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About The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1911)
rj c vis w IS J m fe V TWENTY NINTH YEAR HEAT IN SUMMER when not shod in cool slippers or oxfords will cause the feet to perspire and gall making that obnoxious odor besides the suf fering PEOPLE who have experienced the pleasure of oxfords and slippers never go without them in summer We have an assortment of slippers and oxfords unexcelled anywhere Call and see them NETTLETONS tan patent gun for men QUEEN QUALITY strap patent dull and vici for women S L PIERCE CO straps and ox fords in all leathers for misses boys and children VIERSEN OSBORN THE CORNER STORE ENTERS 30th YEAR With next weeks issue the first issue in June The Tribune will en ter the 30th year of its publication Excepting about one year the first year of its existence the paper has been owned and published and edited by the present publisher up to date without change a record few Nebras ka weeklies can duplicate Its life be gan with the platting of the townsite indeed its first issue was printed in Culbertson for lack of quarters in the It may not be too much to state that The Tribune has played a modest and earnest part in the development of McCook and Red Willow county The measure of its accomplishment must be estimated by others the record made is an open one The past may be taken as an earnest of the future It will con tinue to be our highest aim to give McCook and Red Willow county a newspaper of substantial worth and thus to merit their continued confi dence and patronage F M KIMMELL The Chautauqua We are printing this week a large advertisement of this summers Chau tauqua We wish jou would read it And plan early to attend this the greatest event of the summer months This year we are having sent to us the best program we have ever had and the best program that the West ern Redpath Chautauqua System has at any time given The Chautauqua is strong or is not strong just as by our support we make it It deserves to be strong It brings a refining influence into the com munity and affords delightful enter tainment and recreation The local business men are co-operating with the Western Redpath Chautauqua System in the planning and carrying out of this great affair and they ask for your liberal support Get your tickets now and plan to not miss a day of it Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and room this sum mer should phone 330 at the High School building The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 Bought a New Straw Hat Well dont get a package of El kaysStraw Hat Cleaner 10c L W McCONNELL Druggist Holland Cloth Window Shades 20c mounted on spring rollers at The Thompson D G Oos Utmost val ues for cash only Get our rates on Farm Loans DORWART BARGER We can now supply you with Say mans Vegetable Wonder soap 3 cake for 25 C R WOODWORTH Druggist Buy flower field and garden seeds from H P Waite Co Their seeds are reliable 9 tf The McCook Tribune want ads 5c line Most people read them The McCook Tribune 100 a year Entertains for Mrs Helfrich Mrs John Eckman entertained last Friday evening to meet her guest Mrs E Helfrich of Orleans About thirty lady friends participated in the pleasant social affair A journey game and skatching contest afford ed the substantial features of the evenings entertainment These wei2 given assiduous and enthusiastic at tention the formar prize being won by Mrs Henry Best the latter b Miss Mars A delicious lunch in courses was served during the even ing State Holiness Campmeeting The thirty ninth annual camp meet ing of the Nebraska State Holiness Association will be held at Epworth Iark Lincoln June 16 to 25 1911 inclusive Rev G A McLaughlin of Chicago Rev Joseph H Smith of Mississippi Rev Will H Huff of Icwa Revs J M and M J Harris of Illinois and Rev B S Taylor of New York are the principal leaders this year Circulars giving full de tails are now read and can be pro cured by addressing the Secretary Rev W H Prescott 1210 O street Lincoln Nebraska May Pick School Site Soon The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings may select the location for the new southwestern agricultur al school this week according to the members Chairman Cowles declar ed today that the matter would not be kept in the air much longer as the members were practically all de cided individually and the only thing remaining uas for them to get to gather and make the decision Examined County Treasurer Messrs Robertson and Fairchild of the treasury department of the state arrived in McCook last Friday night and on Saturday commenced examina tion of the office of the county treas urer a work they completed by Tues day morning Monday June 5th is the date for the opening of the Mc Cook State Junior Normal school of which Supt Taylor of the McCook schools is principal again this year It is expected from the present out look that tli is will be a successful term Boys Indian Suits 100 including bucksldn colored jacket