THURSDAY APRIL 6 1911 n J B WADE Funeral services for the late J B Wade general chairman for tlic Cii lington system were held Sunday af ternoon at 120 oclock at the Cen tral Congregational church attended by representative bodies from the or ganization with vhich Mr Wi e uis affiliated railroad officials and friends of the defeated and family In spite of the inclemency of the weather there was a large body of Pia at the church for the funeral services and quite a umber went o Li wood cemetery if r the services at tltc grave The floral offerings were among the most profuse and beautiful ever seen at services of the kind in this city Along the front of the pulpit platform were arranged ten large floral designs from the various or organizations while a profusion of smaller designs and wreaths and sprays entirely covered the casket Among the organizations who sent large floral designs were the Elks the engineers and the firemen Following the church service there were ritualistic services by the Elks lodge under the direction of the Ex alted Ruler Dr C B Horrel The Elks also had brief services at the grave A mixed quartet composed of H F Arnold Mrs W B Horton and Mr and Mrs Everett Hinchcliff ren dered Jesus Savior Pilot Me and Some Time Some Day Well Under stand and Mrs Hinchcliff sang Im a Pilgrim The funeral cortege was met at the Elks building by members of the Elks Firemen and Engineers organ izations and they acted as an escort for the funeral party to the church Acting as honorary poll bearers were the following members of the general committee of the firemens organization C A Pleger of Sterl ing Colo O G Coppom of Mc Cook Neb R B Bettis of Sheridan Wyoming H B Breitenstein of Ot tumwa la James Anson of Chicago W C McNown of Wymore Neb and Timothy Shea assistant president of the firemens organization from Peoria and the following members of the local lodge D P Becman J C I McGrath Albert Main A J Stab lein Hugh Nutter and L L Cain The active pall bearers were N C Allen F J Comber Dr D J Evans Dr F G Hall Mannie Larson and Ira Cummings Sunday morning at 10 oclock some 120 of the members of the firemens organization gathered at the hall and proceeded in a body to the home where they met Mrs Wade and ex pressed their sincere personal regret in the loss which herself as well as the members of the organization had sustained The following members of the gen eral firemens board were here Sun day for the services H A Husted of Denver William Layland of LaCrosse C C Peters Lincoln Jas Anson Chicago H M Storrs Kansas City C A Brouse St Louis E E Gray Centerville La O G Coppom McCook W C Mc Nown Wymore R B Bettis Sheri dan Wyo T A Richards Creston la I R Cullins Beardstown John Heitz Aurora C A Pfleger Ster ling Colo H B Breitestein Ot tumwa Iowa In addition to these were Messrs Deere and Hill from McCook Par sons of Centerville la and Weingard en and McKinney of Brookfield Mrs C C Peters also accompanied her husband Galesburg 111 Daily County Woodmen Camp The Woodmen of Red Willow coun ty held a camp in the city last even ing which was participated in by del egates from all over the county iw feS - YFitesyh r r s J a I THE FOUNTAIN OF LIFE has at last been discovered We have it all bottled ready for use and its yours for but a mere song Yes indeed Our SPRING TONIC rejuvenates and puts life in you when nothing else will Dont go around half dead with the dumps but BUY OUR TONIC and renew your youtlf McMILLEN Druggist The Agricultural College Continued from page 1 Deere T A Endsley Jacob Betz M Esch W A Mitchell J H Steph ens E F Osborn TJ G Etherton Bartley J B Cummings Lebanon Edward Sughroue Bartley Conrad Krieger Emerson Hanson Publicity Committee F M Kimmell chairman C W Taylor C W Barnes J F Cordeal C D Ritchie Ways and Means Committee P Walsh chairman A Barnett J E Kelley L W McConnell G H Watkins H P Sutton F A Pennell Location Committee F A Pennell chairman C H Boyle J E Kelley P Walsh A Barnett H P Waite Entertainment Committee L M McConnell chairman C L Fahnestock A Barnett Rev W M Patton W S Morlan J A Wilcox H E Culbertson H C Clapp W B Mills L Suess George Willetts Jr M Lawritson J E Morrissejr Frank Colfer C E Eldred These committees are actively en gaged in the work before them Let every citizen of McCook and of this section of Southwestern Nebraska lend a willing hand McCook offers every advantage and every effort should be made to pre sent the facts before the board of public lands and buildings convinc ingly Soil rainfall crops etc about Mc Cook are all typical of the part of Southwestern Nebraska which it is intended this school shall develop The location of this college in the ex treme eastern part of the district would have the effect of weakening the very purpose of the establishment of an agricultural college in South western Nebraska V SVV ISQSS Ji ssfftS y SEASON And you are going to look best in that new Easter suit Youre going to be photo graph in it of course Theres no better time for some new pictures and they re ideal Easter remem brances for your friends Make an appoint ment now quality guaranteed E SCHELLKIMMELL PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPHER Next Door to Commercial Hotel Phone Red 428 THE CLOWNS FACE Pathetic Incident From Which the Use of Black Lines Sprang Every once