The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 09, 1911, Image 5
K E r pHflrwf IltlHIlUIlll mm agjs si Time Card McCook Neb Main Line East Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 430 A M 2 520 A M 12 700 A M 14 920 P M Main Line West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1235 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr S30 p m 13 J4o A 31 15 1230 A M Imperial Line Mount lin Time No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS M L Search was in Benkelman on Saturday on company business Nine firemen were let out of the engine service last Saturday on ac count of slack business Conductor A G King left Satur day night for Iowa being called to the bedside of a sick brother Dispatcher Will C Euans departed Tuesday morning on No 2 for Colum bus Ohio being called home by the serious illness of his mother The TJ P is arranging to reopen the Denver Pullman shops acquired by them recently The shops will be enlarged and given modern equip ment The Burlington expects to invest 80000 in a depot and improvements in Grand Island Nebraskas third city The proposed new depot will be located nearer the heart of the town Last Sunday trains Nos 4 and 11 daily except Sunday between Ox ford and Red Cloud were restored to service on practically the old sched ules making continuous local service 1 1r criminal between Hastings and Oxford via Red Cloud as heretofore D Hawksworth of Plattsmouth who has been ill is reported by son Frank as improved in health D Hawksworth will be remembered as having been the first superintendent of motive power of lines west of the Missouri river and one of the old guard The section foremen on the Bur lington are rejoicing over a substan tial raise in salary However simul taneous with this action there was a reduction in the force of telegraph op erators of the company Wray lost one operator in the deal Instead of three we have now but two Wray Gazette We were informed this week that work would begin shortly on two long side tracks in the Burlington yards here One is to extend from the railroad crossing on Chief street east to the limit of the yards or about 4000 feet The other will be almost as long and will extend from Chief street west Both will be on the south side of the present tracks Wray Gazette The Burlington recently placed an order with the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co for 840000 worth of steel rails These will be rolled at the Pueblo mills It is hinted that some of this order for rails may be used on the Greeley Hudson extension scheduled to be built this spring The Burlingtons order was for a to tal of 30000 tons divided equally be tween the Illinois Steel Co the Lack awanna Co and the Colorado Fuel and Iron Co BLOWN FROM HIS CAB Crawford Neb Feb 6 Burling ton flyer No 43 between Billings and Lincoln had a miraculous escape from a wreck today near Provo S D about thirty miles north of here Run ning at a speed of thirty five miles an hour a steam pipe in the engine burst blowing Engineer Wilson through the cab window On account of escaping steam and scalding water the fireman was un able to get into the engineers side of the cab and remained ignorant of the fact that the engineer was not there while the train thundered on As the train passed the spot where the engineer had fallen Superintend ent Robins of the Sheridan division who was in a private car attached to the rear of the train heard loud cries and thinking some one had been run over pulled the air and brought the train to a stop It was then discovered that the train was running without an engineer Engineer Wilson was picked up and found to be badly but not fatally in jured Another engine was put on at Crawford and took the train into Alliance Lincoln Journal Subscribe for The Tribune S100 District Court Proceedings Following cases have been disposed of as indicated up to time of going to press this afternoon Thursday John Morris vs McCook Water Works Co injunction Set for trial Kettle Rivers Quarries Co vs R N Liberty and A S Ennis suit on judgment Consolidated with case 2960 William Jeffries vs Hubert Beach damage Judgment for plaintiff for 50 and 310 costs Costs since Oct 24 190V taxed to plaintiff Steele Wedeles Co vs David Dia mond and Mrs David Diamond his wife equity Set for trial Frank Stillman vs C B Q Railway Co appeal Set for trial Clara E Smyth vs Claude Smyth divorce Continued R P Smith Sons Co vs David Diamond revivor of judgment Set for trial to court Stansberry Lumber Co vs School Dist of the