The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
lakes Home Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Tie only baking powder
made from Royal Grape
Gream of Tartar
The high school have their com
mencement invitations printed and
they are very plain and neat
Dr Hansen assistant state veter
inary was over on professional busi
ness Thursday
Bev Wilkins of Wilsonvills will
sjpeak all this week in Danbury
3 Xi Sims purchased the team of
ciultts from Harley Woods one day
-last week
J ster Lord Omen Smiley and
Henry Hellison were Indianola vis
ilinrs Sunday
There will be an alumni banquet in
the hall Saturday night May 20th
Bert Powell and Guy Smith papered
notel down stairs
Put your feet where they belong
snapped a passenger for the ball
grounds If I did replied his
lisifcjghbor getting a fresh grp on the
i strap you wouldnt be able to sit
Jowd for a week Ex
Lucy Yarn ell has been suffering
ITrom a gathering on the cords cf her
neck for the past two weeks
James Malone of Hemdon Kansas
was jn our burg a short time Mon
Dan Cashen and John McManigal ol
McCook were over and stayed till
i Simday evening
lEerris Hupp of Lebanon was up on
iis motor cycle Monday for a short
Bob Murphy of Lebanon is up this
week helping J E Xoe with his well
Floyd Ervins went down to Stam
Xord Neb Monday and purchased
some seed corn
Tliis section of the country was vis
ited with a rain snow and a good
hard freeze Sunday
Mrs M M Young returned home
from Denver Monday
Bev Harvey Anderson left Mon
day for Stratton Neb to a preach
ers meeting
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
Hie Tribune Shop Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
Sor every machine carbon papers
Taanuscript covers etc All kept in
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
xsid b happy At Hubers only
The McCook Tribune want ads
line Most people read them
1 ikji rniiiiij aim
3 r552
Walter and Clara Oollings were up
frcm Table Rock the first of the
week visiting friends and relatives
Mrs Buffington of Cambridge spent
Friday with her daughter Francis
Mrs Tim Haley was a McCook vis
itor Monday
The medal contest given under the
auspices of the W C T U Friday
evening was well attended Miss
Helen Ceilings being the winner of
the medal
Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee came
down frcm Colorado last week for a
visit with their daughter Mrs Will
W A Bolan was a county seat vis
itor Monday
Mr Gregory the state normal in
spector visited school Wednesday of
last week
Pearl Allen returned from Excelsior
Springs Missouri Thursday even
ing where she has been taking treat
ment for the past three weeks
Miss Copland and Lovie Smith
went up to McCook on No Satur
day evening returning on No 14 the
same evening
Mr Mitchell spent a few days in
Hendley last week
A sign painter was in town this
week decorating the windows of sev
eral of the stores
While Joe Lehn was discing alfalfa
for Andy Lehn Monday his team be
came frightened ran away breaking
the disc to pieces cutting hte har
ness and one horses leg quite badly
Mr Lehn barely escaped injury by
dropping off the seat backwards
Mr Calvin and Louis Longnecker
and family took dinner at Lewis El
mers Sunday
J H Whitaker of McCook spent
some days at Ben Kings last week
Mrs Hatcher called at John Long
neckers Sunday afternoon
Mrs King and Mr Whitaker sfoent
Monday of last week at Louis Long
necker s
An excellent term of school taught
by Miss Hughes of McCook closed on
Friday evening with a pleasing pro
gram by the pupils
A pleasant feature of the last day
of school was a dinner given by the
parents of the pupils as a surprise on
the teacher and though it turned out
net a surprise the dinner was a sue
When Lee Waddell who was work
ing for William Meyers watered the
horses at noon the ether day one
kicked Lee down and another trod up
on him fracturing a rib and it was
thought he was hurt internally
Ed Traphagan Alex Wright George
and Fincies Fitzgibbons Anton Braun
and Oscar Kolbet attended the dance
on the big flat Saturday night
Anton Giespert was down to Nor
ton Kansas to look at a piece of
land getting back Saturday
D H Shepherd was up here look
ing around for cattle of all kinds last
Ernest Hamilton and wife spent Sun
day with Mr Beebes folks
George Brisbon moved in with T
F West on his sand hill farm
Everything is showing green at
Bullards have dry stove wood
The McCook Tribune S100 a year
For special on sauer kraut by the
I gallon see Magner
8 SwH E ffi B44 r H W
TiT P If lh S
e 2 Sj jb M rfi Ly W
f i
