The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 16, 1911, Image 6

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ffi ae g nnanp TWinTim grn m a pe w nw i w b wen mijhij m fiac iw uuMMMan qbmmjw uwj owg I
m 1 1 fill flPAGR MOT londw flGAiN seeks T
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As I am moving away I will sell the following property to the
highest bidder without reserve at the Lyman Miller place 13 miles
southwest of McCook beginning at 10 a m on
Thursday Feb 23 II
4 Head of Horses 22 Head of Cattle 14
head of Hogs 6 months old 4 dozen
chickens Farm Implements House
hold Goods Wagons Feed Hay Etc
Sums of 10 and under cash sums over 10 a credit of 9 months
will be given purchaser to give bankable paper drawing interest
at 10 per cent from date 3 per cent discount for cash No prop
erty to be removed until settled for
McCook People Should Learn to De
tect the Approach of Kidney
The symptoms of kidney trouble
are so unmistakable that they leave
no ground for doubt Sick kidneys
excrete a thick cloudy offensive
urine full of sediment irregular of
passage or attended by a sensation of
scalding The back aches constantly
headaches and dizzy spells may occur
and the victim is often weighed down
by a feeling of languor and fatigue
Neglect these warnings and there is
danger of dropsy Brights disease
or diabetes Any one of these symp
toms is warning enough to begin treat
ing the kidneys at once Delay often
proves fatal
You can use no better remedy than
Doans Kidney Pills McCook
Mrs H A Rouch 212 E Fifth St
McCook Nebr says I have seen
what Doans Kidney Pills will do in
cases of kidney complaint and there
fore feel justified in recommending
them A member of my family took
this remedy when suffering from
backache and soon received entire
For sale by all dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the Unit
ed States
Remember the name Doans and
take no other
This paper and The Weekly Inter
Ocean and Farmer 125 gets both
for one year Special deal
Tuner of Pianos
South McCook
Leave orders with C C Brown
in Rishels store
Mabel Sexson spent Sunday at
A number from this vicinity attend
ed the funeral of E F Couse at Mc
Cook last Saturday
Rev C C Hauxwell will preach at
the church next Sunday morning and
Roy Lytle returned Saturday from
a six weeks visit in the eastern
part of the state
D C Little and wife of St Ann
visited their daughter Mrs Thurston
Doyle last Friday
Thurston Doyle and family visited
at Chester Nelms last Sunday
Mr and Mrs Ernest Lytle are spend
ing a few days with relatives near
Culbertson and Perry
J L Campbell and wife Elmer
Shepherd and family and Mrs Ray
Peterson visited Friday at T M Camp
Jesse Doyle is moving on the old
Russel Loomis farm
The Mite society will hold a sack
social at the home of Mr and Mrs
Ben Doyle on Friday evening of this
A number of friends were invited
to the home ofM r and Mrs J C
Ball last Friday evening to help their
daughter Miss Hazel and Mrs Eliza
Shields celebrate their birthday A
pleasant time was reported Miss
Hazel and Mrs Shields received many
nice and useful presents
- r iTpP
L UJ s - 7 kl Q 4
WW afisgite w JMm
B W 9 f L JaiE3sttNiyf I
With the Children all away in the city Mother now alone out in
the country keeps in touch with her loved ones over the Long Dis
tance Lines of the Bell System
Ten million miles of wire and twenty five thousand
miles of underground conduit connect the city and the
country for twenty five millions of people
The people of forty thousand cities and towns are kept
in touch with each other and with the country by means
of five million telephones
Nebraska Telephone Co
CHAS W KELLEY Local Manager
Billiard Lumber Co
Sells the Best
Lumber and Coal
Ecyadoreans Object to Loess e
lanen Isles
Group In Pacific Needed In Connection
With Panama Canal Scene of Curi
ous Sea Postoffice and Once Empire
of King Patrick Famous Deserter
and Slave Impounder
in looking around for a site for a
nnval station which would he of stra
tegic importance in the protection of
the Panama canal the United States
government entered into negotiations
with Ecuador for a lease of the Gala
pagos islands In the Pacific off the
coast of South America So great
however was the demonstrative wrath
of the people of Ecuador that Presi
dent Alfaro promised to drop consid
eration of the lease Consequently
Uncle Sam probably will not come into