fringed leggins or pants war bonnet of feathers and the Indian yell The Thompson D G Co Utmost values for cash only Herrick Refrigerators Are Made of solid oak mineral wool lined have dry air circulation Sold by McCOOK HARDWARE CO Dont Forget McMillens large assortment of wall paper at small prices A McMILLEN Druggist Another Filing for Sheriff This week E F Osborn of our citv filed for the Republican nomina tion for sheriff Mosquito Netting 5c Yard at the Thompson D G Cos Utmost values for cash only Whereas God Almighty has given to every man one mouth to be fed and one pair of hands adapted to fur nish food for that mouth if anything can be proved to be the will of heav en it is proved by this fact that that mouth is to be fed by those hands without being interfered with by any other man who has also his mouth to feed and his hands to labor with I hold if the Almighty had ever made a set of men that should do all the eating and none of the work He would have made them with mouths only and no hands and if He had made another class that He intend ed should do all the work and none o the eating He would have made them wihtout mouths and with all hands Abraham Lincoln McConnells Sarsaparilla and Bur dock is a pleasant tasting tonic of Sarsaparilla and other blood purifiers Price 100 L W McCONNELL Druggist No one can secure ice cream better than the kind we serve If you have nt tried it dont fail to do so soon C R WOODWORTH Druggist Lily Patent Flour when once use none other will satisfy you 5 J I t I J I I2I JuJtiJ Ice Cream and the Pure Food Law- In the state of Nebraska the requirements for ice cream are that it contain 14 butter fat The ice cream we serve not cry meets that test but goes X 4 better Ie cream mado V from pure sweet cream that tests 18 butter fat and en in an air tight rotary brine freerer cannct help but be - sooi Only the best quality of vanilla lemon and fruit flavors are used in this cream and thats the kind wo serve Come see us for good ice cream C R WOODWORTH Druggist j j j v j j j I j4 JucCooli The high school auditroium was in adequate to the demand for seats last evening on tha auspicious occasion of the senior class exercises of the class of 11 It has been some time since there has baen a class day pro giam and this one has the added dis tinction of being unique not only uni que but clever The class program indicated that A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men and this suggested the character of the senior offering It was in lighter vein throughout facetiae without vit riol dainty personal hits sans risque and kept the audience and especially those who understood more intimatelj the points in a roar of merriment To attempt to repeat or type any of it would meet with the disaster which accompanies the irreverent who essay repeating good jokes or stories the flavor would be lacking Following is the program of the evening PART I Glass Declaration of Independence Gertrude Suess A Faculty Meeting A one act farce of no consequence or sadness Supt Taylor Joe Moore Miss Ryan Ora Stewart Miss Perry Hazel Barbazette Miss Thursby Lynn Arnold Miss Bailey Mabel Hegenberger Mr Archer Arthur ORourke Miss Powers Florence Watson Mr Smith Fred Archibald PART II Autobiography Annie Conneally Class History Gertrude Morrissey Class Song Class Prophecy Helen Schwab Ad aline Koller Fred Archibald Alma Craw Class Poem Mabel Randel Class Will Hazel Norris Class Obituary LoRene Calhoon It is but necessary to add that each senior came up to the high standard of expectancy of the audience ex hibiting an originality and initiative quite unusual and aside from the pro ductions of high school senior classes The result was highly complimentary to the seniors and to the faculty and places McCook high school on the map in vivid and virile colors SOME BASE BALL DOPE Organizing and Practicing Daily and Take a Tryout -Go J F Downs and others having the base ball matter in hand report that they are gradually getting the boys lined up though they are not ready to announce a team for the season They are indulging in daily prac tice at the B M ball grounds and invite any and all who feel dis posed to come out and indulge with them in a tryout any afternoon Practices begin at three oclock The finance committee is busy this week gathering in the simoleons They hope to have a game with Arapahoe about June 2nd The new suits have arrived They are substantial and good lookers The colors are gray and maroon Socks are gray and maroon McCook is done in maroon over the front of the shirt They are serviceable and O K all around Give the matter a boost A New System Installed A new system of displaying lodge lights was installed in front of the Temple building this week All the lodge lights are strung on a pole one above the other Each lamp shade or cover is appropriately inscribed There are no slides to operate This is a conspicuous improvement over the old bird cage of yore Besides the five Masonic bodies there are the Workmen Degree