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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
7 4 n Of Y THIRTIETH YEAR H EAT pickles see Magner IN SUMMER when not shod in cool slippers or oxfords will cause the feet to perspire and gall making that obnoxious odor besides the suf fering PEOPLE who have experienced the pleasure of oxfords and slippers never go without them in summer We have an assortment of slippers and oxfords unexcelled anywhere Call and see them NETTLETONS tan patent gun for men QUEEN QUALITY strap patent dull and vici for women S L PIERCE CO straps and ox fords in all leathers for misses boys and children VIERSEN OSBORN THE CORNER STORE PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED HERE AT NIGHT receive the same careful attention and scientific accuracy as those fill ed during the day If sudden illness at night makes it necessary to have a prescription fill- A Genuine Surprise The sterling aue exhibited in the Broad Long black satine shirts which we are selling for 39c each lias been a surprise to all Longer and broader than common makes bet ter shaped and sewed and stayed and finished than the common makes and much better satine than the averaage 75 cent shirt they are worth your looking them up The Thompson D G Co Utmost values for cash only Fireless Cookers in Demand We sell the Jewel Fireless Cooker which has all the best improvements and is perfectly sanitary It will pay you to look at these if interested McCOOK HARDWARE CO Thankful for Donations The members of J K Barnes post G A R are very grateful to the business men and others of the city for their liberal donations to defray the expenses of Decoration Day Dont Forget McMillens large assortment of wall paper at small prices A McMILLEN Druggist Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store PASTURE For horses and cattle Horses 50c and cattle 40c month Phone cedar 1154 Roy Newell Box Elder Neb It is a wise and precautionary act to observe who canned the goods you eat If it is the Flag brand you can rely on its purity and excellence C L DeGroff Co The latest styles and the newest designs in summer jewelry brooches pendants belt pins hat pins brace lets etc are here awaiting your in spection H P SUTTON CO Jewelers A Special Sale Yes very special but not limited as to time We refer to our sale of Leatherwear yard wide black taf feta silk for S9 cents yd Not equal led anywhere under 125 One piece follows another right along You can buy as much or as little as you want and your neighbors will find more here for them when you tell them about it Soft substantial lustrous FOR THE CARE OF THE LITTLE FOLKS You of course want the best of everything for the baby particularly in NURSERY SUPPLIES If you come to us for such goods you make sure of the best procurable Theres no worthy article in this Gasoline Engines For purpose IVz horse power to 15 horse power at prices below any others Do not make the mistake of sending your money away You can i buy now cheaper at home Chore Boy 1 horse power engines will pump your water and do a hundred other things for you any time you want it done Large line of engines row ready for you McCOOK HARDWARE CO Simpsons Prints ed promptly it may save valuable have been the recognized high stand- time and needless worry to ard prints for more than oO years ber our night clerk is in room 6 up stairs over our store L W McCONNELL Druggist There are none better You will find them along with Columbias Aliens Garners and Americans for 5a cents yard at Ut most values tor cash only Protect Your Buildings with Shinns Pure Copper Cable Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu donts for board and room this sum mer should phone 33G at the High School building The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart 1 Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97- The McCook Tribune 3100 a year Stylish Tan Oxfords for women at 200 for Misses and For special on dill sour and sweet Chillren from 150 t0 210 The Thompson D G Co Utmost value Get our rates on Farm Loans DORWART BARGER Perfection Oil Cooks McCOOK HARDWARE CO Buy flower field and garden seeds from H P Waite Co Their seeds are reliable 9 tf The McCook Tribune want ads line Most people read them flawless 96 threads to the inch each war built for beauty and service and to be sold much above our price We regard our customers as entitled to better than common prices for they pay on the nail everyone of them So S9 cents is our price The Thomp son D G C Utmost values for cash only ac The McCook Tribune 100 a year GIFTS FOR JUNE WEDDINGS In buying a present for a wedding beauty and utility must be considered Cut glass and silver answer these de- mands and our lines are complete and new We will be glad to show you all the latest patterns whether you buy or not P SUTTON CO JEWELERS THURSDAY EVENING EDITION McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING