ft J j I F V Hr t s toss ft 5r to r VJ j J i f ft it Time Card mtwuuiv ncu ifaaagrys Main Lice East Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 430 A M 2 520 A M 12 700 A M 14 920 P M Main Line West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1235 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr S30 p m 13 945 A M 15 1230 A M Imperial Line Mount in Time No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M i No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Railroads Prepare for the Locusts Nebraska railroads will experiment with the seventeen year old locust problem this coming year This is the year that scientists predict the locust eggs will hatch and that the middle western states will again see the plague of the insects in their midst eating up the crops All manner of suggestions are of fered for dealing with the pests and some of those may be tried out by the Burlington railroad All the railroads of the country are naturally interested in the subject because if the crops of the land are damaged the railroads will have hard picking with no grain to move D Clem Deaver head -of the land J seekers information bureau of the Tickets sold and baggage checked to j Burlington is now corresopnding with Canada man asserts that ne has a For information time tables maps ui which will effectually kill off and tickets call on or write D F the locust The liquid may be used Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska a spray to protect the young trees or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska which the insects attack and very of- ten kill The boring into the bark and the laying of the locust eggs in RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS I the trecs poions the gap Qf the yQun 1CQ9 fruit trees and the next fall they very vt -- o An u it iu ii ouuutt uiuuouk fu tons of freight often die i ttrVhsi lnmic t nno 11 lrt I iuv uai ovaic iiwji well Mr and Mrs M B Harbaugh will j yelop into a reaJ onej said Deay move to Oxford next week Mr and Mrs Gurney Harmon went er Monday it is quite possible that in spite of the amount of cultivation in to Salt Lake City Utah last week J Nebraska the msects AVill be here in on a visit force or migrate to this state One Mrs T B Campbell arrived home of the reasons the locusts did not do on No 13 from visiting her daughter c much damage in 1S94 was because in in Kansas -Engineer J on building W a Hasty is figuring modern type that year there were no crops to destroy the dry weather having kill- new residence of ed them all Later on as the spring approaches ithere wl probably be some scien An 02 out of Chicago recently had tied on behind 3000 tons Wouldnt that make you tired Dissatisfied with piece work eight hundred boilermakers have been or dered out on the New York Central railroad Seven car loads of ore was part of No 70s load Sunday It was gold silver copper and lead ore A spec ial attended the shipment The depot at Holdrege is completed and occupied The company is now engaged in building new depots at Madrid and Whitman Howard Perkins and wife have re turned to Republican City he now being a fireman on the Republican City Oberlin passenger It is expected that the installation of block signals and other safeguards will do much to reduce the appalling number of casualties to railroad em ployes Over 100 oeprating officials of the Burlington held a three dayss session in Chicago this week looking to increased efficiency in service All arts of the system were represented Mr and Mrs Frank Harris spent the time between trains No 5 and No 15 in the city last Saturday night guests of Mr and Mrs A L Know land They were enroute home to Colorado City Colorado from a trip to Florida The Tribune under stands that they contemplate moving to Florida to live The Railway and Engineering Re view favors the employment of a new railroad official to be known as a vice president in charge of public relations whose duties shall be to keep posted on new national and state laws and regulations and to meet public inquiries etc He would have a busy day all the time The public wants to know and there is much for the railroad official to learn John B Tanney general chairman of the order of Railway Conductors of the Burlington system organized and instituted a new lodge of the or der at Sterling Colorado Sunday thus giving a lodge of that order to every division of the Burlington tist who will show us a way to either kill the eggs or prevent the ones laid this year from hatching Important Decisions It has been a long while since the United States supreme court has handed down so many decisions of vast importance effecting railroads and railroad men as was the case I on Monday of the present week i Among the questions decided are That the passenger has no right to buy tickets with survices adver tising releases or property nor can the railroad company buy services ad vertising releases of property with transportation That a law regulating the size of crews on trains within the state which is not an obstruction to inter state commerce but is rather enact ed in aid of interstate commerce may be passed by a state for the public safety That the supreme court will review the validity of an order of the In terstate Commerce commission even though