the possession for one thing of the
only giant tortoises known to exist
For years the Galapagos have been
noted for these strange creatures aud
for little else except possibly the cu
rious sea postoflice established there a
hundred years ago or more by whalers
Callers at the sea postoffice after de
positing mail there have had a chance
to disport themselves by taking a ride
on the back of a giant tortoise
The tortoises of the Galapagos are
said to be the last survivors of the
reptilian age to which belonged the
huge dinosaurs and other creatures
of which only fossils remain Accord
ing to visitors to the islands these tor
toises have sometimes reached a length
of seven or eight feet The tortoises
have very shiny necks and cruel look
ing heads and are of a dull earthy
color It is said to be comparatively
easy to mount the back of one of
them and with the aid of a stick to
keep your balance you can enjoy a
novel ride The tortoises have made
deei paths all over the islands They
do not appear to be dying off
Unlucky 13 Again
Perhaps because there are thirteen
little islands in the Galapagos group
they have been unlucky for some folks
who have been marooned on them
They lie 730 miles southwest of Ecua
dor and about lo00 miles from Pana
ma occupying relatively the same po
sition in respect to the traffic approach
ing the canal from South America as
Hawaii does to trade from the north
One hundred years ago there was a
real wild man there The wild man
of the Galapagos was a red headed
Irishman and his name was Patrick
Watkins King Patrick he called him
self and for several years he ruled the
Islands and made slaves of some sail
ormen who landed there He is said
to have been responsible for the first
sea postoffice established there that
being the way devised by one sea cap
tain to warn others of the presence on
the islands of King Patrick
Later he succeeded in sailing away
and finally died in a Peruvian jail
Commodore David Porter father of
Admiral Porter visited the islands in
his ship the Essex during the war of
1S12 and brought back a story of the
reign of King Patrick David Glas
gow Farragut was a midshipman on
the Essex and he described the sea
postoffice as it then existed in a jour
nal he kept of the cruise
A man who visited the island in 1S84
described this sea postoffice as consist
ing then of a candle box nailed to a
tree and said that it looked old enough
to be the same box found by Farragut
Good Postoffice Erected
In the early nineties the British war
ship Amphion visited the Galapagos
and erected a new postoffice to com
memorate her visit The crew of the
warship put a new box oil top of a
post on the beach above high water
and cut the name of their ship in it
Since then it has been the custom of
callers at the postoffice to inscribe their
names on the post as a sort of post
Uncle Sam once before the present
time had his attention called to the
Galapagos That was when an expedi
tion was sent there to rescue Frederick
Jeffs an American seaman who was
reported as marooned there as the re
sult of a shipwreck It was Febru
ary 1008 that the navy department
was asked to send a ship to look for
Jeffs after word had been received
from the coast of Ecuador that the
crew of a Norwegian vessel which had
been wrecked there had been rescued
with the exception of Jeffs who had
wandered away The whole world in
stantly began to take interest in this
case of a Robinson Crusoe
The gunboat Yankton detailed from
the battleship fleet then on its way
around the coast reached the islands
in March 1008 and made a careful
search of Indefatigable island one of
the smallest in the group and the one
from which the other shipwrecked sail
ors had been rescued Though they
searched hard and long the only trace
of the missing sailor the exploring par
ty could find was a signal pole erected
by him at a spring ten miles from the
spot where the other sailors had been
found and a rusty razor bearing his
Appalling Lobster Mortality
In the annual lobster mortality by
way of the table 2300000 deaths aro
charged to New York city
itt kyU jofeS
Will Spend 70000000 to Improve tho
Thames Channel
Efforts to restore London to first
place among the ports of the world
promise to result in wonderful Im
provements The London docks long
have been one of the romantic if som
ber glories of the metropolis For
