The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 13, 1911, Image 1
hl V A J TWENTY NINTH YEAR T i Arrived And On D i s p lay A Large shipment of Ladies Pumps and Oxfords The best assortment that ever was shown in the city Dont miss seeing these latest styles Slippers for all pur poses for everybody You are invited to see them VIERSEN CORNER MAIN AND B ST REPAIRING T1 s a Artistic Mouldings When renovating your home this spring dont overlook the beauty that may be easily added to your rooms by the use of new plate and picture mouldings Our stock is complete in MOULDING natural woods and enameled All of the finest finishes and to match any color in woodwork or paper L W McCONNELL Druggist Biggest Sale of the Year Commissioner W N Rogers is in South Omaha this week pulling off the biggest combination sale of Here fords of the year There are 105 an imals in the sale from some of the best breeders in America including a fine lot of his own raising of some of the best raised by his sons on the Shadeland farm Beautify Your Home by decorating your walls with McMil lens new Artistic Wall Paper When so desired will take sample books to your home for selection of patterns A McMILLEN Druggist Reopened for Business The James Steinmann saloon reop ened for business last Friday after noon The attached goods were re moved by Sheriff Higgins and a new stock installed New Girls Romper For a picture of the latest idea in girls play dresses see the advertise ment of The Thompson D G Co on page 8 of this issue The Only Union Made overalls in the city are the Carhart Huber is the exclusive agent Also jackets and caps The phone is 97 The Main Store On the Main Street If it is the freshest and best in gro ceries fruits vegetables etc you seek look no further than Hubers For Sale Good Osage hedge posts in carload lots J D CURTIS 6 2ts Stella Neb Wanted Roomers and boarders in private family Gentlemen preferred Inquiri at 515 1st street west 13 2t - Dry stove wood at Bullards Pure Gold flour from winter wheat at Magners Wait for the dance of the Pythian Sisters Monday April 17 None Better Than These j Lees Lice Killer Liquid Lees Insect Powder Lees Hog Dip 2 Lees Hog Remedy Lees Egg Maker Xees Stock Tonic Lees Healing Oil - Lees Conditioner Lees Worm Powder Lees Bug Killer All for sale by C R WOODWORTH Druggist Jl4j44j4jj4Jl4J4jlJl4j4JJlj44jlJ4jlJlJl4jJJnj4JlJ Council Meeting McCook Nebraska April 10 1911 The city council met in regular ses sion with the following present Ed Huber mayor Councilmen L W Mc Connell H P Waite J It Stans berry Wm Wood J R McCarl city attorney E O Vahue city clerk Tin minutes of meetings held March 13 17 21 27 31 were read and approv ed The following bills were audited by the finance committee and on motion by Councilman Woods seconded by Councilman Stansberry were allow ed and warrants ordered issued for their payment X J Campbell inspecting sewer 4 00 W A Gold work in cemetery 10 00 Middleton Ruby repair on water pipe 1 75 W M Ackerman rent 3 00 Osborn Kummer killing and burying dogs 150 Matson McClain meal ticket 4 50 E O Vahue expenses 0 30 II W Conover salary 33 00 McMiien drugs 2 25 D McClain judge election 3 00 F Osbcrn same 3 00 S nlcdrell same 3 00 F Lelin same 3 00 L Doan same 3 00 W Roiebush same 3 00 J V Spencer clerk election 3 00 Eel Scott same 3 00 Bruce Campbell same 3 00 Ed Williams same 3 00 F M Kimmell ballots 10 00 Wm Woods salary 12 50 W If Ackerman livery 1 00 L Thorgnmson expenses - 3 50 L Thorgrimson salary 37 50 Following firemens claims were al lowed C W Snyder 6 00 John Miller 4 00 John Burnett G 00 J N Gaarde c 00 R M Osborn c 00 J C Nicholson c 00 C A Leach 10 00 Sam Pickard G 00 E Ward G 00 Geo Ray 4 00 L Nicholson 7 G3 H N Snyder G 00 U w Kelley 7 0G L Wootton c 00 F Berry g 00 II Woolard 4 00 E F Osborn 8 00 L W Jennings G 00 J W Spencer 6 00 Ray Talbot G 00 V Barbazett G 00 W C Allison 4 00 C E Emerson G 00 H Plousard G 00 Joe Barker 6 00 L P Davis G 00 C L Hileman 6 00 L Thayer G 00 J Madron G 00 J R Pence 6 00 J Wentz 7 G3 J M Henderson salary 27 00 Stewart Strunk printing 15 00 Esher Doing dray 5 75 Barnett Lumber Co lumber 9 65 McCook Electric Co 84 00 R M Osborn salary 88 35 L A Fitch salary 73 35 Osborn Kummer labor 8 35 A resolution was adopted and pass ed transferring 400 from the general fund of the city to the fire fund See elsewhere in full On motion of Councilman Stansber ry and seconded by Councilman Wait the canvass of the vote cast at the municipal election