The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 04, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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mjuigiiknuw m
Gcod results always follow the use
of Foley Kidney Pills They give
prompt relief in all cases of kidney
and bladder disorders Try them A
McCook LoiIko No 135 A F A M meets
very first and third Tuosuay of tho month at
00 p m in Masonic hall
Rdrbis H Stewart W M
Charles L Fahnestock Sec
b s 51
Occcnozeu Council No 16 R S M meets on
the last Saturday of each mouth at SUU p in
n Masonic hall
WiLLiAsr E Hakt T I M
Aabon Q Kino Sec
n a m
Kinp Cyrus Chapter No S5 R A M meets
7ery tirst and third Thursday of each month at
00 p m in Masonic hall
Clarence B Gkay H P
W B Whittakek Sec-
St John Commandery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
Geo Willets E C
Seth D Silver Rec
Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
300 p m in Masonic hall
Mrs C W Wilson W M
S Cobdeal Sec
McCook Lodge to 42 of K P meets every
Wednesday at 8C0 p m in Masonic hall
J N Gaaedk C C
C A Evans K R S
McCook Lodge No lfi I O O F meets every
Friday at 800 p m in Gauschow hall
C R Woodworth N G
E L Reed Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M V A meets every
first and third Friday of each month at
330 p m in Ma onic hall Pay assessments
st Citizens National Bank
C C Byfield Consul
HM Finitt Clerk
No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 1 m in Morris hall
Mrs Caroline Kcneet Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
McCook Liodga No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p m in Temple
Maurice Gbiffin Treas Henry Mokes MW
C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H moots every
second and forth Tuesdays of each month at
800 p m in Temple building
Mary E Griffin C of H
Mrs Carrie Schlagel Rec
Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in
Morris hall J A Wilcox Com
J H Yabgeb Record Keeper
Branch No 127S meets first Mono ay of each
month at 330 p m in carriers room postoflico
G F Kino horn President
D J OBrien Secretary
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E
meets on tlie first and third Thursdays of each
month in Morris hall
I D Pennington Pres
C H Husted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F E
Golden Rod Lodge No 232 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each month at 2 oclock
Mrs Grace Hcsted Mrs Ruth Reilly
Secretary President
railway trainmen
C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of H T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eagles hall T L Hcston President
F G KiNGnoEN Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
tecond and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Eagles hall over
post oilice S E Harvey C Con
M O McClure Sec
Bed Willow Lodge No 5S7 I A of M meots
every second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Feed Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Berry Cor Sec
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meots
every second and fourth Sunday of each
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Burnett F A E
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
month in Morris hall at30 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meet9 first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pros
Jno LeHew Cor Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main nve
C L Walker W Pres
C H Ricketts W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meots the
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p ra in Eagles hall
Chas Skalla F Sec J P Murray G K
Court Granada No 77 meets on tho second
and fourth Thurfdays of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Mrs George Martin
Miss Loretta Williams F S G R
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evunings of each
month in Morris hall
Mes W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
o a r
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Morris hall
Thomas Moore Commander
J II Yabgeb Adjt
belief corps
McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every
cond and fourth Saturdav of each month at
30 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
Susie Yandebhoof Sec
l of g a b
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at i 30 pm
at the Monte Cristo hall
Mrs Lottie Brewer President
Mrs Kate Duttoti Secretary
P E o
Chapter X P E O mpets the first and third