4 41
- 4
sis other Ifrvdopes
The majority of motor
ists throughout the world
are satisfied users of
Michelin Inner Tubes
They are the best judges
Ash them
Look for
this sign
ly f on leading
BlnfMfv garages
- -
Sheriff Iliggins of McCook was in
town one day recently
The little daughter of Mr and
Mrs F E Lafferty who live north
of town is out of danger and getting
along fine
A few from town attended the pub
lic sale cf C H Coulson in Gerver
precinct about ten miles northwest
Word came from B F Darnell of
Minden that his father died at S10
a m Wednesday April 2G
Mrs John Sines returned last Aveek
from a visit with her parents at Otis
A large crowd attended the silver
medal content last Friday night and
Mrs Pepper was awarded the silver
The W C T U met at the home
of Mrs Pepper last Thursday after
The sewing circle met with Mrs
Hust last Friday A very interesting
meeting was held
Win Pepper went to Kansas City
last week to have a cataract remov
ed from his right eye
Ernest Galusha with the assistance
of L D Newberry put up a steel
awning on the Enterprise building
last week
Powell Nilsson shipped four cars
of cattle and two of sheep to the St
Joe market last week
Mrs J M Chehey and children of
north of Wilsonville visited her sis
ter Mrs Shorey and Mrs Bacon a
few days recently
Harry Poole of Republican City waa
in town one day recently He stated
that he had sold his interest in the
dray line and had bought out a bar
ber shop at that place
We understand that Cassius and
Ernest Dodge are going to Beaver
City to embark in the auto livery
business Cassius having purchased a
new Buick of H A Reed Co
O E Furman and family of Dist
No 103 Decatur county Kansas vis
ited his brothers Archie and Fred
and families one day last week
J H Wicks left first of last week
for Ludell Kansas and other western
towns along the line before return
ing home
Born to Mr and Mrs James Park
er Sunday April 23rd a daughter
Mother and babe getting along fine
Roy Partridge of Minden was in
town a few days last week
C R Newberry of Laurel Dell
was in town last week He has been
having a severe siege of neuralgia
N R Rhoades made a business trip
to McDonald Kansas last week
Grandma Gockley of Fairview
Mted in town from Thursday until
Dr and Mrs Bartholomew visited
relatives at Lebanon the first of the
We experienced a hard freeze Sun
day night which will be very destruc
tive to the fruit blossoms
Word was received from Rochester
Minn that Mrs Pluinb was operated
on and that she is getting along as
well as could be expected
Old Folks Should be Careful in their
Selection of Regulative Medicine
We have a safe dependable and al
together ideal remedy that is particu
larly adapted to the requirements of
aged people and persons of weak con
stitutions who suffer from constipa
tion or other bowel disorders We
are so certain that it will relieve
those complaints and give absolute
satisfaction in every particular that
we offer it with our personal guar
antee that it shall cost the user noth
ing if it fails to substantiate our
claims This remedy is called Rexall
Rexall Orderrlies have a soothing
healing strengthening tonic and reg
ulative action upon the bowels They
remove all irritation dryness sore
ness and weakness They restore the
bowels and associate organs to more
vigorous and healthy activity They
are eaten like candy may be taken
at any time without inconvenience do
not cause any griping nausea diar
rhoea excessive looseness flatulence
or other disagreeable effect Price
25c and 10c Sold only at our store
The Rexall Store L W MeCon
Foleys Kidney Remedy Acted Quicklj
M N George Iron dale Ala was
bothered with kidney trouble for
many ysars I was persuaded to try
Foly Kidney Remedy and before
j taking it three days I could ieel its
beneficial offsets The pain left my
i back my kidney action cleared up
and I am so much better I do not
j hesitate to recommend Foley Kidnej
RcniDdy A McMillen
Foley Kidney Pills take hold of
your system and help you to rid your-
3el of your dragging backache dull
i headache nervousness impaired eye
sight and of all the ills resulting fror
the impaired action of your kidneys j
and bladder Remember it is Foley
i Kidney Pills that do this A Mc- J
- Miller
Arbor day was celebrated through
out Indiana by the planting of trees
by school children and grown people
The forest fire sweeping down UK
slopes of Bear mountain near Claiks
burg Mass was checked by back fh cs
The senate formally organized for
business by adopting the list or ap
pointments made by the majority of
