The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 27, 1911, Image 1

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Oxfords and
Some Shoes
Mens Womens and j
Some numbers sold
Less than one Half
Right in the start of season
Be sure and get yours
These cut prices are for
cash only
Commencing Satur
day April 20
Cycle Was Smashed Some
An automobile and a motor cycle
were in a head on collision Saturday
forenoon at the Citizens National
Bank corner the cycles front wheel
and other parts of the front end ma
chinery were badly smashed but the
rider escaped injury The auto was
but slightly damaged The cycle was
being driven by the traveling repre
sentative of the Littleton Creamery
Co Mrs J E Kelley was driving
the car Two ladies crossing the
street at the time complicated the
matter and besides tis said the
car was on the wrong side of the
street and for the cycle it was the
riding into the women or striking the
The gentlemans name we learn
since is R K Emily He is the dist
rict representative of the Littleton
Creamery Co of Colorado and makes
all this southwestern part of Ne
braska adjacent Kansas and Colorado
for his company His headquarters
here are at the Commercial hotel
Electric Washing Machines
with wringer all complete and guar
anteed for five years 5000 Same
machine to run from gasoline engine
2500 If you are sincere in want
ing to save the women work you can
make good with one of these
Assistant Postmasters Organize
Some 20 or 30 assistant postmast
ers met in Lincoln Tuesday to per
fect an organization J N Gaarde
of the local office was present and
led the discussion on a paper read
hy J G Lawrence of Beatrice on the
subject of Civil Service Retirement
Was Very Slight Here
This immediate neighborhood re
ceived but a sprinkling of rain last
Friday night At Box Elder they had
a fine downpour and this was also thj
case at points south of here in this
count The rain was decidedly scat
Delivery Wagon Wrecked
The Edwards Bros delivery Avagon
Avas sadly Avrecked in a runaAvay Fri
day No one hurt however The
Week was picked up by another Avagoi
it not being practical to get the
wrecked wagon to the shop under
her own steam
Leatherwear Silk 89c
Yard Avide Perfect Aveave 90
threads to the inch each way Good
height Perfectly soft Beautiful
lustre Unmatchable under 125 yd
Our price only 89c The Thompson
D G Co Utmost value for cash
Childrens Wash Dresses
at 29c 35c 50c 65c and 100 Also
bi- line of Rompers lor noys anu
G Co
25c to 50c The Thompson D
Utmost value for cash
The Main Store On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Roomers and boarders in private
family Gentlemen preferred Inquin
at 515 1st street west 13 2t
jffiwSigr a
McCook Machinery and Repair Works
Go to 1st Street West
The Cain brick on 1st street west
lias been rented by the McCook Ma
chinery and Repair Co Messrs
Tthodes Search and they are ar
ranging to move into their new quar
ters this week They have built onto
the rear of the brick an addition for
the machine shop and the front of
the property will be used exclusively
as a garage These gentlemen are
handling the Ford automobiles This
will afford them much better quarters
than the old electric light plant on
1st street east
A wall paper of quality should be
used on anything so good as the
home Cheap paper will do where
temporary adornment only is wanted
but when you consider it costs as
much to have cheap paper hung as
it does to have a paper of quality is
it not more economical to buy the
better grade paper in the latest de
signs and patterns Independent
patterns exclusive designs in one
room lots only
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Protest Against Rubbish Dump
At the special meeting of the Com
mercial club Friday evening the mat
ter of the rubbish dump just south
west of the city was considered It
was denounced in terms by several
present as undesirable Messrs Pen
nell Walsh and Skalla were appointed
a committee to take up the matter
with the county commissioners at
the next session of the board to se
cure an abatement of this nuisance
Dont Fail
to see our new artistic all paper
latest colorings and designs at right
prices We also have 1911 design
books of artistic decorating with wall
paper giving suggestions of an un
limited number of treatments of walls
for different rooms especially in the
divided wall effects cut out work
and panel treatments
A McMILLEN Druggist
For Summer Dresses
We sIiqw the chief items of popu
larity in washable dress goods the
Voiles Poplins Foulards Crepes Silk
Ginghams Swisses Lawns Silk Mus
