The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 23, 1911, Image 8

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BviO B lnl B
ket 3c per pound
McMillens Sure Corn Remedy will
remove your corns
That pork sausage at Edwards
Meat Market is certainly great
Kcdaks and lodak supplies
L W McCONNELL Druggist
If you wish to break up a cold
use McMillens Laxative Cold Remedy
The next meeting of the Dorcas
society will be with Mrs T B Camp
bell on Thursday afternoon March 2
The Tribunes job department can
as usual handle your job printing
promptly and satisfactorily Prices
reasonable and -right
Rose Comb Rhode Isalnd Red eggs
for sale from pure bred stock 60c
for 15 Phone cedar 3422 Mrs Min
nie Shaw
We have a nice line of fresh box
candy from 5c up Also opera stick
A McMILLEN Druggist
Nydenta Cream for the teeth
is just the thing It is a delightful
antiseptic paste that cleanses whit
ens and preserves the enamel It
comes out flat on the brush 25c
s and Mule
We will be in McCook
Friday March 3 1911
To buy horses and mules
Horses from 4 years up Mules 4 to
8 years old Must be fat and broke to
work No wire cut or long legged
horses wanted
English Clay Pipes
The clay pipe which is vanishing
from the Fleet street chophouse was
the only variety smoked in this coun
try until quite recent times The clay
pipe made its appearance in England
in the later years of the sixteenth cen
tury Writing about a century later
a French author remarks that the
English invented the pipes of baked
clay which are now used everywhere
Broseley in Staffordshire has been
famous for its pipes and clay from the
days of Elizabeth writes W A Penn
in The Soverane Herb Now all
the clay of which white pipes are
manufactured comes from Newton Ab
bot and Kingsteignton in Devon
shire It is sent to all parts of Eng
land and the world in rough lumps
about the size of quartern loaves
weighing some twenty eight pounds
each London Spectator
A Heartless Interruption
A young Parisian noted for his
grace and readiness as a second in
many duels was asked by a friend to
accompany him to the mayors office
to affix his signature as a witness to
the matrimonial registry He con
sented but when the scene was reach
ed forgot himself Just as the mayor
was ready for the last formalities he
broke out Gentlemen cannot this
affair be arranged Is there no way
of preventing this sad occurrence
Plain Hunger
Doctor what disease is the most
prevalent among the poor
An alarming condition in which the
nerve terminations in the stomach
stimulated by accumulated secretions
of the gastric glands send irritations
to the spinal cord by way of the pneu
mogastric nerve
Goodness How awful And to think
that we rich people can do nothing for
those unfortunate sufferers Cleve
land Leader
Out of the Question
Geraldine What did pa say when
you asked him for my hand
Gerald I dont care to give his re
marks in detail but I couldnt marry
you if I went where he told me to
New York Press
Before an affliction is digested con
solation comes too soon and after it
is digested it comes too late but there
Is a mark between these two as fine
rtlmost as a hair for a comforter to
take aim at Sterne
Dear Talk
Talk is cheap quoted the wise
Not always replied the simple
inug Sometimes it costs a man his
reputation Philadelphia Record
The average person wastes lots of
time telling other people things they
fio not care to hear
McConnell for drugs
JiuiiiiMiii iiimiimjiii up i -- i jtTriiT
DO YOU WANT to make and save money at the same time Do you want to make an investment that
will double in value in a short timeif you do see one oi the Real Estate Firms mentioned below at once
We have a nice assortment of lots located in various parts of McCook for sale at bargain prices Now lis
ten 15000 and up for lots 50x140 well located No we did not steal themjust bought them right and
with a small profit added we will give you a chance to make a dollar 35000 for a lot in a fine neighbor
hoodonly one other vacant lot in the bIockall new houses in the blockand our lot is a corner lot facing
the east with sidewalk across the frcntsidewalk connected to Main Avenueand we have a lot of bar
gains just as good as this is We will sell these lots small payments down and balance in monthly pay
ments Now Mr Moneymaker or Mr Homewanter here is your chance It will cost you nothing to in
vestigate and may mean the starting of a Home or an Investment that will make you good returns on your
