The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 23, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
Worlds Pure
Nothing Doing
The meeting held in the court room
last Thursday evening at request of
city council was fruitless for the
reason that the water company em
phatically declined to accept the new
franchise on the terms offered by
the council
At the appointed time a large con
course of citizens had assembled and
after the council was called to order
City Attorney McCarl announced that
he had in hand the draft of the pro
posed new franchise ordinance of the
council with the McCook Water Works
Co He stated at the outstart that
the water company had refused to ac
cept the ordinance as drafted by the
Mr Thompson suggested that as the
ordinance proposed was thus a dead
issue that no time be devoted to read
ing the ordinance but that another
live proposition be considered
It developed that certain gentlemen
of the city had filed that date with
the city clerk a proposal to pump the
water for the city at a stated price
The city attorney replied that the
council would later consider this pro
posal and take action accordingly
The council announced that they
would meet with the gentlemen mak
ing the proposal on Tuesday of follow
ing week
The council then adjourned
Another meeting of citizens follow
G E Thompson was made chair
man of this meeting
The proposal which appears else
where in full in this issue was dis
cussed at some length but no action
was taken
The general water works question
was further aired and discussed by
different citizens
After considerable discussion and
in response to a desire to do some
thing concrete and practical the fol
lowing named gentlemen were appoint
ed a committee to ascertain through
the city council the price asked by
the present company for its plant
Frank J Rolfe C G Budig and W
A Middleton
After which an adjournment was
Premer Ohlson
On Wednesday of last week March
-8 3911 Mr John Premer and Miss
Lottie E Ohlson were united in holy
matrimony at the hour of high noon
at the home of the brides parents
A J May officiating Miss Mabel
and Mr Ben Ohlson were the
-bridesmaid and best man Miss Ger
tie Premer playe the march while
the company marched from an ad
joining room to the parlor where the
solemn ceremony was administered
and congratulations were received A
large number of guests composed of
relatives numbering 30 were pres
ent to witness the occasion Immed
iately following the congratulations
the company was invited to the din
ing room where they were served a
magnificent dinner Bartley Inter Oc
Stenographers Wanted
Male and female for the United
States government for the field de
partmental Isthmian Canal and Phil
ippine service at an entrance salary
of 840 to 900 per annum An ex
amination will be held in the high
school building on April 4th by Mr
J M Shoemaker of St Paul Minn
Blanks and information may be se
cured from E J Brady the local sec
retary at the post office
Special Medicine for Kidney Ailments
Many elderly people have found in
Foleys Kidney Remedy a quick relief
and permanent benefit from kidney
and bladder ailments and from annoy
ing urinary irregularities due to ad
Tancing years Isaac Regan Farmer
Mo says Foleys Kidney Remedy
effected a complete cure in my case
and I want others to know it A
The wonder of bak
ing powders Calumet
Wonderful in its raising
powers its uniformity
its never failing results its
Won irfiil p -
It costs less than the hi c
trust brands but it is worth as
much It costs a trifle more than
the cheap and big can kinds
it is worth more But proves its
real economy in the baking
Use CALUMET the Modern
Baking Powder
At all Grocers
Rev Brown has taken up the work
on this charge for the remainder of
the year
Mrs Elsie Lytle entertained the
Misses Dorothy and Bessie Doyle Ed
ith Morey and Edith Lyttle after serv
ices Sunday morning
John Modrell and Miss Gladys Ran
dall visited Miss Lillian Doyle be
tween services Sunday
The second quarterly conference
was held at this place Sunday after
There will be preaching at the
church Sunday evening
Mrs Ben Lytle of Perry is visit
ing her sister Mrs F G Lytle
Mrs Clay Shepherd and daughter in
law Mrs Perry Shepherd Elmer
Shepherd and wife Mrs Cora Camp
bell and Mrs Nellie Peterson of Os
born visited Mrs T M Campbell on
Tuesday and attended quarterly con
Mrs Ben Lytle visited Mrs T M
Campbell Tuesday afternoon
Miss Frimmer of Thornburg is work
ing for Mrs S D Bolles
The subject of the Epworth League
lesson on Sunday evening will be A
Good Soldier 2 Tim 23 1 Tim
118 1 Tim 612 Walter Modrell
will lead
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filing
have been made in tho county clerks
office since our last report
Wm A Dolan et ux to Joseph
H McKiver wd ne1 nei
4-4-27 800 00
Laura E Starr et cons to Ab
raham Rankin wd 7 8 9
and 10 Indianola 600 00
Chas W Kelley et ux to Chas
X Turner wd pt sw4 ne4
29-3-29 1000 00
United States to Laura A
Smith Pat Lots 1 and 2
in 30-2-30 with other lands
in 31
C B Liver Co to Edward
Bros contract 1 meat re
Lucille L Blair et cons to
Emma Hacker wd se 11-4-30
150 00
1 00
Theresa Blair et cons to Moses
