The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 09, 1911, Image 1

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I i
See our
Work Shoes
We have a
number for
350 guar
ranteed six
F S Wilcox Tops Market With
Steers From McCook Nebraska
F S Wilcox a successful feeder
and farmer of McCook Neb was on
the market today with five cars of
sood fat beeves that sold well The
shipment consisted of 9G head steers
weighing 1312 pounds that brought
635 top price for the day They
were bought by the New York Butch
ers Dressed Meat Co and will be
shipped to the metropolis alive St
Joe Stockman
Special Announcement
I wish to announce to the public
that every shoe in the place is made
up specially for me in the latest style
by some of the best shoe manufac
turers in the country and though they
are shipping them in as fast as they
are made up they are not all in yet
but there are enough shoes in to
satisfy every customer who wishes to
buy good shoes Every pair is
guaranteed Diamonds Shoe Store
Sam Diamond proprietor Our grand
opening will be announced in the
near future
Leatherwear Silk
We have good news for wearers
of silk We have secured the hand
ling of the unequalled black taffeta
Leatherwear a 36 inch silk as
heavy as strong as lustrovs as any
to be found at 125 We have pre
pared for a regular and constant sup
ply of this silk and shall put it out
over our counter at 89 cents a yard
One glance at this silk will make you
an enthusiastic friend of it Please
call and inspect it The Thompson
D G Co Utmost Value
American Hog Fence
is made of hard stiff strong wire
heavily galvanized Accept no sub
stitute which is claimed to be as good
Pounds per rod is what makes fence
value and you get your moneys wort
when you buy American fence
The Only Union Made
overalls in the city are the Carhart
Huber is the exclusive agenL Also
jackets and caps The phone is 97
For Sale
Silver lace Wyandotte eggs at 50
cents a setting Phone black 201
Rexall 93 Hair Tonic Prevents It
Wall Paper
from 5c per single roll up
A McMILLEN Druggist
Subscribe for The Tribune
McConnell for drugs
Pure Gold flour from winter wheat
at Magners
For special on dill sour and sweet
pickles see Magner
Drink Wedding Breakfast coffee
and be happy At Hubers only
gto l 4 -
Seven Cases Considered by Judge
Munger Six Cases Nolled
March term of federal court conven
ed here Monday with Judge T C
Munger presiding Other officers
present were G H Thummell clerk
of U S circuit court R C Hoyt
clerk of XJ S district court A W
Lane deputy U S district attorney
Wm P Warner IT S marshal
The case against James Pontius for
mailing unmailable matter came up
on motion to quash the indictment
The court granted the prosecuting at
torney for the government ten days t
file brief on the motion and the de
fendant ten days to file his an
The six perjury cases against
Messrs Sullivan Stratton and Kerr cl
Hayes county the perjury charges be
ing made in connection with alleged i
legal proving up on government land
were nolled There were two cases
against east of the parties
There are however still pending
in the federal court conspiracy cases
against these defendants in connec
tion with the same matter
Court adjourned Monday evening
Like Ex Governor Shallenbergers
H P Waite is now the owner of
one of the famous I H C 30 auto
mobiles a 30 H P touring car sold
him this week by J P Crouse and
delivered in McCook yesterday
Messrs Crouse and Waite went down
to L coln Sunday to look over this
make of cars now attracting so much
attention The result was as above
stated A carload was early in the
week delivered at Holdrege and Mr
Waites car came overland from that
point yesterday It made the heav
iest grades between here and that
point with a 1200 pound load with
utmost ease
Ex Governor Shallenberger bought
a similar car a week or two since
Large Audience Greeted Them
The House of a Thousand Candles
drow a line audience last Thursday
evening notwithstanding it was a sec
ond appearance within about a year
of this play All around the company
gave as good satisfaction as the first
company giving it here barring Bates
who however gave a fine rendering
of the butler just the same
I Would Like to See You
I would iike to see all those who
are Intriosted In foolwear at my
former place 115 B street Though
