The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1911, Image 2

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McCook People Give Credit Where
Credit is Due
People of McCook who suffer with
sick kidneys and bad backs want a
kidney remedy that can be depended
upon The best is Doans Kidney
Pills a medicine for the kidneys only
made from pure roots and herbs and
the only one that is backed by cures
in McCook Heres McCook testimony
Mrs M Cannony 310 E Fifth st
McCook Neb says Our exper
ience with Doans Kidney Pills has
convinced us that they are the best
kidney medicine to be had A mem
ber of our family suffered a great
deal from inactive kidneys This per
sons back pained him all the time
and often the misery was almost un
bearable Doans Kidneys Pills
brought relief as soon as they were
taken and continued use drove
away the trouble
M6ne3r carried on the person is
not safe Money loaned without
good security is not safe Money
rsked in speculation is not safe But
money deposited in the First Nationa
Bank is absolutely safe and will earn
4 annual interest for you
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
Mrs Glassburn and baby from Val
paraiso spent the week with her sis
ter Mrs Smith
J H Whitaker of McCook spent
several days at Ben Kings and at
tended Sunday school and called on
Mr Hoagland moved last week
from the Horace Taylor place to the
Windhurst farm
Mr McDonald and family from
Danbury were visitors at F C
Smiths on Sunday
Miss Hughes is boarding at Horace
Taylors now
The children are still much troub
led with colds
Mrs Taylor drove home from a
months visit to Freedom much ben
efited and improved in health
Charley Miller has moved onto the
Horace Taylor place
John Russell in his auto and Char
ley Miller with his team collided one
evening and the horses were con
siderably damaged3
County Assessor T A Bnsley of Mc
Cook was in town on business last
Martin Nilsson was a business vis
itor at the county capital last Thurs
Geo Bull of Fairview moved in
G R Shoreys property first of last
Miss Myrtle Sies closed a success
ful term of school in the Bethel Kan
sas district last week
W F Van Pelt was to Cedar
Bluffs one day last week and pur
chased a four passenger Reo auto
O A Harrisons moving picture
show at the school house recently
was well attended and appreciated by
Our bank believes in being up to
date and have recently installed a
No 9 special Burroughs adding ma
chine They invite any of their cus
tomers having long lists to total to
bring them in and get them added
on the machine
H W Parker and daughters from
northeast of Danbury visited W H
Eiferts Sunday
Dr and Mrs Bartholomew attended
the funeral of Mrs E E DeVoe at
Lebanon Monday
Several from here attended the
church services at Cedar Bluffs Sun
day morning and evening
Mr and Mrs A E Boyer and son
Ralph of Danbury were visitors at
John Matsons last Sunday
Alex Ellis of Gerver precinct was
on the market with a load of hogs on
County Superintendent Miss Bet
cher of McCook visited our school on
Mrs Thurston joi and daughte
and Miss Hazel Hughes visited froi
Friday until Sunday afternoon wit
Mr and Mrs D C Little near St
Edith and Darrel Lytle entertaine
at their home the Misses Dorothy an
Bessie Doyle and Gladys Randall anc
Walter and John Modrell after sen
ices at the church Sunday morning
Rev C C Hauxwell preached al
the church last Sunday morning anc
The Mite Society will meet at th
home of Mr and Mrs Will Randall o
Friday evening of this week
Rev L Cann will preach at tin
church next Sunday morning at 11
Topic for Epworth League lesson
Foleys Honey and Tar is the best next Sunday evening Numerous and
cough remedy I ever used as it quick- Dangerous Foes 1 Peter 211 1
ly stopped sevree cough thta had long John 216 Rom 723 1 Cor 927
troubled me says J W Kuhn of 1 Peter 58 Miss Bessie Doyle will
Princeton Nebr Just so quickly and
surely it acts in all cases of coughs
colds lagrippe and lung trouble Re
fuse substitutes A McMillen
McCook Tribune S100 a year
be the leader Everybody invited to
come and bring a Bible
Will sell or let out to the right
party the well known stallion Har
ry Russell 219 See R M Os
The Mail Man Telephones
Im bringing out a registered package and I
wanted to make sure youd be there to sign for it the
rural mail carrier telephoned to one of the farmers on
his route
Government employes are great Bell Telephone
users because they have been taught the necessity of
doing work quickly and systematically