City of McCook et al equity Consolidated with case case 2870 and set for trial William Staples vs Rudolph Quad uor damage Continued by agree ment Singer Sewing Machine Company vs E F Osborn appeal Trial by jury Jury instructed to return verdict for Plaintiff Susie Kennedy vs E F Osborn appeal Case settled Laura E Starr vs Frank Cain appeal Continued by agreement James P McFann and Harry J Cox doing business under the firm name and style of McFann Cox vs Charles A Grant and the Citi zens National Bank of McCook Ne braska injunction- Continued Catherine McAninch vs Anna E McMurrin et al injunction Set for hearing by court Occidental Bldg and Loan Assn of Omaha Nebraska vs Syren J Van Meters et al equity Contin ued Nels J Johnson vs The City of McCook Nebraska et al appeal De fault of City of McCook taken Ulysses E Fox vs Harriett E Burns et al equity Pending sale State of Nebraska vs Harry Continued Prisoner escaped Laura Fox vs David N Fox di vorce Divorce granted Plaintiff gets maiden name Laura Laymen Plaintiff to pay costs Jacob Frank vs The City of Mc Cook Nebraska appeal Default of city of McCook taken James A Shepherd vs City of Mc Cook Nebraska et al appeal De fault of City of McCook taken Lulu Easton vs City of McCook Nebraska et al appeal Default of City of McCook taken Mary E Simmons vs City of Mc Cook Nebraska et al appeal De fault of City of McCook taken Oscar N Rector vs County of Red Willow appeal Trial progressing Joseph L Merritt vs Maude Mer ritt divorce Divorce granted plain tiff Plaintiff to pay costs Phebe J Taylor vs County of Red Willow appeal Continued by agree ment William S Fitch vs Patrick Walsh equity Set for trial by jury William S Fkch vs Charles H Jacobs et al appeal Set for trial by jury Henry D Ripley vs Joseph Allen et al damage Continued James Scherzer vs Mary Bankson et al tax foreclosure Continued Hanibal H Miller vs Hiram C Rider tax foreclousre Continued pending sale State of Nebraska vs Harry Mc Cullar criminal Continued Prison er escaped Elias Canaga vs Ella Canaga di vorce case dismissea as iar as tne plaintiff is concerned Cross petition Ray E Benjamin vs Travis W Benjamin et al suit on bond Con tinued McCook Brick Co vs Elanora An ton injunction Continued Olena Ferguson vs Ella K Palmer equity Dismissed by plaintiff In the matter of the application of James W McClung adm for license to sell real estate Continued Mattie Sheets vs City of McCook damage Set for trial by jury Cooper Cole Bros Co vs Henry J Schamel revivor of judgment Con tinued by agreement State of Nebraska vs August Bud wig criminal Nolle filed and pris oner discharged Dollie Lewis vs Clarence R Lewis divorce Divorce granted plaintiff who receives custody of minor child Frank K Miller vs Charles T Grant suit on note Trial to court Court finds 117675 with 10 per cent interest due plaintiff 25 attoraeyfee and costs John M Farrel vs Eugene Fleming et al equity Not at issue Glenwood State Bank of Glenwood Iowa vs Frank Bromley et al fore closure Continued State of Nebraska vs Norman Mc Leod criminal Information filed Prisoner escaped 2JSHls i - r Gertrude M Smith vs Walter C Smith divorce Not at isuse Con tinued Francis Disbrow vs Bessie May Disbrow divorce Not at issue Con tinued Hattie Bahr vs Raymond Bahr di vorce Not at issue Continued C W Kelley vs W G Springer as administrator equity Continued State of Nebraska vs George Bauer criminal Defendant discharged Lovina L Lehn vs Pius Lehn di vorce Continued Egbert H Everist vs Mangelsdorf Bros appeal Continued Not at is sue Fairbanks Morse Co vs C R Livingston Not at issue Con tinued Arthur H Pelton vs Albyn C Hip pie appeal Continued Advertised List The following letters cards and packages remain uncalled for at the posloffice Letters Benedict Mr J A Broaddus Miss A J Baker Mrs R S Cox Mrs May Greenfield R A Hulen Mr Frank E Hardung Mr John Scott Mr G A Taylor Mr Frank Tay lor Mr T J Cards Champion Mr Harry Caldwell Mrs Jim Craig Alice M Curn Mas ter Sander Dickson Mr Arren Gor don Mr J C Harper Miss Etta Kichle Miss Mary Miner Mrs Ed Nabis Will Sanders Mrs F Winne Mr H A Wright Mrs Mary When calling for these please say they were advertised LON CONE Postmaster E F Crouse Dead E F Crouse one of the old set tiers of this part of Red Willow coun ty died at an early hour this morn ing He has been ill for a long time his disease baffling the physicians The funeral will be held on next Saturday afternoon at 2 oclock from the residence in McCook at 811 3rd street west Many old time friends will join us in the sentiment