The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4
PAGE 4 Comprehensive Showing of Womens Misses and Childrens APPAREL FOR EASTER The last two days before Easter are marked for special values in all Ladies Furnishings Uum nv j7 -WT H Bring fn the Little One and let us fit her out for Easter d w ii lt88 tii L mwrrn Exquisite New Millinery Creations A remarkable assortment of hats suitable for Easter has been made up in our workroom for these last two days showing Originality is sought and each hat ex emplifies some modish style tendency Every color and shape that is correcMhis season is represented A Big Shipment of Dresses We have just received a large shipment for A SPECIAL EASTER SHOWING of SILK FOULARD DRESSES WHITE MARQUISETTE LINGERIE and LAWN DRESSES A Beautiful selection to choose from at prices surpris ingly low A Large Assortment of C0AT5 and SUITS For Easter Wear Many new coats have been added to our stock mak ing a most complete showing of the latest and newest novelties in Coats and Suits at prices exceptionally low Infants9 and Childrens Rw Cxc tl 300 400 and 500 each And we wish to call your special attention to Our Exceptional Variety of Childrens Hats Comprising all the new and nobby ideas in Java Straws Braids and Handsomely Trimmed Dress Hats THE McCOOK TRIBUNE r llHA 11A I ul J I I 8 xM1M x I Jo I ii I AWL I A K JHL - Wx EXCLUSIVE DRV GOODS MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHINGS X 2 2 2 MAIN AVENUE PHONE S6 McCOOOK NEBRASKA ft t urn idk pibtp By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red WillowCo Entered at postoffice McCook Nebraska as second class matter Published weekly AMBITIOUS PROGRAM The Democrats have laid out for themselves an ambitious program for the present session of congress em bracing Popular election of U S senators- Publicity before election of cam caign contributions Statehood for Arizona and New Mexico Canadian reciprocity Revision of schedule K the wool schedule of the Payne Aldrich bill Revision of the cotton schedule Red Clouds new mayor is a social ist Sam Foe is his name father of Ralph and Everett Foe well known to many McCook people Governor Aldrich has vetoed the tel ephone merger bill and the governor gives eight reasons for his action Citizen Roosevelt insists he has had a bully good run for his money and want nothing more The Tribune is always ready to give the colonel any thing he wants just the same J One o the keynotes in the address of ex Governor Shallenberger on last Saturday afternoon was that struck in referring to needed patriotism Love of the soil we live on the speaker ar gued is essential to the best develop ment of soil and individual Let us to Nebraska and patriotic De more especially to Southwestern Nebraska Self raising pancake flour at Mag Hers Miss Viersen Won First in the Dramatic Class of Eight Contestants The sixty five schools which are training their pupils n straight think ing and iiiaight talking by means ct tin Xeuiaska high school debating ieagre have now practically conc udod the first verier of debates in the elev en districts into which this state wide organization is divided for its fourth annual contests and the second series to decide the district champion ship is well under way This faerios is to be ended as nearly as possible one month tefne the state champion ship debate held at the state univer sity on high school fete day MaylU Southwestren District Franklin Beaver City At Beaver City February 24 Won by Beaver City unanimously Judges Supt C L Anderson Oxford Supt P P Bentley Alma Supt R D Moritz Red Cloud McCook Indianola At McCook March 4 Won by Indianola unani mous Judges Supt C L Anderson Oxford Supt P P Bentley Alma Supt C W McMichael Holdrege Trenton Culbertson At Trenton March 4 Won by Trenton two to one Judges Miss Alice Abbott At wood Kas Principal C E Cannon Atwood Kas Supt G A Marshall Stratton Minden Beaver City At Minden March 25 Won by Minden two to one Judges Principal C M Barr Hastings Supt C W Taylor Mc Cook Supt C B Toof Fairfield Miss Viersen Won First The declamatory contest at the southwestern teachers association held at Oxford last week for which two sate university students were sent as judges resulted in Leo Che hey of Cambridge winning first place in the humoorus class In the dra matic class there were eight contest ants The winners were Minnie Vier sen of McCook first Eleline Porter of Oxford second Ethel Druse of Trenton third Gold and silver med als were given to the winners McCooks Bucket Shop Also Closed Its Doors This -Week Following the passage last Satur day of an anti bucket shop bill by the Nebraska legislature it is an nounced that all the bucket shops in the state numbering between thirty and forty were closed Tuesday al though the law is not effective for ninety days There was one of these concerns operating in McCook the H E Gooch Co more recently operating under the name of the Lincoln Com mission Co i ii u7 i i iV Lincoln Commission Co Quits The bucket shop which has been running here for some time under the name of H E Gooch Co and later of the Lincoln Commission Co clos ed its office Tuesday following the passage of the Nebraska anti bucket shop law One Minute Washers and Motor Washers are sold by us and absolute satisfaction guaranteed McCOOK HARDWARE CO rHIHMr n imrtwgBS Dollar Decoys ii Did you know that there was a relationship between dollars Well it must be true anyway Did you ever notice that once a man gets a few dollars others seem to fly into his pocket as if by magic Most of the dol lars of the United States are gathered together in large amounts The more dollars a man gets the faster others join them You may be unable to account for