Carmoney wd 10 in 12 Mc
Cook 1000
United States to Michael Mad
den ipatent lot 1 in 2-4-28
Elwood D Clark et ux to Ches
ter W Dow wd 3 4 in 4
Cent Add Barttey 800 00
John E Kelley et ux to Laura
Layman wd Pt 5 in 30 Mc
Cook 180 00
Mrs A C Bartholomew was strick
en with paralysis in one side Sunday
Wm Hiersekorn is on the sick list
but is improving
D F Hupp met with a serious acci
dent Sunday evening while returning
home in his auto He turned a corn
er while running too fast the car
turning over twice Mr and Mrs
Hupp and his father were in the car
and were all badly shaken up and
bruised Dan and his father faring the
John Ferguson of Dorchester ship
ped a car of horses from here Tues
day night
M J Walters is now post master
of Lebanon post office
Tom and Wm Morgan and their
families attended the
wedding at Wilsonville Tuesday
H E Waugh returned Wednesday
from Hastings and other points in
If you have trouble in getting rid
of your cold you may know that you
are not treating it properly There
is no reason why a cold should hang
on for weeks and it will not if
you take Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy For sale by all dealers
The McCook Tribune It is 100
the year in advance
he Mayor and Council of the City of McCook
ie City of cCook will build a new municipal
i lans and jcilicaticns of qualified engine -
The Basic Principle ths Tendency of
Hot Airs to Rise
The wind like other things of every
day life rarely invites notice unless it
Is unusually high and rarely do we
hear the questions Why does the
wind blow Why doesnt the wind
What is this wind that rushes out
of the nowhere Into the here Why
should it blow at all or why some
times so gently and at other times
with the resistless force of the hurri
The wind could have no power It
could not even exist if the air had no
weight this weight having been shown
to be about thirty one grains for each
hundred cubic inches of air When air
is put in motion the effect is like that
obtained by throwing a ball against an
object The harder you throw the ball
the harder it will strike and the great
er the number of balls thrown at one
time the greater will be the force of
the blow When the wind is blowing I
It strikes what it blows against and
the harder it blows that Is the greater
the speed of the air the harder It will
strike against the resisting object
What causes the wind to blow or
why the air should be in motion is not
easy to explain Simply stated it is
caused by the tendency of hot air to
rise and thus to form a partial vacuum
into which tlu cooler sinonli air
rushes in much thi satin vw -
water will ill li d v nw utl - i
level If tln earth viv -ii
did not rotai i an I if ihcr
sun the air votild In nior
i it i
Vv I- 111
the sun shines dm a wiilc - n
earth the air of tit ivrii -
heated Ihis greai vohins - rri - i
rises and the liti c
ing air Hmvs in to like i A
the earth rotates ilieie ieinl to l
formed a ring of healed il ri ig r
with currents inflowing at tie l in on
and at both sides Tin the i oadi
tion that prevails near the eipiaior anil
causes the trade winds ihai blow so
steadily The roiaiion of ihe earth
causes the wind south of the equator
to flow toward the northwest and that
north of this line to flow toward the
southwest St Nicholas
The Doses That Mankind Swallowed
Thousands of Years Ago
It is admitted that the oldest medical
work known is the Ebers papyrus
discovered by Georg Ebers in his
journey to Egypt in 1S72 3 It is a
scroll twenty yards long and a foot
wide and has been studied and trans
lated by Von Oefele and reviewed by
Von Lippmann It was written about
luoO B C though some of the mate
rial of which it is a compilation dates
back to about 3700 B C
The medical substances mentioned
include copper once more costly than
gold and silver lead iron antimony
carbon sulphur salt soda gypsum
and other minerals milk fats from
many animals wax and -the horn
blood and other portions ot domestic
and wild animals castor and other
oils honey raisins grapes figs dates
wine beer linen flax lanolin papyrus
numerous resins caraway fennel dill
meliot watercress peppermint cori
ander lettuce endive absinth pome
granate calamus aloes safflower
crocus indigo henbane mandrake
opium and other plants and vegetable
In preparing drugs solids were grat
ed or powdered in a stone mortar
There were many processes of treating
them such as roasting baking press
ing steeping warming boiling in vari
ous substances macerating with lye
evaporating and fermenting with yeast
Liquids were filtered and clarified
Some recipes contain two or three in
gredients but others have as many as
thirty seven materials
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Subscribe for The Tribune 100
ater plant acct
md subject to i
we the mdersigned hereby offer and pioiise to take cha
o imping st ion o said plant and do all pumpii of water paj
fi uel labor oil waste packing and current repaiing of installed -
r pumps boilers and machinery for the sum of five 5 cem
p usand gallons for all water pumped and to operate said pumpii
pi ccording to the needs of the City of McCook up to the capacity o
t as installed or renewed or enlarged by the City from time tc
