The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 30, 1911, Image 1

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And On D i s p lay
A Large shipment
of Ladies Pumps
and Oxfords The
best assortment
that ever was
shown in the city
Dont miss seeing
these latest styles
Slippers for all pur
poses for everybody
You are invited to
see them
Got There First
Huber the Main avenue grocer
got there first in the matter of
an auto delivery wagon and you will
notice that his choice fell upon the
famous and dependable I H C It
is a 20 hoise pvei machine ths lirat
one of its kind and excellence to be
owned this side of Lincoln and abso
lutely insures the promptest and most
accurate delivery of all orders left
with Mr Huber at any time
This latest purchase of Mr Huber
is in keeping with his up-to-date and
modern pushing methods Nothing
too good for him in his efforts to get
his goods to his custoirers in the
promptest safest and most accurate
manner A latest pattern auto de
livery wagon could turn the trick and
his choice naturally fell upon the I
And it is making good
Well Known Brands
We carry Simpsons prints for
5c Meritas table oil cloth 15c
Peerless Carpet Warp 26c Am
A grain bags 22c Leatherwear
Taffeta Silk 89c Stetson Hats 3G9
Smart Set Silk Petticoats 399
Eisendraths gloves Ferris Corset
Waists American Beauty Corsets etc
etc The Thompson D G Co Ut
most Value
McConnells Fragrant Lotion is a
positive preventive of all skin irri
tation that March winds often cause
Use it and be chapless Cooling sooth
ing daintily perfumed neither greasy
nor sticky Price 23 cents
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Baled Hay 1000
per ton at store This is high grade
prairie hay which has never been
wet A few tons left at this price
Wall Paper
from 5c per single roll up
A McMILLEN Druggist
Sv Jar I
We transfer
3our own in
dividual feat
ures i n t o a
charm i n g
photog raph
and we do it
well Our
are so true that
they seem to
smile People
who desire a
pleasing photo
graph come to
us Our artis
tic wogk the
prompt atten
tion we give and
our reasonable
prices attract
Next Door to Commercial Hotel
I I O 2 I I 2 5 5 J X X t C4
How often a person Avishes
they could get a nice pleasant
antiseptic mouth wash one thai
could he used freely -without
injury to the teeth We are
pleased to say that iu
we have assembled both these
5 good qualities besides many
others and in Lypturine we
have a nice appearing
tic preparation which is r
ially prepared for mouth wash
gargle spray tooth wash etc
Give it a trial if you want some
thing good 25c of
Special Church Notice
The Baptist people are very proper
ly enthused over the return to the
eastern Nebraska and who arrived
American Beauty Corsets
The climax of all corset perfection
is found in the American Beauty
Made in all desirable styles for slen
der and for stout forms of the be
or money refunded after four weeks
actual wear TheT hompson D G
Co Utmost value for cash only
We have just the kind of paint need
ed for porch floors paint that will
dry with the right finish and will
withstand the moisture and hot sun
All suitable colors in handy cans
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Queen Percale
The finest ever 20 patterns to se
lect from 1 yard wide S4 count
both ways Perfect in weave and fin
ish Queen in fact as well as in
name The Thompson D G Co Ut
most Value
High Grade Stuff
We carry a liine of high grade lawn
hose and sell them at reasonable fig
ures Also nice assortment of sprink
Kimonas and Dressing Sacques
We show these in Serpentine
Crepes in French Challies in soft
finished lawns etc from 50c to 200
The Thompson D G Co Utmost
We are headquarters for Cloth Craft
clothing advertised in the Saturday
Evening Post
Eggs For Hatching
Good stock from best strains of
Barred Plymouth Rocks 3c each
2 per 100 Ash 1351 R F D No 3
or 4 Mrs J W Burtless
Surrey for Sale
A Columbia rubber tired surrey in
good condition
phone 5
pastorate here of D L McBride the or- Starr
ganizer and first pastor of the church
whose labors for the past ten years
have been with churches in south-
I The Peoples Water Ticket
The Republican caucus assembled it
self in the court house last week and
proceeded with the labor of delivering
a city ticket There was evidence of
generalship and control exercised from
the rear corner of the room where
Councilmen Stansberry and Billy
Woods and City Attorney McCarl post