both parties
The international exhibition of in
dustries and labor the biggest affair
of the kind ever attempted in Italy
opened at Turin
Li the taotai of Canton has been
assassinated by the rebels who are
again strong The gates of the city
have been closed
On account of ill health Senator
Frye tendered to the vice president
his resignation as president pro tem
pore of the senate
The senate committee on judicial
by a vote nf 7 to 5 agreed to report
the house resolution for direct elec
tion of United States senators
The St Louis universitys seismo
graph recorded earthquake shocks It
is estimated that the disturbances was
1JOO miles southeast of St Louis
The American Newspaper Publish
ers association elected Bruce Halde
man of the Louisville Courier Journal
a president to succeed Herman Ria
The First National bank of Denver
has been bought from the estate of
David H Moffat by the New York
stock brokerage firm of Hayden Stone
The San Francisco Building Trades
council pledged itself to raise 100000
for the defense of John J McNamara
and other union men similarly at
Lloyd C Griscom former ambassa
dor to Italy and a friend of ex-President
Roosevelt has resigned as presi
dent of the New York county Repub
lican committee
Twenty nine states have ratified the
proposed income tax amendment to
the federal constitution Before the
amendment can become a law it must
be approved by six mores states
The United States gunboat Wilming
ton sailed from Hong Kong for Canton
to render any assistance necessary to
the American citizens on account of
the disturbed situation at the latter
In terror of lynching Harry Lewis
a negro who shot and killed Henry A
Ferguson a wealthy resident of Webs
ter Groves a suburb of St Louis com
mitted suicide in a field near the Fer
guson home
Postmaster General Hitchcock was
charged by Representative Cullop of
Indiana on the floor of the house
with being a creator and the presid
ing genius of a powerful political ma
chine organized within the postofllce
Fierce encounters with a lashing
hurricane and angry seas two nights
of exposure and almost unending
hours of hunger and thirst was the
lot of scores of fish and oyster men
of the gulf coast fleets during the
West Indian sale
In a to the Colorado house
Governor Shafroth sharply criticises
the state banking bill passed by the
senate as a measure no more resem
bling the measure promised the people
than night resembles day The letter
created a sensation
Vera Gcorgovitch the fifteen-year-old
daughter of a Chicago saloon
keeper told a story of how she was
kidnaped by gypsies last week car
ried several miles in a covered wagon
and finally was rescuert by a gang or
workmen engaged in repairing a road
By holding that the federal govern
ment without consent of the states af
fected may set aside vast areas of
- a o reserve and
Uiit urh rwrve i rot srbjoct to tN
ir - th1 supreme coin
- ty Irit r tes nettled two burn
in v western Issues
- lo Bo ger o Milwaukee the So
1 3T r c - r oJ congress in r re o
ltn irtro ictd net ciry propose to
k1c l t i wCrctr but aims to strike
rri the vC of the president the
ViAo power and tke from the courts
a thorIty to invalidate legislation en
ictcd hy the house ol repiesDiitaiivcs
Ilenewc d rumors of the early resig
nation of Senator Lorimer of Illinois
are current in Washington The pres
sure lor the resignation from senators
pud representatives who have been
supporting him is growing Some of
these supporters declare the time is at
hand when for him to remain will be
to get his friends into serious trouble
Professional bank promoters here
after will have no part in the organi
zation of the national banks under an
order issued by Comptroller Murray
Applications to organize national
banks mvst embody a declaration that
n niency will be paid for any solict
ing of subscriptions to the staee or
for any torm of promoting in organic
injr the bank
A 1C I W
Smith bought some pigs from
his neighbor Jones The price
came to G42 Smith paid
Jones in cash but as usual
neither had the proper change
and Smith said Just make it
even money Smith lost 8
cents Jones bought some pig5
from his neighbor Johnson The
nrice came to G42 Jones ha
nis money in the bank ana
gave Johnson a check for the
exact amount Jones did not
lose a cent This is only one
of the advantages of a check
ing account Come in and let
us explain further
The First
National Bank
of McCook Neb
Do You Have the Right Kind of Help
Foley Kidney Pills furnish you the
right kind of help to neutralize and