merly they were unequaled for size
and tonnage and the greatest ships
afloat entered them comfortably Dur
ing the last twenty five years how
ever they have fallen behind in the
march of progress They have be
come too small for the largest vessels
and trade has gone elsewhere Ham
burg in 100S passed London with 24
000000 tons to Londons 20000000
For several years the question has
been seriously considered by leading
British business men and nine years
ago a royal commission recommended
nn outlay of 35000000 for improve
ments Now the London port authori
ty of which Lord Devonport is chair
man proposes to spend more than
70000000520000000 in the immedi
ate future and the remainder later
The port authority is self supporting
and the changes will involve no in
crease in taxes or cost to the ship
owners The docks will be vastly en
larged and the river will be dredged
to give a depth of thirty feet at low
tide Thus facilities will be provided
not only for the biggest ships of today
but for the largest likely to be built in
thirty years
Both freight and passenger business
will be developed and Lord Devon
port expects five years hence to see a
flourishing service of express steamers
between Tilbury and America and
many other parts of the world
We do not hope to compete with
Liverpool for fast travel says Lord
Devonport but we expect to have
ships of the Mauretania type carrying
passengers between London and New
York in six days Then thousands will
decide to take this route rather than
travel by rail to Liverpool to accom
plish the voyage In four and a half
Helen PinU Now Rage For Gowns
and Decorations
Pink is once more the rage for even
ing gowns and ballroom decorations in
Washington and it is all because of
Miss Helen Tafts preference for that
color Alice blue used to be the
popular shade in other days but now
It is Helen pink and at the three
largest cotillions of the year pink was
used in the decorations of the ball
rooms the table decorations and the
Miss Taft ever since she entered so
ciety has shown a marked favor for
pink in its various shades and nearly
all her gowns are in that color Many
other society buds have taken the cue
from the presidents daughter and the
modistes are deluged with orders for
gowns in pink
The craze has even spread to sta
tionery while the very latest handker
chiefs are made of the palest softest
pink linen with a tiny edging of real
lace and the owners initial in one cor
Denver Finds Riches In Smelter Slag
It is said that the streets of heaven
are paved with gold but Denver is not
far behind Sixth avenue in Denver
is paved with silver
The Denver Pueblo Construction
company which has been surfacing
Sixth avenue with slag taken from
the dump of the old Grant smelter of
the American Smelting and Refining
company recently discovered that the
slag has a streak running heavily in
silver lead and copper
The American Smelting and Refining
company soon got wise to the fact
and requested the construction com
pany to take its material from another
part of the dump Several wagon
loads of the slag which has been used
were sent to the Globe smelter for
assay The belt of silver bearing stuff
is fifty feet long and twenty five feet
wide The streak of silver shows
New York Trapper Will Try to Breed
Different Colors
That muskrats of various colors exist
in the different dye streams Issuing
from a big leather tannery at Monti
cello N 1 has been proved by Ed
ward Turney a local trapper
The other night he set a box trap on
the bank of one of the streams and in
the morning found he had caught a
green muskrat of the most brilliant
hue He followed this up by setting
another trap near the red dye stream
which resulted in the capturing of a
bright red specimen and his third at
tempt was equally successful in the
yellow stream
Turney says he will now breed the
three animals and hopes to produce
nearly every color of the rainbow
Pan American Road Progress
The Pan American railway from
Washington to Buenos Aires will be
10211 miles long of which G012 miles
miles have been constructed and 4199
miles are to be constructed
New York Repaying Debts
Out of each dollar of Now York
citys budget for this year 29 cents
will be paid out on old debt account
Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap
pointment of Administrator
In the County Court of Red Willow
County Nebraska
State of Nebraska County of Red
