The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 30, 1911, TUESDAY EVENING EDITION., Image 3

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Main Line East Depart Central Time
No G 1110 P 31
1G 500 A II
2 550 A 31
13 945 A 31
12 645 A 31
14 920 P M
10 505 P 31
ilain Lino West Depart Mountain Time
No 1 1235 P 31
3 1142 P 31
5 arr S30 p m
13 940 A 31
15 1230 A M
9 G25 A 31
Imperial Line Mountain Time
No 17G arrives 345 P M
No 175 departs 645 A M
No 175 departs Wed 630 A 31
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
Hey point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D F
Hostetter Agent JlcCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Lee E 3Iudphy is a new machinist
arriving recently from Sheridan Wy
Mrs Ed Lunberry of Red Cloud
visited 3IcCook friends first of the
IC G Budig held one of those fa
mous stag parties at the Budig home
last Saturday evening
Sam Pickard left on 2 Saturday
morning for Havelock to attend the
funeral of his sister
Conductor John 3Iorris who has
been spending some time at Excel
sior Springs 3Io arrived home last
Friday night
Engineer Fred W Bosworth has
been transferred from the Denver
3IcCook run to the Denver Akron run
He went to Denver Saturday night
Road Foreman and 3Irs W H
Dungan were down from Denver
end of last week They expect to
resume their residence In MoCook
next week
Mrs Sam Pickard will leave short
ly for Sheridan Wyoming to spend
jx few months with her parerits llr
and Mrs Fred Fuller for the bene
fit of her health
Workmen are busy this week
erecting the new 100000 gallon steel
water tank for the Burlington just
south west of the depot and it cer
tainly presents an Imposing appear
ance Stratton cor Trenton Reg
The Burlington is in the midst of
a naggressive fight against the tramp
evil A R 3Iehaffey is covering the
line pretty regularly now between
3IcCook and Akron making the
scamps hit the road whenever and
wherever he finds them He and his
assistants ran thirty of the nuisances
out of the Akron yard a few nights
3Irs 3Iay Anderson wife of George
Anderson jr of Havelock died yes
terday Friday at 655 a m She
had been sick for several weeks The
funeral services will be held at the
home Sunday at 2 p m The serv
ices will be conducted by Rev T A
Hull 3Irs Anderson was twenty
six years of age She has lived in
Havelock for a number of years and
was the daughter of 3Ir and 3Irs
Henry Pickard who survive her She
was married to 3Ir Anderson less
than a year ago Besides her hus
band and parents and an infant she
is survived by five brothers and a
sister The brothers are Sam Pick
ard of 3IcCook Frank Richard Leon
ard and Aubrey of Havelock The
sister is 3ILss Lilian Pickard of
Havelock Lincoln Journal
t WY
Without Hard
Because the fine particles of the
Cleanser immediately loosens and
removes the hardest burnt in
food crusts which soap powders
and scouring - bricks may only
wear off after longhard scrubbing
Matty other uses
andFuBirections on
Jariejftercan JOP
3Iiss Agnes 31 Jones departed on
Sunday morning for her home
3Iiss 3Iary Powers returned to her
home in Trenton last Saturday on
No 13
Peter Voge of rural two Indianola
was in the countys capital Saturday
on business
3Irs Emerson Hanson left Sunday
night on No 6 for the old home in
Illinois on a visit
3Ir and 3Irs John Davis of Lara
mie Wyoming are guests of her
brother Charles A Fisher
3Irs Homer Bayles of 3IcCaok
spent Thursday in town visiting with
friends Red Cloud Chief
Schell Kimmell went to Culbertson
Friday to photograph the high school
graduates the base ball teametc
3Ir and 31 rs C A Fisher are en
tertaining his sister 3Irs Janie For
sythe of Ogalalla Nebraska and her
daughter 3Iarie
3Ir and 3Irs Frank Colfer left
Saturday for her old home in Greeley
this state They will be gone for
several weeks
3Iiss Esther Bailey returned yes
terday from 3IcCook where she has
been teaching for the last school year
Sundays Journal
Hari 3Ieyer of Nebraska City came
up close of last week on a visit to
friends in 3IcCook and out on Ash
C H Jacobs finds Culbertson a
powerful magnet since the arrival of
those twins He was drawn thither
James Shepherd has been added to
the police force for a while doing
duty during the afternoon and up to
2 oclock at night
3Ir and 3Irs Wilber Anderson ar
rived in the city end of week and
have been guests of 3Irs C L
Fahnestock his sister
3Irs W B Whittaker and 3Irs
Church leave today for Wyoming on
a visit 3Irs Church will also visit
in Oregon during her absence
3Iayor 3IcAdams and President
Franklin of the Citizens National
Bank arrived home from a business
trip in Southern Kansas first of thte
E E MAgee came up from Aurora
Sunday pn No 1 to visit liis chil
dren He returned Tuesday morn
ing via Lincoln Master Bruoe as
companying him
Miss Nelie Stoll came home from