lins Imperial Chambrays China and
other wash silks and can save you
money C cents to C5 cents The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
for cash
Nikant Kummer
Mr Adolph Nicknot and Miss Liz
zie Kummer Avere married at St Pat
ricks church on Wednesday morning
Father Patton O M I officiating
They Avill make their home at Hem-
ingford Nebraska Avhither they jour
neyed on Thursday of this Aveek
Engraved Cards
Orders for engraved cards Avill re
ceive prompt and satisfactory atten
tion at The Tribune office Cards
and invitations also printed tasteful
ly Call and see samples and Ave
Avill quote jou prices Satisfaction
Seed Corn Now Ready
and Ave have a large variety all
grown close to home Millet and cane
of high quality our specialty If
you are interested in any kind of
seed giAre us a call
Another Saloon Change
With the close of this municipal
year April 30th Mitchell U Clyde
Ayill retire from the saloon business
EdAvard H Thomas avIio is an appli
cant for a saloon license vill behis
She Avould be delighted with a box of
A dainty artistic package of the
best lawn for personal correspond
ence Sold only at the Rexall Store
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
I Standard Sewing Machines are as
good as can be made Dont pay two
prices see us
I Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
j per pound
Arrested for Forging Checks
A young man by the name of Will
H Peters was arrested Sunday nightj
and held for forging checks on Mc
Cook business men He was taken
by Night Policeman Schlagel at the
defpot about the time of the depart
ure of No 3 which train it is assum
ed he intended taking out of the city
Matson McClain cashed one
check for 440 and Perkins Co
another for 750
The name of G W Watkins Avas
forged to the checks
Peters has been working in the
restaurants and hotels of the cityT
Monday morning Peters was taken
before Squire W B Whitttaker who
bound him over to the next term of
district court placing the bond at
1000 failing to give which Peters
was remanded to the county jail to
await trial
Peters has been about town for the
past two or three years and was em
ployed by J I Lee and others
Peters worked for Mr Watkins for
a few weeks not long since
There are two or three others who
have been associated with Peters who
are under police surveillance
Come and Settle
All persons indebted to the estate
of S N Wilson for stallion service
are requested to call on the under
signed at once and make settlement
Give this your prompt attention
please as the estate must be set
tled up at the earliest possible date
M O McCLURE Administrator
Besides Prof Fogg Gave the Local
Team Gratifying Praise
The McCook high school debating
team Maurice Benjamin Cecil Mc
Millen and Joseph Moore returned
on Sunday from Beaver City with the
skins of the Beaver City high school
debating team neatly tucked aAvay in
their inside pockets having Avon the
trophies at the debate in Beaver City
on Saturday night last
The subject debated was the Avell
known navy subject Resolved that
the policy of maintaining the naAy at
its present strength is preferable to
substantially increasing it
- McCook had the affirmative side
and Avalloped the Beavers good and
plenty a victory the more appreciat
ed because two of the three of
Beavers team Avere of the Avinners
of last j car
Prof Fogg of the state university
the sole judge highly commended the
McCook team for their clearness and
for their accuracy in fact statements
Supt Taylor accompanied the team
Carroll Eidred driving them all over
in tiie Eidred car
The only charitable construction
that can be placed upon the report
sent in from Beaver City to the ef
fect that Beaver City won the debate
is to say that possibly the correspond
ent at that place for the Lincoln Stat
Journal did not know the facts or
Avas misinformed
Makes It Much Easier
The laAv passed at the last sessiou
of the Nebraska legislature makes
much easier the question of dispos
ing of houses of ill repute in every
community This has always been
a difficult problem and the new laAv
is intended to reach the matter just
The Tribune believes that an effort
moAv Avill receive the active support
of the present administration and
that much effective good can noAv b
A move by the churches Avomens
clubs of the city and other kindred
organizations having the moral good
of the community especially at heart
will bring forth fruits
Lets try
Eclipse Wind Mills Last
longer than others because they are
better made Our Dempster Wind
Mills are made at Beatrice this state
Avhere you are sure to get any repair