held April 4 1911 was made as follows and the result declared Mayor James McAdams 375 W B Whittaker 201 McAdams majority Clerk F L Traver 328 E O Vahue 244 Travers majority 174 84 Treasurer L Thorgrimson 543 Engineer Wm Deere 313 NJ Campbell 2G0 Deeres majority 53 Councilman 1st ward Wm A Middleton 172 H P Waite 142 Middletons majority 30 Councilman 2nd ward H C Brown 153 L W McConnell 108 Browns majority 45 Board of Education A Barnett 219 Thomas Moore 230 L Suess 34G The following officers elect were present and were sworn in by City Clerk Vahue James McAdams may- Continued on page 8 McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA THURSDAY EVENING APRIL 13 1911 Ex Governor Shallenberger Delivers a Fine Address Ex Governor Shallenberger of Alma addressed a fine audience in the Tem ple theatre last Saturday afternoon on The Advantages and Benefits of an Agricultural College The gov ernor is an enthusiast on the agri cultural college proposition and has an enviable reputation as a practical and successful farmer and stock rais er hence his utterances along the line of agriculture soil stock etc are entitled to weight Withal he carries enthusiasm and energy and optimism of a sane sort and is a convincing talker a live wire in street parlance He is an earnest advocate of the bacK to the soil movement and cred its the soil with producing the best conditions for the best citizenship and human development and quotes his tory fluently and copiously to prove this pet theory of his Hence it is not surprising to find him lined up with all his energy and enthusiasm for the agricultural college authorized by the last legislature a bill he championed vigorously and successfully Unlike some others the ex-governor believes such a school would have before it a splendid growth and de velopment and would be a tremend ous factor in the scientific develop ment of Southwestern Nebraska Knowing that Southwestern Nebras ka constitutes a distinct soil and rain area the governor believes that this school will prove finally most valuable in discovering and developing the sci entific basis for the culture of this soil under the circumstances of small rainfall conditions Eastern Nebraska has its distinct soil and rain condi tions Southwestern Nebraska has iUj distinct soil and rain and climatic conditions Hence it will be the prov ince of this college to bend its every energy to the solution of the specific and special problems of this part of tne state Such a college the governor argues will have a tendency to keep the young men on the farm to elevate it to the scale of a professionwhere the farmer will stand shoulder to shouldet with the banker the lawyer the preacher in importance and dignity That the school will make easier lesa expensive and more certain the solu tion of the difficult problems of dry toil fanning in this section and there fore will add immensely to the ad vancement of this part of Nebraska vithin a very few years from its es tablishment The speaker placed no small esti mate on the benefits of the proposed school to tins part of Nebraska and no doubt succeeded in inspiring his hearers with some of the optimism and enthusiasm he felt for the meas ure In the evening Mr Shallenberger was a guest of the McCook Commer cial club where many members had the pleasure of a more intimate touch with the gentleman who served the state well in the capacity of governor and who is one of the strong and pro gressive men of our part of Nebraska The Tribune takes pleasure in thus publicly extending Mr Shallenberg er the thanks and appreciation of this community for his address ishop Beecher Addressed McCook Commercial Club Bishop Beecher of the Western Ne braska diocese of the Episcopal church while in the city last Friday evening in the line of his official du ties in this part of the diocese took advantage of the opportunity to brief ly address the members of the Mc Cook Commercial club while remain ing over between trains The general trend of his remarks was toward good citizenship that not the money and might of a country made it essentially great and endur ing but the quality of its citizenship Personally the bishop is a virile torceful man who appeals to men and his remarks Avere attentively re ceived and enjoyed Incidentally the bishop partially un folded a matter near his heart the founding of a farm for boys some where in this part of the state The bishop has been closely allied with juvenile court work in Omaha for