The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 11, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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Gcod results always follow the use
of Foley Kidney Pills They give
prompt relief in all cases of kidney
and bladder disorders Try them A
McCook Lodge No 135 A I A M meets
very first and third Tuesday of the month at
00 p m in Masonic hall
Blreis H Stewaet W II
Chables L Fahnestock Sec
E 8 M
Occcnozee Conncil No 16 K S M meets on
the last Saturday of each month at SUO p in
a Masonic hall
William E Haut T I M
Aaeox Q King Sec
King Cyrns Chapter No 35 R A M moots
Tery first and third Thursday of each month at
300 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gray H P
W B Whittakee Sec
knights templae
St John Cotnmandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
Geo Willets E C
Seth D Silver Rec
Eureka Chapter No S6 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs C W Wilson W M
S Cordeal Sec
McCook Lodge t o 42 of K P meets every
Wednesday atSC0 p in in Masonic hall
J N Gaaede C C
C A Evans K H S
McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every
Friday at 800 p m in Gnuschow hall
C R Woodwobtii N G
E L Reed Sec
modern woodmen
Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every
first and third Friday of each month at
330 p m in Majonic hall Pay assessments
it Citizens National Bank
C C Bvfield Consul
HM Finitv Clerk
No le Camp No wU N A meet- evHry
eecond and foarh Tiiu da officii moiitli mi
230 u m in Morri hall
Mrs Caroline Kunert Oracle
Mrs Acgusta Anton Rec
McCook Lode j No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Griffin Treas Henry Moers MW
C J Ryan Financier C 15 Gray Rec
degree of honor
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
300 p m in Temple building
Mvry E Griffin C of H
Mrs Carrie Sciilagel Rec
Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in
Morris hall J A Wilcox Com
J II Yarger Record Keeper
national association of letter carriers
Branch No 127S meets first 5Ionay of each
month at 330 p m in carriers room postoiiice
G F Kinghoen President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F fc E
meets on the first and third Thursdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Hcsted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F E
Golden Rod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each month at 2 oclock
Mrs Grace Hcsted Mrs Ruth Reilly
Secretary President
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagles hall T 1 Hcston President
F G KiNGnoBN Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
second and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Eagles hall over
post oflice S E Harvey C Con
M O McClure Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meete
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Tiieo Diebald Pre
Fred Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Beery Cor Sec
McCook Division No 623 U of L E meet
every second and fourth Sunday of each
month at 2 30 in Morris hall
Waltee Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
railway carmen
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall at 730 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pres
Jno LeHew Cor Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walkee W Pres
C H Ricketts W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
flrBt and third Tuesdays of each month fc800
p m in Eagles hall
Ciias Skalla F Sec J P Murray j K
1 Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Mes Geoege Martin
Miss Loeetta Williams F S G R
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morris hall
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Morris hall
Thomas Moore Commandor
J H Yarger Adjt
McCook Corps No 98 W B C meets every
econd and fourth Saturday of each month at
30 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Vandebhoof Sec
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 pm
at the Monte Cristo hall
Mrs Lottie Brewer President
Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary
Chapter X P E O meets the fiftt and third
Monday evenings of each montnCat 8 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs Anna Schobel Pres
Mrs Kate Williams Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