nesded quick and Avith least expense
Our prices are reasonable and sat
isfaction guaranteed
District Rebekah Meeting
The Rebekahs ofthis district will
hold a meeting in McCook tomorroAv
afternoon and evening Representa
tives Avill be present from all over this
section of the state and the local
lodge is making arrangements to en
tertain them accordingly
Now is the time to do it It
will soon be time to put them on
The right kind of paint not only pre
serves the wire and frames butittpre
vents particles of rust from blowing
in on the curtains
We have a
that is really an enamel It dries
hard as flint and with a beautiful
lustre In cans any size you may
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Red Willow Contributes
The state treasurer has made a call
for funds and Treasurer Naden last
week remitted the state treasurer
920282 for the first quarter of 1911
being taxes and school land funds
due the state
Promoting Sunday Closing
Mayor James McAdams is taking
acti e steps to discourage the too
promiscuous Sunday opening of Mc
Cook business houses and in this
movement will be supported by the
best sentiment of many people in
the city
Money Easier Now
Real estate and loan men report
loan money or investment money as
considerably easier in this city than
it Avas a few months since
The cash paid for chattels at last
Saturdays sale is also indicative of
the same fact
The Commercial Barn
R M Osborn is noA in charge of
the Commercial livery barn one of
the barns of the Wilson estate Milt
is an experienced horseman and will
no doubt conduct a successful and
satisfactory livery establishment
The Blue Front is being conducted
under the firm name of Barritt
Hamilton W W Barritt and Frank
E Hamilton being the parties Mr
Barritt is the oAvner of the west B
street livery also
American Beauty Corsets
The acme of corset elegance and
Avorth these beautiful stays at 1
150 and 200 are not surpassed for
value and satisfaction for form-making
and style by any make Satis
faction guaranteed or money back af
ter four Aveeks actual Avear The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value
for cash
Made a Good Sale
The chattels of the Blue Front and
Killed by Fellow Countryman
The nepheAV of C G Orman avIio
was recently buried in Colorado Avas
Jacob Beaver son of a sister of Mrs
Orman The young man formerly liv
ed here Avith the family avIio now
reside at Sedgewiek Colorado
appears that the young man Avas
Avhere the enforcement of other laws bed to death by a fellow coiitrymai
Avas Aveak and difficult It is stated that beer Avas flowing
The new laAv reaches the OAvners of pretty freely and that Avhile BeaA er
such houses was not the one the enraged and in-
find his man he Avantonly stabbed
nn iiiwi i o fow ers ua
yard 53 of an inch These rains
are not heaAy but coming slowly are
giving this section the full benefit of
the entire rainfall at least and are
very helpful
Summer Fallowed Land
in northAvest Kansas made 36 bush
-- i -
We are always best satisfied when
our customers are best satisfied
Thats one reason why Ave like par
ticularly to talk about the goods in
our photographic department The
kodak goods have quality written all
over them They are our kind of
goods because our kind of custom
ers the quality kind can appreciate
made and popularized amateur pho
tography They have always lead in
improvements in new ideas
But what is of equal importance is
the careful workmanship and the sup
erb lens and shutter equipments Yet
they are not expensive 5 up
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Will Report Fully Soon
Messrs Peterson and others con
nected with the irrigation project
northwest of the city were present at
the special meeting of the commer
cial club Friday evening last and re
ported briefly that they expected to
be able to give the club quite a com
plete report of the progress of the
proposed enterprise at an early date
The preliminary work has been com
pleted and the surveyors called in
Robbed Peanut Machine
Saturday night some unknown per
son or persons broke the lock of the
peanut slot machine in front of the
Electric theatre stealing the salted
peanuts and carrying off the machine
Avhich Avas recovered from a dray
wagon the next day Some odd
amount over a dollar AAas stolen in
money from the machine
Buy Your Paint
by years and square yards not gal
lons B P S Paint goes further and
lasts longer and this is what you
really Avant Our special Ioav prices
on high grade paint should induce
you to keep the place looking good
Egg From High Class Pure Bred
