X THURSDAY MAY 4 1911 ADVERTISING NEBRASKA At a recent meeting of the asso ciated commercial clubs of Nebraska the legislature came in for a good round scoring for failing to make an appropriation of money to be used in j advertising Nebraskas resources and attractions for home seekers and in- j vpstors We hold no defense bnef foi the legislature but the occasion warrants challenging attention to the insistent persistent and consistent ad vertising which Nebraska enjoys through its newspapers daily and weekly published as private under- takings with only such help as their j respective communities give them in the way of subscription and ing patronage I We do not believe any state in the union has as loyal and public spirited a set of newspapers all taken to This week The McCook Milling Co plant was purchased by Mr G E Hotchkin of Minden and tbe formal transfer of the mill and contents was made The business will be conduct ed under the title of The McCook Mil ing Co as of old with a son of the owner Mr A E Hotchkin in charge as manager G E Hotchkin is secretary-treasurer and largest owner of stock in The Minden Milling Co which also THE INTERMISSION for all kinds MAGAZINES AND DAILIES Temple Building Kansas City Post 5c week McCOOK MACHINERY AND IRON WORKS Machine Work Elacksmithing Horse Shoeing We are agents for the Celebrated Ford Auto 20G 1st st E -- Phone red 450 REGULAR CHURCH SERVICES Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m The public cordially invited R T BAYNE Pastor CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Services Sunday at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Meets now in the north east corner of court house basement CATHOLIC Order of services Mass 830 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening services at 800 Sunday school 230 p m WM J PATTON O M I Methodist Preaching by the pas tor at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a m Epworth League at 7 p m LESTER E LEWIS Pastor EPISCOPAL Sunday school at ten oclock Morning prayer and sermon at eleven oclock Evening prayer and sermon at eight Choir rehearsal as usual every member please attend ALFRIC J R GOLDSMITH Rector German Congregational Sunday school at 930 a m Preaching at 1030 a m and 730 p m by the pastor Junior CE at 130 p m Senior C E at 730 All Germans cordially iriic d to attend these orv Ices HENRY KAUERZ Pastor GERMAN EVAN LUTHERAN Se vices every other Sunday afternoon at 230 oclock REV GROTHEER Pastor BAPTIST Bible school at 10 Preaching at 11 and 8 oclock D L McBRIDE Minister in wt i wi rr gether as has Nebraska With rare exceptions every one of them is con stantly sounding the praises of its city county and state holding up ob ject lessons of success and prosperity pointing out the opportunities for in dividual enterprise and public im provement painting the picture which salubrious bountiful Nebraska offers for ethers less favored to look upon and to accept as an invitation to come west and carve a fortune Every newspaper in Nebraska is a permanent publicity bureau for the slate These newspapers ask no sub sidies but they are entitled to and should receive appreciative recogni tion of what they are doing and sub stantial support from all other busi ness institutions and members of the community that share in the benefits Omaha Bee I - - FIELD MEET AT CAMBRIDGE The Southwestern Nebraska Field Meet will be held at Cambridge on Saturday May Gth All high schools of southwestern Nebraska are eligi ble and many have signified their intention of attending This meet will be the big athletic event of this section of the state Below is a list ol the events Dashes 100 yard 220 yard 400 yard Runs Half mile 1 mile Weights Hammer throw shot put discus Jumps High and broad Hurdles 220 yard low hurdles Pole vault Relay BaJges given for first second and third places winners of each event Medal for high point man Silver cup for winning team This was won by Cambridge last year It becomes the property of any school winning it three times straight Scnio cT the shcols that are eli gible and will be represented bore are Holdrege Oxford Beaver City McCook and Trenton All High schrols in Southwestern Nebraska are eligible to enter this meet Cam bridge Clarion The McCook Mill in New Hand r iii y3 owns the mill at Teeumseh Nebras ka The new manager is a young man but is an experienced all around mil ler and will no doubt carry along the fine business already established by the Doans who have been running the property with success for many years and made an enviable reputation for their product The Tribune welcomes the new owners to McCook ALUMNI MEET About thirty Alumni responded to the somewhat irregular and impromp tu notices sent out for a business meeting held Tuesday evening Chas Kelley wa3 made presiding officer Ways and meaus were discussed for removing the last banquet debt and with that end in view it was decided to charge 12 for this years tickets The date fixed upon for the tenth al umni banquet was May 2Gth 1911 The following officers were elected and appointed as members of the ex ecutive department President Edna Waite 0o Secretary Emma Perry 0 Treasurer Harold Sutton 0o Executive committee Fay Stayner 09 Lloyd Jennings 04 Geo Stroud 01 Chas Kelley 03 Earl Vahue 00 Mrs Maude Wood Stokes 98 The following members were chos en to act on committees Entertainment Committee Harold Sutton chairman 0G Pearl Brewer Mills 9G Elsie Campbell 08 Tacie DeLong 09 Earl Vahue 00 Banquet Committee Maude Woods Stokes 98 Ethel Oyster Suess 9G