The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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EH i
it1 6
Main Line Ea t Depart iCentrHl Timor
Xo C 1110 P M
16 430 A M
2 520 A M
12 700 A M
14 920 P M
Main Line West- Vein ri Mountain Tmo
NO 1
3 1142 P M
5 arr S30 p m
13 945 A SI
15 1230 A SI
Imperial Line Mount iin 1 ime
n I7fi arrives 345 P M
No 175 departs
Xo 175 departs Wed
G45 A M
630 A SI
Sleeping dining and reclining chair
cars seats free on through trains
Tickets sold and baggage checked to
uy point in the United States or
For information time tables maps
and tickets call on or write D P
Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska
or L W Wakeley General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Supt Flynn on car S3 attached to
No 12 went in to Omaha Monday
on official business
Frank and John Amann of Hildreth
are up looking after some property in
terests for a few days
Chief Heber and his linemen used
a spit car Monday going east ovei
the line east of McCook
Conductor C E Pope is recovering
nicely from his recent attack of pneu
monia many friends will be more
than pleased to know
Mr Dungan the train and road
master cf the Kansas hrarches was
at hcadcua crs Mcrday on company
business from Republican City
Sirs W A Jeffries and baby have
been visiting in the home of H E
Durham this week Her mother Sirs
Sloorc will spend Sunday with them
A fruit train of 2S cars was iced
and made up here Sunday in 25 min
utes It was necessary for the yard
masters clerk Cal Xelras to accom
pany the train as far as Oxford to
check up the train
The electricians have been taken
off of trains Nos 13 and 14 and 15
and 16 Baggage men now run the
dynamos and the train men look afteJ
the connections etc The electric
ians are still retained on the Chicago
trains however
V W Darnell of Slinden father of
Warnie Darnell of the train service
here died in Slinden last Wednes
day He leaves a wife and seven
children two of them Warnie of this
city and Bert of Slarion live in Red
Wilov rouuty
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The- Tribune Shop - Papers of all
weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
for every machine carbon papers
manuscript covers etc All kept in
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
Nothing to Offend Everything
to please and instruct
730 to 11 oclock Saturday
Slatinees at 2 oclock
Doif t Become Bent and Ugly
Anv woman who desires to do so mav
easily overcome any tendency to round
shoulders by giving the matter proper
We have the cole agency for a shoulder
brace that corrects any such tendency
without discomfort to the wearer It is
constructed entirely of cloth will notbind
or chafe and may be worn at all times
without inconvenience
compel deep breathing and by so doing
insure the general good health of the
wearer For men women and children
Prl ne 100
Let Him ZZCj as 2 as
A well known veterinary surgeon of
Lembcrg Austrisi was recently called
to the telephone when this conversa
tion foliowed
Hello Is this Dr N
Yes What tlo jou wish
Sly horse is standing stock still on
his hind les with his forefeet in the
air and nothing can make him come
down on all fours Did you ever hear
of such a queer case What shall I
do about it
The case is extraordinary replied
the astonished doctor I can give no
opinion without seeing the animal
Where do you live
Carl Ludwig strasse
And your name
Here the doctor rang off and swore
softlv at the wag who had fooled him
The horse in question was the bronze
animal which upholds upon its back
the fine equestrian statue of John So
bieski king of Poland which orna
ments the Carl Ludwig street in Leni
Making the Money Last
Rosa Bonheur used to say that her
youth was one of great poverty Then
she would add some droll stories
about the family method of regulat
ing its finance The studio was a col
lection of odds and ends and SI Bon
heur knew how to turn that disorder
to account When he received money
for his work he would take a handful
of coin and throw it at random about
the room Then in times of stress
when there was apparently not a far
thing left in the house the entire fam
ily would set to work searching in
nooks and corners Sometimes they