Thompsons Ringlets Barred
Rocks DeGraffs Vitality Reds Cookj
Buff Orpingtons All eggs 60c for
15 1 for 30 27 t3
Meyers Poultry Ranch Palisade Neb
Norris Hickerson
Last Thursday evening the 20th
Mr Leo H Norris and Miss Birdie
Hickerson both of our city Avere
united in marriage at the home of
the brides parents Rev L E
Commercial barns of the S N Wilson is performing the ceremony
estate Avere sold at administrators
sale last Saturday Martin Matson
had the sale in charge Everything
Avas sold but the real estate and ev
erything brought good prices the to
tal sales being 264000
Holdrege Declined
The invitation of the McCook high
school to the Holdrege high school
to debate the agricultural school lo
cation proposition Avas declined by
our Holdrege friends
Shirt Waist Dance
The Ladies Guild of St Patricks
church Avill give a shirt waist dance
in the armory Wednesday evening
May 17th The full K of P orches
tra Avill provide the music Watch
this paper for further announcement
Foulard and Mull Dresses
Very sAvell and pretty new things
in this line just from New York by
express 300 to 675 Give them a
look over Avhen doAvn town The
Thompson D G Co Utmost value for
Galvanized Steel Stock Tanks
by the car load is the Avay Ave buy
lt so Ave can give you the best quality
stab- Qt tne lowest price If you need any
thing in tanks see us
Mothers Day
rtTrt A llxirtl Vi C9 rtnlnimof1 I
toxicated Russian Avas after failing te 9 UUCIU1 - - v- --
the second Sunday in May as
Another Fine Rain i New Waists Just Received
Tuesdays and Tuesday nights rain in silk in linen in lawns and mulls
netted this vicinity a little over a Handsome Avaists at 75c and up to
half inch of rain or to be exact as 500 The Thompson D G Co
per the guage at Barnotts lumber most value for cash
els Avheat to the acre last year We good condition
carry the genuine Campbell phone 5
face Packer and you should oavh one
of these to conserve the moisture
Every soul should Avear a
Avhite floAver at least on that occasion
I O O F Anniversary
Wednesday April 26 Avas the 92nd
anniversary of the establishment of
the order of Odd Fellows
Surrey for Sale
A Columbia rubber tired surrey in
munw trjiTi i i --
For information call
For Sale
Alfalfa hay Phone ash 3852
State League at Aurora i
Aurora has been designated as the Five room house modern for rent
location for the state league debate Phone black 250 Mrs Walter Stokes
McCook wanted it but there isnt
anything the matter Avith Aurora The McCook Tribune It is 100
Shes all right i the year in adAance
That your money be placed
where It is absolutely safe
where the financial resources of
the institution are large
where the management Is con
servative yet progressive
where you have confidence in
the men directing its affairs
men who have made a success
of their individual affairs
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
M Loughran P F McKenna
Episcopal Sunday school at ten
oclock Morning prayer and sermon
at 11 Evening prayer and sermon
at 8
Wednesday at 8 choir rehearsal
Every member please attend
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching by D L McBride minister
at 11 subject The Silence of Jesus
Before His Judges Evening at 8
subject Strife the Penalty of Sus
cess A junior choir will assist in
the music at the eAening service
Congregational Usual preaching
Sunday morning In the evening the
pastor will give the second lecture in
his series on church history entitled
Christianity Enthroned
Christian Science Subject for Sun
day morning April 30th will be Ev
erlasting Punishment
Success Manure Spreaders
have seAen roller bearings and gears
run in oil positiAely the lightest run
ning spreader Other construction of
equal high quality Let us show you
Huiskamp is such a household word
in this Aicinity that when Ave say
Wie Aerkaufen Huiskamp Schu
hen the average tenth grade youth
knoAvs that Viersen Osborn have
sold these honest Dutch shoes for
young and old men for some time and
stand squarely back of them because
there are none better than these
For special on home made mince
meat see Magner
Dry stove wood at Bullards
Lily Patent Flour when once use
none other will satisfy you
thats the right
one thats out in
the open and that
leads t o some
place you know
about The road
taken by those out
hunting for photo
graphs leads di
rectly to this
From your baby
up to your homes
a landscape or a
family jjroup
photographs tak
en here are relia
b 1 1 absolutely
perfect and un
deniably the best
in town The
more you get of
them the better
you like them
Next Door to Commercial Hotel
Phone Red 428