ed themselves with field glasses in
hands Out in front on the firing line
were Hons Starr Sara Dulaney Com
rade Underbill and Syl Cordeal The
skirmish began with nominations for
mayor Among those nominated wer
W B Whittaker by Fahnestock ex
Mayor Stephens by Starr W R
by Sam Dulaney Sylvester
Cordeal by W R Starr After
speeches by Hons Starr and Dulaney
and declinations for ex Mayor Steph
ens and by Hons Starr and Cordeal
on Monday of this week with his and after the chair had nut a motion
ily and goods and is already installed dosing nominations Candidate Wliit
in the parsonage and will conduct J taker was named for the honor Af
the services the coming Sabbath both ter that there seemed to be no trou
morning and evening The members Ue in settling on the other nominees
and all former friends of Pastor Mc
ride and family will be glad to read
H P Waite and L W McConnell
were easily and surely named for the
this notice A cordial invitation is ex- city council to succeed themselves
tended by the church to all friends Meanwhile the chair had appointed a
and the general public
is greatest in winter and summer
For winter we burn vitalit3r in sum
mer we wear it out
Spring and fall are mending sea-
getting your system in good condition
for the hot weather
committee on resolutions that ret
ed to prepare the partys bid for the
voters support viz the platform
This detachment filed off from the
field in a southeast direction with
the evident intention of getting in
the rear of the enemy and taking pos
session of their powder and ball The
sons Are you mending this storing battle wased Coi Starr carried him
self off the field and stood over by
the door as though retreating Cols
i Dulaney Underbill and Cordeal stood
will help you It is a blood builder their
ground through it allj evidently
and health mender Price 100
confidence in the sortie of
iu lutuunnju viuoiiL Uhe resolutions committee After all
4- ll n n1tlIilof Ar Iin rl linn - - I a n 4- l 1
uihj viuiuiuutis iiuu ucil xiuuiiuaicu
and speeches of acceptance applauded
there remained only the declaration
of principles for the candidates to
stand or run upon This was event
ually provided by the return of the
materials and workmanship Prices resolutions committee triumphantly
100 to 200 Satisfaction guaranteed bringing with them whole and entire
the thunder of the Peoples Water
Caucus which they had successfully
captured in their heroic sortie With
out a hitch or a break this platform
was slipped under the feet of the wail
ing candidates and the labors of the
caucus were complete
BUT VOTERS Do you think the
candidates of that caucus will hold
themselves even formally bound by a
platform adopted subsequently to
the nominations Heretofore those
same men have refused to be
bound by the unanimous man
date of the whole community
Will you send them back to
the city council to sit on the lid an
other two years It is a show down
this time Vote for McAdams for ma
yor and for Wm Middleton and H
C Brown for Councilmen
There is a word which Websters
Unabridged Dictionary defines as fol
lows a state of government or so
ciety where individuals do what they
please with impunity Hence Con
fusion It is not necessary that build
ings be burned or houses and stores
plundered the condition exists all
right if the sovereign will the man
date of the people be disregarded or
disobeyed McCook has seen some of
it in the past two years The sov
ereign voters recorded their mandate
as duly provided by law They did
all that is laid down No act was
omitted Their command was corn-
plete It was to the city council It
pay Yet we find the council men
upon whom this mandate was laid p
suming to use the following language
If after a careful consideration of the
entire question it shall seem for the
best interests of the city that a mun
icipal plant be installed at this time
the Republican candidates will be in
favor of its installation
Thereupon they proceeded for the
past tun years to do nothing to carry
out this mandate of the sovereign
power On the contrary we find them
very busy in concocting a new fran
chise for the old plant at a largely
increased rate for twenty years to
come When questioned in public
meeting as to why they had not sold
the bonds and built the plant they
answered weakly that they couldnt
sell the bonds and didnt think it the
right time to build and said in gener
al terms there were other reasons