this but it is true nevertheless Dollars like to congregate Why not start a congregation of your own Lets explain You make quite a bit of money dont you You spend it dont you Well now just for once try putting a few dollars just a few in this bank See if others dont fol low The first few act as a decoy You are cordially in vited to place your decoys In this bank We are sure that by using one of our bank books for a blind you will be able to bag considerable The First National Bank of McCook Neb Eighth Grade Examinations The next examination for eighth grade pupils Avill be held April 20 21 in Danbury Lebanon Bartley Jndian ola and McCook The free high school certificate may be issued only to pupils who pass the state eighth grade examina tions in accordance with the rules an regulations of the state department of public instruction and who in addition thereto are entitled to the privileges of the free high school law Sections 5 and C subdiv G school laws 1909 To be elegible for the free high school certificate the pupil must pass this examination with an average pasj ing of 75 per cent with a minimum grade of 60 per cent in any subject If high school privileges are desired for the ensuing year the parent or guardian must make application in writing to the county superintendent on or before the second Monday in June in each year This application must be made each year by the non resident pupil Parents and pupils are asked to ac quaint themselves with this free high school law that all pupils desiring such school privileges may be accord ed them Very truly yours ELIZABETH BETTCHER County Superintendent The hearty encouragement being given McCook by the people of South western Nebraska in our campaign for che location of the new agricultural college at this place is most gratifying indeed It is everywhere conceded that McCook is the ideal and logical location geographically considered and as to soil and rain conditions That its location at McCook would best suli J serve the purpose of the law and thus be of the most benefit to thegreat est number Being typical of the part of Nebraska the school is design ed to develop the dryer section that division of difefrent soil conditions etc all who give the matter thought and analysis arrive at the same conclu sion for- McCook Judge William S Kenyon is new progressive Republican TJ S ator for Iowa the Eggs for Hatching Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply mouth Rocks Finest quality Low est prices Send for mating list MEYERS POULTRY RANCH Palisade Nebraska House for Sale in McCook 205 5th st E For information ad dress T H COLLING 2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo For Sale Silver lace Wyandotte eggs at 50 cents a setting Phone black 201 MRS E D PERKINS For Sale Alfalfa hay Phone ash 3852 C tf J A SCHMITZ Get our RATES on FARM LOANS DORWART BARGER Money to Loan on Farms See Rozell Sons at clothing store For special on dill sour and sweet pickles see Magner For special on home made mince meat see Magner Nice clean cane seed for sale l per bushel Hans Hanson Box Elder Nebraska 30 4t EASTER HATS THURSDAY APRIL 13 1911 Your last chance to get a new hat before Easter We have them in every style and col or from a 75c crush er to a 500 Stetson TIT Or A Spring Cap IF You dont want a hat come in and get a Spring Cap We have a big line of them in the browns greys and blues Either plain cloth or in diagonals Also the Home of Manhattan Shirts Dutchess Trousers GALUSHA SON One Price and No Monkey Business of Cream Thieves There are three thieves that are robbing cow owners all over the country of hundreds of thousands of dollars every year One of these is the gravity system of setting cream If you are still using a gravity system of cream separation you are losing from 5 to 15 per year for each cow the better your cows the more you lose If you had a cow like Jacoha Irene producing 1000 pounds of butter a year you would be losing 25 to 50 a year in cream that the DE LAVAL cream separator would save for you Another robber that masquerades under the guise of a friend is the so called dilution system which wastes even more cream than the gravity system Our State Experiment Stations have time and again warned dairymen against the use of these thieving contraptions advising them to buy a reliable cream separator like the DeLAVAL The third thief is the cheap and inferior cream separator and this masked robber is even worse than the others It costs you nearly as much as a DE LAVAL to put one of these cheap machines in your dairy in the first place and it may cost you more than its orig inal price every year in the cream that it wastes for you Here is a good example of how it works In June 1909 John Trigillis of Norway Mich was milking sixteen n cows and separating his cream with a cheap separator His receipts from cream that month were 45 In May 1910 Mr Trigillis purch ased a No 15 DE LAVAL and although milking the same number of cows as in 1909 and with poorer feed his cream check for June 1910 was 8G It was hard to convince Mr Trigillis at first that his old machine was robbing him hut he soon found when he ltried a DE LAVAL alongside of it that nearly half of his cream was going out of the skim milk spout of his old imitation cream separator w ream is Money Why Waste It Come in and see us and let us set up a suitable size DE LAVAL machine for you Then watch your cream checks grow Once get a DE LAVAL set up on your floor and it will sell itself It costs noth ing to try it but it is costting you a great deal in wasted quantity and quality of product every day you go on without doing so rjm 0 Sto7AMr GENERAL HARDWARE STOVES 111 I III II mwrj nvwrwfmwStgB M M si i