Monday evenings of each monSi cat 8 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs Anna Schobel Pres
Mb Kate Williams Cor Sec
McCook Templo No 14 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
Lila L Ritchie M E C
Edna Stewart M of R C
Meets each 2nd and 4th Monday evening of
each month in Morris hall
Mrs Augusta Anton N G
Miss Forlsnce Middleton Secy
L O O M McCook Lodge No 419 of L O
O M meets every Thursday evening at
8 oclock in the Ganschow hall
Robekt C Cole Diet G A Haktman Sec
State Board Decides to Let Rail
road Values Stay Same
Any Higher State Taxation to Come
From Raising Levy Across the
State Road Will Be Discussed at
Meeting in Holdrege May 16
Lincoln May 2 At the meeting of
the state hoard of assessment it was
decided to put the same valuation up
on the railroads of the state as last
year the values on personal property
having shown in the estimation no in
crease since that time Whether or
not the levy will be raised on the
amount of this property will not be
determined until later when property
values of the entire state are submit
ted and placed in the hands or the
The valuation placed on the four
leading roads of the state is as fol
lows Chicago Burlington and Quincy
on 284221 miles 23S58011 Union
Pacific on 108302 miles 15153
4G50S Chicago and Northwestern on
10C537 miles 7457590 and the Chi
cago Rock Island and Pacific on
24558 miles 20891SG
Will Increase Levy
It is understood that the state board
will increase the state levy compelling
the railroads as well as every other
taxpayer to pay greater taxes even
though in many cases as with the rail
roads the assessed valuation had not
been raised This as stated above
will not be done however until the
board has had a chance to review the
assessment figures of the entire state
Last year the total levy for state
purposes was 5 mills but 1 mill of
that amount was levied for a separate
purpose and was devoted to the use of
the state university The 4 mill levy
thus left can be increased under the
present law to 5 mills but not more
than that amount A bill introduced
at the last session of the legislature
to raise the maximum levy of the state
to 7 mills was defeated in the commit
tee of the whole
The instructions of the board to the
secretary Henry Seymour to make a
computation upon the same basis as
that of last year of course provides
further that any mileage added during
the year by reason of new track shall
be included in the 1911 valuation
Across the State Road
Commercial clubs of the state have
been invited to send delegates to a
convention to be held at Holdrege
May 16 for the purpose of discussing
ways and means for an
state road As at present planned rep
resentatives of several of the counties
which have already manifested an in
terest in the matter say the road will
start from Nebraska City run west
and north to this city thence to Exe
ter Hastings Minden and Holdrege
and McCook The survey of the first
lap of the road from Nebraska City to
Lincoln has been undertaken by the
local Commercial club and will be
presented at the meeting to be held at
Lower Phone Rates
Permission to lower individual tele
phone rates at Grand Island has been
granted the Bell Telephone company
by the state railway commission In
dividual phones there are to be re
duced from 250 per month to 2
while two party lines are lowered from
2 to 150 The 50 cent reductions
meet the rate of the independent com
pany in that city on residence phones
Deputy Mickey Resigns
Deputy State Treasurer E s Mickey
tendered his resignation to take ef
fect as soon as possible Ill health is
given as the cause Mr Mickey will
return to Osceola where he will look
after banking and farming interests
in Polk county
Tvo Sets of Officers at Work
Beatrice Neb May 2 Mayor Grif
fin Socialist filed ouster notices with
the city clerk ordering Chief of Police
McGirr E M Dillow and Officer
Bales to hand over their stars but
they have ignored the order because
the council has failed to confirm his
appointment for chief and policemen
Two sets of officers are now on duty
and no change will be made until the
next council meeting when a warm
time is anticipated
Bittken Bcw Boosters Busy
Broken Bow Neb May 2 Another
enthusiastic meeting of citizens was
held here over the agricultural school
proposition and the committee on lo
cation reported that it had secured op
tions on splendid farm properties lay
ing adjacent to the city Ample funds
have been subscribed to buy a desir