Willow ss
To all persons interested in he
estate of Stephen N Wilson De
On reading the petition of Charles
T Wilson praying that the adminis
tration of said estate be granted to
M O McClure as administrator it
is hereby ordered that you and all
persons interested in said matter
may and do appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty on the 17th day of February A
D 1911 at nine oclock a m to
show cause if any there be why the
prayer of the petitioner should not
be granted and that notice of the
pendency of said petition and that
the hearing thereof be given to all
persons interested in said matter by
publishing a copy of this order in
the McCook Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said county for
three successive weeks prior to said
day of hearing
Witness my hand and seal of
said court this 30th day of January
A D 1911
Seal J C Moore
County Judge
C E ELDRED Attorney
First publication Feb 2 1911 3ts
Speedy Relief From Kidney Trouble
I had an acute attack of Brights
disease with inflammation of the kid
neys and bladder and dizziness says
Mrs Cora Thorp Jackson Mich A
bottle of Foleys Kidney Remedy ov
ercome the attack reduced the in
flammation took away the pain and
made the bladder action normal I
wish everyone could know of this
wonderful remedy A McMillen
Sedentary habits lack of outdoor
exercise insufficient mastication of
food constipation a torpid liver wor
ry and anxiety are the most common
causes of stomach troubles Correct
your habits and take Chamberlains
Stomach and Liver Tablets and you
will soon he well again For sale by
all dealers
are equally well looked after We
are ready at short notice to fix all
leaks or other repairs in your plumb
ing or in your heaters and stoves
All Jobs Thoroughly Understood
and after we are through with them
you will find us the best men who
ever did the same work for you and
we do it cheap
Phone No 182 - McCook Nebr
Linooln Saeiifariuni
BHtfi Htmia
Sulphs Saiine Springs
Located on our own premises and ui
in the
Natural Mineral Water
Unsurpassed in the treatment of
Heart Stomach Kidney and Lire
Moderate CHtrxei Addrtu
DR 0 W EVERETT Mgr Lincoln Hah
V Franklin A McMillen E A Green
G H Watkins Vernice Franklin
-toss c vjti cinI 2 eals luai
The Board of Army Engineers appointed to apportion the Reclamation
Fund to tthe various projects has set aside 2000000 from the special
fund and 2185000 from the regular fund for use in the North Platte
Valley pr oject in Wyoming and Nebraska and 2000000 from the reg
ular fund to complete the Shoshone project in the Big Horn Basin Wyom
ing making a total of more than 6 000000 that will be spent by the
Government upon these two projects in making desirable homes in Wy
oming for our citizens
SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS will be spent by private companies
in Wyoming and many of these projects will be pushed rapidly to com
Just think what the expenditure of SEVERAL MILLION DOLLARS
for irrigation is going to mean to the State of Wyoming It means work
at good wages for many people many new opportunities to get valu
able farm homes more new growing towns and new business locations
name and address for our mailing lisLjj
D CLEM DEAVER General Agent
Landseekers Information Bureau
1004 Farnam Street Omaha Neb
HV7filrTytTnnnlr7VHVfiri t IHIWf Jg
V Franklin Pres G H WATKiNSlVice Pres
K A Green Cshr
The Citizens National Bank
of McCook Nebraska
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 25000
uutawiiaaiiiiiiituajaiAtwhitJiitUULMiiAvVn t iVp
By applying two coats of WRIGHTS CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to the meat with a brush after the meat has gone
through the salt It will be thoroughly smoked will have a
delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and free from
insects through tho entire summer
Wrights Condensed Smoke
lis a liquid smoke and contains nothing except what Is obtained
by burning hickory wood It Is put up in square quart bottles only each with a
metal cap NEVER SOLD IN BULK A bottle will smoke a barrel of meat
2S0 lbs For sale by all druggists at 75c Every bottle guaranteed Ask
druggist for FREE BOOK The New Way Be sure to get the genuine
- THE E H WRIGHT CO Ltd Kansas City Mo
rftrrm Tn mill II rTTnnii niUiJiiiiii in i iim iii i n ii i mi iiiiib innii imi
L W McCONNELL Druggist
It is Just One Dollar the Year
i i
3 i