The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1911, Image 7
c fr y CITY LODGE DIRECTORY K a A UeCook LrtKl No 135 A K A M inet 3var first hu1 tht il In liy of tlw month ai 400 p mi in Masonic IihII BuKWa H Stkwaut WM Charles L Fahnksimck 6jc H - It Occcuoxee Council No 10 llS M meats on the last Siitunla of acu mouth at 800 p in a Masonic hall William K Hart T I M Aabon Q KiXHSrtc K A M Kiujt Cyrus Ciapter Ni 15 K A M nieulf syery an taml third Tlinrla of pach month t 500 p m in Masonic nail ClauknceB Grvt H P W B WuiTTAKKK SC KNIQHT9 TEMPLAR St John Commandery No 16 K T meet- uu he second Thursday of each month ut 800 p m in Masonic hall G EO WlLLKTS E C Setk D Silver Rec EASTERN STAU Kareka Chapter No 86 O E S meets thr second and fourth Fridaj sot each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Mrs C w Wilson W M 3 Coedeal Sec KNIGHTS OF PTTHIA8 McCook Lodge I o 42 of K P meets ever Wednesday at 800 p m in Maonic hall J N Gabde C C C A Evans K H t ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 0 0 F meets even Monday at 8 KX p m in Morris hall B J Lane N G H G Hughes Sec MODERN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 663 M W A meets everj second and fourth Thursday of each month at 830 p m in Morris hall Pay assessments tt Citizens National Bank Julius Kunret Consul HM Finite Clerk ROYAL NEIGHBORS No le Camp No 862 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 pm in Morris hall Mrs Caeoline Kunebt Oracle Mrs Augusta Anton Rec workmen McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at8K0 pm in Temple Maurice Griffin Treas Henry Moebs MW C J Ryan Financier C B Gbat Rec DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of H meets every second and forth Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Temple building Anna E Ruby C of H Msa Cabbie Schlagel Rec MACCABEES Meets every 2nd and 4th Friday evening in Morris hall J A Wilcox Com J H Yargeb Record Keeper NATIONAL ASSOI IATION OF LETTER CARRIERS Branch No 12TS meets firtt Mini ay of each mouth at 330 p m in carriers rom poxtotlice G F KlNGnoBN President D J OBbien Secrtap LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN AND ENOINEMEN McCook Lodge No S99 B or L F E awets on the first and third Thursdays of each month in Morris hall I D Pennington Pres C H Husted Sec Ladies Society B of L F E Golden Rod Lodge No 282 meets in Morris hall on first and third Wednesday afternoons of each month at 2 oclock MbsGbace Hcsted Mes Lena Hill Secretary President RAILWAY TBAINMEN C W Bronson Lodge No 487 B of R T meets first and third Sundays at 230 pm in Eagles hall T E Huston President F G Kinghobn Sec EAILWAY CONDUCTOB8 Harvey Division No 95 O R C meets the econd and fourth Wednesday nights of each mouth at 800 p m in Morris hall at 304 Main Avenue S E Callen C Con M O McClube Sec MACHINISTS Bed Willow Lodge No 537 I A of M meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Morris hall Theo Diebald Pre Feed Wasson Fin Sec Floyd Bebby Cor Sec LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEERS McCook Division No 623 B of L E moots every second and fourth Sunday of each month at 230 in Morris hall Walter Stokes C E W D BUBNETT F A E RAILWAY CAEMEN Young America Lodge No 456 B R C of A meets on the first and third Tuesdays of each nonth in Morris hall at 7 30 p m H M Finity Pres J M Smith Rec Sec y S D Hughes Secy BOILERMAKEBS McCook Lodge No 407 B of B M I S B of A meets first and third Thursdays of each month In Eagles hall Jno Seth Pres Jno LeHew Cor Sec eagles McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E meets every Friday evening at 8 oclock in Kelley building 316 Main ave C L Walkeb W Pres C H Ricketts W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBU8 McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p m in Eagles hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month at 8 p m In Monte Cristo hall Anna Hannan G B Nellie Ryan F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first and third Thursday evenings of each month in Morris hall Mes W B Mills Commander Haebiet E Willetts R K G A E J K Barnes Post No 207 G A B meets on the first Saturday of each month at 2 30 pm Morris hall Thomas Moobe Commander J H Yabgeb Adjt BELIEF COBP3 McCook Corps No 93 W R C meets every 3 3 Al Om Sh m3 a 9 in l vwn M n TCOna anu lounu aaburuav ui catu uiuubii a 30 p o in Ganschow hall -3 Adella McClain Pres Busie Yandebhoof Sec L OF G A B McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on the second and fourth Fridays of each month at 230 p m In Morris hall Mrs Lottie Brewer Presment Mrs Kato Dutton Secretary P E O Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 2S0 p m at the homes of the various members Mes J A Wilcox Pres Mes J G Schobel Cor Sec PYTHIAN BISTEES McCook Temple No 24 Pythian Sisters meets the 2d and 4th Wednesdays at 730 p m Lila L Ritchie M E C Edna Stewaet M of K C diamond bebekah Meets each st and 3rd Friday