The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 06, 1911, Image 1

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And On D i s p lay
A Large shipment
of Ladies Pumps
and Oxfords The
best assortment
that ever was
shown in the city
Dont miss seeing
these latest styles
Slippers for all pur
poses for everybody
You are invited to
see them
In Many Months Falls in This Sec
tion of Nebraska
Monday and Tuesday the first rain
of consequence in many months fell
all over this part of the state The
precipitation was mingled with some
snow at times and falling slowly soa
ed into the soil all practically be
ing conserved
This somewhat delayed rainfall
however is most welcome and puts a
brighter face on farming operations ii
Southwestern Nebraska
The total rainfall was
Youll have little trouble in finding
papers suitable for the rooms you
wish to paper this spring if you come
to us Our new 1911 stock is a sup
erb one including the most beautiful
creations produced
There are papers here in all grad
es and in all the latest colors and
designs the most desirable things foi
side walls ceilings and borders We
know youll be delighted with our
showing and we are anxious for you
to come in and see it Come wheth
er you are ready to buy or not No
one can offer you papers at lower
L W McCONNBLL Druggist
Stetson Hats 369
The difference between our cash
method of selling goods and the oth
er method is seen in the way we
sell Stetson Hats The genuine Jno
B Stetson hats for 309 in cash The
saving of 81 cents can be applied to
reduce the interest on the family
debt See us about it The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost Value
Beautify Your Home
by decorating your walls with McMil
lens new Artistic Wall Paper When
so desired will take sample books to
your home for selection of patterns
A McMILLEN Druggist
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agent Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
The Main Store On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
For Sale
Good Osage hedge posts in carload
Stella Neb
For Sale
Horses harness carriage buggy
and farm implements
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
Dry stove wood at Bullards
Farm land Inquire of Mrs
S E Christian Phone ash
3681 2
P E O Initiation
One of the most pleasant evenings
in the history of Chapter X P E O
was held at the home of the presi
dent Mrs Anna Schobel last Friday
evening March 31
This meeting served a two fold pur
pose To give the beautiful new homo
of the president a satisfactory house
warming and introduce to the mys
teries and initiate into the P E O
two novitiates Mrs Carrie Pade Mid
Miss Ada SKjclver The work of in
itiation was presided over with her
customary grace and dignity by ex
President of Chapter X Mrs Callie
Wilcox following which the hostess
and Mrs May Hanson served refresh
ments at tables placed in the club
room of the Schobel home
Here when the plates were emptied
and the fire leaped higher and brighter
in the grate at the end of the long
comfortable room the lights were
turned off and the chairs moved from
the tables that each might see the
beauty of the open fire Quotations
were indulged in by some reminiscen
ces by some and then unconsciously
silence that rarest of all accomplish
ments took hold cf each one A
deep toned clock from somewhere told
of the lateness of the hour and all
felt as they started homeward that
another evening of perfect understand
ing and mutual improvement had
been theirs and that new strength
had been given Chap X in the two
new members added that night
Thomas J Ruggles Passed to the Be
yond Monday Morning
Word reached here Monday morn
ing of the death of Thomas J Rug
gles in Indianola that morning after
an illness of some duration Burial
was made Tuesday afternoon in the
Indianola cemetery
T J Ruggles was an early settler
near this city where he lived until
a few years ago when he retired
from active farm life and moved into
Indianola He has been ailing for a
long while and death came as a re
lief from pain
The wife and daughters have much
tender sympathy from friends in Mc
Cook and this part of the county
Tom Ruggles was a rugged and
sturdy character such as developed
this west land
Experience has probably already
taught you how expensive it may be ta
have moths in the house Dont let
them feed on your furs and valuable