would find a five franc piece and that
warded off starvation To perfect her
self in her study of animals young
Rosa spent days in a slaughter house
The men were perplexed at seeing a
young woman there and sometimes
made it disagreeable for her but good
SI Emile a butcher of great strength
announced that whosoever annoyed
imp inivf u rocknn with him
Then she was enabled to work undis
survival ol uuuuim ui uusiuuu
given credit by others as being the
offenders the birch rod is brought into
play A physician is always on hand
to stop the Hogging should the culprit
evince signs of fainting Although the
flogging punishment has tlnis been
mitigated it does not seem to have lost
its effectiveness Popular Mechanics
Might Sparc a Few
It is said that never was there a gen
tler critic than Dr SIcClintoek of Dick
inson college One day a young orator
presented his speech for Dr SlcClin
tocks approval He evidently did not
anticipate adverse criticism He re
ceived it nevertheless given in the
doctors gentle humorous way which
never could offend
Its a good speech he said but
there is perhaps a little too much of a
certain sort of rhetoric For instance
I find in it two midnight owls two
A Mighty Big Can
An Irish harvester found himself in
si small Scottish town At the gas j
works he saw a gasometer for the
first time in his life and stopped a
countryman who was passing to ask
Whats that big round thing there
standing on end
The Scotchman scratched ins head
and replied A dinna ken
Get out with you said the Irish
man You never saw a dinner can
as big as that in your life
Putting His Foot In It
Guest to hostess at private theatri
cals Sladam you played your part
splendidly It fits you to perfection
Hostess Im afraid not A young
and pretty woman is needed for that
Guest Oh but madam you have
positively proved the contrary Bos
ton Transcript
Its Class
How do you like my new hat Isnt
it a darling Only 10 exclaimed a
delighted lady to her husband
Great Scott You said the hats
could be bought at from 230 up
Yes dear this is one of the ups
Mild Exactions
Bliggens says he loves his work
I should think he would nes one
of the men whose work leaves them
about half the day to play golf
Washington Star
Feminine Economy
Mrs Knicker The lobster she ate
cost her a hundred dollars in doctors
bills Sirs Bocker And she only ate
it to keep it from going to waste
Harpers Bazar
No Practical Knowledge
Sunday School Teacher Johnny
what can you tell me about Ham Lit
tle Johnny Nothin teacher Im a
vegetarian Exchange
Hill III Hill I1 lm
WU I VJ kjtJV v
S V II X Jlinrn
I f If
s Jfi I h I i
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IV l a
i f I
the SIcCook team slugged better than
his team mates and won He had
most potent factor in ridding
of petty criminals and assuring public eight strike outs to his credit and al
safety Many criminals become so lowed 11 hits Amsden was very wild
miliar with the prison routine as to passed six men and also hit sev
lose all horror of it In fact life Is so I eral Datsmen Cambridge had the
wretched for certain clashes of ases full four times and only one out
sirables in London that they would
Qut tfae next twQ
commit petty crimes as a means of
men Otherwise he pitched a good
gaining entrance to a prison were it
not for the wholesome fear of flog- game allowing only three safe hits
gings The used for and striking out ten men With the
tlin flfro inv 1ms boon flonrivod of its Krnrti 0 tn S in McCnoks favor tWO
knots and is not laid on so strenuous- dOWn and men on second and third
ly as m tne om uays wnue wuii youiiy
Amsden poked a clean single to right
bringing in two men and winning the
game Knowles made three safe sin
gles Schwab Dorwart and Amsden
two each Score by innings
Cambridge 2 1 ffl 0 0 1 2 1- 3 S
SIcCook 0 201040 2 211 11
Batteries Cambridge Slinnick
Weeks and Carroll SIcCook Ams
den Emerson Umpire Carroll
Arapahoe vs McCook
SIcCook Avon her fiist home ganie
by the score of 13 to C Arapahoe
was the victim Prime the visitors
Well Patronized by Pupils
The benefit for the SicCook high
school athletic association held in the
miiiMt WnivoC ti Anioriin ea 1 lSh school auditorium was well pat-