besides By inference they didnt
think and do not think the right
time will occur within the next 20
years as they attempted giving the
right to own and operate the plant
to the same old company regardless
of the expressed will and decree of
the people to own and operate it for
Yet these are the men Voters of
McCook who ask you to return them
to the positions they have abused
that they may still further work their
own pleasure in place of doing the
commands of the sovereign people
Voters of McCook Let your re
buke be with no uncertain voice Let
your votes be cast for Jas McAdams
for mayor and Wm Middleton and
H C Brown for councilmen
These are the men who have led
the present indignant uprising of the
voters of McCook against the high
handed proposals of the present coun
cil and they may be trusted to do
the will of the people as laid down
by the people
Two years ago the people feared
the influence of the Water Company
pyith the city council as it would con
sist if the Republican candidates wer
elected They forced from the candi
dates Messrs Waite and McConnell
a written and signed statement which
was circulated by the candidates on
the 3rd day of April 09 in which
they denied the rumor that they pro
posed to extend the franchise of
the Water Co for 20 years or for any
other period
How does that agree witii their
veiy recent effort to give the old
Water Co a 20 year franchise
Jn that statement they declared
The Republican candidates are un
alterably opposed as they have re
peatedly said to the purchase of the
old water plant by the city If un
alterably opposed how can they now
well serve the people in the possible
purchase of the old plant at a fair
valuation New measures demand
new men They are on the shelf and
discarded by the march of events
New men are needed
Their statement further said in
black and white The city council
is equally without power to extend the
franchise of the present company at
this time the franchise now in ex
istence still having more than four
years to run Yet we see them in
less than two years coming to the
front with a new 20 year franchise
at a great increase in the price of
water How is that for faithfulness
Their card further said So far as
the ouesticn of rates is concerned
there is not now any proposition to
increase them What No proposi
tion to increase them Why At
that very minute the Water Co was
engaged in a tussle with the
city in the courts in which they
were contending for an increase
in the rates in Avhieh conten
tion the courts did net sustain
them but sent them back to pump
the water at the lCc rate They fail-
ordered the construction of a muni 1 ed tc convince tbe district court or the
cipal water plant It specified the j supreme court that they could not
cost it provided tne runus it lert run aL io
nothing to the council except the ex-
Thsy further said The
ercise of its business judgment in the nance fixing the 16c rate is in ex-
matter of the DETAILS of the enter
prise It was to be carried out with
reasonae dispatch and without post-
For information call ponement The sovereign will
If the gentleman that got the wrong
hat and overcoat at the school house
Tuesday night will call at The Trib
une office and exchange it will be
greatly appreciated
Shoes and good shoes at reasonable
prices at Diamonds Shoe Store 113
W B Street
posed of the principal matters of when
istence and has four years to run
and the Republican candidates are
net in favor of an increase in the
Well Fellow Citizens they said all
to build what to build how much to that but inside of twenty four monthi
we find them at the front with a new
franchise ready to hand it over to
the same old Water Co raising the
rate 25 on the people and extend
ing the Water Cos franchise for
20 years
Yet the people had recorded their
mandate Will we send them back foi
Continued on page 8
fe W JSgg0B0r
Our last Saturday sale was
so satisfactory we are going to
9ve you another opportunity of
saving money on articles for
the kitchen at 10 and 35 cents
Our windows will contain these
goods and it will be easy for
you to see how you can save
50 per cent to 75 per cent on t
any of these articles
v Zt
Saturday April 1st
Department Not Required
A fire alarm was sent in Monday
night from the Kendlen cottage on
2nd street west occupied by James
Steinmann and family but before the
department could reach the residence
anotherfphone announced that the fire