able site and all obstacles in that di
rection have been overcome
Commission Form for Walthill
Walthill Neb April 28 The newly
elected village hoard of trustees or
ganized applying the commission plan
of government to the control of vil
lage affairs for the ensuing year
Horsethief Breaks Valentine Jail
Valentine Neb April 29 Frank
Allen ex convict and horsethief broke
jail and got away He has been held
in jail on the charge of horsestealing
E S Ege Passes Away
Omaha May 1 Robert S Ege as
sistant auditor- of the Union Pacific
Railroad company died at his resi
drwo here of heart disease
- --
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filingf
nave been made in tho county clerks
office since our last report
John B Colling et ux to Ben
jamin Meyers wd sw4 sVs
seH sw ne qr sw qr nw
qr 7500 00
Archie G Hatcher et ux to
Hazel M Kryder wd 1 15
int seli 2-3-28 1 00
Archie G Hatcher et ux to
Ora E Hatcher wd same as
above 1 00
Archie G Hatcher et ux to
Matilda P Hatcher wd 1 G
int seV4 2-3-28 100 00
Archie G Hatcher et ux to
Claudia B Dole wd 1 15
int seVL 1 00
Archie G Hatcher et ux to
Osma Paul Hatcher wd
same as above 1 00
Agnes YV R Parker et cons to
Geo II Rugg q c d nVj
1 00
Flrank S Cope et ux to Geo
H Rugg wd neyt n se1
22-4-27 7100 00
Citizens Hotel Company to Thos
W Short wd 1 2 in Gl
Hartley 10000 00
Lincoln Land Co to Evelyn
Kennedy wd to 12 in 4 2nd
McCook 200 00
Dallas J S Schlegel to Asa
E Schlegel wd lots 1 2 in
30-4-30 500 00
S J Hill single to C H
Boyle and C E Eldred wd
to n sw 3-1-29 500 00
Charles H Taylor et ux to Jos
eph Kircher wd to sV2
G000 00
State of Nebraska to C H
Taylor deed to s
3 S Thompson to William J
Richman q c d to seVi 2-3-
3 S Thompson to Daniel L
Wolf q c d to svi4 2-3-27
3 S Thompson to Ella A Un-
tiedt q c d to neVt 10-3-27
5 00
Lincoln Land Co to Alice Jones
wd to 9 in 4 2nd McCook 200 00
Srnst Neumann et ux to J F
Simon wd to s sw S-2-28
2000 00
Christ Larson to C N Wootton
wd to 11 in 10 West McCook 1 00
31y H Waters to Charles W
Kelley wd to 5 in 7 2nd Mc
Marie E Waters estate to Chas
W Kelley Ad deed to 5 in
115 0
7 2nd McCook
lesse W Hasty et ux to Ella
M Earle wd to 10 in 5 1st
MaCook 1800 01
E S Thompson to J W Hoppe
q c u to sw i i -
A Treatment That Costs Nothing
It Fails
We want you to try three large bot
cles of Rexall 93 Hair Tonic on
our personal guarantee that the trial
vill not cost you a penny if it does
lot give you absolute satisfaction
Thats proof of our faith in this rem
edy and it should indisputably dem
onstrate that we know what we are
talking about when we say that Rex
all 93 Hair Tonic will grow hair
onbald heads except where baldness
has been of such long duration that
the roots of the hair are entirely
dead the follicles closed and grown
over and the scalp is glazed
Remember Ave are basing our state
ments upon what has already been ac
complished by the use of Rexall 93
Hair Tonic and we have the right to
assume that what it has done for thoi
sands of others it will do for you In
any event you cannot lose anything
by giving it a trial on our liberal guai
antee Two sizes 50c and 100 Re
member you can obtain Rexall Rem
edied in this community only at our
store The Rexall Store L W Mc
100 Reward 100
Th readers of this popev will be
plepfd to learn that there i at last
one dr jaded diswse tha science has
been able to euro in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity Ca
tarrh being a constitutional disease
requires a constitutional treatment
Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
nally acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system
thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitu
tion and assisting nature in doing its
work The proprietors have so much
faith m its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of testimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 75c
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Foley Kidney Pills are a true medi
cine They are healing strengthen
ing antiseptic and tonic They act
quickly A McMillen
these shoes has a calendar attached so
you can mark the date of purchase and
see for yourself how much better and
longer they wear than any shoe yon
ever had on your feet
Travis W Benjamin real estate
dealer of St Francis Kansas wa
aere last week on matters of busi
ness We welcome Mr Benjamin ai
cime as he is an honest clean busi
less man
John Ikey is working for Bob Kel
Mike Unger called on his son ii
law John Maisel Monday
