The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    I I
fc V
Gcod results always follow the use
of Foley Kidney Pills They give
prompt relief in all cases of kidney
and bladder disorders Try them A
McCook Lodge No 135 A P A M meets
every first and third Tuesday of the mouth at
00 p m in Masonic hall
Ucrius U Stewaet W M
Charles L Fahnkstock Sec
B 8 M
Occcnoxee Council No 16 RS M inoetsou
the last Saturday of each month at 8 00 p m
a Masonic hall
William E Haet T I M
Aaeon Q King Sec
King Cyrus Chapter No 35 H A II meets
Tery first and third Thursday of euch month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Claeence B Qbay H P
St John Coramaudery No 16 K T meets on
the second Thursday of each month at 800 p
m in Masonic hall
Geo Willets E C
Setii D Silveb Bee
Eureka Chapter No SS O E S meets the
second and fourth Fridays of oach month at
800 p m in Masonic hall
Mbs C V Wilson W M
S Cobdeal Sec
McCook Lodge t o 42 of K P meets every
Wednesday at 8C0 p m in Masonic hall
J X Gaaede C C
C A Evans K E
McCook Lodge No 1ST I O O F meets everj
Friday at 800 p m in Gauschow hall
C P Wooowobtii N G
E L Reed Sec
Noble Camp No 663 M V A meets evorj
first and third Friday of each month at
530 p in in Masonic hall Pay assessments
at Citizens National liuik
C C B field Consul
HM Finit Clerk
No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Morris hall
Mbs Caeoline Kunebt Oracle
Mbs Acgusta Anton Rec
McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every
Monday at 800 p in in Temple
Maurice Geiffin Treas Henrt Moees MW
C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Rec
McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every
eecond and forth Tuesdays of oach month at
800 p m in Templebuildine
Mart E Geiffin C of H
Mbs Cabbie Sciilagel Rec
Meets evory 2nd and 4th Friday evening in
Morris hall J A Wilcox Com
J H 1aegeb Record Keeper
Branch No 1278 meets first Monaay of each
month at 330 p m in carriers room postofiice
G F KiNGnoBN President
D J OBeien Secretarj
I D Pennington Pres
C H Hcsted Sec
Ladies Society B of L F fc E
Golden Rod Lodge No 2S2 meets in Morris
hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of
each znonthat 2 oclock
MesGbaceBusted Mes Rctii Reilly
Secretary President
C W Bronson Lodge No 4b7 B of R T
meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in
Eaglns hall T E Hcston President
F G Kinghobn Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the
eecond and fourth Wednesday nights of each
month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 301
Main Avenue S E Harvey C Con
M O McClcbe Sec
Red Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meets
OTery second and fourth Tuesday of the month
at 800 p m in Morris hall
Theo Diebald Pre
Feed Wasson Fin Sec
Floyd Bebby Cor Sec
McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets
avery second and fourth Sunday of oach
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walteb Stokes C E
W D Bubnett F A E-
Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A
meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each
nonth in Morris hall at730 p m
H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy
S D Hughes Secy
McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets first and third Thursdays of each
month in Eagles hall
Jno Seth Pres
Jno LeHew Cor Sec
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every
Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building
316 Main ave
C L Walker W Pres
C H Ricketts W Sec
McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the
first and third Tueays of each month at 800
p m in Eagles hall
G R Gale F Sec Fbank Real G K
i Court Granada No 77 meets on the second
and fourth Thurodays of each month at 8 p m
in Monte Cristo hall Mrs George Mabtin
Miss Loeetta Williams F S G R
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Morri9 hall
Mbs B Mills Commander
Haeeiet E Willktts R K
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m
Morris hall
Thomas Mooee Commander
J II Yaegee Adjt
belief corps
McCook Corps No 9 W R C meets every
icond and fourth Saturday of each month at
30 p m in Ganschow hall
Adella McClain Pres
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first Saturday of ench month at 230 pm
at the M nte Cristo hall