Lillian Burnett Snyder 02 Reception committee Max Hare 09 Maude Hegenberger 08 Alice Mc Kenna 07 Josephine Stewart 06 Lona Phelps 05 Bruce Campbell 05 Chester Rodgers 03 John Rice 02 Nellie Smith 01 Frank Colfer 00 Millie Slaby 99 Julia Ryan 98 Laura McMillen 97 Punch Committee Lloyd Jennings 04 Mabel Wilcox Woodworth 9G Dr E O Vahue 00 Decoration Committee Bruce Camp bell chairman 04 George Stroud 01 Max Hare 09 Earl Ludwick 97 Winifred Brown 05 Not To Be Expected Some cities do not permit pool halls to be ran in the same room where the sale of liquor is licensed But of course such a suggestion for Om aha would be altogether out of place Omaha Bee The bigh school teams of McCook and Cambridge crossed bats here on Friday afternoon and the visitors took the game by a score of 11 to 9 The game was very well frlayed for high school teams and exciting from first to last Carroll and Shifflet each pulled down a hard fly in the field Cambridge Clarion I THE McCOOK TRIBUNE Queer Lawsuit Forhaps the most remarkable suit ever brought is on the records of the court of the exchequer in England It was filed on Oct 1T27 and it sets forth very clearly that John Everit I and Joseph Williams were highway robber Jn its succinct legal phrases J the complaint says that the men ed a partnership for the purpose of carrying on business as highwaymen It was mighty profitable as was shown by the fact that Everit sued Williams for the equivalent of o000 being for moneys wrongfully appro priated to defendants private purse This was the amount in dispute after the partnership had lasted only a year Then Everit claimed that he discover ed that his partner had not made a fair division of the spoils The action was adjudged to be a gross contempt of court and the plaintiff was ordered to pay all costs while the solicitors who served the writ were fined One of the solicitors a man named AVrcatheock refused to pay the fine and was sent to prison for six months Both plaintiff and defendant to the ac tion were subsequently hanged one at Tyburn and the other at Maidstone Spoke Their Minds The original womans rights woman of the modern era according to a con tributor to the Paris Figaro was Olympe de Gouges a Frenchwoman who was beheaded but not before she had wittily pointed out the gulf fixed by custom between womans inherent and her civic rights In 1791 in a manifesto which had no precedent whatever and which contained an ar ticle which has kept suffragists going ever since the intrepid Olympe de Gouges declared Woman has the right to mount the scaffold she should also have the right to mount the trib une Another way of expressing the same idea is credited to Mme Condorcet It is said that Bonaparte when consul remarked to Mme Condorcet I dont like to have women mix up in politics In a country where their heads are cut off the wife of the philosopher returned without hesitation it is nat ural that they should want to know the reason why Stopping a Steamship M Bertin chief engineer of naval con struction in the French navy figured out from elaborate calculations in how into the circumstances and said turn as she is today In those old days when a foreign ship entered the Japa nese ports the captain was obliged to place his Bible and rudder in charge of the chief officer of the port and leave them there until he was ready to sail Of course he wouldnt sail without either and the Japs could easily keep tabs on the movements of all ships in their harbors The Seven Sleepers The seven sleepers of Ephesus a fa vorite subject in medieval art were seven Christians who to escape the persecution of Decius concealed them selves in a cave whose mouth was closed by their enemies The cave was rediscovered 200 years afterward when fha sleepers awoke youthful and in perfect health Both Wrong You have deceived me she com plained You gave me to understand that you were rich Well you deceived me too he re plied You caused me to believe that you would be brave and cheerful if it ever became necessary for us to get along on a small income Judge Like the Egg He always was a bad egg but no body seemed to notice it Avhile he was rich Yes he was all right until he was broke A Wedding A little girl of three and a half yeaxs defined a wedding as its when a lady goes into church with a curtain on her head and comes out with a man It is not by sitting on the fence and counting the weeds in our neighbors field that we obtpin a better harvest oc 9 Qq q C ifcr cm by nr TfiRi firay I p l 2 i u HS a Bs I Situ ISBfs aBfti i urt jiutii oi lun junNjufi HE career of Tom Johnson is a story of how a poor boy be- i GO O 0 OO -----------O with Mr George bought a summer residence near the hitters home in came a millionaire his life Brooklyn and a close friendship be work hnintr characterized liv tweeu the two existed until Mr pluck and pathos As a boy he learn- Georges death Johnson gave much ed what hardship and poverty were money and made many speeches for Then by rapid rise lie became a mil- the furtherance of the single tax the- lionaire only to sacrifice his fortune in trying to straighten out the nw Johnson got Progress and cial affairs of his dead brother who Poverty incorporated into the Con had left a widow and four children gressional Record was one of the clev Tom Loftin Johnson was born in crest coups ever turned by a politiciau Scott county Ky on July IS 1834 D arrangement with several other The names Tom and Loftin he congressmen favorable to single tax uu iiau ui m uuuk m selected for himself In his earlv corporate in speeches