JUNE 1 1911 Remembered Veterans REMEMBER DEAD VETERANS McCook Pays a Just and Suitable Tribute to the Memory of the Boys in Blue Buried Here McCook paid a deserved tribute to the memory of the dead veterans who sleep in her cemeteries Tuesday In the morning committees from the post and auxiliaries repaired to the cemeteries of the city and dec orated the graves of the dead soldiers buried therein As usual too this sweet service was not confined to the soldiery but many others remembered thus tenderly tvir dead The formal and beautiful ritualistic service of the Ladies of the G A R was held at Riverview cemetery The procession formed was headed to the cemeteries by the members of company M Nebraska national guard who fired the usual salute at the cemetery during the ceremonies there Quite a number of citizens the line made that youll not find here mayor and city council representa and at the ngnt price i tives of orders etc joined in this The danger season for little folks procession and service at the ceme is at hand See that foods given terv are absolutely fresh and in perfect condition We guarantee our tcods L W McCOxNNELL Druggist List of Veterans J B Farnsworth J B McCabe Frankliu Huber Charles Turner W B Brown Moses Tiattershall George E Fox L H Conrad Lyman Miller W j Johnson Wiley Mathews T J Pate Samuel Snoke Chester Ward John D Gerver Dr A P Welles Henry Walker H H Berry D A Clements 66 Lightning Rods sold and put up by location McCook Hardware Co It coats but little and then you will be safe Pro tection absolutely guaranteed McCOOK HARDWARE CO The state board of public lands and buildings last night on the ballot selected Curtis as the for the new agricultural school to be established in southwest- cbraika under the provisions of i the Eastman bill passed at the late 3eSSlon Of tllft lesislatnrp Phn j luting which was started Monday The Tuesday Edition i continued intermittently uncil y The Tuesday edition cf The dock last nielli the only interiui une contained the fullest and most occurring being that for the regular accurate account of the Indianola Memorial day vacation wreck that has appeared in print We TJle vote fr the Frontier county still have a number of extra copies town was unanimous all four of the of the issue for sale at 5 cents acopy members of the board Secretary of State Wait Land Commissioner The Main Store On the Main Street ISli0 Marn j If it is the freshest and best m location ceries fruits vegetables etc you ine contentions of the people of seek look no further than Hubers Curtis that their town lies practically in Liie center or tne section oounuea by the Fourth standard parallel on the north and the Ninety ninth mer idian on the east as provided in the Eastman bill bore great weight with the board and seemed to them they asserted to be a large point in that places favor The fact that that lo cation is midway between various classes of agricultural districts was another point which the members said was a factor in arriving at the final result Result of Vote Of the eleven towns which were in the race for the new institution Holdrege received one vote on the Edwin M Farnsworth W M Irvin Smith Gordon David Keithley R S Cooley T M Scott Joseph Rushong W H Benjamin Andrew Phillips A J Thomas A W Schaeffer J W Proctor John Williams Peter Groves T B Walker C L Nettleton John McCarl In the afternoon in the Temple the atre occurred the regular program of the day Song America Audience Reading of Orders Adjutant Yarg er Invocation Rev McBride Reports of Decorating Committees Reading of Lincolns Gettysburg Address Rev R T Bayne Address of the Day Rev L E Lewis I Address to the Unknown Dead Mrs W G Dutton Benediction Rev D L McBride The address by Rev Lewis was an able one receiving marked attention for its earnestness and patriotic spirit and utterance The services in the Temple the atre were largely attended and with al the exercises of the day were well observed The business houses of the city were closed from ten to three Work in the shops was suspended all day so far as the necessities of the case would allow The banks and nostof fice were also closed during the day Try Nyals Eas em for tired feet 25c of C R WOODWORTH Druggist Qver Touched Us nineteenth ballet and two votes on the thirticiiih seventeenth and the twenty fiith ballots Culberston re ceived oie ote on the eleventh bal lot There were but two votes cat for MJJcck oe on the fourth and one on the eleventh ballots Hartley received Jnit a single vote that being on the ninth ballot Oxford was giv en one vcie oi three ballots the fourth fifth - and ninth Cambridge received cne vote on twenty one of tl ballots taken and two votes on nie other of tho thirty three ballots Alma like Bartley received but one vote that being on the ninth ballot Mascot was in the same class with its rival Harlan county town and was given but one vote North Platte re ceived one vote on two