T W Benjamin was a visitor r
Jie home of Jacob Wesch Tuesda
tnd Wednesday
A Wesch attended the C H Cou
3on sale Wednesday
John H Wesch and brother ar
breaking a bunch of young mule
low days
W A Dike and Frank Witte ar
breaking prairie on section 25
Fred Witte has sold out his liver
business and gone to farming again
Miss Harriott Carfield is stayii
vith Mrs Frank Witte at present
J H Relph mail earner on rou
two Cedar Bluffs Kansas did nc
arry any mail Wednesday He clain
3d his team gave out and neede
rest that day
The Clark Ranch on the Willow Sole
to A E Turner
A R Clark and wife have soh
their pleasant home on the Willow an
are arranging to go to California ii
search of better health Mr Clarl
oas resided upon this place for som
i years Is an honest upright man
the kind we dislike to see go Mi
Turner is a live man Saw the oppo
tunity and grasped it His purchas
consists of nearly 200 acres mostl
all alfalfa bottom land Has a larg
new barn a modern nine room house
cattle shedswindmills orchard plen
ry of timber building stone and rur
-ling water an ideal stock ranch ant
home He prides himself on bein
the man that sold one stack of alfalf
last fall to II Cutter for 1000 L
E Barger of the McCook Land Co
closed this deal within two hour
after showing the goods
In the Wake of the Measles
The little son of Mrs O B Palm
er Little Rock Ark had the meas
les The result was a severe cougl
which grew worse and he could nc
sleep She says One bottle of Fo
leys Honey and Tar Compound com
pletely cured him and he has neve
been bothered since Croup whoop
ing cough measles cough all yield tc
Foleys Honey and Tar Compound
The genuine is in the yellow package
always Refuse substitutes A Mc
Is there anything in all this world
that is of more importance to you
titan good digestion Food must be
eaten to sustain life and must be di
gested and converted into blood
When the digestion fails the whole
boij suffers Chamberlains Tablets
are a rational and reliable cure fo
indigestion They increase the flow
of bile purify the blcod strengthen
the stomach and tone up the whole
digestive apparatus to a natural and
healthy action For sale by all deal
New Game and Fish Lav
House roll No 240 by Metzger of
Cass county provides that a yearly
license of 1 must be taken out be
fore any person over 10 years will be
permitted to hunt or fish in the state
whether in own county or elsewhere
Women and children under 18 are ex
empt from provisions of law when
fishing and boys under IS may o
hunting when accompanied by fatJier
who has license
Now is tiic time to get rid of your
rheumatism You will find Chamber
lains Liniment wonderfully effective
One application will convince you of
its merits Try it For sale by all
Something special The Weekly
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
it means
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
KjCalendar i
JBUBmu oes
These shoes represent the best efforts
of the shoemakers art There is noth
ing better on the market at any price
for quality style and comfort
For service they lead all others In
stead of selling- for 5500 and 600 like
other line shoes calendar shoes sell for
State Accountant i ulleys Investigates
Feeble Minded Institute
Tpntripp Xfh Ulnv 1 Arcnrrlint
to a report filed with Governor Aldrich
by State Accountant Tulleys the
former administration at the feeble
minded institute here is short 1
39847 The accountant and his assist
ant were sent here a month ago by
the governor to check up the hooks
which were in charge of T E Stewart
under Dr G L Roes administration
When Dr W M Thomas assumed
charge of the institute he retained T
E Stewart but he says he asked for
his resignation the latter part of Feb
ruary The superintendent then ap
pointed C P Underwood who with
the state accountant and his assist
ants have just finished checking up
the books The report has been sub-
300 350 and 400 Every pair of mitted to the governor but what ac
tion will be taken is not known at
this time
Pardon Refused Richards Bartlett
Comstock and Jameson
Washington April 29 President
Taft refused to pardon Bartlett Rich
ards William G Comstock Charles C
Jameson and Aquilla Triplett four
wealthy Nebraska cattlemen who have
been convicted of conspiracy to de
fraud the government of grazing lands
along the Wyoming border
The men are owners of the Nebras
ka Land and Feeding company with
principal offices at Ellsworth Neb
The evidence at the trial showed that
they had fraudulently induced home