when we express to the bereaved wife and children our profoundest sympathy Marriage Licenses The following licenses have been Issued since our last report Carroll H Rawlings 38 and Mrs Edna M Benson 33 both of Wig gins Colorado Married by the coun ty judge on February 8 1911 Rose Somb Rhode Island Red eggs for sale from pure bred stock 60c for 15 Phone cedar 3422 Mrs Min nie Shaw The Tribunes job department can as usual handle your job printing promptly and satisfactorily Prices reasonable and right Drawback The Alpine guide waxed eloquent Behold he cried yon beetling crags They beetle for everybody though sneered the rich American and sullenly spat In token of his dis content It was not true however that he lacked appreciation of the beautiful and the sublime provided these were costly and exclusive Puck UBOjiarav oiomnttt aaInl pauMTd tjsnp SujqiiuB no nojBAV e tmd quBo anoC no qoB v nd paajaj Suno JBop JK EJJ31BAI io pei - fBf - w Mrs USX - PRICES yz3iimv 4V vgia57iRra safe Mmw FOLLOWS HER DAUGHTER Patrick Coyle Also a Victim of Pneumonia Tuesday of this week Mrs Patrick Coyle who has been ill with pneu monia at the home of her daughter Mrs Maurice Griffin passed away making the second death in the fam ily within the week The departed has been a resident of this county since 1S88 and a host of friends neighbors and acquaint ances have held her in high esteem She was a member of the famous Redmond family of Ireland and with- A requiem mass was conducted at St Patricks church this morning at 1030 Rev Wm Patton O M I celebrant Interment in Calvary cem etery followed the funeral services which were attended by many friends from the country and city Thomas Coyle another member of the family is also in a serious condi tion his recovery being doubtful his illness beginning with the same dis ease that has proven fatal to the oth ers Other complications have now increased the chances against his recovery The family has the profoundest sympathy of all in this multiplication of bereavements and sorrows R F D No 3 The Sunday School at Prospect Park was largely attended Sunday You are all invited Several of the young folks of Pros pect Park Sunday school met at Don Thompsons home to practice singing Sunday evening Frank Miller and Mrs Hattie Bahr and little Gertrude spent Sunday with J W Peabody and family A Kemp visited in Oberlin Kan sas last week A Clamp is breaking a team of colts H Clamp is hauling wheat to mar ket Last Friday evening quite a num ber from this neighborhood attended the literary at the Kennedy school house H Miller had a new well put down on his farm the McCook Hardware Co doing the work Tom Mumby and family were city visitors trading Monday Mrs S Y Bennett is still among the ailing ones of this neighborhood Mrs Fred Groves is visiting north of McCook Big stock of worthy paint for wise early painters Use Sherwiri Williams Paints L W McCONNELL Druggist Liquid Extract of Smoke for curing meat in 75c and 40c bottles A lesser quantity sold if you want it C R WOODWORTH Druggist For Sale Two good hydrants and metal bath tub as good as new cheap Dr C L Fahnerstock phone 123 TO MOVE GOODJ OUT Your dollar will now buy more than a dollars worth At no time MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs C C Harless is visiting her mother Mrs E Carney at Western Roy S Jacobs of Denver has been visiting his father C H Jacobs this week al a remarkable woman in many ways son were guests of her father C H Mrs Coyle was born in county Wexford Ireland in 1836 Came to America with her parents when she was 14 years of age settling in Il linois where she was married in 1856 Her maiden name was Anna Redmond She came to Red Willow county in 1888 and has since resided here Three daughters and two sons survive her Departed was the mother of 16 Virginia Brumgart Geo Boren Mrs dren There are 3 grandchildren Jacobs this week 0 Frank Henderson was in town on Tuesday guest of his parents Mr and Mrs J M Henderson Miss Allie J Peck arrived home end-of-week from an absence in Kan sas City and other points east Frank Stillman arrived from Kan sas Saturday and is spending the week here on important business H Russell Corner came down from Palisade Friday night on his way to Omaha for treatment for his eyes Henry Bellairs expects to move near Salina Kansas after his sale He has bought property in that sec tion - Matthew Stewart will move to Mc Cook after his sale He has long been a resident of the Red Willow creek country Miss Peck the B street milliner was in Lincoln end-of-week