You too will find that when you want to get
something done in a hurry you can depend on the local
and long distant Bell Telephone service
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
Lumber and Coal
Phone No i
The Change That Was Wrought
The little man was explaining to his
audience the benefits of physical cul
ture Three years ago he said I
was a miserable wreck Now what do
you suppose brought about this great
change in me What change said
a voice from the audieuce There was
a succession of loud smiles and some
persons thought to see him collapse
But the little man was not to be put
out Will the gentleman who asked
What change kindly step up here
he asked suavely 1 shall then bo
j better able to explain Thats right
TJien grabbing the witty gentleman
by the neck When I first took up
physical culture I could not even lift a
little man Now suiting action to
word I can throw one about like a
bundle of rags And finally he flung
the interrupter half a dozen yards
along the floor I trust gentlemen
that you will see the force of my argu
ment and that I have not hurt this
gentlemans feelings by my explana
tion There were no more interrup
Two Collars on a Dog
Having bought a dog that he admir
ed a man undertook to buy a dog col
lar The dog had a neck nearly as big
as his head and the dealer advised the
man to buy two collars
What for said the man Hes
only got one neck so I guess he can
get along with only one collar cant
Maybe so said the man so the
man went away leading the dog by his
new collar and chain In less than a
week he brought the dog back
Im afraid I cant keep him he
said He is too obstreperous I cant
keep him tied up His neck is the big
gest part of him and he is as strong
as an ox therefore it is a cinch for
him to slip his collar off
That was why I wanted you to take
two collars said the dealer Put
both on and fasten the chain to the
back collar and he can tug away all
night without getting loose He may
commit suicide but he won t get
loose New York Sun
Disappointed In Her
And so your father refuses to con
sent to our union
He does Rodolphus
The sad youth swallowed a sob
Is there nothing left for us then
but an elopement said he
The girl was fond but firm
Do you think Clementine that you
could abandon this luxurious home
forget all the enjoyments of great
wealth banish yourself forever from
your devoted parents hearts and go
west with a poor young man to enter
a home of lifelong poverty and self
I could Rodolphus
The sad youth rose wearily and
reached for his hat
Then said he you are far from
being the practical girl I have all
along taken you to be
And with one last look around on
the sumptuousness that some day he
had hoped to share he sobbed and said
farewell Brownings Magazine
Had to Take His Own Medicine
George Barr McCutcheon was wait
ing for a train In Chicago and uJ he
passed through the station he saw one
of his latest best sellers displayed on
the newsstand counter He picked it
up wrote his name on the fly leaf
and handed it to the boy behind the
counter He was moving away when
the boy called excitedly
ney mister come back here Youve
got to buj this book cause youve
spoiled it by Avriting your name in it
Yes but did you see the name the
author asked
That dont make no difference the
lad insisted nobodyll want to buy
it now
And hearing his train called Mr
McCutcheon was forced to pay real
money for one of his own books Suc
cess Magazine
Teacher Now boys I want to see if
any of you can make a complete sen
tence out of two words both having
the same sound to the ear
First Boy I can Miss Smith
Teacher Very well Robert Let us
hear your sentence
First Boy Write right
Teacher Very good
Second Boy Say Miss Smith I can
beat that I can make three words of
it wright write right
Third Boy excitedly Gee Hear
this wright write rite right
Teacher thrown off her guard
Whew Topeka Journal
Wanted It to Show
A rich old farmer once had his por
trait painted When the portrait was
finished the old farmer looked at It
shook his head and said to the artist
Very good Very good indeed But
there is one fault that you must rem
edy Please make the right side of
the chest bulge out That is where I
carry my wallet
The Sad Part-
Doesnt it make you sad exclaimed
the member of the Audubon society
to see women wearing on their hate
the feathers of the poor little birds
It isnt the feathers that make me
sad replied the practical married
man Its their bills Philadelphia
Collected Some Alimony Also
She This is Mauds third husband