and by virtue childhood his parents agreed that he f congressmen s postal franks hun vas a boy out of common lines and dreds of thousands of these Jiflt he could decide for himself better copies ued to voters throughout the than they could decide for him wef coun Tom Johnson went into the world J without the advantage of a high Some Incidents In Johnsons life school or college education First lie I At the age of fourteen Tom Johnson was a newsboy and as such learned became an office boy at 2 a week in the value of a nickel and what it j the foundry of T C Coleman at Lou meant to earn one His first employ- isville Ky He swept the office ran ment was in a rolling mill and from errands and picked up scraps that were the furnace mouth he went into a in other peoples way B du Pont of railroad office Starts Fortune In Indianapolis At eighteen he went to Indianapolis where he lay the foundation of a for tune Street railway manipulation at tracted him and with the aid of some wealth brought to him through mar riage to the daugnter of a prominent man he acquired control of the street railways of Indianapolis In 1S79 seeking new fields to con quer lie removed to Cleveland and the family of powder makers was part owner of the foundry One day he saw the lad rush out of the office into the street pick up a bit of iron and return with It to the foundry scrap heap Why did you do that inquired Du Pont Why sir replied the boy there was no use wasting it They can put it in the furnace and use it over again Du Pont thereupon gave Johnson a bought a small street railway line and pice witu illai m the street car busi iu a comparatively short time by his ness 57 Week extraordinary energy and ability he i those days each passenger drop had effected a consolidation of all the ned his fare into a box on the street street railroads in that city car and at certain points the money ble treatment of his employee and vras taken from the box by employees the public spirit he displayed attract- called drawers One of the rules o ed attention to Johnson and he be- the company required the drawer to came one of Clevelands most popular deposit each sack of money in the of citizens flee safe and close the door of the safe Johnson was a free trader and i No one but the drawers had access to i KiifiiT i iisiiiifk i siiimsmii rui nfiiii 41 l J rr i rr - 4T ji i i 1 4- s He demonstrates that a 10 000 ton i iaALi ilim m wuisu s uie room ami iuey wu uiissij n iiu transatlantic liner going twenty nine knots an hour simply by stopping the engines will come to a stop in one hour and thirteen minutes and will in that time have traveled 47S statute miles The same vessel with recipro cating engines if these be reversed will stop in twice its own length and j if the engines lie turbines in four times its own length These theoreti cal calculations are verified by actual experiment The French minister of marine made the test Avitii some tor pedo boats and has on several occa sions stopped one by reversing its en gine to 0 yards and when the en gines were of the turbine type in 2714 yards New York World Obeyed the Judge A little colored girl deeply insulted by her playmate who had pushed her ofTn de stoop took her case before the justice of the peace He inquired russ aiiu jroveriy was ins uiuie in i rue name or dropping tueir sucks upon 1SSS he uiado his debut in politics and the floor of the room until evening narrowly missed election to congress j when all were put into the safe at in a strong Republican district In i o at upward of o000000 he delighted to mingle with laboring men and dis cuss the theories of single tax popu lism and socialism and the conditions affecting the workingman It was in 190S that Johnson an nounced that his fortune had been wiped out by his efforts to save the I estate of his dead brother Al lie rave un his magnificent residence and hr automobiles and cheerfully declar ed his intention to begin life anew ing to the injured one The plaintiff no was however stricken with a is allowed to ask the defendant a pies- tl disease before he could recoup his tion m regard to the assault Whas dat yo say sab I say that you may ask the de fendant a question Wh whatll Ah ask her sab Any question you like The child studied the floor a mo ment then with the politest of smiles wealth Ilis Eriendcliip Tor Henry Gecrge When Tom Johnson first road Henry Georges Progress and Poverty he was astounded at Its arguments yet fearful of accepting them Turning the IvjoIc over to his lawyer ho de- rcmucu an uuoiasco on k she Sallv opinion inquired am vo mamma well Evervbodvs TIlc 1nv ver reported favorably John- con was converted and from that day became the stoutest ally of nenry u i j j d jj Held Bible and Rudder Oorgo and his single tax theories trf w m nnnn w h o 1 He always was a free trader of the free ifor so friendly with other nations most uncompromising type He sought a personal acquaintance CHICKEN FARM IN PRISON Ex Millionaire In Charge Will Utilize Training When He Gats Out The Illinois state penitentiary is go- t nig mio me chickcii liiuusiry ami i e- ter Van Ylissingen the convict real estate broker of Chicago has been made care tender of two incubators just installed Having in view the new penitentia ry with its thousands of acres of farm land the prison officials decided to prepare for it by beginning a chicken department with wh h to feed prison ers By next fall Warden Murphy ex pects to have 1000 chickens on his hands A brooder house with a ca pacity of 3000 is being built The incubators have