of Honor the Woodmen and Pythian lights Leatherwear Taffeta Silk 89 cents Retailing silk at a wholesale price is wliat this amounts to No such value to be found anywhere under 125 Listen This silk is one yard wide woven without flaws soft in fin ish because its 96 threads to the inch each way leaves no place or need for an j loading and stiffening lus trous to a high degree because it is pure cllk free from dope Our price cf S9 cents puts you at the factory door The Thompson D G Co Ut most value for cash only Lightning Rods Made by W C Shinn give you absolute satis faction and this is guaranteed by him Let us rod your house now to protect your family and rod your ban to protect your stock McCOOK HARDWARE CO Graduation Exercises Tonight Mens Suits Here in large assortment at 1000 1250 1350 1500 1650 1800 and 2000 We save you from 200 to 500 on a suit The Thompson D G Co Ut most values for cash only Tull VanDuff Otto E Tull and Emma VanDuff both of Arapahoe were married by Rev L E Lewis Wednesday noon at the Methodist parsonage Self raising pancake flour at Mag ners Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and room this sum mer should phone 336 at the High School building Shorthand McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING MAY 25 1911 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTYTTTYTTTTTYTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTM I COMMENCEMENT WEEK SENIOR CLASS DAY EXERCISES The Class of 11 Last Evening Were Responsible for a Clev er Program THE BACCALAUREATE SERMON Rev R T Bayne Delivers It to the Class of 11 in the Metho dist Church Despite the aqueous efforts of Mr J Pluvius the Methodist church was well filled last Sunday evening the occasion of the delivery to the class of 11 of the baccalaureate sermon by Rev R T Bayne of the Congrega tional church Withal it was an inspiring occasion1 Rev Bayne delivered a scholarly and eloquent sermon on the parable of the talents The lessons drawn were in part That God recognized that mankind have talents differing in kind and intensity and that the mat ter of reward is based upon the use of the talents given each The re- Wanted Few pupils for cumonsr school in shorthand and typevrit j ing L W atayner Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store- The McCook Tribune 100 a year For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner tibtitic r BEST RAIN FOR MANY MONTHS All This Section of the State ceives a Soaking Rain Re- Beginning about noon Sunday this section of Nebraska was visited Avith gentle soaking rain which continued during the night and by Monday morning the gauge measured a total precipitation of 148 inches Coming slowly and continuing for so long a period all the moisture was easily conserved and the result is invalu able to crops Spring wheat espec ially is a beneficiary as well as some of the winter grain Following some exceptionally hot and dry weather the rain puts a very different face on conditions here- 3 abouts and will have the effect of I injecting much confidence into affairs agricultural and business PROCLAMATION Tuesday May 30th is the day set apart by an act of congress as ward for the proper use of one talent oration Day for the purpose of is as great as that given the paying tribute of respect to the de- ent person ceased soldiers and sailors who The sermon was given wrapt ed their country by fighting in de- tion There was special music by the choir of the Methodist church Rev McBride of the Baptist church offered the earnest invocation Rev Goldsmith of the Episcopal churcli read the scripture lesson of the eve ning The benediction fell from the lips of Rev Bayne It was a fitting opening of the events of commencement week Exams and picnics have had the center of the stage this week Its all over but the shouting fense of the flag That the people of McCook may take part in these exercises I ask that the day be ob- i served as a holiday and that all i places of business within the city I of McCook be closed from 10 a m to 3 p m on that day Signed JAMES McADAMS Mayor Different Soaps If you are tired of using any par ticular kind of toilet soap you can always find something different and just as good here Our stock of soap is the largest in this locality and includes many varieties that are sold by us only For the toilet nursery 6 uuauuu eeicieS win db bath complexion or for any medicin held in the Temple theatre tonight I with Dr Roach of Lincoln as class or al use we have Just wliat 1S wanted ator Subject of address Educaiton L W McCONNELL Druggist as an Investment The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers PROVISIONS OF THE FREE HIGH SCHOOL LAW 1 The pupil must pass the state eighth grade examination 2 If already in high school he must have a statement from the teacher showing the grading for next year 3 The parent or guardian of pupil must make application in writing be fore the second Monday in June of each year Upon receiving this ap plication the county superintendent