Mrs Lottie Brewer President
Mrs Kate Dutton Secretary
p E o
Chnpter X P E O meets he first and third
Monday evenings of each montiCat 8 p m
at the iiomes of thp various members
Mbs Anna Schobel Pros
Mb Kate Williams Cor Sec
McCook Temple No 14 Pythian Sisters meets
the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m
Lila L Ritchie M E C
Edna Stewart M of R C
Meets each 2nd and 4th Monday evening of
each month in Morris hall
Mbs Augusta Anton N G
Miss Foel3nce Middleton Secy
L O O M McCook Lodge No 419 of L O
O M meets every Thursday evening at
8 oclock in the Ganschow hall
Robert C Cole Diet G A Hartman Sec
Was Shot by Wife While in Company
With Another Woman
Omaha April 21 Earl Freeman
who was shot by his wife Monday
evening died early this morning
Freeman is alleged to have been
keeping company with Mrs Maggie
Hirsch who separated from her hus
band last Christmas and was rooming
at the place where the shooting oc
curred Mrs Freeman was lying in
wait in the hallway armed with a pis
tol when Freeman and the Hirsch
woman entered
Mrs Freeman claims that she tried
to have her husband leave the Hirsch
woman and go with her This lie re
fused to do Then she opened fire
The first two shots were aimed at the
woman mil went wild Three more
shots emptied the gun and were di
rected at her husband Two bullets
entered the left arm The third and
fatal bullet entered the abdomen
Mrs Freeman was arrested and
charged with shooting with intent to
kll The charge will now be changed
to murder
Belief That Union Pacific Will Extend
Branch Toward Black Hills
Callaway Neb April 21 For the
last several months there have beon
parties working on a project to build
a railroad into the territory northwest
of here said road to be built either
from Broken Bow Merna Callaway
or Lexington As a result the railroad
fever has been worked up to such an I
extent among the farmers and ranch
men along the proposed line that they
have raised a large amount of money
to help the project along A special
car carrying several of the Union Pa
cific officials spent the night here
From all appearances now the Kear
ney and Black Hills branch of the
Union Pacific will be extended from
Less Than Five Thousand Needed to
Complete Hundred Thousand Fund
Crete Neb April 22 While it is
County Commissioners Will Meet
Tuesday to Award Contract
Broken Bow Neb April 22 The
county supervisors will meet next
week for the purpose of awarding the
contract for building the new court
house No bids will be received after
that date and it is pretty certain the
board will waste no time over select
ing the contractor as it is particular
ly anxious that giound shall be broken
as quickly as possible and the work
be well under way by the beginning of
summer Contracting firms from vari
ous parts of the country have re
ceived plans and specifications after
depositing the usual sum as an evi
dence of good faith
Mrs G B Knott of Omaha Found in
Railroad Yards and Soon Dies
Omaha April 21 Mrs Mamie
Knott 130S South Fifth street was
fnnnd nt midnight lvins on a mound i
and taken to the police station booked
as a suspicious character in connec
tion with the case
Motorists Escape Serious Injury
Kearney Neb April 22 An auto
mobile driven by George Leiser and
containing Sheriff James Dunkle
John Sink and Harry Bernstein of
Grand Island en route heme after a
trip to North Platte skidded on the
streets here turned completely around
broke the rear wheel and threw the
occupants into the street Two of the
men were badly bruised but the oth
ers were unhurt
returned from the lakes where they
have been on a fishing trip the trip
having been cut short on account of
the governor being called home on
business The trip was made in Mr
Bachelors car
Croup Remedy Fatal to Babe
Dcshler Neb April 21 Elihu tho
two-year-old son of Cyrus Hunt died
froii vnnn froqn1fTiF TTfl ftv
Form 4
R A James of Charleston 111 is the 1910 Winner of the 1000
CupGrovs Best Ear in the 3125713600 Bushels
of Last Years Bumper Crop
in 1909 by W K Kellogg president
of the Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake
Co of Battle Creek Mich
Thousands of ears of corn from
all parts of the country and of all
varieties were entered in the compe
tition The selection of the grand
i believed at the treasurers office of champion Sweepstakes and the awara
McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E Bc ane college that Dr Pearsons will of the Kellogg trophy were made on
meets on the first and third Thursdays of each
month in Morris hail give the 2nuuu anyway as nis general points of superiority
day gift great efforts are being made The ear of corn grown oy jIr
to complete the canvass for 75 000
James Qf Reids YeUow Dent ya
which is expected to close on April -
lt s 10 mches lons7 lnch
30 President Perry is in the east j
and friends es in circumference and has 20 rows
gathering funds are rally-
ing in the west The students have of kernels C to the inch in the row
made generous pledges and the alumni average 5 8 of an inch in depth and
are doing nobly Only 403450 is now 5 16 of an inch in width It is indeed
needed Doane has 600 acres ninety a verv correct tvne of yellow dent
acres in campus and eight buildings
but stands particularly in need of ad
ditional endowment to meet annual ex-
Mr James the winner is a vigor
ous farmer about 40 years of age and
of pleasing personalitj a man who
has given careful study to corn
about a silo than there is about a
sauerkraut barrel and any farmer
who knows how to make sauerkraut
can fill a corn silo A round silo 12
feet in diameter 20 feet high will
hold 38 tons of corn silage Five
acres of corn planted with a lister
dropping the grains 8 to 10 inches
apart will fill a silo of this size The
contents together with hay or grass
will feed twelve milch cows eight
months Twelve ordinary milch cows
so fed and properly cared for will
bring a gross income from cream
alone of 7500 per month leaving
Governor Back From Trip the separated milk for calf and pig
Valentine Neb April 22 Governor feeding There are many half sec
Aldrich accompanied by Henry Miller tions of government land yet open to
M V Nicholson and J H Bachelor settlement in Wvomimr that will sun-
or together with hay will feed 45
mired -bottle kept a
a as croup
edy The doctor was called but could steers six months or 90 steers three
do nothing i I months
port three times this number of cows
and then some
A round silo IS feet in diameter 30
feet high will hold 151 tonsof com
silage Twenty acres of corn will fill
the silo The contents of this silo
will feed 700 lambs three months and
together with hay will put them in
shape to top the market for fat lambs
SSBKaSjSSnfBs HcwSPvttQ0E8IJfS Jn80t3BNMBa3SuK
mmSxiWfiW iSamMMki A8mmliMi8SM
R A James Winner of W K Kellogg Trophy with the Trophy
and the 1910 Champion Ear
R A James of Charleston 111 has this is the first time in four years
the proud distinction of having crown that the honors have been wrestsd
this place this year where the ter lfhfi hpst pnr nf nrn itl tha frnm tha r i t
- lxrr cr I COA T 1 1 I
Aiitliuo iiixa uvjii iitv JOJV nacu liic
road was built Just what will be the
objectivo point cannot be ascer
tained but it is thought that it will
be extended to the Black Hills coun
try and will connect with the pro
posed extension from Beloit Kan to
Kearney Neb
713600 bushels of last years bump- champion ear the first winner of the
er crop At the National Corn Show Kellogg trophy was grown by Mr
just held at Columbus Ohio this Fred C Palin of Newtown Ind It
tleman was awarded the W K was also of Reids Yellow Dent Va
logg National Corn Trophy donated riety crossed with Alexander Gold
Standard Last years prize winner I
it is stated that the Kellogg Toast
ed Corn Flake Co of which he is
president has an output requiring
10000 bushels of corn a day raw
product for its manufacture A pe
culiar feature is that while the Kel
logg product is made exclusively from
selected white corn the Kellogg
trophy has been won each time by
a yellow corn exhibit The trophy is
ture and who has achieved his sue 1 offered for annual competition until
cess as a grand champion winner only won twice by the same grower
by years of hard work and pains
taking seed selection and careful
breeding from season to season
Illinois growers are especially elat
ed over the result for the reason that
By D Clem Deaver
Corn silage is perhaps the most
economical stock food the farmer can
raise It can be successfully grown on
any land between the 100th meridian
and the Rocky mountains where Buf
falo grass grows The corn stock