Lila L Ritchie M E C
Edna Stewaet M of K C
Meets each 2nd and 4th Monday evening of
each month in Morris ball
Mes Augusta Anton N G
Miss Foelsnce Middleton Secy
l o o 31
Ii O O M McCook Lodge No 419 of L O
O M meets every Thursday evening ats
8 oclock in the Ganschow hall
Robert C Cole Diet G A Hartman Sec
Mcfcook Nebraska May 2 1911
The Board of county commissioners
met pursuant to adjournment Pres
ent F S Lofton Edward Sughroue
and W N Rogers county commission
ers Chas Skalla county clerk Coun
ty Attorney Chas D Ritchie was
represented by F L Wolff
The minutes of the meetings held
April 4th and 5th were read and on
motion approved
A motion was made by Rogers that
L A Fitch be appointed as constable
for Willow Grove precinct to fill va
cancy There being no second the
roll call was ordered and resulted as
Yea Lofton Sughroue Rogers 3
Nay None Motion declared car
The official bond of L A Fitch
as constable for Willow Grove pre
cinct to fill vacancy was examined
and on motion approved and ordered
recorded and placed on file
The petitions of residents of
Fritsch precinct asking for the ap
pointment of an overseer of highways
for district No 3 claiming that a
vacancy exists in that district caused
by the removal of the regularly elect
ed overseer were presented to the
Board As the board has no know
ledge of any vacancy existing in the
distric and the regularly elected
Overseer is till claiming his resi
dence in the district the board on
motion ordered the petitions filed
and decided not to take any action
at present
A committee representing the Mc
Cook Commercial club met with the
Board and teak up the matter of the
abaleent of tlime rubbish dump on
the p ublic highway southwest of Mc
Cook protesting against the continu
ance of same and also consulted with
the hoard about the Good Road move
ment especially the establishing of a
county road through the county ii
east to west also the advisability of
the appointment of a county high
way commissioner
The following claims were audited
and allowed and the clerk was in
structed to draw warrants on the re
spective funds levy of 1910 in pay
ment thereof as follows
Commissioner District No 1
E J Baker repairs on bridge
Valley Grange precinct 2 25
Commissioner district No 2
Andrew Mallack road work
Indianola precinct 7 50
Frank Junker road work
Indianola precinct 3 00
Ahira Jones road work In
dianola precinct 3 00
Dan Wolf road word Indian
ola precinct 4 50
Frank Untiedt road work In
dianola precinct - 9 00
Walter Smith road work In
dianola precinct 3 00
Shinier Frye road work In
dianola precinct 1 25
Jesse Vandervoort road work
Indianola precinct 4 50
James K McDowell road work
Alliance precinct 45 60
George Rawson road work
Alliance precinct 7 50
Daniel L Wolf road work
Alliance precinct 1 50
J H Huntworth road work
Alliance precinct 31 at
John Premer road work
Alliance precinct 9 00
Merle Teters road work
Alliance precinct C 00
Mose King road -work
Alliance precinct 9 00
John Ginther road work
Alliance precinct 6 75
George Teter road work
Alliance precinct IS 50
Scott Wolf read work
Alliance precinct 1 00
F B Marts road work
Alliance precinct 9 00
John Tines road work
Alliance precinct 12 00
J M Behnke road work
Alliance precinct 9 00
Fred Baruth road work
Alliance precinct 17 25
Mike Maisel road work
Alliance precinct 18 00
Lewis Vontz road work
Alliance precinct 6 00
Charles Fritsch road work
Alliance precinct 9 00
Henry Hahn road work
Alliance precinct 1 50
Mike Jussell road work
Alliance precinct 17 25
Casper Vontz carpenter and
cement work on culverts 10 00
Jackson Teeters carpenter and
cement work on culverts 21 50
Ed Sabin road work 3 00
Matt Tines road work 1 50
E E Smith 4 loads of sand 1 00
Road district No 14 Valley Grange
Robert Johnston road work 11 25
John Hammell road work 12 00
Ray Kennedy road work 9 00
Dell Phillips road work 10 50
Leslie Johnston road work 6 00
James Phillipst road work 6 00
F M Kennedy road work
James Phillips road work
Ray Kennedy road work
F M Ktiiiid road work
John Hammell ioad work
Leslie Johnston road Avork
Dell Phillips road work
Road district No IS Danbury pre
George Harber road work 15 00
1 R R Oman road work 16 50
Frank Yeater road work 15 00
Harry Korb road work IS 00
George Bull road work 15 00