the two year limitation on the life of the order has expired That a railway system may not es cape regulation as an instrument of interstate commerce because one of its constituent parts is a wharfage company and its dominating power ov er the wharfage company rests in the fact that it is a holding comapny That the Interstate Commerce com mission does not possess the power to reduce a rate unjust and unreas onable merely because the rate is inequitable under some circumstanc es as in cases where railroads induce shippers to enter the field by offering rates as low as to be unrenumerative and later increases the rates The court further held constitu tional a state statute providing that no contract of relief benefit or in surance should be a bar to the right of a railroad employe engaged in the operation of a railroad to sue the employer for damages resulting from injuries received in the course of his employment We have a few good remnants of Wall Paner left for small and med- tem at Lincoln Omaha McCook Al- ium sized roooms You can save liance Sheridan and wymore au money by buying now the conductors at Sterling belonged tc the order but held membership else where it rea hats WORNByN WOMEN OF STYLE B A McMILLEN Druggist Subscribe for The Tribune 100 TAILORED HAT ON DISPLAY We now have showing a nifty line of Tailored Hats for the early spring wear MISS ADA HIMELRICH our trimmer is here from St Joe and our work room force is already busy with the production of the latest creations of tasteful fashionable millinery MRS J P NIES UP STAIRS AT DeGROFFS f S3 2vn0 ttv liTS3ffyy5C Wiv5ffi 5 tir tiw SyC US I Mi i L LMVXjJ cm rmzmm vu mmum ttiAxyssyir i w y -- tTOfetf j I AlUfc i V iTv VJ1 s5ssC rvfaSt a -a-- iv L The Death of John Stevens The many old time friends of John Stevens will be pained to learn of his death in Denver last Thursday morning He went to work in the CS shops Denver Tuesday morning in usual health Shortly afterwards he was taken ill and removed to a hospital where he died enlargement of the heart being the cause John Stevens was employed for years in the Burlington shops of Mc Cook on the force of machinists He was a good mechanic and every inch a man The remains were shipped through McCook Saturday morning on No 2 for Michigan City Indiana where in terment was made Monday morning At this point the A O UW pre sented Mrs Stevens with a hand some emblem The Machinists union of Denver also sent a fine floral em blem Mrs Stevens and son Ralph are particularly thankful to the local Workmen for their tribute Approximately 1250000 is to be expended during the present year by the Union Pacific and Southern Pa cific railroad systems in advertising their facilities and the industrial de velopment of the west This program the confdence in the pros perity cf the country on the part o the Harriman management was deter mined upon at a meeting of some fifty of the passenger officials of the Harriman system Following closely on the heels of the announcement by President R S Lovett that the sys tem is prepared to spend 75000000 in double tracking its lines through to the Pacific coast the decision to increase the advertising appropriation last year by approximately 300000 is regarded as one of the most remark able indications of industrial optim ism that the year has brought forth Some of the shopmen since Tues day have been working on an eight hour schedule So we have whistles at 4 5 and G p m Washington Day was a holiday at the shops for everybody but the few absolutely necessary to keep things going James Powell formerly yard sec tion foreman here was in town yes terday Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the posloffice Letters Ackerman Mr M M Cory Mrs C H Dawis Mrs S W Gregory Walter Hall Maggie Myrtlae Hall Miss Ana Leach Mrs Fanchin Mor gan Mrs F F Oneal Mr Russell Mr C H Shaw Mrs Belle Tilgre Otto Turner Mrs James Cards OBusch Mr Willie Baker E E Casey Miss Mabel Fuller Miss Ber nice Imm Miss Eva Madriskia Stzy Perry Mr Creed When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster 8000 per month straight salary and expenses to men with rig to in troduce our Poultry Remedies Dont answer unless you mean business Eureka Poultry Food Mfg Co In corporated East St Louis HI The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance f rrr Rffhitf5 irv w nrjjv r 7 AiHIHrTnilSITl X I - fT fc EX lummmM mmm is m m m mmmmmm Jmik m m j1HEfivuJuAllll afl J 0C TaTT Mi tf J s rv y - y y7 f 0J0 are now at the very lowest ebb we shall sell at such low prices that it will pay yoo to buy and carry over until next year Yet 4 there is much of wmter to come and yon can still get long wear oat of things you now bay for short prices Last call Phone 62 for anything in meats Phone 62 for anything in meat McConnells Balsam cures coughs MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Postmaster Cone spent closing day of last week in Lincoln S W Hockett of Harvard was up last week looking after his affairs here Miss Ruby Fitzgerald is in Beaver City this week doing stenographic work D C Marsh was on the St Joe market this week with a shipment of cattle Mrs William Lewis entertained her club ladies Washingtons birthday in the afternoon Mrs Sam Diamond and children ar rived in the city on No 1 Wednes