ear and all is chopped up fineor is
shredded before being put into the
silo and it contains its strongest
feeding qualities if cut just before
frost therefore corn for silage pur
poses can be grown even in localities
where the seasons are very short for
at William street and the Burlinqton lhe reason it is not necessary for
tracks with her body perforated many com to mature to be profitably put
times with shot in the region of the into the silo
abdomen She died on the operating a corn silo is simply a big
table without regaining consciousness kraut barrei filled with chopped up
George B Knott a switchman in the
com stocks instead of chopped up
employ of the Union Pacific railroad t
cabbage there is no more mystery
husband of the woman was arrested
The National Corn Show at which
the award was made was an event of
tremendous magnitude At one of
the sessions President Taft was pres
ent and delivered an address
i Corn silage has passed the experi
mental stage Practically every uni
versity in the central and eastern
states has demonstrated that corn sil
age is the cheapest stock food grown
considering its value as a milk and
fat producer
A farmer located on the Burling
ton route at BalmontNeb in the ex
treme northwestern part of the state
at an altitude of 4500 feet has suc
csesfully grown corn silage for many
years and during the past seven
years he has grown an average of
eight tons per acre What this farm
er has done can be done by practic
ally every other farmer in the Bur
lington territory west of the 100th
If you want to make money ea-3-
build a silo on your farm
Where is Edward
Edward Weshneske of McCcok a
Tvnewriter naners typewriter ib
4- r
A Former McCook Boy
The Tribune has pleasure in refer
ring to the fine success achieved by
a former McCook boy a son of C
W Kneeland of the south side The
young man formerly worked in Mc
Cook and herded sheep for his fath
er over southwest of the city Some
years ago he graduated from a college
at Jacksonville 111 and was later
graduated from the theological school
of Yale university His work since
is referred to by the Griggsville Il
linois Herald in the following terms
This week we received a book en
titled The Social Evil in Chicago
It is published by the Vice Commis
sion of that city It goes into many
details of the work and connected
with the work is George J Kneeland
a former Griggsville boy The fol
lowing paragraph taken from the
book relates to him The Commis
sion entering upon its duties decided
that the first stop was to learn of
the present conditions in the city of
Chicago Mr George J Kneeland
was secured as Director of Investiga
tion to take charge of the investiga
tion organize the work and assist in
the preparation of the final report
Mr Kneeland is a college graduate
a social worker of experience and
has had charge of important investi
gations in other cities It was in
connection with the work of the Re
search Committee of the committee
of Fourteen of New York for which
he had charge of the field investiT
tion that the Commission came in
touch with him The Commission de
sires to express the deep obligation
which the Commission and the com
munity are under for his painstaking
efficient and conscientious efforts
and the Commission does so in these
its opening paragraphs
100 Reward 100
The readers of ibis paper will be
pleafd to learn that there is at last
one dreaded diseoot tbit science has
been able to cuo in all its stages
and that is catarrh Halls Catarrh
is the most perfectly formed ear of oure 1S IIie OIU Pslve cure now
the two though it requires a careful known to the medical fraternity Ca
judge to distinguish the points of tarrh LeinS a constitutional disease
periority requires a constitutional treatment
The trophy awarded to Mr James Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter
was made by Tiffany of New York nally acting directly upon the blood
for Mr W K Kellogg at a cost of and mucous surfaces of the system
1000 It is made of Sterling silver thereby destroying the foundation of
bronze and enamels and is a truly the disease and giving the patient
artistic creation It stands 30 inches strength by building up the constitu
in height Mr Kelloggs interest in tion and assisting nature in doing its
corn erowintr can be understood when i work The proprietors have so much