years and this thought of a farm for boys is the result of his observ ations and experiences in that capac ity While this matter is in embryo the bishop hopes in time to be able to realize this dream and may in the not distant future have something more tangible to bring before the peo ple of this part of his diocese Boosts Agricultural College and Good Roads Movement An Omaha friend of the publisher in a personal letter says some things so pertinent that we take the liberty of reproducing them here I note that McCook is making an effort to secure the location of the new agricultural college and I hope she succeeds as it is the logical lo cation That part of the state west of the 100th meridan known as the semi arid portion and covering more than one third of the state should have tin new school where methods of dry farming should be taught and devel oped I have great faith in the fu ture of that section of the state though progress toward its develop ment has not been very encouraging to date There is much to be learned how to procure the best results on those dry farms and nowhere is there Methodist Church Notes The special meetings at the Metho dist church will close with Easter Sun day These meetings have been of untold value to the church and a good ly number of persons found peace and their personal savious Rev Sturgeon proved himself to be a man of God and endeared himself to the hearts more need of special agricultural edu cation to meet the conditions and the needs of climate and soil May suc cess meet your efforts Another matter that you people in southwest Nebraska should not over look and that is the good roads move ment that is arousing so much inter est all over the land Nowhere are good roads built and maintained so cheaply as out there in your country If jou people build that road from ths Color ilo line through Imperial and down the Frenchman valley to Cul bertson and on east it will become the mail automobile road between Denver and Omaha and no man or sel of men can decree otherwise Lily Patent Flour when once use none other will satisfy you to all people and hope to see many come to enjoy its blessings The pastor would be pleased to see all members and friends on this glad Easter day K of P Boosters A bunch of Pythians went up to i Good Postoffice to Close On Sunday As the department has approved of the Sunday closing idea and begin ning with Easter Sunday April 1G there -will cease to be a Sunday deliv ery by carriers I wish to fully inform the public as to the extent of the Sunday service The general delivery window will be open for one hour at the usual time 12 to 1 oclock to accommodate transient patrons and permit the nec essary purchase of stamps and enve lopes Carriers windows will be closed and it is not expected that patrons of the city delivery service will call for mail unless it should be something of great importance when they may call at the postmasters office and state the circumstances The same court eous attention will be given such re quests as has characterized the of fice heretofore All incoming mails will be uted as usual and patrons having box es will receive exactly the same serv 1 ice as formerly The usual evening J collections from street letter boxes will be maintained and mails dispat ched to out going trains as heretofore The postoffice department believes that postal employees are as much entitled to -1 day of rest as are er toilers and that a large part of the Sunday delivery is wholly unne cessary and it is hoped that McCook people will look upon this change with ine sanic liberal and charitable spirit which has characterized the citizens of other towns and cities LON CONE Postmaster Engravings of Presidents A Barnett presented the high school Mcnday morning with a com plete sot of twenty five presidents of the united States They are steel engravings nicey framed and com pose a lpndsore present Mr Bar nett delivered a very neat presenta tion speech in delivering the engrav ings to the schoo1 A numeration of the gifts and serv ices to the public schools of I Bar nett as a member of board of educa tion and as a citzen nlace him nasilv among our most philanthropic citizen and The Tribune herewith makes due acknowledgement of the same He will be missed from the board retiring as he does with the present term Dismissed by Supreme Court The mandamus case of Lafe Bur nett the Lincoln lawyer who has gain ed more than his share of notoriety against C A Rodgers of our city to