had been extinguished by the family
and it was not necessary for the de
partment to throw any water A higt
wind was blowing and it was danger
ous time for a fire so the end was
Nursery Stock
As usual we will have a car load of
nursery stock for sale after April 1st
Come to the greenhouse and look over
the stock Shade trees of all kinds
and sizes fruit trees that will bear
inspection also small fruit rose bush
es shrubs vines bulbs and green
house plants
Pbone red 214
Marriage Licenses
Marriage licenses since last report
George W Foreman 22 Bushnell
Neb Cora Lena Crirder 20 Hol
brook Married by Rev L E Lewis
Sylvanus Dunn 26 Freedom El
sie Biggs 1G Havana Neb Par
ents consent given for the bride Mar
ried March 23d by Rev R T Bayne
Make Monfcy Every Year
on your cows by using a good stand
ard make of cream separator De
Laval Sharpies Tubular and
Blue Bell are standard the world
over and when there is anything bet
ter these people will make it We
sell them
When the house looks all run down
and old there is nothing that will add
more to the improvement and decora
tion of it than some of those one
room patterns of wall paper on ex
hibit in McConnelPs wall paper room
Ferris Corset Waists
These recognized leaders of the Cor
set waist world are carried in stock
by us for children of all ages for
Misses from 12 years to 17 years and
for ladies 50c 75c and 100 The
Thompson D G Co Utmost Value
Pumps Windmills Pipe
Wells put down or repaired Your
work taken care of promptly and sat
isfactorily by
Rev Sturgeon is at the Methodist
church every night with a gospel mes
sage clear earnest and helpful to
every soul that will come You can
not afford to miss these meetings
Subscribe for The Tribune
I r I Z Z Z Z Z Z I
The Tribune paper house has
an attractive stock of Easter
Post Cards Eaier Booklets
and Easter Novelties Some
handsome and tasteful articles
at very reasonable prices
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo1
or the unexcelled Barrington Hall
offees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
er pound
Nice clean cane seed for sale 1
per bushel Hans Hanson Box Elder
Nebraska 30 4t
All grades of Oxford flour and
each sack guaranteed at the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
For special on home made mince
meat see Magner
Dry stove wood at Bullards
That your money be placed
where it is absolutely safe
where the financial resources of
the institution are large
where the management Is con
servative yet progressive
where you have confidence in
the men directing its affairs
men who have made a success
of their individual affairs
P Walsh President
C F Lehx V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
M Loughran P F McKenna
Christian Science The subject for
next Sunday morning is Unreality
Episcopal Fifth Sunday in Lent
Sunday school at 10 Holy Commun
ion and sermon at 11 Introit psalm
54 Confirmation class at 4 Even
ing prayer sermon and Story of the
Cross at S Monday April 3d Con
firmation service by Bishop Beecher
at S special hymns by the vested
choir Tuesday 730 a m Holy
Communion No service on Wednes
day evening or confirmation class
but a fu rehearsal of the Easter
music from 730 Altar guild meets
on Thursday April Gth with Miss
Julia Barnes
Baptist Preaching at 11 a m and
S p m Sunday school at 10
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
At Private Sale
Buffet dining table and
gas range rockers etc
For Sale
Hardwood posts seed corn seed
barley All first class articles Phone
ash 1354
Mens Spring Suits
A larger and better line than ever
is now on our tables We show very
desirable suits at 1350 Better ones
at 1500 1650 lSOO and 2000
We believe that we save you from
200 to 500 on a suit The Thomp
son D G Co Utmost Value
Eggs for Hatching
Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White
Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply
mouth Rocks Finest quality Low
est prices Send for mating list
Palisade Nebraska
What Kind of Seed
for your garden flower beds or field
whether in package or bulk dont
matter we can fill your order
House for Sale in McCook
205 5th st E For information ad
2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo
For Sale
Silver lace Wyandotte eggs at 50
cents a setting Phone black 201
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
If you want to buy a pair of shoes
that will wear and look good come to
Diamonds Shoe Store 113 W B