
members of the family to be gone
several weeks Mr Schenck will act
as assistant cashier meanwhile
iC A Ready came up from McCook
yesterday after spending several days
in the eastern part of the state He
said he narrowly escaped being in
the wreck at Indianola as he had
intended to board the ill fated No
9 on Monday morning at Hastings
for McCook Hayes Center Times
F S Rexford 615 New York Life
Bldg Kansas City Mo says I
had a severe attack of a cold which
settled in my back and kidneys and
I was in great pain from 1113 trouble
A friend recommended Foley Kidney
Pills and I used two bottles of them
and they have done rne a world of
good A McMillen
Summer time is here and you
should get your hammock today and
enjoy the net summer evenings out
of doors Hammocks any price
L W McCONNELL Druggist
It is ood to be sure The Flag
brand makes you sure of using good
canned fruits and vegetabels
i Have your prescriptions filled at
MoConnells druggist
McConnell for drugs
B H WillfT tTiI rrw AJKK
Odd question to ask but its relevanantly recognize who he is dont you
WHEN YOU MEET a friend you instt to these HIGH ART PHOTO
GRAPHS that this studio is famed for As soon as you see one of
them you instantly recognie it as one of our make
so that it looks like life itself Good idea to have some new ones
Come in and engage them
Next door to Commercial
v Z
Unidentified Person Knocked Off of
Burlington Train at Oxford
Oxford Neb June 4 Special tel
egram to the Bee An unidentified
man was knocked off the tender of
Burlington No 6 this morning by
the water crane He died at five
oclock without having fully regained
consciousness An inquest was held
this afternoon by Coroner C E Hop
ping No blame was attached to
any one A card in the dead mans
pocket said In case of accident
notify P N Winters Webster Kan
Funeral Services of Engineer Leahy
Funeral services forW T Leahy
a Burlington engineer who was kill
ed in a wreck neaar Indianola last
Monday morning were held at St
Theresas Tiro eatlipdrnl nt Q 20 ta
well follow Ushers were chosen
from among the membership of the
Knights of Columbus Members of
this order acted as guard of honor
and the brotherhood of locomotive er
gineers as escort during the pro
The active pallbearers were John
P Sutton L A Brian Thomas Cun
ningham J B Tanney J F Duf
fy and J H McCoy The honorary
pallbearers were Julius Deitrich F
D Palmer Peter McGinnis John
J Brady H A Bignell and Tim Far
rell j
Interment was at Calvary cemetery
Lincoln Journal June 2
Burial of Wreck Victim
The funeral of Ernest M Frazier
the express messenger who was kill
ed in the wreck near Indianola Mon
day was held Saturday at the home
of his father 312 South Eighteenth
street Rev A L Weatherly pastor
of All Souls church was in charge
of the services The funeral was
delayed until yesterday in order that
two brothers Gus H Frazier from
Seattle and a brother from the east
might attend Gene Powell H E
Strom Albert Westburg Ross Pen
dergraft R I Rhodes and C E
Laird acted as pall bearers Inter
ment was at Wyuka This was the
last of the funerals of the Lincoln
wreck victims Lincoln Journal
Burial of Engineer Hyder
The funeral of John N Hyder en
gineer of one of the wrecked trains
was held Wednesday afternoon at 4
oclock at the First Congregational
church The church was crowded be
fore the opening of the services and
many came afterwards who had to
stand The W C T U and the Y
W C A of which Mrs Hyder is a
member and the Alpha Chi Omega
sorority of which Miss Verna Hyder
is a member and the W R C and
the Brotherhood of Locomotive En
gineers all attended in a body the
latter having charge of the services
both at the church and at the grave
Lincoln Star
Funeral of Fireman Olson
Services over the body of Albert J
Olson were made extremely simple
owing to the condition of Mrs Olson
A large number of friends neighbors
and railroad men crowded the heme
the porch and the lawn of the Olson
home at 903 Washington street Rev
H H Harmon of the First Christian
church spoke briefly He talked first
of the uncertainty of life and then
praised the work of the railroad man
and the obligations they are under to
carry on the commerce of the world
as well as to guard the lives of the
people who travel Lincoln Star
Funeral of W J Damron
The funeral of Walter J Damron
the fireman on train No 12 was held
Thursday afternoon at 230 at the
family home 121 South Fourteenth