Walt Van Pelt road work 6 00
G R Havens road work IS 00
Floyd Lafferty road work 15 00
William Lafferty road work 15 00
Fred Lafferty road work 15 00
Road district No 20 Lebanon pre
Frank Helt road work 11 25 i
John Bernhardt road work 3 00
Hayden Shaw road work 3 00
Frank McCashland road work 3 00
Walter Boyd road work 3 00
Walter Grafton road work 3 00
Robert Gotchall road work 3 00
Martin Scarrow road work 3 00
Lemis Ford road work 3 00
Frank Helt road work 3 00
Frank McCashland road work 25
On motion the board adjourned to
meet May 3rd 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
McCook Nebraska May 3 1911
ent F S Lofton Edward Sughroue
and W N Rogers county commis
sioners Chas D Ritchie county at
torney and Chas Skalla county
The following claims were audited
and allowed and the clerk was in
structed to draw warrants on the re
spective funds levy of 1910 in pay
ment thereof as follows
C C Burt moving Mrs
Vandervoort 3 75
Jennings Hughes Co
plumbing 9
B Lehn house rent Mrs
Vandrevcort 12
E B ODell boarding jury 6
W H Smith registrar fees
1st quarter 1911 4
W A Middleton registrar fees
1st quarter 1911 11
L E Naden registrar fees
1st quarter 1911 1
E J Hachenherger registrar
fees 1st quarter 1911 3 50
L M Robinson registrar fees 1st
quarter 1911 1 00
W W McMillen labor on
jail supplies 7 00
W H Booth freight advanced
en G A R grave markers
A J Crawmer hardware
road district No 10 3
J E Molund cement work
on court house 15
M C Lilley Co badge
deputy sheriff 1
Stewart Strunk legal blanks 2
C Naden advanced for copies
of 19 new laws 7
C Naden freight advanced on
read tools No 13
Ghas Skalla effice expenses
April 1911
1 68
10 55
J C Moore office expenses
April 1911 2 55
L M Higgins office expenses-
April 1911 2 S5
A Rodgers office expenses
April 1911 2 50
F S Lofton commissioner
service and mileage 34 50
Edward Sughroue commissioner
service and mileage 45 20
W N Rogers commissioner
service and mileage 1G 00
The claim of E Benjamin of 5700
for jailer fees from March 24th 1911
to April 30 1911 was on motion dis
allowed as on January 12 1911 the
board granted the sheriff a deputy
with the understanding that no fur
ther charge for jailer hire would be
made to which the sheriff agreed at
the time
On motion the county treasurer
was instructed to refund to Josephine
Jackson the sum of 1520 being the
amount 1910 taxes illegally assessed
against lot 6 block 9 of the 4th ad
dition to McCook and paid by her
under protest for the reason that
the house assessed on said lot was
built after April 1st 1910
The claim of W W Barritt claim
ing tax refund of 608 on 1910 tax
es against the north 20 feet of lot
8 block 19 original McCook on ac
count of too high valuation of im
provements was on motion rejected
The claim of John Albright of
600 as tax refund on the sw of
20-2-27 claiming too high valuation
was on motion rejected
The claim for tax refund of Frank
H Emerich of 800 on 1910 taxes on
real estate in Indianola precinct
claiming too high valuation was on
motion rejected
The claims for poll tax refund of
2 00 npsk
1 v lll M
100 VBgM
1 50 HWi viVSHIm
These shoes are equal to any 500
and 600 shoes on the market They
look as well are just as stylish and
wear as well cost only 300 and 400
for ladies and 400 for mens With
every pair or these shoes you get a
calendar on which you mark the date
100 Reward 100
readers rf Uiis paper will be
The board of county commissioners pl d to learn that there is at last
met pursuant to adjournment dr tupd disfUot U11 sconce has
been able to cur in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
reqjires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blocu
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith n its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi
cine They are healing strengthen
ing antiseptic and tonic They act
quickly A McMillen
Warning to Railroad Men
E S Bacon 11 Bast St Bath Me
sends out this warning to railroaders
A conductor on the railroad my
work caused a chronic inflammation
of the kidney and I was miserable
and all played out A friend advised
Foley Kidney Pills aad from the da
I commenced taking them I began
to regain my strength The inflam
mation cleared and I am far better
than I have been for twenty years
The weakness and dizzy spells are a
