The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5
tik h i I v V 1 h t V THURSDAY APRIL 13 1911 BURLINGTON TIME TABLE Main JAuc East Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 430 A M O U x ili 12 700 A M 14 920 P M Main Lne West Depart Mountain Time No 5 arr S30 p J0 m - - 1 - r G l J2 n ci 1235 P M 1142 P M 945 A M 1230 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS 2A flues are being places in the 174S Earl Newkirk is a new machinist this week The old drop holds the 143 for us ual repairs 1046 is receiving new flues and droj pit repairs The dozen is in the backshop for overhauling Engine 122 is on the retired list at present 1092 1749 1742 and 1330 are still in the white lead 1756 received new brasses and pilot repairs this week Some rush work was given the 1963 Wednesday afternoon New flue were placed in the 1061 and front end repairs Fire box repairs and other machin ery repairs are being given the 1074 The 1662 is down on her wheels and about ready to go out into serv ice Dispatcher H D Stewart entertain ed his father from Alma early days of the week Conductor W A Cassell returned home Sunday from his trip to the Pa cific coast country There is talk amon enginemen that some 0 2 engines will come to the McCook division Mr and Mrs J W Hasty and fam ily visited with their parents at Ar apahoe last Saturday Mr and Mrs I E Converse visit ed end of last and fore part of this week with his folks in Hendley The 2034 has been in the backshop for some time for repairs to a broken tire but is now ready for service Engine 1959 ran into an open switch recently and is in the round house for repairs to her broken frame etc Everett Foe of Red Cloud spent Sunday and Monday in the city visit ing his many railroad and other friends Three new autos were driven into town Sunday from Hastings A Reo for F A Pennell an Overland for J E Kelley and a Reo for PWalsh E S Howell visited in Havelock Sunday and Monday Ed thinks it would be difficult to beat the Burling tons new shops etc at that place The Burlington is grading for two i 4 TnlP new side tracus auoui u uuu ms each and a repair track 900 or 1000 feet long These will onake ten or twelve side tracks in the yards Red Cloud Commercial Gazette Women are entering the railroad world The Pere Marquette Lehigh Valley has appointed Miss H M Car penter as soliciting agent in the freight department of the road with headquarters in Davenport Iowa Miss Carpenter has been employed by the Burlington Miss Daisy Ogden was r cently appointed division passenger agent of the Burlington at Rock Isl and - SCaM i a aus itdimwmpc Wi uu V8 r - J C k JS fl r j 5ci Koch as Armitage Lovers of Meredith Nicholsons nov els and they number up to a very respectable army are waiting with the keenest interest the dramatizatioi of The Port of Missing Men which is to be presented here this season by Messrs Rowland and Gaskill with Hugo B Koch in the part of the hero John Armitage The play that has been made from the Nicholson novel is in four acts by Edward E Rose who has in his time transplanted some of the most popular novels from the book to the stage With a view of accuracy and that every opportun ity might be given the dramatization it was presented during the season just closed and was received by largo audiences at the Croan and National theatres Chicago Avith unbounded en- lllllll lllll HUGO B KOCH thusiasm Chicago critics agreed un animously that the part of John Armi tage gave Mr Koch one of the best opportunities ever afforded an actor even surpassing that other role of Bates in The House of a Thousand Candles in which he toured the country last season with unparalleled success Messrs Rowland and Gas kill have given The Port of Missing Men a most charming scenic equip ment each set being painted from photographs taken in the exact spots where the action is laid Mr Koch will appear in The Port of Missing Men at the Temple theatre Tues day April 18 Curtain promptly at 830 Two Fire Alarms During the fierce wind and dust storm of yesterday atfernoon two fin alarms were sounded The first was turned in from Clyde Scotts home but this fire was ex tinguished before the arrival of the department Inconsiderable damage The second came from the pest house of the northwest outskirt of the city The entire department turned out in battle array in the blina ing dust but as before their serv ices were not required and the dam age negligible Some burning papers in rear of the Clapp store was another incident of the afternoon But the state of the weather made them both thrillers Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the postoffice Letters Hamileton Mr J E Miller Mr G W -Stephens Mr Bert Uhrick Jacob Cards Burke Mr Ray Dikeman Mr Jos eph Evans Miss Maud Lanig Sam L Lane Mr Tpm Pochopeck Joe Prochopeck Joe Shadley Mrs H C Stenis Frank W When calling for these please say Ithey were advertised THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE las at last been discovered We have it all bottled ready for use and its yours for but a mere song Yes indeed Our SPRING TONIC rejuvenates and puts life in you when nothing else will Dont go around half dead with the dumps oat BUY OUR TONIC and renew your youth McMIIXEN Druggist LON CONE Postmaster Plan Spring Painting Now It SHOULD have been done last year It MUST be done this year By using Lincoln Pure Mixed Paint you are assured of a lasting and sat isfactory job A McMILLEN Druggist High Grade Stuff We carry a liine of high grade lawn hose and sell them at reasonable fig ures Also nice assortment of sprink lers JENNINGS HUGHES CO Hubers coffee cannot be beat Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents and Wedding Breakfast heads tho list Boost for the Agricultural College THE McCOOK TRIBUNE BMliHBWaT 9 I f School Board Minutes McCook Nebraska April 10 1911 Board met as per adjournment in the superintendents office Present Doan Barnett Lawritson Barnes Culbertson and Suess also Supt Tay lor Thomas Moore and D W Rhod es Minutes of special meeting Feb ruary 18 and regular meeting March G 1911 read and approved The following bills were read A L Markwad blacksmithing 4 75 Jennings Hughes Co plumbing 3 75 A McMillen mdse G 75 Middleton Ruby plumbing 35 So L Thorgrimson salary for year 25 00 Republican printing G 25 Mrs Howe Smith laundry 4 75 Barnett Lumber Co coal 31 95 McCook Cement Stone Co ce ment floor 13 00 Mrs W H Rankin laundry 5 75 Lyon Healy music 3 12 W S Morlan attorneys fees 150 00 H P Waite Co hardware 2 75 On motion bills were allowed and warrants ordered drawn for the above amounts Miss Ella Cafferys salary was on motion increased from 55 to 60 for balance of the year The employment of Miss Mattie Daugherty at 5000 for the balance of the year was on motion carried Moved that the Temple theatre be engaged for commencement exercises at as low a cost as possible and that a charge of 25 cents each except to the immediate members of the grad uates family be made Motion car ried Moved that a committee of three be appointed by the chair to investi gate the putting in of a proposed com mercial course Motion carried President appointed Messrs Culbert son Suesa and Lawritson as the com mittee On motion the following teachers be reelected at the salary opposite their names the work to be assigned by Hie superintendent Sarah Ryan 95 00 Esher Bailey SO 00 Claire Thursby 80 0 Emma Perry 80 00 Fred V Archer S3 00 i Mary Powers 70 00 Martha Abel G2 50 Kaul z 57 SO Louise Donisthorpe G2 0 Anna Hannan 60 00 Cleo Rector 60 00 Iva Gatewood 52 50 Ella Caffrey 60 00 Mabel Winters 55 00 Mae Douglass 62 50 Lillian Moore 60 00 Millicent Slaby 65 00 Fay Stayner 50 00 On motion that the regular order be dispensed with and the secretary instructed to cast the unanimous bal lot of the board for the above teach ers at the salary named for each Mo tion carried and they were declared elected Resignation of Grace E Lant after her years leave of absence read and on motion was accepted and secre tary was instructed to write her to that effect Application of Agnes M Jones for re election was presented to board On ballot being taken there Avere five votes cast Five against none for Supt reports that Mr Barnett pre sented a collection of all the presi dents of the United States in sep arate frames to the school and they were hung in the assembly room on Monday April 10 1911 The board in behalf of the school gave him an unanimous vote of sincere thanks On motion the board adjourned C W BARNES Secretary Not Ail Men Affected Wymore Neb April 10 The re port made recently that the Burling ton had granted a 10 increase in pay of dispatchers is said to be mislead ing in a way in its application to Wymore dispatcher Here the higher salaried men were raised while othera were not The chief and three trick men were given the 10 raise two trick men were given a 5 raise two trick men were not granted any increase Lincoln Journal Moth Killers All the effective ones Buy now L W McCONNELL Druggist Boost for the Agricultural College I iPMH lli i MM i III i L i y sA - - i miMmmM2mi mtwmSmtmmmKmmmWMmBMMf WMMtEMMmWKfi S S j Ma MjHHHH vv TJSflw - 3Muil0SBmKfyilsiWt W0WMtmMwwwwwwWb - VfiliMlfciftiM P P Scene from THE PORT OF MI SSINg MEN with Hugo B Koch Temple Theatre Tuesday April 18 wr b Real Paint Bargains We have some colors in Mound City and Hammer paint