street Rev H H Harmon of First
Christian church officiated Members
of the brotherhood of the locomotive
firemen and enginemen attended in a
body They were in charge of the
services both at the home and at the
cemetery Interment was in Wyuk
Lincoln Star
We are equipped in every way to
handle your prescription business in
the best possible manner Your doc
tor knows ask him
L W McCONNELL Druggist
C C Porter Proprietor A Big
Enterprise For This Part of
An industry that is growing very
rapidly and attracting the attention
of the public especially in the middle-west
is the soda water bottling
business It is a matter deserving of
commendation of the press and the
pulpit that ardent or alcoholic drink
ing is being so universally supplanted
in this state at least by soda water
or soft drinks
It has been conceded by eminent
chemists and pathologists of many
diseases due to intestinal germs such
as typhoid etc and the free use o
carbonated beverages another name
for soda waters is very beneficial as
a preventive and a cure for many
terday morning A high mass for the such ailments-
dead was celebrated The funeral Ir Porter is operating one
sermon was preached by Father Wil 1 of the most bottling works
liam Bradley He spoke of the lesson in the country at McCook He makes
taught by deaatli He lauded the life j a sPecialtJ of cleanliness and neat
of Mr Leahy Father Bradley saidliess and is PuttinS out a very high
that he was an exemplary citizen ar i srade of carbonated beverages
left a good example that others might He has recently acquired the ex-
elusive bottling rights to Great Amer
ican Hop Ale and Cherrysip Hop Ale
is a soda water drink made from the
hops but without fermentation and
of course without alcohol It tastes
very much like lager beer and would
fool an expert but it is perfect
ly legal in a prohibition state and
has been protected by letters patent
issued by the government the only
patented soda water drink in the
United States
Chenysip is also a soda water bev
erage made from the cherry and is
an elegant and refreshing drink
The syrup is manufactured by the
j American Beverage Co of St Louis
1 Mo who ship it to Mr Porter to
ue cuiuouiueu oy nis caroonatmg ma
chinery and then sold to the mer
chants and family trade
Hops are recommended by the med
ical authorities as being helpful in
cases of gout and nervousness sleep
lessness etc and as an antidote
for the liquor thirst Hops are
also used in treating delirum trem
ens which is brought on by heavy
liquor drinking Therefore in addi
tion to being a pleasant soda water
drink Hop Ale is also a very
beneficial beverage
Grizzlies B M Payday
Yesterday was pay day for the
Grizzlies the Burlington railroad of
ficials acting as paymasters While
the players suffered little themselves
in the wreck of Monday they lost
practically all of their personal be
longings Manager Hendricks being
particularly unfortunate in the loss
of a fine suitcase crowded with val
uables and a goodly sum of money
In the settlement the players
claims were met fully and without
unnecessary quibble and it was a re
lieved crew that settled down for the
pitch play of the evening The
amounts ran into considerable sums
while the losses were such that they
required immediate replacement
Denver News
Locomotive Boiler Exploded
By the explosion of a locomotive
boiler near North Platte on the U
P June 2nd three men were killed
Engineer Warren Kelly of North
Platte Fireman Ralph Smith of Sa
lina Kansas Head Brakeman Tad
Thompson of North Platte The en
gineer was blown 300 feet the fire
man 400 feet the head brakeman
200 feet and all were badly mangled
The boiler was blown 500 feet and
demolished Six freight cars were
piled up three of them torn to
The first of the postal savings bank
bonds will be issued very soon Treas
ury officials have been notified that
depositors at many of the banks are
turning in their accounts and asking
for the new securities The new
bonds will be in denominations of
20 50 and 100 and will pay two
and one half per cent interest Any
depositor in a postal bank can be
come a holder of government bonds
for the asking
A Brownie camera should be includ
ed in your boys or girls vacation
outfit The fun to be derived from
one is all out of proportion with the
cost 1 to 12 Come and see them
L W McCONNELL Druggist
W R Starr has moved into new
office quarters over the Viersen
Osborn shoe store