in awhile says a prom inent comedian I am asked by some newspaper or magazine to tell of the actual feelings of a man who is called on to appear before the public as a continuous funmaker Usually I re ply by calling attention to the fact that one of the greatest tragedies of tho theater is connected with the clown In the time of Louis XIV there was a famous clown known as Fat William Gros Guillaume who held his audiences in the Rue Favari by his wonderful eccentricities of gesture voice and mimicry One night so the legend runs his wife was dying and he was still obliged to go on and en tertain the clanking clashing ribald Parisian mob that stood in the pit It was in the days before there were seats in the orchestra Like all imitators of the Italian commedla his face was whitened with flour Under the burden of his great domestic sorrow he was stupid and slow in his performance and in order to stir him up his companion on the stage hit him with a resounding whack with a heavy cane The com bination of his sentimental troubles j and the physical pain caused Gros Guillaume to weep As the tears streamed down over his whitened face the aspect was so comical that the au dience cheered and laughed itself into hysterics And ever since then every clown has black lines on his whitened face Many are the black lines on the face of the actor that the audience knows not of Chicago Tribune Application for License McCook Nebraska April 6 1911 Notice is hereby given that I have filed in the office of the City Clerk of McCook Nebraska a petition ask ing that a license to sell malt spir ituous and vinous liquors in the build ing situated on lot 9 block 21 in the Second ward of the City of Mc Cook Nebraska be granted me for the coming municipal year beginning May 1 1911 MITCHELL U CLYDE THE McCOOK TRIBUNE That Stakes the Baking Better Failures are almost impossible with Calmnei We know that it wIl give jou better results Wc know that the baking will be purer wholesome We know lhit it will be more evenly raised And we kno that Calumet is more economical both in its use and cost We know these things because we have put the quality into it we haveJ seen it tried out in every way it is used nowin millions of homes and its sales are Kroumg daily It is the modern baking powder Have you tried it Calumet is highest in quaity moderate in price Received Highest Award Worlds Pure Food Exposition making powdeS Lj0TMADEBYTKETRi CHlCAGOy Remember the address by ex-Governor Shallenberger Saturday after noon at 230 oclock Boost for the Agricultural College MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Boost for the Agricultural College Bryce Jones is keeping books for the Real Easterday elevator Miss Loretta Williams of our city is now employed in the State Bank of Indianola Miss Frances McCune of Denver is visiting in the city guest of Mr and Mrs C H Boyle Remember the address by ex-Governor Shallenberger Saturday afte noon at 230 oclock Albert W Dutcher has returned from Grand Island where he has been attending business college Mrs G W Norris and Miss Hazel left this morning for Aurora Nebras ka on a visit of a few days Fred Washburn the merchant princo of Sanborn came down to the metro polis last evening on some business matters W H Ferguson of Lincoln is spend ing a few days here on business con nected with his large interests in this section Misses Bessie and Carrie Peterson came up from Excelsior Springs Mo last week and will visit with McCook friends a while A R Scott is now traveling sales man for the General Electric out of Denver whither he resorted last Sat urday Mrs Charles Bailey departed for Utah this morning going via Hold rege and the high line to visit briefly enroute Ralph Foe station agent is in Den ver attending a refrigerator meeting says the Red Cloud Commercial Ad vertiser Rev and Mrs Cram came up from Arapahoe yesterday on No 13 and are guests of her parents Rev and Mrs L E Lewis Rev R T Bayne and Rev B L -Webber attended the meeting of Con gregational church association in Trenton Wednesday Rev L Cann delivered sermons last Sunday in the Cox neighborhood near Beverly He will make this ap pointment every other week Supt C W Taylor went down to Oxford Wednesday morning to attend the sessions of the S W Nebraska Teachers association rest of week Burr Rowell spent the close of last week in the city guest of his grand mother Mrs S A Rowell while on his way home to Boulder from a busi ness visit to Lincoln Mrs Pattie Jackson and Mrs Jul iet Walker mother and sister of Mrs A Galusha became residents of our city this week occupying the C F Lehn residence corner of Main ave nue and F street east Mr and Mrs M L Ruby left last night for Kansas City Mo to con sult a specialist in regard to Mr Rubys health They will also visit Excelsior Springs and Washington Kansas on their way home Mrs Knud Stangland Jr enter tained a company of friends Monday afternoon at a kensington in honor of Mrs George Leach her guest for a few weeks Refreshments were served and a social afternoon enjoyed Mrs D M Abel who has been on the sick list is getting better Her daughters Miss Mattie Able of Mc Cook and Mrs W W Wright of ron were here visiting her during tho week Red Cloud Commercial Adver tiser Mrs M B Carman returned to her home in Minden this morning