which Ave are closing out and we can save you considerable money on this high grade paint We also have a full line of Patterson Sargents paints and var nishes If you are going to paint it will pay you to figure with us McCOOK HARDWARE CO The McCook Tribune 100 a year MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE B H Bos has retired from the em ploy of DeGroff Co T Marsh Phillippi is living at Beav er City at present Senator Cordeal returned from Lin coln Tuesday night C W Rozell was a Lincoln hotel guest Tuesday of this week Mrs J A Wilcox is now recover ing from a very severe illness F C Smtih of rural one Jndianola is now located at Turlock Calif Mrs Belle Stephenson departed thi morning on No 13 for Denver to re side Mrs H A Beale left Tuesday for Chicago on a visit to a sister -Mrs Mayo Miss Una Adams is over from Cur tis a student in the McCook Business college R H Ehler came up from Atlanta recently and is helping his brother on cement gang C W Kneeland has returned to his farm southwest of town from a visit in the east Mrs John Bellamy son and daugh ter of Cambridge were visitors at the home of D L McBride and family over last Sunday Miss Lenor Fitzgerald who has beet home from Kearney for the past weet or so on account of small pox at the state normal will leave for school again on Saturday Mrs Albert McMillen entertained a small party of lady friends last Fri day afternoon in honor of Mrs C G Potter of Memphis Tenn a former resident of our city and well known to early residents of McCook Carl Bates has accepted a position with C L DeGroff Co at Mc Cook He will leave within a day or two to enter upon his new duties Carl Bates is not only a mighty fine young man but he is a top notch clothing merchant and a salesman of ability While we are sorry to see him leave Superior he has the bes wishes of a host of friends Superior ournal REWtf HATS WORN r WOMEN OF STYLE PAGE 5 Utitifhi ftotitf 15rfll afl Us sstw Ours is the Easter Store whether you are man women or child We have clothing made in the best shops Of approved stvles And you know our prices are ri L LADIES SUITS AT 1000 lv 3 CJW MENS SUITS AT 1000 TO 30 See our Hercules Boys Suit Unexcelled for wear It does satisfy 500 650 and 750 We cannot tell you on paper about all of the things we have for you So we respectfully invite you to see them DeGROFF COMPANY llect Teacher Corps C E Dunn who has been reliev ing Night Operator Cole at Atlanta returned to McCook end of last week George W Predmore came down from the farm near Haigler end of week and spent early days of this week here on business Mr and Mrs Harry A Beale en tertained ex Governor A C Saturday afternoon ata six oclock dinner A -number of close personal and political friends of the governor constituted the stag party A splendid dinner was served in six courses It was a very enjoyable so cial incident of the governors visiL Rev J J Loughran priest of the Roman Catholic church at Dawson gave his temperance address at the Arapahoe opera house last Thursday evening He held the large audience to close attention for nearly two hours being frequently applauded by the drj advocates and given a respectful heap ing by those who opposed his views- Arapahoe Mirror FOR SALE FOENTETO FOR RENT Good seven room house barn and plenty of room In quire phone No 262 Bryce Jones ROOr OE REr T 1 iU 415 1st street W Tm re- FOR - v 102 r st eat 13 u l jian iuijiiOHiIS FOR RENT Two furnished rooms also 5 room cottage furnished or un furnished lawn and shade Mrs J R Lee phone red 455 FOR RENT Nice outside rooms en suite or single in Electric Theatre building and over hardware store McCOOK HARDWARE CO FOR RENT 6 room cottage Fruit trees lawn etc 906 2nd st W Phone red 329 6 tf LOST Small round locket with ruby stone on one side and the word Ella engraved on the reverse side Reward Leave at Tribune office WANTED Salesmen to sell our guaranteed Oils and Paints Experi ence unnecessary Extremely profit able offer to right party The Em pire Oil Company Cleveland Ohio Dr J O Bruce osteopath has re turned to the city and is again ready for business Office over Electric theatre The McCook Tribune the year in advance Ibasfei M It is 100 ill titer jj The patron who desires Millinery o a definite and distinctive character reasonably priced who wants individ ual courteous and intelligent atten tion will find us prepared to do our very best to serve you Whether you want to spend 500 or 5000 upon your Easter Bonnet you will find our sales people equally desirous of pleasing you We mention these facts here be cause in the last rush of Easter buy ing one needs Drcnujt and inteUiss sei1 MRS NIES UPSTAIRS DeGROFE CG zz ns