McCcok Wednesday accompa nied by
her sister-in-law 3Irs L C Stoll
who wEl visit here awhile Curtis
cor Stockville Faber
Mrs E J Kates came up last
Thursday night to be present at
LUC CllUlllill rUCCblllSf 1 1 IUV UllAL
She will visit her parents Dispatch
er and 3Irs T B Campbell for a
I week or so
j 3Irs E R Briggs of Oberlin Kan
ras is a guest of her laughter 3Irs
Henry Best 3Irs Briggs is a sister
of A G Bump of our city 3Irs G
A Bash of Akron Colorado is also
visiting 3Irs Best
I A car of merchandise on No 77
was burned at Rupert Thursday night
last A refrigerator car on the same
train caught fire but was extinguish-
1 ed by running the burning car under
the water tank at Trenton the same
Editor 3Iartin of the Maywood
Eagle Reporter spent last Friday in
the city soliciting advertisements for
the premium list of the Frontier coun
ty agricultural society season of
1911 The Tribune was fraternally
3Irs Harold Waite of 3IcCook Neb
spent the veek with 3Irs R 3L
LeGore 3Irs Waite has also been
attending the graduating exercises
at Doane college where her daughter
is among the graduates Sundays
Supt Koller was out from Gales
burg Illinois to witness the gradu
ation of his daughter 3Iiss Adaline
He left for the east on No 12 the
following morning The family will
join him in Galesburg later Supt
Flynn and mother will occupy the
residence they vacate
31r and 3Irs Leonard Bennett vis
ited in the city close of last week
Benny is braking passenger out
of Sheridan except in the base ball
season when he does the managerial
act in one of the minor leagues 3Irs
B will be better remembered Dy thd
une readers as 3Iiss Stella Fuller
Mn Vfm and Winona Craw went
down to 3IcCook Wednesday even
ing to attend commencement exercis
es and to see their sister Alma
graduate Vera and Winona will re
turn home Friday Ida Ruth and
Alma will go on to Lincoln for a vis
it with thAir sister Laura many rel
atives and friends Trenton Register
3Irs P B Hoyt had a rainy day
to go to 3IcCook to take the children
to their school Sundayafternoon but
she is feeling pretty good and why
not she was on her way to Kearney
tc attend the graduating exercises at
the State Normal of whicn class ner
oldest son is a member and also a
younger son will be an eighth grade
graduate at McCook This we think
is something to feel proud of Tren
ton Register cor
Memorial Sunday
The union services in the 3Ietho
dist church drew a full house Sun
day morning notwithstanding the un
favorable weather The splendidly
earnest and thoughtful address of
Rev D L 3IoBride of the Baptist
church well repaid the effort to be
The old soldiers and the ladies of
the auxiliary were present in organ
izations following the flag to the
church at the appointed hour
The special anthems were provided
by the choir of the 3Iethodist church
Picnic at Red Willow
The members of the high school
and some of the faculty indulged in
a picnic at Red Willow Saturday go
ing down on No 12 and returning
home on No 5
There is one medicine that every
family should be provided with and
especially during the summer months
viz Chamberlains Colic Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy It is almost cer
tain to be needed It costs but a
quarter Can you afford to be with
out it For sale by all dealers
Paul Smith and family are visit
ing the old folks at home
3Irs Gary Dole came home for a
visit and to attend Decoration Day ex
Practicing for the cantata in In
dianola managed by 3Ir Calvin has
been seriously interfered with by sick
ness in different families for months
Rain on Sunday prevented some
from here attending 3Iemorial
ices in Indianola
There was an unusual number of
terribly high winds and dust storms
for May generally such a pleasant
The good rain rejoices the hearts
of the farmers
The ground is in fine shape since
it rained
Jacob Wesch and son Charles had
business in the district court at 31c
Cook Fridajv
John H Wesch and brother R
E Adams and a number of others all
went out on a wolf hunt over in
Hitchcock county last week
3Ir and 3Irs Andy Unger left for
their home at Porlantd Ore last
3Irs Iranian of North Platte is
visiting with her parents 3Ir and
3Irs Walton at Traer Kansas
3Iiss Louisa Wesch and 3Iaster
George are sick with the measles
3Irs Henry Wesch is improving
slowly after being sick for three
3Iike Unger and family and John
3Iaisel and family visited the home
of Jacob Wesch last Sunday
The string band of Saint Ann fur
nished the music for the second an
nual ball at Culbertson on Saturday
Mrs J Bash and family of Lis
more Minn are visiting relatives and
friends here
The agents of the Blue Bell and
DeLaval cream separators held a con
test at J F Sclteiders Wednesday
to prove which separator- was the
better Cloy Wright of Sainta Ann do-in-
the testing of the cream and
milk after each party doing their own