garments this year Use
liberally when putting away furs etc
Sprinkle in clothes trunks and all
other places where moths might work
mischief and you need have no fear
of damage from the pests
L W McCONNELL Druggist
A New Cafe
Mr Lasiris of Hastings is having
the former Smith restaurant on lower
Main avenue enlarged and complete
ly overhauled and renovated and will
shortly open therein one of the finest
restaurants in this part of the state
Mr Lasiris is connected with the fa
mous Greek cafe of Hastings The
Union Cafe and they propose to
furnish and equip their plant here in
splendid fashion
L rw r Silk
A handsome record it is making for
itself in sales and in service If you
buy any black taffeta silk without
seeing this recognized leader of them
all we will believe that you have
money to burn The Thompson D
G Co Utmost Value
Plan Spring Painting Now
It SHOULD have been done last
year It MUSi be done this year
By using Lincoln Pure Mixed Paint
you are assured of a lasting and sat
isfactory job
A McMILLEN Druggist
High Grade Stuff
We carry a liine of high grade lawn
hose and sell them at reasonable f
ures Also nice assortment of
Moth Killers The Effective Ones
L W McCONNELL Druggist
yiit OiHii
McCook Is the Logical and the Ideal Location for This
Great School
In Every Essential Particular McCook Stands Preeminent in the Terri
tory to be Served by This College
A meeting of members of the Mc
Cook Commercial club was held last
Wednesday and a committee was se
lected to go to Lincoln and present
McCooks splendid advantages for the
location of the Agricultural College
recently authorized by the Nebras
ka legislature
Messrs A Galusha J E Kelley
L W McConnell William Woods J
R Stansberry P Walsh F A Pen
nell F M Kimmell H P Waite
W II Mills Chas Skalla Lon Cone
C L Fahnestock Jeff Gallagher and
Frank Phillips were named and took
the night train for the state capitol
Last Thursday morning they met
with the State Board of Public Lands
and Buildings presenting through se
lected speakers its claims and advant
ages as a location for the proposed
and authorized school
These claims and arguments seemed
to make a very favorable impression
upon the board who will in due time
come to McCook and look over the
situation before making final decision
in the matter of location
Among some of the arguments ad
vanced by the members of the com
mittee were the following
A glance at the map of Southwest
ern Nebraska or a moments consid
eration of the territory embraced
within the lines drawn by the
lature west of the 99th degree of
longitude and south of the 41st de
gree of latitude establishes one of
the chiefost and unanswerable argu
ments why McCook should be desig
nated by the Nebraska Board of Pub
lic Lands and Buildings as the loca
tion for the Agricultural College
namely its geographically ideal and
logical location There is no great
er consideration It affords the great
est good to the greatest number
Properly assuming that the legis
latures wise purpose in appropriat
ing 100000 for an Agricultural Col
lege is the development of Southwest
ern Nebraska where conditions make
such assistance from the state es
pecially desirable McCook offers un
excellable attractions from this view
point being the conspicuous hub of
the greater portion of the large terri
tory to be thus served
As to Soil
McCook presents the widest possi
bilities for scientific and experimental
work to sn Agricultural College in its
broad diversity of soil in its avail
able Republican river bottom land and
adjoining upland embracing the ad
vantages of irrigation and dry land
cultivation and experimentation
Sugar Beets
In no section of the west does the
development of Sugar Beet culture
present more interesting study than
in the near vicinity of McCook This
is destined to become a prominent
feature in the intensive agriculture of
this part of Nebraska and deserving
and demanding all the schools can
add to the practical agriculturist is
a fruitful reason for the establish
ment of the Agricultural College at
McCook where so many and vital
problems are presented for solution
and development for this section of
Stock Raising
One of the specific purposes of the
bill is the development of the great
stock raising industry of Nebraska
And in this connection it need only
be cited that for more than a quarter-century
McCook has been the cen