and they all bore the name of William
He You dont say so Why the wo
man is a regular Bill collector New
York Times
It is a great evil as well as a mia
fortunc to be unable to utter a prompt
and decided no Simmons
uaattoM5S52 -
Tin C
cenii n
Mute in
taphs are
envious of
He finds
es the siii
the restiess sJ
ii espondent
for schoolboy
i few examples
iiion these
i writer who was
iMijr poet orient
ii iii stones express-
idiii is Wordsworths
om i hat all day long is
heard Calvin was a noted scientist
and peer who died lately Naples is
an independent state in the north of
India Shakespeare made a mistake
in mentioning Galen who did not live
until a hundred years after his time
Tiie feminine of fox is foxhen John
Burns was1 tie name of one of the
claimants to the throne of Scotland in
the reign of Edward I The pyramids
are a range of mountains between
France and Spain The three highest
mountains in Scotland are Ben Nevis
Ben Lomond and Ben Jonson Wolsey
saved his life by dying on the way
from York to London When the Eng
lish first landed in Australia the only
four footed animal in the country was
a rat Monsoons are fertile gorges be
tween the Himalayas
When Bjornson Died
Bjornsons son in describing the last
hours of his father writes Now and
then the bright flame of his humor
flickered up The doctor felt his pulse
and said it was good With his face
beaming with humor he turned toward
us and said I am the first man to die
with a good pulse He said one even
ingand it seemed as if an old wise
man was speaking with the weight of
experience Now I could write yes
now I could write for I have been in
the realms of death and have felt the
pain that attends death And when
all of us thought that the indifference
of death was upon him my mother
who always gave him his food which
he would receive only from her stood
at the bedside with a brooch on her
breast which she had worn at her con
firmationthen he opened his eyes and
looked at her He smiled lifted his
hand and touched the brooch This
l was the last sign to the outer world he
was able to give
A Cold Ride
All through his life Senator Dolliver
of Iowa had a horror of fast trains
and possible railroad wrecks Once he
was on a train with Vice President
Dolliver awoke in the middle of the
night and it seemed to him that thn
train was going at terrific speed He
climbed out of his berth and arrayed
only in his pajamas started down the
length of the train to find the con
ductor and ask him to order the train
run at less speed It Avas a cold night
but the senator did not mind that until
the door of his car snapped shut and
locked behind him and he found that
the door of the next coach was also
locked He rode sixty five miles locked
out in the cold of the vestibule before
he could wake up anybody to let him
in Mr Fairbanks finally heard his
cries for help and rescued him New
York Tribune
Necks and Legs of Animals
With few exceptions there is a mark
ed equality between the length of the
necks and of the legs of both birds and
quadrupeds and whether they be long
or short is determined chiefly by the
place where the animal must go for
its food This is especially noticeable
in beasts that feed constantly upon
grass in whicli case the neck has just
a slight advantage in that it cannot
hang perpendicularly down Croco
diles lizards and iish have practically
no necks Fowls that feed in the
water also offer an example of this
correspondence between the members
with the exception of swans and geesG
and some Indian birds which gather
their food from the bottom of pools
and must have long necks for that pur
pose while the short legs make it
more convenient for them to swim
Dietetic and nygienic Gazette
A Story Pepys Tells
Pepys tells in his diary that in the
reign of King Charles II a customer
bargaining with a London merchant
for claret hired a confederate to thun
der which he had the art of doing
upon a deal board and to rain and
hail that is make the noise of so as
to give them a pretense of undervalu
ing their merchants wines by saying
this thunder would spoil and turn
them which was so reasonable to the
merchant that he did abate two pis
tolls per tun for the wine in belief of
A Mighty Difference
Brougham used to tell an anecdote
about the flight from Waterloo Na
joleon was greatly depressed His aid
riding beside him thought he might be
sorrowing over the loss of so many old
comrades at arms and tried to comfort
him by saying that Wellington also
must have lost many friends He has