money With the great Irrigation Project about to be started north of McCook and the natural growth of
McCook it will mean that these lots will double in value and will be picked up very fast Its up to you
do you want to let Mr Opportunity inhe is knocking right now at your door He will not return Save
a few dollars and become a property owner
That pork sausiire at Edwards
Meat Maket is certainly good
Theres warmth and comfort in
those real rubber hot water bottles
of McConnells
If you feel you want to be shown
in the matter of quality go to the
McCook Flour and Feed Store
Majestic and Quick Meal ranges in
all styles and prices
The Flag brand of canned pears
strawberries raspberries strawberrie
etc well theres nothing superior
Try them DeGroff Co
The peach crop has already been
killed or injured according to
some reports And there is time
enough to kill it several times more
before harvest J
The electric light people have been
Jiavjng more than their share of
trouble this week and their patrons
by the same token more annoyance
than usual
We sell Easy Dye the dye put up
in tubes There are 20 colors and each
one can be used for 40 different pur
poses Ask to see it
Minneapolis will be the headquarters
of the next general conference of
the Methodist Episcopal church
which convenes in May 1912 This
was decided last week by the book
committee of the denomination Min
neapolis was made the first choice
receiving 17 out of the 23 votes cast
160 ACRE
80 Acres Under Cultivation Balance
in Pasture
Nine Miles From Wauneta
This is a beautifnl fertile and pro
ductive quarter section and will be sold
at a bargain in order to settle estate
Mrs J B Walker
23 5t
133 West Seventh St
Try a Tribune want ad and watch
Lily Patent Flour when once use
none other will satisfy you
Paints Varnishes Stains
ii Tf I Vain
Woodworth for drugs
mnTTT1 nniTmi a miiMMf TiHilpffWwwTTfrTlnTliB
McMillen prescription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnell
For special on simon pure lard see
McMillens Laxative Cold Tablets
Trill break up a cold
Cameras and photo supplies
Youll recognize our store as the
juace to buy your wall paper when
you see our superb stock Separate
loom for showing wall paper and all
the latest ideas as to combinations
colors etc for the decoration of
your home
L W McCONNELL Druggist
G H Harrison and wife have re
turned from their visit in the east
ern part of the state
Mrs- Martha Johnson visited the
latter part of last week with her
daughter Mrs T M Campbell
A surprise party was given on last
Monday evening at the home of Wm
Doyle in honor of his daughter Miss
Leah before her departure to her
iomestead in the northern part of
the state
Theres a party at the home of
Mr and Mrs T S Draper this Tues
day evening Mr Draper and family
jre to move in a short time to the
eastern part of the state
Ground bone at Edwards Meat Mar
Everything in meals at Edwards
Twas a false fire alarm last Sat
urday evening
L W McCONNELL Druggist
Base ball goods balls mitts pads
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves gloves masks bats etc etc
and caps also and a full line of j C R WOODWORTH Druggist
other makes i
No more chapping A real pre-
The Halsted Horse and Mule Co ventative for 25 cents McConnells
will be in McCook Friday March Fragiiant Lotion
3rd 1911 to buy horses and mules
Tf vnn want aualitv hnv thfi Flae
- - i
W C T TJ Flower Mission Feb
ruary 24th tomorrow afternoon Mrs
brand of canned goods Tomatoes Groves hogtess Mrs Bruce leader
beans sweet potatoes etc DeGroff
I The Womans Missionary Society of
the Congregational church will meet
Lees Veterinary Remedies including with Mrs A C Marsh March 9th
everything for cattle horses sheep Topic Recent Work of the American
and poultry always on hand at our Missionary association Leaders are
store Mrs T B Campbell and Mrs A C
C R WOODWORTH Druggist Marsh
Last week Tuesday memorial Sour Stomach makes a Sour Man
ices were held in the Catholic church Eat what you want then take Nyals
in Cambridge for the late Bishop Dyspepsia tablets You attend to you
Bonacum Rev Kelley of that charge
being assisted by Revs Patton and
business and the dyspepsia tablets
will attend to theirs 25c and 50c
Haggerty of this city in the service i per box of
Father Patton pronounced the eulogy
The place to buy shoes that have
New Styles coming in each week
The Up-to-date Shoe Store
New Morris Building
I 1
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