evening of each month in Morris hall Mes C S Cuetis N G Miss Minnie Middleton Secy leys Honey and Tar and reject any substitute A McMillen WARRING FOR PEACE Early last spring somebody told Miss Lucinda Hillman that decorators charged less in midsummer so she promptly decided to delay her house cleaning until after the Fourth There was a trifle of grumbling but Miss Lu cinda stood firm and not until a sul try evening of recent date did she warn the members of her family that the calciminers were upon them Theres one thing I want under stood she added Mother is to have absolute peace during this confusion I shall keep her room undisturbed un til the rest of the house is in perfect order and then she can go out into some quiet clean place while her room is being done Mrs Hillman looked up with the gentle protest which has succeeded her manner of authority since she handed over the housekeeping to her eldest daughter I always have the decorators be gin in my room she said No doubt was the reply You never looked out for your own com fort But I like to have mine done first insisted the mother Leave that to me Ive been read ing a splendid article called Keep a Nook for Mother and Im going by that All you need to do is to stay on your throne and keep calm Even a queen has some rights Luce her married brother put in I dont relish seeing mother bossed Hush Sam murmuret Sams new wife who was not new enough to be ignorant of the effect this remark would have on Lucinda The end of it was that before Lu cindas wounded feelings could be soothed her mother was pleading al most with tears to have her room done last Accordingly after breakfast next morning Lucinda began making her mothers bed Lucinda called Sams wife from the foot of the stairs the calcimin ers want to see you about the color for the dining room Theyll have to wait was the ma jestic answer as Lucinda turned the mattress No hurry about that bed Mrs Hillman urged leaning forward un easily from the rocker where Lucinda had placed her Those men get 60 cents an hour I cant helD It if they do The first thing is to have you in peace in an orderly room The mother fidgeted but Lucinda finished dusting and even brought in a vase of flowers before she left As Mrs Hillman sat there alone brooding a little sadly over past years of activity Sams wife peeped in up on her All alone she inquired Til bring in my work Within two minutes she was back again blithely scattering white ravel ings over the clean rug as she spread out the tablecloth she was hemming and exhibited its pattern An ani mated discussion on table linen arose and in the midst of it Lucinda opened the door Mercy was her comment as she turned back to the broom closet and reappeared with the carpet sweeper Im straining every nerve to keep this one room in perfect order for the sake of the peaceful effect on mother she explained to Sams wife as she slammed the sweeper against a table leg Do you mind if I set all your things on one chair And couldnt you work with the tablecloth folded It looks so cluttered Why mother she broke off in annoyance how did all those dusty pictures get in here I moved then in was the apolo getic answer I happened to see them In the hall and I was afraid the frames would be marred with all those ladders and boards The passage is so narrow you know Lucinda compressed her lips and moved the pictures back into the hall like an amateur whirlwind Then she closed the door on two ruffied looking women and wondered why it was im possible for her mother to behave like some of the serene old persons she know This was the beginning By the end of the third day Luclndas war for peace had roused the fighting spirit of every person in the house save one and several neighbors Up stairs in the front room the gentle hearted old mother had- taken to her bed worried to the breaking point by strained relations in the household Now that evening had come Miss Lucinda stood at the foot of her moth ers bed a sense of Injustice clouding her face No you shall not be turned out of your room while youre sick she was saying You neednt suggest going Into my bed tomorrow so that the men can work in here Everything else Is done of course but they caa just take their pails and ladders away and come back when you are yourself again But I want my room done pro tested her mother Mother lie down Dont excite yourself Cant you see that youre i ni r ha nnt strone enough to plan these x i i n tviincra Were vou are worn out with levs Honev and Tar for coughs and STSSSl colds None genuine without the TiPRd silence followed It was Bea Hive Bemember the name Fo not until Lucinda had turned away that a grim smile flickered across the old -ft y -d k rk The riai t Janua OUi jic4 r rsr 7i tvf s w - - t Co i iarers Proceedings 1 McCook Neli i Januarj 11 th 10 ti The board of aunty commissioners met pursuant atijournniuut Pres ent F S I oonE award Sughrou and W N Hoerd count Kitchie county al Skulla coui i Uit