gles and four unfurled banners It ronized by a patriotic pupil body last
seems to me that the supply exceeds J evening There were two short plays
the demand presented by the following members
of the school
Sly Lord in Livery Lord
mere Fred Archibald bpiggot uie
Bullards have dry stove wood
The SIcCook Tribune want ads 5c
line Slost people read them
Mosaic Work
The origin of Slosaic work is un
known We may be sure however
that it began among some oriental peo
ple It had attained to great excellence
in Greece in the time of Alexander and
his successors The Romans also ex
celled in Slosaic work as is shown by
the many preserved specimens today
to be seen in the museums The art
was revived in Italy by Giotto Cime
bue and others and from Italy made
its way into the other European coun
tries Some of the achievements of the
Mosaic works of the best Italian period
are little less than miraculous New
York American
Grim Recollections
Now that you are famous Mr Rim
er we propose to place a tablet on your
former home
What would you wish us to say
You might say that I was ejected
for nonpayment of rent replied the
Eomewhat embittered bard Washing
ton Herald
The Best
Willis What is the happiest mo
ment of married life Gillis When a
man throws the pictures of his wifes
relatives out of the family album and
fills it up with photographs of his baby
instead Puck
Widely Separated
Are yon related to Barney OBrien
Thomas OBrien was once asked
Very distantly replied Thomas
I -was me mothers first child Barney
was the sivinteenth
f sw l VVv
pit her nas about the whole team
He pitched a splendid game getting
ten strike outs to his credit The
SIcCook sluggers made 14 safe hits
off his delivery but several of them
could have been cut off by faster
uork on the part of his team mates
Arapahoe started well scoring twice
in the first and once in the second
but they were blanked in the other
innings excepting the 6th when they
made three clean hits which coupled
with a few errors by the home team
were enough to score three men
Dorwart pitched a good steady game
getting 11 strike outs and allowing
only 9 hits Heap Emerson caught
a splendid game besides getting two
nice hits one good for a circuit of
the bases thanks to Arapahoes right
fielder Heaps pegging to second
was fine not a man stole on him
Arapahoes catcher was very weak at i
pegging He did not throw out a mai
3t second in 12 attempts Knowles
was the leading slugger getting three
timely hits One a home run that
scored two men ahead of him The
attendance was small Score by in
H It
SIcCook 10313212 14 13
Arapahoe 2100030009 fi
Batteries Arapahoe Prime and
Curry SIcCook Dorwart and Emer
son Umpire Downs
family butler Slaurice Benjamin
Hopkins the footman Clyde Rankin
Robert the pae Harold Schwab Sy
bil Amberly Slabel Hegenberger
Laura Lela Fisher Rosa Slarvc
A Case of Slild Suspension Dor
thy Adaline Roller Alice Hazel Nos
ris Slildred Lynn Arnold Harold
Harry Allen Tom Charles Sleeker
Jack Yule Dorwart Sliss Ophelia
Judkins Ora Stewart Prof Emilius
Edgerton Fred Amsden Kathleen a
Celtic maiden Helen Schwab Jonas
the seminary man Con Wilson
The participants were liberally ap
Frank S Vahue was in the city
Lou Watson of Sanborn was a city
visitor last evening
C J Ryan goes to Lincoln
day on some business matters
F L Wolff is up on the high line
end of week on a law matter
C H Hyatt of Indianola was in the
city Tuesday on business affairs
Sirs George H Thomas is a guest
of her mother Sirs Sarah SIcGarl
R B Sheridan arrived home last
Saturday from a business absence of
a few weeks
Pete Pearson is down from Denver
on a visit to old time friends in his
former home
Slisses Ruggles came up from In
dianola Wednesday morning on No
13 on a short visit
Lon Cone arrived home last night
from Fremont where he attended the
big Woodman doings this week He
Avill represent the Fifth disttrict at
the supreme gathering in Buffalo N
Y in coming June
Rev SI L Gardner SI E pas
tor at Wilcox spent Slonday night
with his brother-in-law Rev L E
Lewis of our city on his way to
Stratton to attend the district meet
ing of Slethodist clergymen this
- -
P F Dold wife and daughter from
Cambridge visited over Sunday with
D L SIcBride and family