on busi ness She had been in Kansas City a while for her health Mr and Mrs H L Kennedy de parted this week for their new home in Omaha from which city he will pursue his land business activities Success to him J D Buxton and family moved to McCook the first of the week where Mr Buxton has accepted the position of manager of W S Morlans fine fruit farm apairy and chicken yards Trenton Register Adair Galusha of the firm of Gal usha Son arrived from Lincoln this week and will devote his time end energies to the business here in the future T he Tribune welcomes him to the municipal family W B Mills and R B Simmons of the McCook Hardware Co are attend- I f ing the Nebraska Hardware Dealers convention and Wholesale Dealers ex hibit in Omaha part of this week Mrs Mills accompanied Mr Mills Ramie Allen who has been in an Omaha drug store for the past year arrived here first of week and with his brother Robert who arrived on No 1 Tuesday from South Dakota will take charge of the Allen ranch stocked with cattle hogs and mules which the boys will care for A L Miller of Indianola and a rel ative Mr Method of Eastern Nebras ka came up to the city Thursday eve ning last on a visit to McCook rela tives Mr Method is a relative of Mrs Bert Hall of our city whom he visited several days before returning home The improvements now being given her residence on 2nd street1 east by Mrs Matella Gordon quite revolution ize the property in appearance com fort and convenience Subscribe for The Tribune a n ri of the year do we ever put high prices on our mer chandise so when they are marked much lower than the first marked price you save in real money the difference be tween the marked price and the reduced price We do not ship in shoddy goods just to make special sales but on our regular quality goods we have put Prices down to move goods out Return Engagement of The House of 1000 Candles After the first performance of The House of a Thousand Candles in New York the management requested i the opinions of several of the most Albert Berry came in Monday morn- fam0Us theatrical stars who were pres mg off the road on a visit to the homefolks Ed Droll will occupy the big Ebert home when he moves into the city after his sale D E Whistler was up from Indian ola Tuesday on business with the county officers A T Myers and family of ent at the play The following is a summary of the opinions gathered Miss Julia Marlowe says The dramatic sense is grasped instantly and portrayed with perfect artistic simplicity David Warfield The vivid dra matic quality combined with its ro mantic adventure makes the play one of the most interesting I have seen Arnold Daly Mentally it is brisk and bracing Mrs Leslie Carter Rarely have I found a play so absorbing Blanche Bates I enjoyed the play because of the Americanism of its characters plot and scenes And Mr E H Sothern said The plot is original and strong in dramat ic conception developed with ever growing interest to a striking cli max From the above it would seem that The House of a Thousand Candles was keenly enjoyed by this brilliant first night audience The original New York production will be the offering at the Temple theatre on Thursday February 23d For Sale Cheap A black Percheron brood mare with foal Weighs about 1200 lbs 9 years old Also a black Percheron gelding 3 years old weighing about 1400 lbs Well broke Both in good condition and first class work ers Will sell with them a set of good harness Some one can make some money on this team Call on or address J W Peabody R F D No 3 McCook Neb There are rumors of war Sunday with a pistol play attempted hold up etc of vague but interesting particu lars which would make tearful read ing Remember the M W As meet in Masonic hall now first and third Friday evenings of each month For special on meat see Magner home made mince FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC FOR RENT Farms with 4 room house barn and granary wells ancU cistyrrs Inquire of Gr W Trimpey Culbertson Neb FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone cedar 983 or 25 tf FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms 1002 2nd street east FOR RENT Two furnished room with heat and light Phone red 28L Call at 319 1st st west FOR RENT One room in Electric theatre building McCook Hardware Co Phone 31 FOR RENT Four furnished rooms for housekeeping Mrs J I Lee phone red 455 FOR SALE My residence on 1st st E Also a dwelling on 2nd st E Phone black 109 FOR SALE Three thoroughbred White Brahma roosters Phone red 330 1 H vl