The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3
It I I 7 - to S -v r H e r 7 M h THURSDAY APRIL 13 1911 fr Our baby cries for Chamberlains Cough Remedy writes Mrs T B Kendrick Rasaca Ga It is the best caugh remedy on the market for coughs colds and croup For sale by all dealers The McCook Tribune 100 a year jCITOEmCTORY A F A M McCook Lodge No 135 A F A M meets a very first and third Tuesday of the month at 00 p m in Masonic hall Bcrris H Stewabt W M Charles L Fahnestock Sec B S M Occcnoxee Conncil No 16 R S M meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m a Masonic hall William E Haut T I M Aabon Q King Sec B A M King Cyras Chapter No 35 R A M meets very first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Clarence B Gbat H P W B Whittaker Sec KNIGHTS TEMPLAK St John Coramandery No 16 K T meets on the second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Geo Willets E C Seth D Silver Bee EASTERN STAB Eureka Chapter No 86 O E S meets the second and fonrth Fridays of each month at 300 p m in Masonic hall Mas C W Wilson W M 8 Cobdeal Sec KNIGHT8 OF PYTHIAS McCook Lodge No 42 of K P meets every Wednesday at 8C0 p m in Maonic hall J N Gaabde C C C A Evans K R ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets every Friday at 800 p m in Gauschow hall C R Woodwobtd N G E L Reed Sec modern woodmen Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets every first and third Friday of each month at 830 p m in Ma onic hall Pay assessments at Citizens National Bank C C BrnELD Consul AM Finitt Clerks ROYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Morris hall Mrs Caroline Ecnert Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Rec WORE MEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p m in Temple Maueice Griffin Treas Henry Moers MW C J Ryan Financier C B Gray Bee DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every Mcond and forth Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Temple building Mary E Griffin C of H Mbs Carrie Schlagel Rec MACCABEES Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in Morris hall J A Wilcox Com J H 1arger Record Keeper NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF LETTER CARRIERS Branch No 1278 meets first Monnay of each month at 330 p m in carriers room postoffice G F Kinghobn President D J OBbien Secretary LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENGINEMEN McCook Lodge No 599 B of L F E meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Hdsted Sec Ladies Society B of L F E Golden Rod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock Mbs Grace Hcsted Mrs Burn Reillt Secretary President RAILWAY TBAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of H T meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in Eagles hall T E Huston President F G Kinghobn Sec RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Wednesday nights of each month at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Habvey C Con M O McClube Sec MACHINISTS Bed Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meots every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo Diebald Pre Feed Wasson Fin Sec Floyd Bebby Cor Sec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEEB8 McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Waltee Stokes C E W D Burnett T A E RAILWAY CABMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in Morris hall at7iJ0 p m H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Secy S D Hughes Secy BOILEBMAEEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month in Eagles hall Jno Seth Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec EAGLES McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walker W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Conncil No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real b K DAUGBTEBS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fonrth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m In Monte Cristo hall Mrs George Martin Miss Lobetta Williams F S G B LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mrs W B Mills Commandor Habeiet E Willetts R K G A B J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 2 30 pm Morris hall TnosiAS Moobe Commander J H Yaegee Adjt BELIEF COEPS McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets ovory jcond and fonrth Saturday of each month at 30 p m in Ganschow hall Adella McClain Pres Susie Vandebhoof Sec L OF CA B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meots on the first Saturday of onch month at 2 30 p m at the Monte Cristo hall Mrs Lottie Brewer President Mrs Kate Dntton Secretary P E O Chapter X P E O meets the first and third Monday evenings of each monta at 8 p m at the homes of the various members Mbs Anna ScHobel Pres Mbs Kate Williams Cor Sec PYTHIAN SISTEES McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m Lila L Ritchie M E C Edna Stewabt M of R C diamond bkbkkah Meets each 2nd and 4tb Monday evening of each month in Morris hall Mrs Augusta Anton N G Miss Florence Middleton Secy iiumiiuiiuiiiniiiti1 mnjrn a mat HOW TO PREVENT WORMY APFLES Spraying Death to Codling Motli By It F Howard Department of Hor ticulture University of Nebraska The codling moth has reached sucli a stage of development in Nebraska that it is no longer possible to grow apples free from worms without tha trees are given some care One maj expect neglected trees to have any where from 20 to S5 per cent worm Coddling Moth Eggs on Upper Surface of the Leaf fruits Half of the crop may drop be fore it reaches maturity and the great er part of the remainder will