Cy Wimer came down last week
frcm Denver and is driving a car
for C R Livingston at present
Clarence Rozell departed on Sunday
night on business connected with his
hat box marker invention in St Louis
Sliss Laura Hamilton and daughter
departed Tuesday night for Slonte
Vsta Colorado where they will live
Sirs Neal Quick of Indianola vis
ited the home folks Slonday the an
niversary day of her parents wed
Sirs H J Cox came down from
Colorado first of the week meeting
Sir Cox here on his return from New
York state
S D SIcClain and Sir Rhodes of
the SIcCook Iron Works drove auto
mobiles from Omaha to the city ar
riving on Sunday evening
W A Slitchell went down to Hast
ings Slonday and assumed a position
in the hardware department of the
Stern department store of that city
Barney Hofer was taken quite ill
first of the week and was confined to
bed for a few days Alex Slehaffey
assisted some in the store during his
indisposition and absence from busi
Rev L E Lewis of the Slethodist
church went up to Stratton Tuesday
morning to attend the district meet
ing of pastors this week Ho is on
I yrogram for this afternoon but will
return home this evening
J F Cordeal went up to Trenton
Tuesday to take some photographs of
massacre canyon in that neighbor
hood a place famous in the Indiar
annals of this part of the state and
well known to quite a number of pres
ent residents of Red Willow county
Harry J Cox who has been spend
ing many months in New York fight
ing for an inheritance of a large and
valuable landed estate on Coney Isl
and arrived from the east last Sat
urday and visited here briefly He
was en route for Colorado where his
family is now located He is san
guine of winning his case though
fighting desperate odds
MAY 5 TO 20
20 per cent
During above dates my superb and
extensive stock of millinery will be
sold at a discount of 20 per cent
Nothing in up-to-date and stylish
stock reserved This is your oppor
tunity to get the very niftiest cre
ations the market affords at a
slaughter Come early
Nothing Reserved
Everything Goes
pfjYyw kijb jw auraumw jiiamJBBlillJt iiiirii iliH JIg3Bi n I lH BBEjtw it- iTTnrtnTT - -
Some Local
Cambridge vs McCook
SIcCook defeated Cambridge at Cam
bridge last Friday by the score of H
to 9 The game was marked by loose
Flogging Petty Criminals laying on the part of both teams
Flozcing claimed by some to be a f Q i Mm it
i i i Trncrli ml ic A
gaJf ifl y f rinT
So come in and see our Mens Wear
for Spring We have all the
new things up to
in Cluett Shirts including the new soft
Detached Collar Arrow Brand Collars
Adlers Gloves Mentor Union Suits Gor
don Hats Fine Neckwear Hosiery and
Clothcraft Clothes
1250 to 30o00
Base Ball Dope
They are DifferentYet Dignified
Rev Wm J Patton O SI L of St
Patricks church was a Lincoln vis
itor Tuesday on business of te
cloth arriving home on No 1 Wed
Supt C W Taylor Sliss Emma
Perry and Sliss Slinnie Viersen ill
leave on No 2 Friday morning for
Aurora to participate and be present
at the annual contest of the Nebras
ka high schcol declamatory union fc
that burg on Slay oth Supt Taylcc
is president of the union Sliss Per
ry is acting in the capacity of chart
erone for Sliss Slinnie
FOR SALE Family horse and bug
gy Inquire at V O shoe parlors-
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
with heat and light Phone red 2S1
Call at 319 1st street west
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms
also 5 room cottage furnished or un
furnished lawn and shade Sirs JL
R Lee phone red 455
FOR RENT Nice outside rooms en
suite or single in Electric Theatrs
building and over hardware store
FOR RENT 6 room house almcsc
new Inquire at 808 2nd sr E
FOR RENT Three desirable dwel
lings Whittaker Gray phone
Black 283 Room 3 Temple building-
FOR RENT 1 rcom cottage A 5
icom dwelling will be vacant first
week in June N J Johnson 51S
Slain avenue
WANTED Pupils on piano and or
gan beginners preferred Terms 50c
per lesson Susie SIcBride phone
black 4C4
WANTED A married man to work
on farm G W Trimpey Culbsrtson
Neb Phone red 49
Dr J O Bruce osteopath has re
turned to the city and is again ready
for business Office over Electric
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