day from Chicago Mr and Mrs G A Webber of Hastings are guests of her sister Mrs W E Hart this week Mrs W N Rosebush and baby and sister Miss Estella Faus leave tonight for the old home in Cherokee Iowa on a visit Mrs French and Mrs Pade are entertaining the ladies of the Bap tist society this afternoon at the French residence Mrs S C Beach will join her hus band this week in his work The children will go to York and attend school in the convent there Mr and Mrs J J Crouse received a visit from Sir Stork yesterday and they have a little Martha Washington at their home who is doing nicely A Galusha left Tuesday night for eastern ipart of the state to be absent until early next week on A O U W business at Omaha Grand Island and other points State Senator Cordeal came up from Lincoln last Friday night after the adjournment of the senate and remained with the family and in consultation with frienls until Monday morniijg when he reurned to his legislative dutitn on No 2 Mr John V Smith of Hayes Center and Miss Kathleen Cecelia OBrien of Wallace were married by Father Haggerty Wednesday morning at nine oclock They went from here to Omaha and Lincoln on a short wed ding trip and will reside in Hayes Center upon their return i Thss is the last call on low prices Tkiey County Attorney C D Ritchie de parted last evening for Iowa on bus iness Mrs Otto Pate went up to Palisade first of last week on a visit to friends Miss Florence Jacobs went up Culbertson yesterday on a visit to hei sister George Howell has returned to his farm northwest of the city from Hebron this state George Howell is up from Hebron looking after some affairs in old Red Willow county Mr and Mrs Barney Hofer en tertained the Thursday Whist club last Thursday evening relatives at Udal Kansas now remains While in Select Your NEW GORDON HAT New Line Just Arrived V r m A D Baker of Cambridge had bus iness in the city Monday Mr and Mrs J W Wimer who have been spending the winter m Iowa arrived home last Friday night irom uxiora navig spent an t0 j able time among relatives and friends in the old home state Miss Bessie Rowell of Afton Iowa a niece of Mrs S A Rowell spent part of the week in the city guest of her aunt and other relatives Miss Rowell is on her way home from vis iting a brother in Leadville Colo rado and will depart on Saturday morning eastward Dr J O Bruce expects to close his office here first of the month at least temnorarilv Hftexneets to W C Jcoper arrived home last Sat look over the ospects the higlt urday on No 13 from his visit to j line Maywood and adjacent points We hope the doctor may resume his E E Magee of The Magee Clothing practice here which has been verj Co Aurora Nebraska spet Sunday satisfactory i and Monday Avith the children in this city Mr and Mrs Hubler of Stamford Nebraska spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs C C Heskett and fam ily Mrs Augusta Anton spent part of last week in Denver during the illnes of John Stevens assisting the sorrow ing wife County Supt Bettcher was in Lin coln last Friday and Saturday on business before the state educational department J H Woddell is here from Iowa to auction the sale at the Droll farm today and look after some other bus iness matters A R Scott went into Omaha on Tuesday morning to receive treat ment for an ailment that has been annoying him for some time Frank Wells now with Galusha Son expects to go on the road with a shoe line about March 10 Frank is a live wire and will make good Supt Chas W Taylor has been appointed as delegate to the Nebras ka Conservation Congress which meets in Lincoln the last of this week Mr Taylor received his ap pointment from Chancellor Samuel Avery of the University Miss Ada Himelrich of St Joseph Mo arrived in the city this week Wednesday and is in charge of the trimming department at Mrs J P Nies Miss Himelrich has been a successful trimmer in St Joseph for several seasons past MAI FOR SALE FORNTJETC FOR RENT Farms with 4 room house barn and granary wells and cisterrs Inquire of G W Trimper Culbertson Neb FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone cedar 983 or 25 tf FOR RENT My residence fumis ed 207 2nd street east Phone black 170 Mrs F J Martin FOR RENT Two furnished rooms with heat and light Phone red 281 Call at 319 1st st west Nice new clean rooms to rent furnished or unfurnished and for light housekeeping Inquire at 112 west B street 16 2t FOR SALE My residence on 1st st E Also a dwelling on 2nd st E Phone black 109 FOR SALE 10 hole Columbia drilL W T Spencer Phone black 272-13-3 FOR SALE Modern five room cot tage 711 1st street west W T WILCOTT FOR SALE- Lot 2 block 7 4th McCook Write Ray E Benjamin at Fairbury Nebraska LOST A pocket book containing a considerable sum of money and two receipts one of them from the Minr neapolis Threshing Machine Co Tea dollars reward will be paid for returc to JACOB Temple TheatreMarch 2 Wm T Gaskell Edwin W Rowland offer George iMiddletons Dramatization of Meredith Nicholsons Novel rP As produced for one year at Dalys and the Hackett Theaters New York and Garrick Theatre Chicago CANDLES The audience at the Garrick liked the play and many many audiences will go wild over itAmy Leslie in Chicago Daily News Prices for this engagement 259 35 50 75 100 I s uu1iIiiiiiii j n i