not lost the battle was the reply
Utterly Useless
Pa what is a futile remark
The one a man makes for the pur
pose of changing the subject when his
wife complains because he has for
gotten their wedding anniversary
Chicago Record Herald
She Was Wise
I asked Miss Jimps to sing some
thing and she refused point blank Is
she grouchy
No Shes trying to make a hit
with you Cheer up Toledo 213e
A Sound Reason
Mistress Didnt you hear me calling
Jane Jane Yesm but you told 23c
the other day never to answer yes
back Throne and Country
Whatever enlarges
courage JohEson
hope will exalt
Mrs Rida Drath and children from
west of Chicago came Thursday and
are visiting at the S W Stilgebouer
C A Pickering the deputy of the
Grand Master Workman lodge was
here Thursday on business
A E Bower lost a valuable horse
Wednesday night
An Iowa editor recently printed in
his paper that if the rain didnt stop
before long everything in the ground
would be peeping out An old sub
scriber reading the prognostication
went out in the back yard and dump
ed another load of rock on the grave
of the family cat
W A Stone was a Lebanon visitor
Thursday evening
M M Young is on the sick list this
The Christian Endeavor had a so
cial at the R W Green home Thurs
day night
The next band concert will be on
April fifteenth
T S Roop left Tuesday for a visit
in Denver
Mrs Earl Peacock of Wilsonville
spent a few days with her mother at
this place the first of the week
The east bound passenger is due in
here at 434 oclock
N L Ruby moved in the L Cann
place Wednesday
The moving picture show in the
hall Saturday night was well attend
ed and a nice program rendered
J A Gruber who lived on the Dan
Logan place packed their belongings
and left Tuesday for Palmer Neb
O B Woods left Tuesday evening
for Lincoln on business
Floyd Ressler of Wilsonville was
up Friday on a business trip
Tom Relph of Cedar Bluffs Kans
was in town Friday in his auto
There was a surprise party on Miss
Christine Ashton Friday night A fine
time reported
A number of the young people at
tended the social at Jas Logans on
Saturday night
The band gave an open air concert
on the street Saturday afternoon
Miss Edna Henton visited relatives
in Beaver City Wednesday
1 1 i1 mi iii i i i inii
Large and Small Jobs
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Lincoln Sanitarium
Sulpho Saline Springs
Located on our own premises cuad km
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed In the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Idmr
Mocferata Ciurgci Aiitux
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hek
CURES and Purifies the Blood
Opportunities On the Burlington
The new lines of railroad now un der construction in Wyoming offer
great opportunities for farmers and others for homebuilding
The conditions and surroundings are very favorable for a new country
and the new railroad brings transporttion to the very doors of the new
You can buy deeded land homestead Government irrigated homesteads
3r file on land under the Carey Act gettig desirable irrigated land on
Iery easy payments at from 4500 to 5000 per acre or you can home
stead free lands that cannot be irrigated in 320 acre tracts
SEND FOR LITERATURE Send for our free literature with large
maps telling all about these lands Let me know what particular class
of lands you are interested in W rite today
D Clem Deaver General Agent
1004 Farnam Street OMAHA NEB
rrpTlfliVniVVynriryrffrrnrf1Tyfffii jl i t ft 1 1 1 1 i i yi m hVfl j
V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNsVice Pres
E A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
V Franklin A McMillen R A Green
G H Watkius Vernice Franklin
MWlL 1illtl 111 i ilfMtiiAntnnmJi
ft TilE ftlCUJ UAV f MHM0 M 1ST 1
iiiLiikiri it hi m oimminuHitHa
By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone
through the salt it will be thoroughly smoked will have a
delicious flavor and -will keep solid and sweet and free from
Insects through the entire summer
Wright9 s Condensed Smoke
Us a liquid smoke and contains nothlnjr excent what Is obtains
by burning hickory wood It is put up in square quart bottles only each with a
metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat
280 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask
druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine
- i
WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas Citv Mo
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The McCook Tribune 1 per Year