compel Clerk Rogers to furnish a bill of exceptions has been dismissed by the supreme court of Nebraska Clerk of the District Court Rodgers defend ed on the ground that it was an at tempt to obtain the bill of exceptions without payment of his fee and the supreme court sustained his conten tion Easter Perfumes Easter giving has become almost as popular as giving at Christmas time Nothing more appropriate thai choice perfumes We have a superb ttcck ol the worlds oe t in packages of rare beauty L W McCONNELL Druggist Buggies for Spring are now ready and it is a good time to buy and get the summers use of them Velie buggies give satisfac tion Call and see them McCOOK HARDWARE CO Subscribe for The Tribune I4 J4 J4 I42 J I I I4 I4 j J 44 EASTER CARDS AND BOOK- LETS The Tribune paper house has an attractive stock of Easter Post Cards Eater Booklets and Easter Novelties Some 4 handsome and tasteful articles at very reasonable prices j 4 4j4 44j4444X4444 ssr Eggs For Hatching stock from best strains vxpa of naigior tnis morning to some special Barred Plymouth Rocks 3c each doings Incidentally the boys will do 52 per 100 Ash 1351 R F D No 2 of the people and the best wishes and somG boosting for the Agricultural col or 4 Mrs J W Burtless prayers of all who knew him go with him in his labors in other fields There will be special Easter music and East- Special Monday er services reminding us of our risen J A special meeting of the City Coun Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee Huber is exclusive agent in McCoa1 for the unexcelled Barrington Hall Lord through whom we have hope cd lias been called to meet Monday coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c of immortality The Epworth League wishes to an 1 night I I nounce that there will be a sun rise By John Deere Farm Implements I per pound I Surrey for Sale prayer meeting at G a m beginning at McCook Hardware Co They have A Columbia rubber tired surrey in promptly on time and closing in 45 a full line of these tools for every good cpndition For information call minutes This meeting will be open pose phone 5 NUMBER 46 IT IS SENTIAL That your money be placed where it is absolutely safe where the financial resources of the institution are large where the management fs con servative yet progressive where you have confidence in the men directing its affairs men who have made a success of their individual affairs SUCH AN INSTITUTION IS THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK P Walsh President C P Lehx V Pres C J OBkiex Chr DIKECTOE3 M Loughran P F McKenna CHURCH NOTES AND TOPICS Baptist Sermons appropriate to Easter thought at both morning and evening services 11 and S oclock Bible school at 10 in the morning Congregational Subjects for Sun day April 1G Morning The Immor tal Hope Evening The Resurrec tion of Jesus Christ St John Com mandery No 16 Knights Templar will attend the morning service Episcopal Good Friday Sen ices at 12 and 3 oclock Hymns 105 10G 101 91 359 340 450 89 82 41S 357 484 439 491 S9 Nunc Dim A ser ies of short addresses by the rector on the Seven Words Please come or leave during the singing of the hymns Easter day 730 and 11 oclock Holy Communion Sunday school at 10 Please bring in your Lenten box es e shall be glad to have flow ers letf at the church Saturday af ternoon intended for Easter decora tions Offerings intended for any special object on Easter Day to be placed in the special envelopes provided for the purpose Circumstances and weather permit ting it is proposed to have a tree planting at the rectory on Easter Monday afternoorf Refreshments served at moderate charge A O U W Delegates The McCook delegates to the state meeting in Lincoln May 9th are C B Gray Maurice Griffin John Hunt Web Stevens Jennings C J Ryan and W T Wootton Summer Cooking made easy by the use of our New Idea gas ranges Perfection oil stov es and Quick Meal Gasoline stoves McCOOK HARDWARE CO i For Sale Stove wood at 250 rick delivered A J Drake Osburn Neb Subscribe for The Tribune M i I VE 9 ij t 2fc IT IT TPl in AriEK YEARS SS if your photo taken at this studio will tell the story of your First Com munion A LASS who wants to know later on in life how she used to look should consult our cam era now PHOTOGRAPHS that bear our im print are lifelike lasting and beau tifully finished Rates special for special occasions E SCHELL KIMMELL PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Next Door to Commercial Hotel Phone Red 428 11 s j