the stock is not all in yet at the
same time I would like to have you
sco those sores that are in before
you buy H so where
About Dumping Grounds
The city authorities should certain
ly make an example of those who are
dumping refuse within the city lim
its or along roads leading into this
city The habit is a dirty and un
sanitary one and should be promptly
and sternly frowned upon
For Rent Rooms
Modern desirable rooms for light
housekeeping or office in Electric the
atre building and over our store
The Main Store
On the Main Street
If it is the freshest and best in gro
ceries fruits vegetables etc you
seek look no further than Hubers
Choice Baled Hay
at 1000 per ton at store
New Idea Gas Ranges
now on display at McCook Hardware
Cos The best yet in gas stoves
Subscribe for The Tribune
Bullards have dry stove wood
For special on home made mince
meat see Magner
The absorbing question is the pro
posed irrigation project northwest of
Hubers coffee cannot be beat
Coffee from 15 cents to 35 cents
and Wedding Breakfast heads the
There was a social in the Congre
gregational church Tuesday evening
by the children of one of the Sunday
school classes
at ISC
Mens Spring Suits
We are showing the handsomest
suits for 2000 1800 1650 1500
and 1350 that can be supplied for
those prices by any method of mer
chandising Cash buyers are ask
ed to inspect them The Thompson
D G Co Utmost Value
Eggs for Hatching
Buff Orpingtons Rose Comb White
Leghorns and Ringlets Barred Ply
mouth Rocks Finest quality Low
est prices Send for mating list
Palisade Nebraska
House for Sale in McCook
205 5th st E For information ad
2317 Evans St Cheyenne Wyo
Warm Weather Cooking s
will be easily done if you prov e
yourself with a Perfection Oil stove
Quality and price courtesy and
promptness in delivery are making
for success at the McCook Flour and
Feed Store
McConnellR Balsam cures cougbs
r ifp fill i
In the Debate in the McCook High School Auditor
ium Saturday Evening
Teams Were Enthusiastically Supported by Admiring Friends
McCook Disappointed but Undaunted
The debate in the McCook high
school auditorium last Saturday eve
ning between teams from the high
schools of Indianola and McCook re
sulted in a decision for Indianola
The subject debated was Resolved
That the policy of maintaining the
United States navy at its present
strength is preferable to the policy of
substantially increasing it
For Indianola Wilbur Plourd Fern
Hedges and Roxie Rollins were the
McCook was represented by Mau
rice Benjamin Cecil McMillen and
Joseph Moore
McCook affirmed Indianola upheld
the negative side of the question
The judges were Supt C W Mc
Michael Holdrege Supt P B Bent
ley Alma Supt C L Anderson Ox
The decision was unanimous
It was a fine debate in the best
of good feeling and spirit and Mc
Cook can have but one regret name
ly that her excellent team did not
receive the decision They gave a
splendid account of themselves
The Good Roads Movement Chrystal
izes Into a Local Association
In harmony with the general move
ment in this part of the state a
good roads association for Red
Jow county was formed last Friday
evening n the McCook Commercial
club rooms P Walsh of the McCook
National bank was made its president
and J E Ludwick secretary Other
officers and committees will be an
nounced as needed
The association will push along the
movement in this county so far as
its ability will reach and will act in
conjunction with the Southwest Ne
braska Good Roads association in pro
moting the proposed Colorado-Nebraska
highway which is intended to con
nect Denver and the west with Lin
coln and Omaha in our own state
Elect New P E O Officers
The P E O society spent a de
lightful evening meeting in regular
session at the home of Mrs G L Bur
ney Monday evening March 0
Officers for the ensuing year were
installed by Mrs Harriett Willetts
the retiring president The present
roster is
President Mrs Anna Schobel
Vice president Mrs Ida Burney
Recording secretary Mrs Edna
Corresponding secretary Mrs Kate
Treasurer Mrs Alice McMillen
Chaplain Mrs Agnes Meeker
Guard Miss Maude McMillen
Journalist Miss Mary Powers
Indianola may well feel proud of her
team of debaters and The Tribune
heartily congratulates our neighbor
and her worthy winners
Francis Colfer was chairman of the
meeting Fred V Archer of the Mc