tin s the case may be Or if the city of McCook purchase the exist
ing ant of the McCook Water Works Co Ave will take charge as in tl
abf outlined case and do the pumping and have the same care as abo
outl 3d for the sum of seven 7 cents per thousand gallons
ttraordinary breakages of machinery or equipment of said pumping
stat caused by the elements or by the unlawful act of any person
or i rsons not in pur employ or unavoidable with the use of due car
and kill shall not be charged to the undersigned but be made good out
of the water fund of the city
The water pumped shall be measured by a meter at the entrance of
the mains or by other means agreed upon and payment therefor shall be
made monthly to the undersigned
We further offer in case the city prefers to advertise and let to the
best or lowest bidder to submit a bid for the said work at not over the
sum named in this proposal
We further agree in case the said contract is given to us to publish
at the end of each year the quantity and cost of all fuel labor and sup
plies used by us in the operation of the plant as well as the quantity of
water pumped
Signed this 14th day of March 1911
Filed March 16th 1911
E O VAHUE City Clerk
A Story of the Duke of Somerset and
the Artist Seymour
We have all heard of the proud
Duke of Somerset but we do not all
know of the occasion on which his
pride had a fall The story is told In
The Glenbervie Journals
It seems that the duchess had sent
for Seymour a celebrated painter of
horses to make the portrait of a race
horse at Petworth Seymour during
his stay used to dine In the stewards
room but one day the duke was so
pleased with the picture as it ad
vanced that he desired that he would
dine at his table
At dinner Seymour who probably
had not been expected to mix in the
conversation took occasion to say that
he believed he had the honor to be re
lated to his grace This gave such of
fense that he was either sent away or
put so much out of humor as to go
away from Petworth without finish
ing the picture
Afterward the dukes pride gave way
to the desire he had of possessing a
good portrait of his favorite horse
and he ordered his steward to write to
Seymour and engage him to return to
finish his work at Petworth
Seymour directed his reply to the
duke himself in these words Your
pride would not allow that I am of
your family To convince you that I
am your picture shall remain as it is
for by I wont come
Tribulations of the Famous
Just Like Henry
why do you cry
Epicure and Jurist
Brillat Savarin the author of The
Physiology of Taste was the abso
lute realization of the typical good
liver The French revolution confis
cated his property and removed him
from his office as civil judge He fled
to Switzerland and then to the United
States where he played a fiddle in a
New York theater to gain a living
His property was afterward returned
to him and he was made a counselor
of the supreme court an office he
clung to successfully through changes
of empire and kingdom His Physi
ology of Taste shared the fate of
many celebrated books It was re
fused by several publishers and even
tually was published at the authors
expense but without his name at
tached to it as he considered the na
ture of the work incompatible with his
judicial functions
It was Brillat Savarin who declared
that the discovery of a new food does
more for the happiness of the human
race than the discovery of a star
Monsieur the counselor a hostess
asked him one day which do jou pre
fer burgundy or bordeaux
Madame replied the judicial au
thority that is a lawsuit in which I
have so much pleasure in taking the
evidence that I always postpone judg
so Frau
The sight of Vesuvius reminds me
so of my poor bar Henry He too
was always smoking Fllegende Blat
We must laugh before we are happy
or else we may die before we ever
lnuch ni all La Bruyere
Calling a Bluff
Father 1 never smoked when 1 was
your age Will you be able to tell that
to your son Willie Not and keep
my face as straight as you do pop
Knowledge is more than equivalent
to force Johnson
Something special The Weeklv
Inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa
per 125 for one year Ask us what
t means
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
Odd but Effective Way of Attaching a
Mans Property
Attaching a mans property for debt
is supposed to be a legal process but
an incident which occurred years ago in
the city of Natchez as related by Davy
Crockett in his Life and Adventures
shows that there are other attach
ments which sometimes accomplish a
beneficent purpose
An odd affair occurred when I was
last at Natchez declared Mr Crockett
A steamboat stopped at the landing
and one of the crew went ashore to
purchase provisions He went into a
saloon on the way and the adroit In
mates contrived to rob him of all his
money The captain of the boat a de
termined fellow went ashore in the
hope of persuading them to refund
but they declined
Without further ceremony the cap
tain assisted by his crew and passen
gers some 300 or 400 in number made
fast an immense cable to the frame
building where the theft had been
committed Then he allowed fifteen