thing of the past and Ihighly recom
mend Foley Kidney Pills A Mi
In the Wske of the Measles
The little son of Mrs O B Palm
er Little Rock Ark had the meas
les The result was a severe cough
which grew worse and he could net
sleep She says One bottle of Fo
leys Honey and Tar Compound com
pletely cured him and he has never
been bothered since iCroup whoop
ing cough measles cough all yield to
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
The genuine is in the yellow package
always Refuse substitutes A Mc
Is there anythng in all this world
that is of more importance to you
than good digestion Food must be
paten to sustain life and must be di
gested and converted into blood
When the digestion fails the whole
body suffers Chamberlains Tablets
are a rational and reliable cure for
indigestion They increase the flow
of bile purify the blood strengthen
the stomach and tone up the whole
digestive apparatus to a natural and
healthy action For sale by all deal
Lincoln has a three day aviation
meet of Glenn 3urtiss bird men com
mencing on the 24th of May the
same date that Woodrow Wilson is to
speak to the Lincoln Commercial Club
We wonder if Mr Wilson will con
sent to take an aeroplane ride
For soreness of the muscles wheth
er induced by violent exercise or in
jury Chamberlains Liniment is ex
cellent This liniment is -also highly
esteemed for the relief it affords in
cases of rheumatism Sold by all
Bullards have dry stove wood
Mrs Ella Hughes and children re
turned last Friday from St Ann
where they had been visiting Mr
and Mrs D C Little
Mrs Laura Spaulding visited liar
aunt Mrs Dora Doyle Sunday
Grace Sexson who has been very
sick is able to be up again
The old settlers in this neighbor
hood were sorry to learn of the
death of Uncle James Kinghorn at
Fort Collins last week
Extract from the funeral sermon of
Stephen Bolles preached by Rev
David Brown pastor M E church at
Box Elder
In my humble opinion I deem it
you began to wear them when they j most fitting and appropriate at this
are worn out count up the days of time to make a few eulogistic re-
service you have had and you will never
again buy anything but Calendar Shoes
L W Jennings S T Perkins and
David Rhoad all assessed in McCook
City and paid under protest were re-
1 ferred to the city council of McCook
1 and the county clerk was instructed
to notify the city council that all
such claims for poll tax refund will
be referred to them hereafter as the
city officers make the poll tax lists
and are responsible for the erroneous
assessments on same
On motion the board adjourned tc
meet May 16th 1911
F S LOFTON Chairman
CHAS SKALLA County Clerk
marks upon our departed friend and
In my peregrinations throughout this
community while conversing with the
different residents regarding the i
ness of Stephen Bolles the informa
tion was invariably volunteered that
if death should call him the commun
ity would lose a good man and an un-
splfisli npis hhnr Thr nfnp frln Jlv
the judgment bar of God Although
the epitaph that is graven on his
tombstone may be obliterated by the
wear and tear of the elements yet
graven undelibly upon the hearts of
ucititui tit titcii liiciiiui ica n hi uc tut i
recoMection of the fact that Stephen
Bolles was a true man and a good
neighbor May the same be said c
us when the grim Reaper sweeps hl3
scythe in our direction
I did not have sufficient acquaint
ance with the deceased to know chr
trend of his mind regarding Eternal
Realities but this I do know he had
an unalterable and unswerving beliaf
in a Supreme Being who guides and
controls the planets sun and adam
antine spheres He had an analytical
mind and loved to bore into obstruse
questions and I have been told that
his knowledge of the Bible was pro- J
digious His views on theology may
not have coincided with that of some
of us yet his loyalty to his convic
tions and fidelity to the light that
shed itself upon his mind is a lesson
of superlative importance to us He
was faithful to the end he told me
himself I will die as I have lived
There was no fear in his heart and
God loves a brave man That will
stand on the credit side of his account
when he faces the Supreme Judge
Let us also be unswerveriug in
our loyalty to the light chat is shed
abroad in our minds In my b3iief
it savors of cowardice for a man or