faith n its curative powers that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure Send for
list of elstimonials Address F J
Sold by all druggist 7oc
Take Halls Family Pills for con
Mrs Horace Taylor has been quite
ill with the prevailing 4onsilitis but
is getting along well now
After five weeks of quarantine front
a remarkably mild form of scarlet
fever Louis Longneckers family re
joices having freedom It was bad
about losing so much school
Mrs Taylor is troubled with sore
The sleet played havoc with the
telephone wires throughout the coun
try and the linemen are kept busy re
Mr and Mrs Sexson and Mrs Lew
is Elmer were business visitors to Mc
Cook on Thursday of last week
Charles Rincks and Louis Long
neckers families and homes were
thoroughly fumigated and they are
now released from quarantine
Statement of Facts Backed
Strong Guarantee
by a
We guarantee complete relief to
all sufferers from constipation In ev
j ery case where we fail we will sup-
ply the medicine free
Rexall Orderlies are a gentle
tailor came to Denver lat Saturday fective dependable and safe bowel
night Before leaving mclook no
resulatoI strengthener and tonic
promised to meet his wife Monday They reestabiisn natures functions
night at the Union Statior i ere Mrs - Qf They do not
Weshneske arrived as par schedule I
but her husband was not there and
cause any inconvenience griping or
nausea They are so pleasant to take
she has been unable to ocate him
and work SQ easily that they may
The police ascertained that Wcsh 1 be token by any one at any time
neske worked one day in a tailor
They thorougnly tone up the whoie
shop here but that is as far as they
have been able to trace him Denver
dispatch to Omaha Bee
Foley Kidney Pills contain in con
centrated form ingredients of estab
sho 1 therapeutic value for the re
ne aiI cure of all lidnr - - blad
aimonts Foley Kidney Z are a
tiseptic tonic and restoratA
fuse substitutes A Mclku f
Our baby crirs for Chamberlains
Cough Remedy writes Mrs T B
Kendrick Rasaca Ga It is the
system to healthy activity
Rexall Orderlies afe unsurpassable
and ideal for the use of children old
folks and delicate persons We can
not too highly recommend them to all
sufferers from any form of constipa
tion and its attendant evils Two
sizes 10c and 25c Remember you
can obtain Rexall Remedies in this
e community only at our store The
Rexall Store L W McConnell
A specialty of typewriter supplies at
The Tribune Shop Papers of all
best caugh remedy on the market for weights sizes and qualities Ribbons
coughs colds and croup For sale for every machine carbon papers
by all dealers
manuscript covers etc
All kept in
bons carbon papers manifolding pa J McCook Tribune want ads 5c
per mimeograph paper a lunre se-
lection to choose from at The le Most people read them
g m
x 1Zk S2CV III
s me grease
wa hWTHL9saa
Agateware Gramteterare
Because it quickly and
ally removes all discoloralions
corrosions and grease without
scratching or injuring the surface
Soap cleaning leaves a sticky film
that catches more dirt
Many other uses
rnidFullIrecdons on
large Sifter can JO
Wants to Know
Senator J F Cordeal of McCook
has been making an exhaustive re
search into the early history of south
western Nebraska and has gleaned
many important facts hitherto remain
ing hidden in various archives dust
covered and worm eaten Among the
data are items of moment concerning
Dundy county It is the Senators in
tention to continue his quest in this
direction and compile all into a vol
ume that will be of great interest to
the present and of untold value to
future generations He would be
pleased to have the co operation in
this work of old timers in this sec
tion and any one dating their arrival
into the country in the 70s or fore
part of the 80s with knowledge of
Indian raids or troubles will confer
a favor on Mr Cordeal by notifying
him of the same at McCook for fur
ther interrogation Benkelman News
The McCook Tribune is read
the most people 1 a year
Thats All
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Shampooing Hair Dressing-
Scalp and Facial Treatment
Phone 72 ill W B St Up Stalrs
Mike Walsh
Old Rubfcer Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location n t acr - - P1rnflr
street in 1 W leh bpJlmop l lvUUft
tn ii iul ttg