separating The DeLaval winning by
about five points Following is the
test of each Blue Bell cream 40
milk 16 100 DeLaval cream 44
milk 1 100 Each party being rep
resented by several agents
Several of the boys from here at
tended the dance at Culbertson Sat
urday night
Another fine rain Thursday night
This was the heaviest rain of the
A Leading California Druggist
Pasadena Cal 3Iarch 9 1911
ley and Co Gentlemen We have
sold and recommended Foleys Honey
and Tar Compound for years We be
lieve it to be one of the most effi
cient expectorans on the market Con
taining no opiates or narcotics it
can be given freely to children
Enough of the remedy can be taken
to relieve a cold as it has no nausea
ing results and does not interfere
with digestion Yours very truly C
H Ward Drug Co C L Parsons
Secy and Treas Get the original
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound in
the yellow package A 3Ic3Iillen
Foleys Kidney Remedy
Is particularly recommended for
chronic cases of Kidney and blad
der trouble It tends to regulate
and control the kidney and bladder
action and is healing strengthening
and bracing A 3Ic3Iillen
The uniform success that has at
tended the use of Chamberlains Col
ic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy ha
made it a favorite everywhere It
can always be depended uipon For
sale by all dealers
Foley Kidney Pills contain just the
ingredients necessary to regulate and
strengthen the action of the kidneys
and bladder Try them yourself A
Typewriter papers typewriter
carbon papers manifolding pa
per mimeograph paper a large se
lection to cnoose from at The
It is worse than useless to take
any medicines internally for muscular
or chronic rheumatism All that is
needed is a free application of Cham
berlains Liniment For sale by all
Buy flower field and garden seeds
from H P Waite Co Their seeds
are reliable 9 tf
These shoes represent the best effort
of the shoemakers art There -is noth
ing better on the market at any prlc
for quality style and comfort
For service they lead all others In
stead of selling- for 500 end 600 likt
other fine shoes Calendar Shoes sell foi
300 350 and 400 Every pair oj
these shoes has a calendar attached sc
you can mark the date of purchase and
see for yourself how much better and
intimir thev wear than any shoe you
I ver had oh your feet
Additional Wreck News
Burst Boiler Disastrous
Six of the deaths resulted from
scalds caused by the bursting of the
boiler of one of the engines This
sent the steam roaring and seething
into the chair car which was thrown
up onto the boiler At least two
more deaths may be expected from
this same source Both 3Irs Feekin
and 3Ir H H Culbertson being
critically burned
Sorting and Repacking
A force of men are at work today
sorting and repacking the baggage
which was damaged in the wreck The
company is providing trunks and suit
cases where those damaged require
it Baggage men however report
this feature rather mild
Investigation Last Night
General Supt Allen came out from
Lincoln last evening and is still in
the city The matter of responsibil
ity for the wreck was a matter of
investigation last night but no de
cision has as yet been announced
Word from Holdrege this morning
announces the death of 3Iiss Grace
Dean of 3Iinden one of the scalded
Irving Bacheller has given a mas
terful diagnosis of our social disease
The root of our trouble is found in
the insane desire that has taken pos
session of us to keep up with Liz
zie Lizzie being the Rockefellers
the Vanderbilts et al with the thou
sands of their feeble imitators who
set the pace for our social expendi
ture As the cherished friend of the
fashionable and expensive undertaker
Lizzie has added a new term to
death She is filling our cemeteries
with suicides our jails with pitiable
defaulters our asylums with hope
lessly wrecked intellects If she
were the patron saint of the help
less rich alone her maljgn influence
nVlrl t i T1jf II
numu uc lesiPiuitKi iii in me
households of the humble ioof we
see the foolish sacrlfioe of comfort I
happiness and peace in order to pay
her tribute Boston Herald
Decorated the Graves
Headed by the members of Com
pany 31 Nebraska national guards
the old soldiers repaired to the ceme
teries of the city this morning and
decorated the graves of deceased com
rades buried therein 3Iany citizens
members of the city council the
mayor and other bodies joined in
this tender mission
This afternoon the formal exer
cises of Decoration Day were held
in the Temple Theatre with Rev L
E Lewis as orator for the occasion
Meeting State Committee
William Husenetter chairman of the
republican state committee and state
oil inspector has issued a call from
his office in the state house for a
meeting of the state committee to be
held at the Lindell hotel in Lincoln