remove the poisons that cause back
ache headache nervousness and oth
er kidney and bladder ailments
The McCook Tribune is read by
the most people SI a year
Application for License
Indianola Nebraska April 19 1911
Notice is hereby given that C H
Hyatt has filed in the city clerks of
fice of the city of Indianola Nebras
ka his bond and petition for a license
to sell malt spirituous and vinous
liquors in the building on lot num
bered 13 in block numbered 29 sec
ond ward of the city of Indianola in
Red Willow count Nebraska for the
municipal year ending April 30 1912
C H HYATT Applicant
First publication April 20 3ts
Application for License
McCook Nebraska April 24 1911
Notice is hereby given that I have
filed in the office of the City Clerk of
McCook Nebraska a petition as by
law provided asking that a license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors
in the building situated on lot 9 block
21 in the Second Ward of the City
of McCook Nebraska be granted me
for the municipal year beginning May
1 1911 and ending April 30 1912
Raymond Bahr defendant will take
notice that on the 10th day of Janu
ary 1911 Hattie Bahr filed her peti
tion in the District Court of Red Wil
low County Nebraska the object and
prayer of which are to obtain a di
vorce from said defendant and to be
given the custody of Gertrude Bahr
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 22nd day of
May 1911
By Ritchie Wolff her attorneys
First publication April 13 4ts
Referees Sale
By virtue of an order of sale to me
directed by the clerk of the district
court of Red Willow county Nebras
ka on the judgments rendered in
said court in the cause wherein Anna
Farber and Christ Farber are plain
tiffs and Rosena Droll Catherina Zim
mer Jacob Zimmer William Droll
Martha Droll Edward Droll Carolina
Kutter Barney Kutter Augusta Droll
Mary A Vannier Louis Vannier
Frances Ballenger Riggs Ballenger
and Bertha Droll are defendants on
the tenth and eighteenth days of
February 1911 for the partition and
sale of the following described real
estate situated in said county to wit
The northeast quarter and the east
half of the northwest quarter and
lots one and two all in section eigh
teen in township three north of range
twenty nine west of the sixth princi
pal meridian and the east half of
the northwest quarter and lots one
and two all in section seven in said
township and range
I will offer for sale to the high
est bidder for cash on the 20th day
of May 1911 at the front door of
the courthouse in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska at one oclock in the
afternoon in quarter section tracts
all of said land including the home
stead and dower estates of Rosena
Droll in said land as set forth in
said judgment rendered February 10th
Dated April 20 1911
First publication April 20 5t
Terms of District Court 1911
Chase county April 24 and Novem
ber 13
Dundy County March 6 and No
vember 20
Frontier county March 20 and Oc
tober 2
Furnas county February 20 May
29 and October 23
Gosper county January 30 and
September 25
Hayes county March 13 and Sep
tember 18
Hitchcock county May 1 and No
vember 27
Red Willow county February 6
May 15 and October 9
Robert C Orr district judge
The Sound Sleep of Good Health
Can not be over estimated and any
ailment that prevents it is a menace
to health J L Southers Eau Claire
Wis says I have been unable to
sleep soundly nights because of paina
across my back and soreness of my
kidneys My appetite was very poor
and my general condition was much
run down I have been taking Foley
Kidney Pills but a short time and
now sleep as sound as a rock my gen
eral condition is greatly improved
and I know that Foley Kidney Pills
have cured me A McMillen
Received on Account Pali
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
Teacher of
Piano and Organ
910 First Street West McCook Ne
to do Paper Hanging Light Car
penter Work and Inside Painting
Leave orders with C C Brown
at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St
West McCook Neb
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Walter Hosier
Draying in all its branches
promptly and carefully attended
to Your patronage is earnestly
Phone black 244 Leave orders
at any of the city lumber yards
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
Office First Door South of DeGroffs
Phone No 13
Fire and Wind I
Insurance 1
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
White Line Transfer
Hawkins Sheaffer
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phones Office GS
residence red456