ballots and two votes on the seventeenth ballot Broken Bow ran stronger and polled one vote on twenty four of the bal lots and two votes on seven different ballots Curtis received cne vote on twelve ballots two votes on two dif ferent ballots and on the last ballot the entire four votes The successful town is a place of 840 population and is located seventy-three miles northwert of HoMrege on what is known as the Holdrege Sterling line of the Burlington It is a division point on that roufe and has a sixty acre lake and pleasure park located on the west edge of the town not far from which it is pro posed to locate the main buildings of ho rv Latest Facts of Wreck The gruesome story of the horrible Publo Walskino cook Indianola wreck Monday morning is L B Thomas porter seriously about told But two additional death scalded but condition hopeful have occurred among the injured Brakeman D W Burnett of our since Tuesdays edition went to city has a compound fracture of the press They are Mrs Hiram Feekin arm and scalp wounds but is doing of McCook and Mr H H well and will be at home shortly son of Bromfield Illinois R M Anderson Washington D The complete and official death C fractured skull above eye but is list up to the time cf our going to press Thursday atfernoon is as fol lows THE DEAD Engineer William T Leahy of Lin coin Fireman A J Ohlson of Lincoln Engineer John W Hyder of Lin coln Fireman W J Damron of Lincoln Express Messenger George Freer of Omaha Express Messenger E M Frazier of Omaha Clarence A Hilsabeck of Holdrege a traveling man Robert Shepherd of Holdrege a traveling man for Simmons Hardware Co T H Bowers of McCook a Burling ton fireman who was a passenger on Engine of No 9 Harry McCall of Denver Colo R B Wilson of McCook Mrs H H Culbertson of Brom field III F J Gateley of Gretna Neb A G Turano a section foreman of Palisades Colo Hiram J Feekin of McCook Em ploye in -the storehouse department Miss Grace Dean of Minden Mrs Hiram J Feekin H H Culbertson Bromfield III THE INJURED Most of the injured have so far recovered as to be able to go to their respective homes The following named are all doing well and it is expected all of them will recover in good shape and wires his girl in California that re will be there June 22nd when it is surmised they will be married Dennis Hart of 0 Jikcsh Iowa has a Fractured jaw but his recovery is expected Davis Stryker cf Chicago the elec trician on No 0 has a fraturod skull but his condition is hopeful Ola Uebel severely injured but do ing well Shepherd and Hilsabeck of Hold rege the two traveling men killed are said to have been on their way to Wray Cororado en a hunting ex pedition Robert Shepherd the Simmons Hardware Co traveling man who was killed and his wife are old time York county intimate friends of Mr and Mrs S S Garvey of our city The Denver and Omaha league ball teams were on No 9 and the coach in which the former were riding was carcsized but strange as it may seem only one of the boys was slightly in jured This jnust be said of the Burling ton company and its employes in connection with Mondays terrjble dis aster Each and all did every thing possible to relieve the injured care for the dead and dying and to give every assistance possible to the rela tives and friends of the dead- and in jured tribune 55 THE SEMI WEEKLY TRIBUNE JUNE 22 THE DATE We are beginning to hear about Chautauqua Chautauqua advertising as beginning to come and it wont be long beicre the big tent comes and the program starts The Chautauqua is in every sense a public enterprise and deserves pub lic support Plan to help support it Get a season ticket Youll enjoy every day of the Chautauqua so will the en tire family There is a boys and girls depart ment which promises this year to be most interesting to the boys and girls Let them get into this and boost ing and working together we can make this Chautauqua a benefit to everyone in the community Get a Chautauqua ticket then be gin to talk Chautauqua Junior Normal Opens Monday The annual session of the McCook State Junior Normal school will begir next Moncay morning witli a full quota cf teachers in charge the pergonal acquaintances of the faculty in MtjCook Chas W Tavlor principal Elizabeth Bettcher registrar-treasurer W T Davis C F White A F Gulliver W R Hull Margaret Dunlap and Mattie Allen will constitute the teaching corps Mc Cook and her citizens alwaj s take a pride in giving the visiting students and teachers a royal welcome The Opening Game The opening game of the base ball season will be played tomorrow on the B M -grounds here between Arapahoe and McCook The game wil commence at three oclock The Braves will be up with all their war paint on and announce their pur pose to scalp the locals but will they Princess Slips Some very pretty and desirable styles at 125 and 150 just receiv ed Also Combination Suits cf Cor sst Covers and Drawers in one piece See us for white