ter of and a dynamic influence in
both thoroughbred and range stock
industry Some of Nebraskas great
est thoroughbred herds in several
breeds as well as a number of the
states largest ranches are intimately
tributary to this city where the state
and its scientific animal industry de
partment would thus have superior
and wide range opportunities to foster
and forward this princely member of
Nebraskas twin industry agriculture
and stock raising
Railroad Facilities
In this realm McCook stands eas
ily preeminent being the headquar
ters city of one of the greatest divi
sions on the Burlington system af
fording superior advantages in both
passenger and freight service a con
sideration not to be lightly weighed
in the important matter of the lo
cation of a state institution
Besides location soil sugar beet
culture stock raising railroad facili
ties etc McCook presents all the
ready made up-to-date advantages and
privileges of an up-to-the-minute mod
ern city Water works sewer sys
tem electric and gas plants church
privileges not to be overlooked in
considering a location of a state
school subject to expansion
Last Friday evening a most en
thusiastic meeting of members of the
McCook Commercial club and of in
terested citizens was held in the club
rooms The work covered by the
committee was gone over and a coursa
was mapped out for future activity
The following new committees were
appointed and the labor of presenting
McCooks case before the people and
the board of public lands and building
was placed in their hands with authoi
ity to do all needed work to accom
plish this desirable end the location
of the new Agricultural school in Mc
The executive committee appointed
consists of P Walsh Charles Skalla
F A Pennell F M Kimmell and L
W McConnell
Committee on Petitions
Chas Skalla chairman J R
Stansberry Wm Wood H G Phelps
F S Lofton C F Lehn C H Har
man I H Wasson W B Whittak
er Geo Willetts Frank Newbauer
C W McMillen F M Colfer Neal
Bealer P S Heaton Webb Allison
Chas Emerson J F Helm Don L
Thompson S D McClain Dr Hare
J A Wilcox H W Keys Indiano
la W T Henton Danbury Martin
Nilsson Marion Peter Foxen Dr C
L Fahnestock C E Eldred Joseph
Schobel W N Rogers Stephen Bol
les Marion Plummer Albert Berry V
H Solliday James McAdams Robert
Austin I E Doyle J M Weybright
C E Cone Thomas Thompson Wm
Continued on page 5
Ex Governor Shallenberger
Will be Here Saturday
Arrangements have been made with
ex Governor Shallenberger for a lec
ture in McCook in the very near fu
ture on The Benefits of an Agri
cultural College The ex governor
was deeply concerned iu the passage
of the measure authorizing a state ag
ricultural college for Southwestern Ns
braska and -having made a study of
the matter is well qualified to give ua
an instructive and enthusing address
The ex governor will appear here
under the auspices of the McCook
Commercial club and the date will be
announced at the earliest possible mo
A telegram from the
received this morning an
nounces that he will be here on
next Saturday April 3th and
will address the people of Mc
Cook and surrounding country on
the subject of The Benefits of
an Agricultural School
The governor is an expert ag
riculturalist and stock raiser and
his utterances will have weight
and instruction in them
Give him a crowded house
Remember the time Saturday
next and the hour 230 in the
afternoon and the place the
Temple theatre
o nlr in HHfiiiir i
We Sell
Simpsons Prints 5c Meritas table
oil cloth 15c Peerless Cartpet Warp
26c lb Best apron check Ginghams
GYzC Leatherwear yard wide silk
89c Holland Window Shades on
spring rollers 20c Smyrna Rugs 30x
60 for 125 Feather pillows 65c to
125 each Mens stout blue Over
alls with drill pockets 44c Childrens
Rompers 25c 39c 50c Childs ging
ham dresses 29c Silk waists 225
to 500 Yard wide muslin 5c Fine
cambric muslin 10c Stetson hats for
369 Yes theyre cash only The
Thompson D G Co Utmost Value
to bring prescriptions to us You
guard against both careless compound
ing and impure impotent drugs Our
prescription department is in charge
of an experienced competent gradu
ate pharmacist and our drugs are all
of proved quality and strength We
take no chances with poor drugs and
you shouldnt
No extra charge for our expert ser
vice and high grade drugs
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Nursery Stock