minutes for the money to be forth
coming vowing that if it were not
produced within that time he would
put steam to his boat and drag the
house into the river
The thieves knew that he would
keep bis word and the money was
promptly produced
Earl Kept His Head and
Highwayman Lost His
In Sporting Days and Sporting
Ways Ralph Nevili relates two inci
dents of the early nineteenth century
in which English highwaymen figure
In August 1819 Lady Stanley
traveling from York accompanied by
her servant was stopped by a high
wayman when the maid in her alarm
took up a bottle of ginger beer and
the cork flying out made such a report
that the highwayman instantly gallop
ed off in great alarm
Lord Berkeleys encounter with one
of the famous gentlemen of the road
had more serious consequences
Being driven over Hounslow Heath
he was awakened from sleep by his
coach being brought to a standstill
and a threatening face looking in at
the window
I have you at last my lord said
a gruff voice though you said you
would never yield to a robber Deliver
Certainly was the earls reply
but tell me first who is that looking
over your shoulder
The highwayman turned his head
to look and at the same moment Lord
Berkeley shot him through the head
The Lion of St Mark
The symbol of the Venetian republic
the famous lion of St Mark is made
of bronze There is a tradition among
the Venetian people that its eyes are
diamonds They are really white ag
ates faceted Its mane is most elabo
rately wrought and its retracted gap
ing mouth and Its fierce mustaches
give it an oriental aspect The crea
ture as it now stands belongs to many
different epochs varying from some
date previous to our era down to this
century It is conjectured that it may
have originally formed a part of the
decoration of some Assyrian palace
St Marks lion it certainly was not
originally for it was made to stand
level upon the ground and had to be
raised up In front to allow the evangel
to be slipped under its fore paws
The Very Oldest Inn
Which is the oldest inn in England
The title deeds of the Saracens Head
at Newark date back to 1341 and local
antiquaries cite documentary evidence
to prove that the Seven Stars at Man
chester existed before the year 135G
There Is even a legend that the wife
of Earl Godwin stayed at the Foun
tain at Canterbury in 1029 But what
are all these compared with the Fight
ing Cock at St Albans mentioned in
Old Country Inn and said to be
the oldest inhabited house in England
A few years ago its signboard modest
ly chronicled the fact that it had been
rebuilt after the flood
The Tree Frog of Paraguay
In the manner of disposing of their
eggs many species of frogs exhibit re
markable peculiarities A tree frog
native of Paraguay makes its nest in
a bush overhanging a pond The low
er ends of a number of leaves are
drawn together and fixed in that posi
tion by a number of empty egg cap
sules The eggs are also covered with
a shield of empty capsules to protect
them from the sun and air When the
eggs are hatched the plug at the bot
tom appears to fall out and the tad
poles tumble into the water
Out of His Class
Dissatisfied Patron Gentle disposi
tion Why he wants to bite the head
off every dog he meets Ive been
swindled Dog Merchant You didnt
ought to keep dogs at all mister The
animals you ought to keep wiv your
temperament is silkworms London
Strict Golf
You mustnt touch the ball Use a
How am 1 going to get it out of a
tnudhole with a stick Caddy go over
to the clubhouse and borrow a pair of
tongs Pittsburg Post
Howell He doesnt know much
Powell No he couldnt toll a dog
watch from a enckoo clock Ex
Knowledge and timber shouldnt be
much used until they nrs seasoned
The most common cause of insom
nia is disorders of the stomach
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets correct these disorders and en
able you to sleep For sale by all
Received on Account Pali
Out Cash Credit slips etc
for sale at The Tribune office Per
1000 50c
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
Teacher of
Piano and Organ
910 First Street West McCook Ne
to do Paper Hanging Light Car
penter Work and Inside Painting
Leave orders with C C Brown
at Ideal Store or at 910 1st St
West McCook Neb
handles the following
Canyon City Lump
Canyon City Nut
Maitland Lump
Baldwin Lump
Sheridan Egg
Iowa Lump
Rex Lump
Pennsylvania Hard
These are all coals of highest heat
producing qualities Give us your
orders they will be filled promptly
and to your satisfaction
S S GARVEY Manager
Phone 169
We now handle the best
grades of Colo and Penna
coals in connection with
our grain business
Give us a trial order
Phone 262
Real Easterday
Walter Hosier
Draying in all its branches
promptly and carefully attended
to Your patronage is earnestly
Phone black 244 Leave orders
at any of the city lumber yards
Osborn Kummer Co
All kinds of Hauling and Trans
fer Work promptly attended to
Your patronage solicited
OfflceFlrst Door South of DeGrofPs
Phone No 13
I Fire and Wind I
Written in First Class
Flour Feed Main av
White Line Transfer
Hawkins Sheaffer
Specialty of moving Household
Goods and Pianos Only covered
van in city Phone1 Office 68
residence red 456