cambric petticoats corset covers muslin drawers for wo men and children and for gowns The Thompson D G Co Utmost val ues Consolidation of Schools Deputy State Supt Delzell will talk on The Consolidation of Schools at the high school auditorium Friday morning at ten oclock June ninth This is a subject of vital interest to many Come and hear him Can Pay at the Store Parties owing the Updike Co may pay their bills at Jones Cos oenfectionery and news stand on low er Main avenue Fhone 13 or 169 S S GARVEY Manager Seed Corn We have some more splendid seed corn raised right at home which will mature very early and we can stil supply you McCOOK HARDWARE CO A Correction The next regular meeting of the board of county commissioners is on June 19th 1911 a dats fixed by lav The County Board of Equalization will meet on June 13th 1911 Cane Seed Has Been In Great De mand but our supply is again alright and we can take care of all orders now McCOOK HARDWARE CO Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and room this sum mer should phone 33C at the High Sfhoel building We Serve to Please Ic2 cream soda and sundaes with pure crushed fruit including all the specialties A McMILLEN Druggist An important fact in connection with an article is the brand the mark of excellence The Flag brand means the highest quality in canned goods be they vegetables or fruits C L DeGroff Co Subscribe for The Tribune Irr xne mcuook Tribune enters pensable to all who want then ews of city and county as to result in a material increase in our already healthy subscription list Ever- effort will be exerted to mer it your patronage be it in advertising job printing or subscription Try us for thirty years longer tv de V 4- NUMBER 1 pr roil want a Home of thirtieth year of its publication ft i YOW OWll BeHll Bank- Mmf HU n tu ti vwj J ilC JMiJt will hereafter be issued on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week The Tuesday edition will con sist of four pages or more as requir ed and Thursdays paper will regular ly consist of eight pages or more The publisher hopes to make the semi weekly a welcome visitor to many homes and to merit the con tinued substantial support of the peo ple ot McCook and Red Willow coun ty To this end we ask the business men for a liberal advertising busi ness such at least as is warranted by the largest circulation in this part of Nebraska We hope too to make The Semi Weekly Tribune so indis mg Your Money NOW It is worth all the effort and self denial that it costs to OWJj YOUR OWN HOME You cant be happy mowing some ones else grass Were you to bank and save 2000 a month for only nine years you would have over TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS with which to buy a home of your own Then youll no longer hear the unwelcome knock of the rent collector Let OUR Bank be YOUR bank THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President U F Lehv V Pre C J OBrien Oshr niKECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS CXE2K5nm3EnmBMKRaB2aiSEfiKXBBHBS Christian Science The subject for next Sunday morning will be God the Only Cause and Creator Baptist Subjects 11 a m The Eleventh Commandment S p m The Woof of Tragedy in the Warp of Life suggested by the fatal railroad Avreck of last Monday morn ing Bible school at 10 a m Episcopal Whitsunday June 4th The unda hoc- at 10 Holy fulty vil be largely the same as j fnd sen roit psalm t - fix rune fir renn oor a no re- m tne past year This of itself will l V7 -- - be welcome news to old students nnri ings for Episcopal fund Evening pray er and sermon at S oclock hymns 491 375 17 Wednesday choir re hearsal Thursday Ladies guild meets with Mrs W A Cassell Checking County Officers Messrs Shallenberger and Fuson ol the American Audit and Bonding Co Kansas City Mo last Saturday be gan the work of checking the county offices for which the county com missioners recently contracted This work will consume some considerable time as the contract covers the sev eral offices and in some instances at least running back for several years Vacation Now that school is over there will be plenty of time for practicing your music I shall be pleased to com municate with any prospective pu pils Miss Heckman 512 1st street west or phone black 301 25 2t Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and rcom this sum mer should phone 33C at the High School building Hammocks at all prices from 175 up of C R WOODWORTH Druggist vwHxi -3 tvioos At Congregational church Fri day night June 2 Admission 10 cents Beauty is Balanced 5 M by the skill with which we bnii it ut in l h photo graphs we make of you Many people are much better looking than they ap pear in ordin ary Photographs You may think you are one of the few whose portraits cannot be made attrac tive Come and sit for us and your friends delight with the pictures will prove you mis taken KIMMELL STUDIO Phone Red 428 McCOOK Above Commercial I H I