ings h i cad u 1 on mo tio i approved The soard the exami natior Ot tie ace cants of J C Mooro o rL treasurer and after arcfjl exiimirai ion find the foliowin o be a true and correct statement of 1I fees received by him as county judge from January Gth 1910 to January 4th Ittll both inclusive the sum of 99530 The quarter annual reports of J C Moore county judge for the 3rd and 4th quarters of 1910 were ex amined and on motion approved and ordered placed on file On motion the county treasurer wa instructed to refund to Dallas G Di vine the sum of 1520 being the amount of 1910 personal taxes illeg ally assessed against him at McCook and paid by him under protest for the reason that he was assessed for 3 automobiles when he only owned two The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants in pay ment thereof on the respective funds levy of 1910 as follows Road district No 1 North Valley precinct Sam Murphy road work 16 00 And on the county general fund levy of 1910 as follows F S Lofton commissioner service and mileage 1910 19 60 F S Lofton same 1911 20 30 Edward Sughroue same 24 15 V N Rogers same 7 50 On motion the board adjourned to meet January 12th 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk McCook Nebraska January 12 1911 The board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment Pre onded by Sughroue that Dr J D Hare be appointed as member of the county board of health to fill the va cancy caused- by -the resignation of Dr S C Beach The motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Sughroue seconded by Rogers as follows I move that the county clerk give dach of the road overseers of this county the following notice You are hereby notified that your compensation as road overseer will be allowed at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per day and no more for all time necessarily employed in supervising work on the roads Un less the road overseer has at least two men and two teams at work on each day said overseer makes claim for pay for himself except in case of bridge repairs when such help could not be used to advantage the com missioners will not deem the time necessarily employed and will not al low the claim No moneys other than said two dollars and fifty cents per day will be allowed said overseers either for their own labor work of their own teams or use of anything belonging to and furnished by such overseer You are further notified that no claims will be allowed or mon ey expended for road work or ma terials in your district in excess of your district road fund unless the work and materials are ordered and the money expended by the commis sioner of your district The motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Sughroue seconded by Rogers that the resig nation of Butler A Jones as justice of the peace for Indianola precinct be accepted and that James E Ryan be appointed as justice of peace for Indianola precinct to fill the vacancy Motion carried unanimously A motion was made by Sughroue seconded by Rogers that the appli cation of L M Higgins sheriff for one deputy be granted and that the salary of said deputy sheriff be ed at 3000 a month with the under standing that there will be no further charge for jailor hire Motion car ried unanimously A motion was made by Rogers sec onded by Sughroue that the appoint ment of Ephraim Benjamin as dep uty sheriff appointed by L M Hig gins sheriff be approved Motion carried unanimously The official bond of EJphraim Ben jamin deputy sheriff was examined and on motion approved and ordered recorded and placed on file The semi annual statement of the county superintendent stating the condition of the county institute fund was examined and on motion approv ed and ordered placed on file The following claim was audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw a warrant on the county general fund levy of 1910 i Edward Hubsr merchandise J L Young Geo -V Dillon Mrs Stevens Lacv Cotton Mrs Teffevs John I Mf 4615 The board commenced the exami nation of the accounts of L M Hig gins sheriif and continued the same throughout the da tryyiiifnjujwL ii ijiuu - l m ii TaWtTmmuiKmmTnarimmMifukx 7raT F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk McCook Nebraska January 13th 1911 The board of county commission ers met pursuant to adjournment Present F S Lofton Edward Sug roue and W N Rogers county com missioners Chas D Ritchie county attorney and Chas Skalla county clerk A motion was made by Sughroue seconded by Rogers that Roy E Walkington be appointed as justice of peace for East Valley precinct to fill vacancy and that S R Grissell be appointed as constable for East Valley precinct to fill vacancy Mo tion carried unanimously A motion was made by Sughroue seconded by Rogers that L LM iller be appointed as justice of peace for North Valley precinct to fill vacancy Motion carried unanimously The following official bonds were examined and onmotion approved and ordered recorded