Cook high school faculty was time
Piano solos were offered with ap
proval by Mrs W B Mills air W
J McGillin Mr Ray Jordan
The affirmative side displayed some
carefully prepared charts in support
of their contention
Both teams were well supported
by their respective student friends
McCook high rooters being especial
ly numerous and vociferous with
songs and school yells
Trenton Won From Culbertson
The Culbertson Trenton debate took
place at Trenton last Saturday night
Trenton winning the decision Thus
for lihe western part of this district
it will be Trenton and Indianola for
it the winning team to be decided at
a later contest
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
The Edwards Bros Meat Market Has
A Close Call
About midnight Saturday the Ed
wards Bros meat market on lower
-Main avenue was discovered to be
on fire and an alarm was promptly
sent in and responded to In a few
minutes water was playing on the in
cipient blaze and was quickly check
ed wjith but small damage most of
the loss being from smoke and water
Origin of the fire seems to be un
Our new spring stock of wall paper
will certainly delight people of good
taste Such delightful designs and
colorings were never before shown
See these papers while assortment is
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Moose Will Caper
A dance will be held by the Order
of the Moose SLPatricks Day in
the evening March 17th in the Arm
ory hall Good music Tickets 75c
You are everyone invited
Exclusive Agent Exclusive Coffee
Huber is exclusive agent in McCoo
for the unexcelled Barrington Hall
coffees Priced at 20c 25c and 35c
per pound
T L Sexton who officiated at the
wedding of Adair Galusha Monday
was the clergyman who married the
young mans parents
All of Oxford flnur anJ
each saok guarantcpri ai rli MrCnnV
Flnur irnJ Fwd 5tort
Remember Sunday school at the
Baptist church next Sunday
The McCook Tribune
the year in advance
111 i H lpiff
It is 100
Considerable Stock Has Already Been
Sold and Prospects Look Bright
Considerable attention is being di
rected to the new automatic coupling
device patented by our citizens Mr
Joseph Sullivan and his son Charles
phfs patent bears the date of De
cember 27th 1910 but little or no
publicity has been given the matter
until this time
These gentlemen are now disposing
of stock to further the promotion of
this patent and are meeting with con
siderable success in this city Al
ready several hundred dollars worth
have been disposed of and others
wjho have faith in the outcome of
the life and labor saving device are
arranging to invest Shares are now
being sold at 5 each and it is con
templated to issue 150000 at this
time and later the sum will be in
creased as demand arises
Railroad men who have investigat
ed the device are quoted as believ
ing the same will be a practical one
and the more enthusiastic ones are of
the opinion the device will be a
great money maker
It is proposed in the near future to
place the device on freight cars and
give it a tryout in a practical test
preliminary to putting the same in
work on some big foundry and shop
The model is on exhibition at Ro
zells clothing store
Opening New Goods
We are very busy with the new
goods We have time to say briefly
that we can surprise you with our
values While some cotton goods are
higher a fraction we shall supply all
Columbias etc at 5c Yard wide
muslins at 5c up to 12 c Best ap
ron ginghams 6c yd Best table
oil cloth at 15c yd Peerless carpet
warp at 2Cc lb American A 2 bu
gcain bags 22c Mens good stout
blue overalls and jackets for 44c each
the kind you pay 75c for in other
stores Mens shoes 190 to 300
Ladies shoes 165 to 350 Boys
and girls shoes 75c to 250 Boys
2 piece suits 175 to 500 Rompers
25c to 50c Wide sheeting 23c to 30c
Leatherwear 36 inch heavy taffeta
silk for S9c yd Mens suits 650 to
2000 Stetson hats 360 We so-
Will Open Next Week
The Edwards Bros meat market is
being thoroughly overhauled and will
nexti week some time be ready for
necssitates serious thought as to who
shall prepare the medicines Our
entif ic service and druss insure
I Pure
By an unusual coincidence the Rev
correctly compounded effective reme
dies when prescriptions are brought
to us
L W McCONNELL Druggist
The Cause
The lack of electric light service Preset
itor a while Wednesday night was