be ren dered unfit for market by the codling moth worm Spraying with some sort of arsenical poison is the only feasible way of con trolling the codling moth Arsenate of lead may be used at the rate of two pounds per fifty gallons of water The first application should be given as soon as the flowers begin to drop the second about three weeks later and the third about the 20th of July The first application should be direct- VivaauaiSt i ft I i mwm I IMP aiil nl i i35rf5CTfcg2RvKc4 f t r in ri mmrmTai ttii t tffS -- sk ADULT CODDL ING MOTH ed downward in order to get the poi son into the calyx cups High pres sure is essential for the first spray ing though the department demon strated in a Columbus orchard last summer that it was possible to control the worms to 5 per cent with a hand barrel outfit by doing the work thor oughly Apple scab is the most troublesome fungous disease we have in Nebraska apple orchards It begins growth in the early spring and causes a scaly brown growth on the outer surface of N f - JTJV T ar T- - VAVU JwM WORK OF CODDLING MOTH WORM the apples Some of our prominent varieties like the Jonathan and Wine sap are particularly susceptible to this disease Either Bordeaux mixture or one of the commercial lime sulphur sprays may be used in preventing -its development Bordeaux mixture can be made by using four pounds of fresh stonelime four pounds bluestone and fifty gallons of water Slack the lime in a small quantity of water dissolve the bluestone dilute each with twenty two gallons of water and pour to gether The lime sulphur sprays are put on the market in concentrated APPLE AFFECTED BY SCAB form and all that is necessary to pre pare them for use is simply to add about thirty gallons of water this will depend upon the brand used to one gallon of the concentrated Spray first for apple scab just before the individual flower buds open sec ond as soon as the flowers begin to fall third three weeks after the flow ers fall Since the second and third application for apple scab come at the same time as the first and second ap plication for codling moth the arsen ate of lead can be added to the Bor deaux or lime sulphur thus reducing the labor to half Jf f iwiiiih i it- T E M I Edwin W All r 66 M J McCOOK Tht Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that Albert McMillen has filed in the City clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing on lot 11 block 22 in the First ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1911 to April 30 1912 ALBERT McMILLEN Applicant Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the city clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the building situated on lot 1 block 21 224 Main Avenue in the Second ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be grant ed to me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 J H MITCHELL Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that C R Woo J worth has filed in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the brick build ing on lot 11 block 1C in the Sec ond ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1911 to April 30 1912 C R WOODWORTH Applicant 3-30-St Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 15 block 27 117 Main Avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 3-30-St DAN P CLOUSE Application for License McCook Nebraska April 6 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 8 block 27 at No 103 Main avenue in the First ward of the city of McCook Nebraska be granted to me for the coming mun icipal year beginning May 1 1911 JAMES F REINSMITH Application for License McCook Nebraska April 6 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spir ituous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 9 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of Mc Cook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 MITCHELL U CLYDE Application for Permit McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell has filed in the City Clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of McCook from May 1 1911 to April 30 1912 L WMcCONNELL 3-30-St Applicant Tt ATRE nd Wm T 18th ill Present jGO B OCH In a Dramatiitiwii of Meredith Nicholsons Novel by Edwin E Rose HE PORT OF ISSING MEN A PLAY OF MYSTERY DIPLOMACY and INTERNATION AL ADVENTURE Contains effective theatrical mo ments New York Tribune A VIVACIOUS ROAIANCE OF AB SORBING INTEREST - Concerning Austrias Throne Is undeniably exciting Chicago Record Herald PRICES150 100 75c 50c 35c 25c Real Estate Filings The following real estate filingi have been made in the county clerks office since our last report Anna B Schobel et cons to Peter Miesen wd 3 in 3 1st McCook 2200 00 John F Helm et ux to John McNiel wd se 13 ne ne Yi ne4 24-3-2 lot 2 in 19- 3 28 7710 00 Luke W Hayden et ux to Be atrice B L Assn wd 1- 2 in 14 Indianola D Y Dorwart et ux to Geo V Korell wd int in N 19-1-30 1 00 E F Newlon et ux to George V Korell wd same as the above 3200 00 Milton J Hammond et ux to Charles W Kelley and John W Little wd se 11-2-30 8500 00 Lawrence J Houlton et ux to John W Myers wd swVi 23-2-30 4000 00 Jessie B Waite et cons to Thomas A Nash wd 1 in in McCook 1650 00 Martin Nilsson et ux to Ma rion Powell wd y2 int nwVi 35-1-29 2500 00 Thomas Canaga to Mary I Canaga wd ny2 sw s1 sw of nw 5-3-28 4000 00 Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that we have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition asking that a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building wtuated on lot 13 block 27 113 Main Avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted to us for the coming municip al year beginning May 1 1911 JAMES WOOLARD JOHN F McMANIGAL Application for License McCook Nebraska March 30 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spirit uous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 9 block 22 205 Main Avenue in the First ward of the City of McCook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal year begnning May 1 1911 C L McKlLLIP S W Nebraska Teachers Meet The sessions of the S W Nebras ka Teachers association at Oxford last week were attended by about 500 teachers and are described as having been among the most instructive and interesting ever held by the associa tion Red Willow county contributed about 50 teachers to the total and in this uumbor McCook was well repre senteJ The new officers are City Supt C F White of Trenton president Co Supt Ruth Erfman of Bloomington vice presid2nt Miss Grace McClel land of Cambridge sccrstary City Supt T W Pepoon of Orleans treas urer City Supt H W Harris of Curtis new member of the executive committee Foley Kidney Pills contain in con centrated form ingredients of estab lished therapeutic value for the re lief and cure of all kidney and bladde ailments Foley Kidney Pills are an tiseptic tonic and restorative Re fuse substitutes A McMillen R F D No 1 W N Rogers is in Omaha where he is conducting a two days sale in South Omaha of 105 head of Here fords the biggest sale of the year in that market A D Johnston John Hammell F M Kennedy and Prank Dudek all marketed hogs yesterday The boys dont like the looks of the hog mar ket Low and going lower Too much alfalfa was the cause of the death of one of Robert Johnstons horses last week B A Frazier had a runaway with a disc a few days since completely doing up the disc but hurting no one or the horses fortunately Be sides they are having a siege of the measles in the family Miss Margaret Evans has moved in to her new cement block house The old one quite a land mark is being torn down PROSPECT PARK R R No 3 Miss Jessie Armstrong is home for a few weeks vacation A ten pound boy was born to Mr and Mrs Herman Thole on Saturday morning Little Cora Lee who has been very ill is slowly improving There is to be a temperance pro gram at the Prospect Park school house Sunday forenoon Everyone in vited The farmers are all getting busy since the rain Everybody boost for the Agricultur al College About 45 of Charlie Whitlakes friends and neighbors gave him an old fashioned surprise Sunday the oc casion being his birthday bringing wel filled baskets A general good time was had by all We wish Mr Whitalke many more such birthdays RED WILLOW Real estate changed han is ac a high rate last week and fiom the amount that came into the houses it was supposed not much soil was left in the northwest The children wha had a mild form of scarlet fever which lasted about a day have eJl recovered though some are still quarantined The glorious rain made the farmers very active putting in spring wheat 3200 00 barley and cthei small grain Louis Longnecker had an attack of tonsilitis Duf is better Little Mane Miller and George Helm entered school last week Hay and Alfalfa For Sale S R RANKIN 23 1t Phone ash 3681 Bullards have dry stove wood A RESOLUTION A resolution transferring the sum oi 40000 from the general fund to the fire fund Be It Resolved By the Mayor and City Council of the City of McCook Nebraska Sec 1 That there be and hereby is transferred from the general fund to the fire fund the sum of Four Hundred Dollars Sec 2 This resolution shall take effect and be in force from and af ter its adoption approval and publi cation according to law Adopted and approved this 10th day of April A D 1911 Seal ED HUBER Mayor Attest E O VAHUE City Clerk Published April 13 1911 Raymond Bahr defendant will take notice that on the 10th day of Janu ary 1911 Hattie Bahr filed her peti tion in the District Court of Red Wil low County Nebraska the object and prayer of which are to obtain a di vorce from said defendant and to be given the custody of Gertrude Bahr You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 22nd day of May 1911 HATTIE BAHR By Ritchie Wolff her attorneys First publication April 13 4ts HASm SUBSTITUTE lis fesI8te2 Pyre The Qssfo faaEmg powtitep imsd fpom IRoyaa Grape paassa of Tartar iiia PAGE 3 jus Vsin i n utch leanser a Clean Because no dirt grease or grime can wiinsfand its wonderful action The thick scum which often gath ers on the sides and bottom of the sink and defies soap cleaning dis appears like magic when Old Dutch Cleanser is used Many other uses and Full Directions on Zarge Sifter can ZO Lame shoulder is nearly always due to rheumatism of the muscles and quickly yields to the free appli cation of Chamberlains Liniment Fol sale by all druggists t TO McCOOK SUBSCRIBERS The publisher has just com- 44 menced to mail out subscription bills to subscribers receiving The Tribune through the Mc- Cook postoffice These state- ments will in each case cover amount due to January 1st 1911 and for the amount to V 4 January 1st 1912 We hope to receive a prompt response to tnese statements so tar as practicable our collector will call upon you personally THE TRIBUNE L M CLYDE Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location n at acma rrCnrilr street in P Whleh btvinwg l l vUUft Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone S Good results always follow the use of Foley Kidney Pills They give prompt relief in all cases of kidney and bladder disorders Try them A McMillen Shampooing Hair Dressing Scalp and Facial Treatment 111111iivtviiimiwt qH n n