Friday evening June 9 at 8 oclock
for the purpose of apportioning the
delegates to the state convention to
be held the last Tuesday in July and
for the transaction of other business
that may come before the committee
Lincoln Journal
Completely Plotted
The proposed river-to-mountain
highway across Nebraska is now com
pletely plotted from Holdrege through
to Omaha and for almost the entire
distance from Holdrege west to the
state line S A Searle H E Fred
erickson and 3Ir George of Omaha
convpleted the eastern end of the
route when they outlined the road
from Omaha to Lincoln Lincoln
Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers
Those who wish Junior Normal Stu
dents for board and room this sum
mer should phone 336 at the High
School building
For Sale
Alfalfa hay Phone ash 3S52
for all kinds
Temple Building
Kansas City Post 5c week
Thats AH
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
- -kite
fay WJt mt3i 4B
Notice of Hearing
In the County Court of Red Wil
low county State of Nebraska In
the matter of the estate of James B
Wade deceased
To all persons interested in said
estate You are hereby notified that
on the 13th day of 3Iay 1911 Nina
Harris Wade filed her petition in the
county court of said count- praying
that letters of administration be is
sued to her upon the goods chattels
rights and credits of James B Wade
late of said county deceased and that
a hearing will be had upon said peti
tion at the county court room in the
city of McCook in said county on
the third day of June 1911 at th
hour of ten oclock A 31
Dated this 13th day of 3Iay 1911
Seal County Judge
First publication 3Iay IS 1911 3t
Notice for Bids
Sealed Lids will be received at
die office of the city clerk of the
City of 3IcCook Nebraska until 12
oclock noon central standard time
3Iay 22 1911 for a contract to per
form all work and furnish all mater
ials necessary for laying such side
walks cross walks and curbs within
the corporate limits of the City of
3IcCook as the city council may ordei
to be laid during the current muni
cipal year Bids shall be made per
square fcot for cement as per ordi
nance provided Side walks cross
walks and curbs to be laid in ac
cordance with the provisions of the
ordinances of the City of 3IcCook
and the specifications on file in the
city clerks office and subject to
the approval and acceptance of the
city engineer All side walks cross
walks and curbs to be guaranteed by
the contractor for a term of two
years from the date of acceptance
and renewals to be guaranteed for
a like term The contractor to fur
nish a bond in the sum of one thou
sand dollars with sureties to be ap
proved by the city council
The city engineers estimate is as
follows Sidewalks per square foot
4 inches thick 12c Cross walks per
square foot G inches thick 17c
Curbing per square foot 15c of sur
face exposed
The city council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids
Dated 3Iay 10th 1911
Seal City Clerk
Observe the date after your name
on The Tribune Notch it lip
Bullards have dry stove wood
Middle Aged and Elderly People
Use Foley Kidney Pills for quick
and permanent results in all czzez
of kidney and bladder troubles znS
for painful and annoying irregulari
ties A 3Ic3Iillen
The woman of today who has godS
health good temper good sense
bright eyes and a lovely complexes
the result of correct living and goH
digestion wins the admiration of the
world If your digestion is faulty
Chamberlains Stomach and Litest
Tablets will correct it For sale is
all druggists
TTlifio r TijTiriaa tha fnT ti o rtt crlnfnsM
and caps also and a full line at
other makes
Fresh fruits at JIagners
CURES and Purifies the Blood 5
Physician and Surgeon
Local Surgeon B M
Phones Office 163 resides
217 Office Rooms 5 6 Tempfe
building McCook Neb
Registered Graduate
Office 212 Main av over Ifil
Connells drug store Phones Of
fice 160 residence black 131
Phone 112
Office Rooms 3 and 5 WSc
building McCook
Phone 378
Room 4 Postofice building 3fe
Cook Neb
Phone 163
Office Room 4 Alasonic templSj
3IcCook Neb
Phone 190
Office over 3IcAdams store 3S3
Cook Neb
Bonded Abtracter and
Examiner of Titles
Stenographer and notary in offiea
3IcCook Nebraska
Attorney at Law and
Bonded Abstracter
Agent of Lincoln Land Co and
3IcCook Water Works Co Office Ir
Fostoffice building 3IcCook Neb
Phone 34
Office Commercial barn 3IcCoofc
Jewelers Opticians
Eyes tested and fitted Fine re
pairing JlcCook Neb
and Opticians
Watch Repairing Goods o quality
Main avenue 3IcCook Nebraska
Plumbing Heating
and Gas Fitting
Phone 33
Estimates furnished freeBasemesS
Postoffice building
Real Estate
arid Insurance
Office 302 over WoodwortaB dnf
Your combings
made Into switches and puffs
Phone Ash 2354
Machine Work
Horse Shoeing
We are agents for the Celebrates
Ford Auto
210 1st sL W -- Phone red 8