steaders to claim thousands of acres
of land which were later turned over
to the company for grazing Richards
and Comstock were sentenced to a
year and Jameson and Triplett to six
months They are in jail in Hastings
Lieutenant Governor Barely Holding
His Own Fighting Pneumonia
Tekamah Neb May 1 Lieutenant
Governor Melville R Hopewell lies in
a critical condition fighting for his
life against pneumonia
Dr Lukens of Tekamah telephoned
to Omaha to rush two tanks of oxy
gen to Tekamah by automobile The
spite of the rain and almost impassa
ble roads the automobile made the
trip reaching Tekamah just at a time
when Judge Hopewell was undergoing
a sinking spell
The family expressed strong hopes
of his final recovery but the advanced
age of the patient was a factor admit
tedly against his chances
Famous Case in Johnson County In
volving Missing Heir Is Closed
Tecumseh Neb April 29 The mat
ter of the estate of Ellen Wilson has
been closed in the Johnson county
probate court and the moneys and
lands have been turned over the bene
ficiary of the will John Wilson Jr
of Houston Tex In addition to the
valuable real estate here there was
cash to the amount of 7000 John
son county came in for an inheritance
tax amounting to 7347 and thus the
famous Wilson will case is closed in
the probate court here
Snow and Chill Greet Maytime
Omaha May 2 Damage in Nebras
ka by the cold wave according to the
most accurate reports is slight Stock
men in the western part cf the state
were prepared for the slorrn and herds
are much smaller than usual at this
season Fruit orchards rrtre caught
in full bloom Snowfall was reported
from western Nebraska and two feet
of snow covers the fields at Dallas
Harry Erb Charged With Forgery
Central City Neb April 29
Charged with uttering forged paper
and with obtaining money under false
pretenses Harry Erb a well known
young farmer living on Prairie island
on the R Tooley farm a few miles
east of here is in the county jail
pending his preliminary hearing
When all accounts are in it is alleged
that the amount of his manipulations
will run well over the 10000 mark
Arthur J Irons Swallow Poison
Central City Neb April 29 Arthur
James Irons committed suicide by tak
ing carbolic acid The tragedy oc
curred at the old Lciinger plac e six
miles west of town which farm he
had been working in connection with
Charles B Hot hkiss Irons wife
and a man who was working on the
place strove to wrest the bottle from
him but were unsuccessful
Application for Pardon for Johnson
Lincoln April 29 Governor Aldrich
heard arguments in behalf of the par
doning of Thomas Johnson the Oma
ha negro who was sentenced to hang
May 19 for the murder of a farmer
named Frankland in that city about
two years ago No additional evidence
was brought out in the hearing
Doane College Gets Gift
Crete Neb May 1 Doane college
made announcement that the 75000
necessary to insure the college a 25
000 gift from Dr D K Pearson the
noted philanthropist had been raised
making a total endowment of 100000
for the school
Contract for Custer Court House
Broken Bow Neb April 28 Tho
hoard of county supervisors awarded
the contract for building the new court
houso to George A Shaul of Seneca
Kan The contract price is 55081
jast Wf
hi m
v m
Because the Cleanser quickly re
moves the discolorations which
appear on porcelain bath lubs and
which it is impossible to remove
by any oiher means
Many other uses
and Full Directions on
large Sifter can lOP
Warning to Railroad Men
E S Bacon 11 Bast St Bath Me
sends out this warning to railroaders
A conductor on the railroad my
work caused a chronic inflammation
of the kidney and I was miserable
and all played ouL A friend advised
Foley Kidney Pills and from the day
I commenced taking them I began
to regain my strength The inflam
mation cleared and I am far better
than I have been for twenty years
The weakness and dizzy spells are a
thing of the past and Ihighly recom
mend Foley Kidney Pills A Mc
For soreness of the muscles wheth
er induced by violent exercise or in
jury Chamberlains Liniment is ex
cellent This liniment is also highly
esteemed for the relief it affords in
rases of rheumatism Sold by all
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
It is 100
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n t acr - pi
street in P Wnleh brrinias ILVOOK
Shampooing Hair Dressing
oiaiu auu racial ireaimenT i
Lumber -and
Tnats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
imti Mt