occasioned by the blowing out of the
gasket on the header valve of one of
the boilers Steam was soon gotten
up in another boiler and service re-
Sweet Clover Seed
For special on sauer kraut by the We can supply you with any amount
gallon see Magner you want Many will want to try
some this year and we would
McConnells Balsam for coughs 25c clate yur order for what you need
so we can have it ready for you
Dry stove wood at Bullards McCOOK HARDWARE CO
That your money be placed
where it is absolutely safe
where the financial resources of
the institution are large
where the management is con
servative yet progressive
where you have confidence in
the men directing its affairs
men who have made a success
of their individual affairs
P Walsh President
C F Lkhn V Pres
C J OBrien Cshr
J J Loughran P F McKenna
The Water Works Question Will
Considered Tomorrow Night
Responsive to a largely signed pe
tition a meeting of McCook citizens
has been called to assemble in the
court house tomorrow Friday even
ing at eight oclock to consider the
the best prints Simpsons Americans water question
It is rumored the company will ap
fply for a new franchise soon before
the city council and that the rate
will be materially increased under the
proposed franchise
This is the matter to be considered
at this meeting which should interest
every citizen
Methodist Morning subject next
Sunday The Wonder of Gods Plan
Evening A System Completed
This service both in music and ser-
mon has been planned for railroad
licit your inspection of our new goods men and all railroad men their wivei
The Thompson D G Co Utmost val and families are especially invited to
ues for cash only
Married in Lincoln
Miss Isabel E Armstrong of this
attend A railroad system completed
perfect in all its departments is an
ideal worthy the greatest mind
city and Adair Galusha of McCook Rev Alfred Sturgeon of St Joseph
were quietly marritd at high noon i Mo has been secured to assist in re
yesterday at the Lincoln hotel in the i vival meetings at the M E church
apartments of the brides uncle and J and will begin his work March 26th
Chicken Money aunt Mr and Mrs A H Armstrong Rev Sturgeon is a man of wide exper
easy money if you use an Old Tne Rev- T Sexton officiated a ience a clean clear preacher of the
ty Incubator and with the present sma11 company of relatives being j word You will be pleased to hear
nrino nf Vn non ctorf niD n present to witness the ceremony Mr r him
Mrs- Galusha left in the after
Let 01dand
us supply you with an
Trusty at factory prices noon for McCook where the groom is
McCOOK HARDWARE CO engaged in buisness Mr Galusha is
la son of ex Secretary of State A
First Sunday in April
Rpv AInRriflp thp now nns
jlusha Wednesdays Lincoln Journal
The young people arrived in Mc-
Episcopal Sunday March 12 Sun
day school at 10 Usual services at
11 a m and 8 p m Confirmation
class at 4 p m Wednesday Chil
drens service at 330 Confirmation
Cook- tneir future home laSt night daSS at Ev
tor will arrive here nn March 28th
Evening services at
t on 3 Congratulations I CI oir rehearsal at 8 The con-
church his former church on the j
frist Sunday in April which will be
April 2nd
firniauon will hi even
ing ApI 3rd Cnwjcation on May
10th Vce sume of tia new
church leaflets for distribution among
your friends Make good use of the
business The building is being given box for questions just inside the
pnrrncated iron walls and ceiling church
and will be completely renovated and
be in mucli better condition than be
fore the fire for the business the
boys are conducting
They are just dying to hear the old
familiar phone call
Answer to Inquiry
Members of the board of education
i whose terms expire this spring are
Messrs A Barnett and L Suses
Messrs M Lawritson and C W
iBarnes have another year to serve
Messrs H E Culbertson and E
H Doan have two more years to
serve on the board
A Large Occasion
The A O U W class initiation
Monday was a great event About
forty members were taken into the
order A big feast was a feature of
the affair Several grand officers were
Pencil Stripe Messalines
are the leading thing in the new silks
We have them in navy Copenhagen
black and white etc for 75 cents a
yard The Thompson D G Co Ut
most Value
Money to Loan on Farms
See Rozell Sons at clothing store
McConnell fills prescriptions