As usual we will have a car load of
nursery stock for sale after April 1st
Come to the greenhouse and look over
the stock Shade trees of all kinds
and sizes fruit trees that will bear
inspection also small fruit rose bush
es shrubs vines bulbs and green
house plants
Phone red 214
A Dead Man
The McCook Quick mail carrier
startled the city last evening by re
porting there was a dead man out
near Longview cemetery in the road
Several from town went to the scene
at once only to find an automobile
and a man temporarily dead to the
world perforce of having on board
too much tanglefoot
Mother Carty Buried Here
Wednesday morning on No 2 the
remains of Mrs Carty mother of Pet
er Carty for years yardmaster in Mc
Cook for the Burlington were broughl
here for burial Services were held
in St Patricks church Rev Patton
officiating after which the body was
interred in Calvary cemetery
Bought tne A R Clark Farm
Last week D W Colson closed the
deal transferring the A R Clark farn
on the Willow to A E Turner of Red
Cloud The price paid was 6000
This is one of the best farms in that
locality Well improved and under
Those 20c Shades
are good They are of good Shade
Holland cloth are mounted on spring
rollerswe furnish the sticks brackets
and nails with them what more do
you want The Thompson D G Co
Utmost Value
For Sale
Alfalfa hay Phone ash 3852
Subscribe for The Tribune
2 2 4 I4 I4 Z 4 4 4 4 4 J 3
The Tribune paper house has
an attractive stock of Easter
Fost Cards Ea ter Booklets
and Easter Novelties Some
handsome and tasteful articles
at very reasonahc prices
Eggs For Hatching
Good stock from best strains of
Barred Plymouth Rocks 3c each
2 per 100 Ash 1351 R F D No 3
or 4 Mrs J W Burtless
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo
or the unexcelled Barrington Hall
offees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
er pound
Indianola Goes Wet
The result of the city election in
Indianola Tuesday puts that city in
the wet column
Surrey for Sale
A Columbia rubber tired surrey in
good condition For information call
phone 5
ROOM FOR RENT Light and bath
415 1st street W Phone red 345
That your money be placed
where it is absolutely safe
where the financial resources of
the institution are large
where the management Is con
servative yet progressive
where you have confidence in
the men directing its affairs
men who have made a success
of their individual affairs
P Walsh President
C F Lehn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
M Loughran P F McKenna
Episcopal Palm Sunday Sunday
Sunday school at 10a m Usual serv
ices at 11 and S Three hours serv
ices on Good Friday
Bishop Beecher held a confirmation
service Monday evening at the Epis
copal church Six candidates were
presented by the Rev Mr Goldsmith
The bishop gave a very helpful talk
on christian character
A very handsome brass processional
cross has been provided for use at
St Albans church donated by the
Sunday school and friends It is a
beautiful piece of workmanship set
with three jewels
Congregational Morning subject
The Historical Christ Evening
Illustrated lecture on Passion Week
using stereopticon
Baptist Rev D L McBride an
nounces regular services at 11 and
S oclock and Sunday school at 10
Kimono Goods
Our line embraces all thats good
beginning with a soft challie in Per
sian designs at 7c embracing lDc
and 12c grades and exhibiting an
elegant variety of Serpantine crepes
34 patterns We also show the most
desirable made up kimonos and dress
ing sacques The Thompson D G
Co Utmost Value
For Sale
Hardwood posts seed corn seed
barley All first class articles Phone
ash 1354
Eggs for Hatching
Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White
Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply
mouth Rocks Finest quality Low
est prices Send for mating list
Palisade Nebraska
Marriage Licenses
Charles W Clark 41 Edith May
Ehbank 34 both of Denver Colo
rado Married by Rev L E Lewis
on Monday Afcril 3
House for Sale in McCook
205 5th st E For information ad
2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo
For Sale
Silver lace Wyandotte eggs at 50
cents a setting Phone black 201
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
For special on home made mince
meat see Magner
Nice clean cane seed for sale 1
per bushel Hans Hanson Box Elder
Nebraska 30 4t
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads tha