will certify the debt to the district of the pupils residence This tuition must be paid by the district unless the valuation of the district is so low that the law exempts it It is important to note the pro vision of the law that the application for free high school tuition must be made to the county superintendent each year and on or before the sec ond Monday in June ELIZABETH BETTCHER County Superintendent 1UZE unaerwear Vacation Now that school is over there will Am en wuen r dos anu be plenty of time for practicing your111 separate gar music I shall ments rlar extra be pleased to com f The Nazareth Waist union municate with any prospective Miss uiLi r ooys ana Sms ou cenis pils Heckman 512 1st street f west or phone black 301 25 2t iil it B VT j nc jiiuiiijaiu xj ur ou uuuust vui ue for cash only First E O S Kensington The ladies of the Eastern Star held their first Kensington Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs Henry iBest who was assisted in the affair by Mrs A G Bump The attend ance was quite satisfactory and the occasion very enjoyable socially Childrens Fancy Parasols 10c Also at 25c 35c 50c 75c Ladies ditto 125 to 375 Girls school um brellas 50c Ladies umbrellas 50c to 500 The Thompson D G Co Utmost values for cash only Granndpa Twice at Once Charlie Jacobs of our city an nounces the birth Saturday of twin boys to his daughter Mrs F L Barnes of Culbertson All concerned doing well Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and room this sum mer should phone 336 at the High School building When You Buy a Buggy you will use splendid judgment if you get one of our Velie buggies They go out and do business the way a good buggy should McCOOK HARDWARE CO Filed for Judgeship Nomination Monday of this week Charles E Eld red ot our city filed for the nomina tion for judge of the 14th district on the Republican ticket Summer Cooking Made Easy by using one of our Perfection or Quick Meal oil or gasoline stoves Let us demonstrate them to you McCOOK HARDWARE CO We Serve to Please Ic3 cream soda and sundaes with pure crushed fruit including all the specialties A McMILLEN Druggist After June 30 1911 No cash rebate checks will be give at my store L W McCONNELL Druggist The New Idea Gac Range is head and shoulders ahead of any thing else on the market See them at tho McCook Hardware Cos Mens Stetcon Hats 369 at the Thompson D G Cos Utmost values for cash only Five room house modern for rent Phone black 250 Mrs Walter Stokes Nebr Stato Historical Society - - u Jrirs NUMBER 52 If You Want a Home of Your Own Begin Bank ing Your Money NOW It is worth all the effort and self denial that it costs to OWJ YOUR OWN HOME You cant be happy mowing some ones else grass Were you to bank and save 2000 a month for only nine years you would have over TWO THOUSAND DOL LARS with which to buy a home of your own Then youll no longer hear the unwelcome knock of the rent collector Let OUR Bank be YOUR bank THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C F Lehjt V Pres C J OBrien Cshr DIRECTORS M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Episcopal Services for Sunday May 28th Sunday school at 10 Usual services at 11 and S oclock Christian Science Subject for Sun day morning May 28 Ancient and Modern Necromancy Alias Mesmer ism and Hypnotism Congregational No preaching ser vice Sunday morning on account of Memorial service at the Methodist church Regular service as usual in the evening Rest in a Hammock It is a good thing to utterly relax once in a while and let the world run itself for a little time If you dont youll regret it some time Now there is no greater aid to entire re laxation to perfect ease than a good hammock The fact that it is swung out of doors in the pure air helps you in resting and in absorbing vitality Get a hammock Get it today Dont cheat yourself out of any more comfort We have just what you are looking for Any price L W McCONNELL Druggist Another Big Deal Dorwart Barger closed another big deal in which A Strawder deals ihis fine residence property in l coin and 400 acres north west of Mc Cook for the Campi ranch at the head of the Red Willow This one of the finest ranches in that part of the country has about 125 acres in alfalfa and very fine hay land nice grove and living water Considera tion of ranch 30600 Junior Normal Boarders and Roomers Those who wish Junior Normal Stu dents for board and room this sum mer should phone 336 at the High School building Braytons Brass Sash Rods put themselves up All you have to do is to put up for them the small sum of 10c each at The Thompson D G Cos Utmost values for cash only Dain Mowers Have many points of superiority Let us show them to you McCOOK HARDWARE CO Make J - V1 -- fe fi mf r r The Boy Glad with a watch and start him on the road to manliness A watch is a real missionary teaphing responsibility to the boy who carries it We have given much thought to Watches for Boys and have the best se lection in town SI 00 tc S700 L C STOLL CO JEWELERS ii 1