woman to chase the bubble of pcas
ure and profit al their lives and
lien upon their death bed to U1in1
peringlj cry upon God to have nit rcy
upon them and ask him tc accept ih
last pitiful fragmen c of their ivc
I believe in death bed conversions
but may God help us to realize the
imperative necessity of surrendering
to him now for death at times will
make a swift downward stroke with
his relentless scythe and no time will
be given for repentance 1
Among the items of importance
that were furnished me about our de
parted brother was his contant will
ingness to help the cause we follow
aid believe He would- not turn a I
willing to do his part And when we j
remember that he was not a
ber of the church it made his givin
a matter of much sterling worth and I
real virture
Although he was not a christian as
we understand the term and held his
own views of God and Eternity yet
he was no narrow minded bigot and
he was not a self centered man he
was broad minded and liberal to a
fault and open to conviction He wil
ingly gave to the cause of Christ for
he saw it was a force for gcod in
this world
Let us emulate his unselfishness
and his freedom from narrow-mindedness
and bigotry
That will stand on the credit side
of his account on the last day I
believe that the blood of Jesus cov
ers more of humanities frailities than
we wot of and I also believe in a
lender compassionate and magnani
mous God
In this hour of deep solemnity
when our hearts are filled with rev
erence and our souls are bowed with
awe in the presence of our lamented
dead can we not while our hearts an
plastic and tender draw near to the
great mother heart of God with Him
as our guide and protector we can
and will become that nobler of earths
creatures a true man or a true
Deep down in our hearts we grieve
for the home that haj L t jreft of
the father and huotanJ and ve pray
God that He Him32if may comfort
the stricken family aud visit theni
with sweet and te der eencclations
Somethlng special The Ws2fe23
Inter Ocean and Fanner and this par
per 125 for one year Ask us -what
It means
Notice of Hearing of Probate of Will
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Stephen Bolles deceased
Whereas V Franklin of said coun
ty has filed in my office an instru
ment purporting to be the last will
and testament of Stephen BolIes 3tte
of said county deceased and MarLIa
Bolles has filed her pocillon herein
praying to have said will admitted to
probate and for the issuing of letters
testamentary which will relates to
both real and personal estate
I have therefore appointed Satur
day the 27th day of May 191I at
one oclock in the afternoon at the
county court room in said county as
the time and place for hearing said
will at which time and place xau
and all concerned may appear andLean
7i i -4 1
conceded the fact that it was a good I
thing to have him as a neighbor that
he was always willing and eager to
lend a hand or relieve distress and
in many ways that are not generally
known for the deceased was not a
man to parade his philanthropies He
did uncalculable good among the peo
dd uncalculable gcod among the peo
ple with whom his lot was thrown
That will stand on the crpdit sid rf 1
It is further ordered that said
1 titioner give notice to all in
j tersted in said estate of the pen
dency of this petition and the time
and place set tor tle h sarins of the
came by uig a copy of this order
to be pubi hed in The McCook Trib
une a newspaper printed and publish-
ed in said county for three weeks
successively previous to the day set
his account when he stands before
lor saia hearing
In witners wherrcf I have hereunto
set my hand and official seal this lOtli
day of May A D 1911
J C moore
I I CoIl
his npichhnrs and sunk tn thft
County Judgev -
u - - W S MORLAN
1 First publication May ll 3ts
nas xtw ojt rs
30tfir 5V JYf nsaa
4 stbeim
Without Hard
Because the fine particles of tne
Cleanser immediately loosens and
removes the hardest burnt in
food crusts which soap powders
collector for God s cause away empty 1 L 1 T
and scouring - bricks may only
11 I
handed but was always ready
rr r i 1 1 1
wear on alter ionghard scrubbing
Many other uses
and Full Directions on
large Sifter can IOP
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
rvstHsimfiinmm T tST