and placed on file Roy E Walkington justice of the peace East Valley precinct 3 R Grissell constable East Val ley precinct The following claims were audited and allowed and the clerk was in structed to draw warrants on the general fund levy of 1910 in payment thereof as follows State Journal Co supplies for county judge 8 00 L M Higgins telephone tolls December 1910 1 60 F S Lofton commisisoner ser vices and mileage 8 20 Edward Sughroue same 9 65 W N Rogers same 8 40 Road district No 9 Indianola pre cinct S V Frye road work claimed at 21750 allowed at 167 50 W R Hayden road work 3 00 E E Frye same 26 25 Calvin Sedden same 33 00 Silas Vandervoort same 23 25 Road district No 20 Lebanon pre cinct F W McCashland road work 6 00 W W Boyd same 75 E L Boyd same 75 Wm Halsey same 75 Edgar Halsey same 75 On motion the county treasurer was instructed to refund to the fol lowing named persons the amount of poll tax erroneously assessed against them in 1910 and paid by them un der protest as follows John Jimerson McCook city not 21 years of age 2 00 C W Barnes McCook city over 50 years of age 2 00 Phillip Voiles Bartley -village over 50 years of age 2 00 The board commenced the examina tion of the accounts of C A Rodgers clerk of the district court and after a careful examination find that he has earned as fees from January 1st j 1910 to January 1st 1911 the sum of 159817 including the salary paid him by the county COLORADO FEARS The McCook Tribune It Is 100 HOPPER MENAGE On motion the board adjourned to FaHMS Af6 0rg8ilZil1g tfl EX- meet Ja mary 13th 1911 J terminate urop parasites NOT A CANADIAN INVASION Growth of Grasshoppers Entirely From American Population Which Is Fat tening on Rich Alfalfa Crops of Mountain West Legislative Aid to Be Asked In War of Farmers Colorado is aroused over the grass hopper menace so much so In fact that the farmers have called a state convention to strike at the roots of the danger or rather at the roots of the grass to eliminate the danger So much in earnest are the farmers re garding the increase of the grasshop per population that the Colorado leg islature will be asked to enact a law for the extermination of the pests There is no danger of a repetition of the scourge of the seventies in Nebras ka Kansas and the Dakotas The lo custs of that day were long winged grasshoppers which breed in the north and west in Montana and neighboring states and also in Canada That in vasion was doubtless due to an over production of the Insect in its native territory which led to an exhaustion of the food supply The flights were due to a search for new feeding grounds During those times the in vaders laid Immense numbers of eggs many of which hatched but the young found themselves unable to adapt themselves to the conditions of the newly discovered land They were weak and very few reached maturity After the first breeding the species died out The long winged grasshoppers were reported to be present in westernNe braska and Kansas as late as 1S05 but recent examinations have thrown doubt over the identity of the insect found It is certain that this grass hopper has not been taken in Colorado during the last fifteen years Local Hopper Increasing The grasshopper to be swatted is the home grown article which is taking advantage of the prosperity of the country and is living off the luxuri ant crops and Increasing by the mil lion The juicy succulent alfalfa whose acreage is increasing many fold is about the best thing the grasshop per has struck in many a year and it not only lives on the tender stems in summer but it converts the roots Into a great incubator for hatching young Grasshoppers says S R Johnson of the Colorado agricultural experi ment station are like the poor al ways with us They are present in all parts of the United States and every year exact their toll from almost every crop that grows In spite of the fact that they have been so universally de structive and have been fought by so many methods their depredations still continue and it can be truthfully said that little progress has been made to ward their control Every year brings reports of destructive visitations in greater or smaller areas Just what the damage is can only be guessed The sum total is doubtless millions each year In Colorado a campaign is now be ing conducted against the pest The campaign was first suggested by C L Fitch potato expert of the Colorado experiment station It is due largely to his untiring energy that the move- ment is assuming logical and effective tion of the accounts of L M Higgins sheriff and continued the same throughout the day and decided to conclude the same at the next meet ing of the board On motion the board adjourned to meet February 14th 1911 F S LOFTON Chairman Attest CHAS SKALLA County Clerk RED WILLOW Little Glen Meyers who has been so extremely ill with pneumonia has become convalescent Mrs Sexson has been quite sick for some time past Children are suffering with