been placed in the solitary which is near Van Vlis singens room I expect to be outof this prison in about another year and I intend to go into the chicken business This will le excellent education for me he raid Before his exposure as a forger Van Vlissingen was one of the most prom inent men in Chicago and considered to be a millionaire Philanthropist a Thief Anthony Gahl confessed thief who posed as a philanthropist by day and robbed his neighbors by night plead ed guilty to two charges of house breaking and one of petit larceny in the Cincinnati police court and got sen tences that wlil keep him in the workhouse for four years Gahl had been identified by a picture in the rogues gallery as a former prisoner In the Kentucky penitentiary once 1800 and again in 1S02 he was elected One day the chief drawer was sick but was defeated in 1S94 nis anti Johnson was sent to take his place tion as mayor of Cleveland for four ne read the rules carefully and after terms was only a natural sequence drawing the money from his first car A large man although not tall and I i10 bounded upstairs put the sack in wc iching considerably over 200 pounds the safe and slammed the door his face full of genial humor he was yuat are vou doing that for de- affable and courteous to all nis man manaed the bookkeeper nor was democratic to the furthest Because the rules say so said Tom extreme With a fortune estimated j nr u shoulder i bo rushed out to catch another car After this had happened a dozen times the bookkeeper began a row de claring that Johnsons action was a reflection on the office mans honesty Mr Du Pont happened to drop in in the midst of the dispute when John son explained that he was merely obey ing the rules He was made chief drawer on the spot and at the age of soventcen became superintendent of Hie road An incident occurred while Johnson was a member of congress in 1S91 which showed that while as a busi ness man lie would take advantage of the favoritism of his government as a citizen and politician he would fight privileges as economically unjust Johnson at the time was owner of a steel mill He startled his colleagues by moving that the duty on steel rails be removed Mr Dalzell the Republic an leader interrupted to ask if John- son as a producer were not a ficiary of the duty on steel rails Johnson replied that as a member of 1 congress he represented not Ms mils but his constituents DRIFT TO THE NORTH POLE Captain Baldwin Plcnc Four Years Voyage Across Arctic Starts In 1913 Captain Evelyn B Baldwin arctic explorer is in San Francisco making preliminary arrangements for another north pole expedition which he pur poses heading in September 1913 He intends to fit out a ship provi sioned for a four years absence Its crew and officers and scientists will number twenty live or thirty Proceeding to a point in the Arctic near where the ill fated Jeannette was first frozen in the ice Captain Bald win plans to enter one of the bays created by the ice packs and when the vessel is well frozen in her position to rely on nature to carry his expedition across the Arctic ocean and past the much sought for pole A wireless equipment something that Peary Cook and others could not carry will be included in the outfit and should enable the party to keep in constant touch with the outside world Cow Has Six Calves In Eleven Months On O Chambers farm at Bartlett la is a red thoroughbred cow with a record One year after her birth Jan 1 1903 she weighed 040 pounds Her first calf was born when its mother was two years old A calf was bom to New Years Pride every year there after till March 1910 when one chilly morning she gave birth to triplets two of which lived Feb 11 this year a second set of triplets was born which are all lively and well making a total of sir calves within eleven months In each instance one heifer and two males were born PAGE 7- J M Howell a popular druggist Greensburg Ky says We use Chamberlains Cough Rsmedy in our our household and know it is excel lent For sale by all dealers Sick headache results from a dis ordered condition of the stomach and can be cured by the use of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets Try it For sale by all dealers BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES and Purifies the Blood PROFESSIONAL AWD BUSINESS DIRECTORY I carry a complete line of hair goods Switches puffs and curls made from your combings L M CLYDE PHONE 72 Ill W B St UP STAIRS ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B Phones Office 163 residence 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Templs building McCook Neb DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over He ConnelFs drug store Phones Ci fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms building McCook 3 and 5 Walsfcr DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 37S Room 4 Postofflca Building- Mc Cook Neb R H GATE WOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Mo Cook Neb C E ELDRED H awyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and or McCook Water Works Co Office in Fostoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCook Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Fine re- Watch Repairing Goods o aualit7 Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasement Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 302 over Woodworta8 drug store Go to NELMS FEED STORE for the FAMOUS CAMBRIDGE FLOUR and all kinds of feed Phone 186 Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 Subscribe for the Tribuns t