W G Jones accompanied his father-in-law R J Branscom to Utah W E Carson is at Alma assisting in completing the Carnegie library at that place Ed Williams was the guest of his friend John Murphy in Benkelman over Sunday Remember the address by ex-Governor Shallenberger Saturday after noon at 230 oclock Charlie Blair for years a resident of McCook has mqved to Lents Or egon a few miles from Portland John Dunbar of Shenandoah Iowa is visiting friends in the city where he formerly lived for several years Mrs D F Neiswanger and daugh ter Miss Gladys of Cambridge were Sunday guests of H P Waite and family G W Loomis who recently moved to Haigler Nebraska recently migrat ed to Canada locating at or near Quesnel Miss Hattie Schmidt departed Sat urday night for Washington D C to act as stenographer for Congress man Norris Henry Voge of the Red Willow precinct neighborhood left this week for Manning Iowa where he will make a prolonged visit Mr and Mrs F S Wilcox and son Harry resumed their residence in Mc Cook end of week arriving from Denver Saturday night Mrs M B Carman came up from Minden close of last week and has been the guest of Mrs C M Kent and other McCook friends Mrs D W Colson and daughter Elsie went up to Denves recently to receive treatment for Elsie who is threatened with a recurrence of her old knee trouble Mrs Augusta Anton departed on Monday for Minatare Morrill Scotts bluff and other towns in that vicinity on work for the Degree of Honor which she expects will keep her out o town for two or three weeks Congressman Norris after his ad dress against the reciprocity meas ure before the Lincoln commercial club last Friday proceeded on his waj to Washington to be present at the opening of the special session of con gress April 4th Benj W Brewer of McCook and Miss Seranee P Smith of Wauneta procured a marriage license of Judge Williams on Saturday March 25 and then his honor finished the job and made them man and wife Trenton Republican PAGE 5 -v gd values in Ladies P r Waists Skirts Suits and Coats p Come Look If you prefer to make SiKr your own garments we want you to see what we have in cotton wool and silk fabrics New Goods JL4 BURLINGTON TIME TABLE Main Line East Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 430 A M 2 520 A M 12 700 A M 14 920 P M Main Line West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1235 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr 830 p m 13 9 45 A M 15 1230 A M Imperial Line Mountain Time No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to iny point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Agent Len Harding of Haigler was at headquarters end of week on com pany business Mrs Will Morris returned home Sat urday evening from a visit to her folks in Imperial Knud Stangland Jr resigned his position in the companys machine shop here first of the week and he and family expect to leave some time later in the week for the northwest to resume work in his trade i HH 1 i h S i l Thee 3 BAKE 331 1 ii i ii Also a Splendid Line of Trimmings BSaB9EaSEH09SEBS312l m umm l hi 111 lwbj m m Charles Bailey departed Wednes day evening for Utah He has prop erty near Alberta where a number of McCook people are interested In irrigated fruit lands County Clerk M H Prall of Imper ial was in the city Saturday on bis way to Illinois and Iowa on avislr He will also see his children in th eastern part of the state enroute Mrs S J Martin departed this week for a long absence from ths city She will make a trip of ths vvstern coast country during her staji Mason City Iowa will be her head quarters f ii a vhile F0RJ5ALE RENTJETC FOR RENT Dwelling house Phons cedar 983 or 25 FOR SALE Nearly new Schiller piano at a bargain if taken soon W A Middelton Phone red 275 FOR SALE S C Rhode Islana Red eggs 350 per 100 Mrs G C Smith R 1 McCook Phone Asa Creek line FOR SALE Sure Hatch incubator and brooder cheap if taken at once Also a patent chicken roost Inquire of Mrs W G Jones phone red SOS 803 3rd street east FOR RENT Good seven room house barn and plenty of room In quire phone No 262 Bryce Jones FOR RENT Two furnished rooms also 5 room cottage furnished or un furnished lawn and shade Mrs J R Lee phone red 455 FOR RENT Nice outside rooms en suite or single in Electric Theatre building and over hardware store McCOOK HARDWARE CO FOR RENT Two furnished rooms with heat and light Phone red 2S1 Call at 319 1st st west FOR RENT 6 room cottage FruU trees lawn etc 906 2nd st W Phone red 329 6 tf FOR RENT Four room cottage on 6th street good lawn and fruit trees Inquire of J S Miller phone black 376 LOST Necklace with heart shapeo stone attached Word Ella on re verse side of stone Reward Leave at The Tribune office 6 lt Dr J O Bruce osteopath has re turned to the city and is again ready for business Office over Electric theatre The McCook Tribune It is 10 the year in advance KVtrnmw imiWiyWW ni vWyvrilfWWrrinnf JUST ARRIVED NEW INVOICE OF TRIMMED HATS TRIMMED SAILORS Full Line Ladies Misses and Childrens Easter Bon nets The artists in onr work room also have for your inspection many new creations in trimmed hats Give us the pleasure call Well show you I MRS J P irWaijAittfcifcaiiauufcajitfAi of a - -- Jjftf hdr n tTVv V jJfPX 3 v - 1 J 1 w r -- wm UPSTAIR sli DeQROFF COMPANYS UMititl S MiAAhkiKiXM A