colds which causes earache and gatherings in the head Little Sammie King has had a bad time with gatherings in his head and which discharged from both ears Louis Longnecker and Lewis Elmer caught a coon in their trap which weighed 21 pounds It was unusual ly dark and its tail was beautifully striped They caught a coyote last week Longneckers are putting up ice from1 the river Nebraska indulged in a fancy streak of weather last week About 4 oclock one afternon it was up to 72 degrees and sometime during the night went down to 11 degrees Ivan Quigley is quite sick with a cold threatened with pneumonia Huber handles the Carhartt gloves and caps also and a full line of other makes I oHonrt Pho nlqn nnnfmnnlntAC Arousing the farmers to concerted efforts of control Enlightening them as to the most intelligent and economical methods of control I Formulating grasshopper legislation of such a nature that the farmers in lo- cal districts may co operate and have 1 the work of each individual effective Legislative Aid Sought The legislature will be asked to pass some form of grasshopper law which will make co operative effort possible This law will make it pos sible for neighboring farmers to form grasshopper districts of a few miles in extent These districts will be in charge of committees and supervisors chosen by the farmers All those with in the district will be obliged to clean out the infested localities and fight the hoppers under direction Means will be provided so that the public places such as ditch banks roadsides and waste lands may be cleaned up at pub lic or general expense The best winter remedy Is the de struction of the eggs Egg pods which are broken open and exposed during the winter the longer the better are almost surely destroyed before the hatching period arrives When eggs are buried very deeply in the ground the young are seldom able to make their way to the surface even if the egga hatch The best method to employ is plow ing Plow deeply where possible and in such a way as to turn the sod com pletely over It will be well to har row the plowed sod very thoroughly so that the cracks where the young might crawl out will be filled up If shallow plowing is resorted to the ground should be thoroughly harrowed in or der to break up the pods and expose the eggs to the attacks of birds and mice and the effects of the weather which will wet and dry freeze and thaw them In succession and kill the frrniTio Thnrao f J r ggyfrajargataSUtLfahMfcjJWW A Reliable Cough Medicine Is a valuable family friend Fo leys Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly Mrs Charles Kline N 8th St Easton Pa states Several members of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foleys Honey and Tar and I am never without a bot tle in the house It soothes and loosens up the cold I have always found it a reliable cough cure A McMillen Estimate of Expenses At the regular meeting of the coun ty board of Red Willow county Ne braska held on the 10th day of Jan uary 1191 the matter of the esti mate of the necessary expenses for the year 1911 was considered and the estimate made as follows County general fund 3000000 County bridge fund 1500000 County road fund 700000 County Soldiers Relief fund 100000 Bartley village bond 30000 McCookC ity court house bonds 150000 McCook City Sewer bond 1SOO0G Ak fotk City water bopd JlHWOoO School ilftrict bonds 1200000 Dated H Mccook this 10th day of January -nil CHAS SKALLA County Clerk First publication Jan 12 4t In the County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of James E Wingate deceased All persons having claims and de mands against the estate of James E Wingate deceased will take no tice that I have set and appointed the following days for the recep tion examination and adjustment of said claims and demands at the county court room in McCook in said county to wit January 30 1911 and August 2 1911 All persons so in terested in said estate will appear at said time and place and duly pre sent their said claims and demands in the manner required by law or show cause for not so doing and in case the same are not presented by August 1 1911 they shall be forever barred Notice of said times and place of hearing shall be given by publishing a copy of this order for four weeks successively in the Mc Cook Tribune a newspaper printed and circulated in said county Given under my hand and the seal of said county court this 4th day of January 1911 J C MOORE Seal County Judge First publication Jan 5 1911 4t Shampooing Hair Dressing- Scalp and Facial Treatment L M CLYDE Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location iut acr is lnCntlr I street ia P W lEh bu lrticg l l Best Imported PercheronBeIgian English Shire Suffolk Punch and German Coach Stallions 1000 ea Imported mareshome bred stallions 250 6oU eacn A LATIHER WILSON Creston Iowa Home Bred Draft Stallions 1000 F L STREAM Creston Ia w - iri mj it l t l i Lumber and Coal Thats All But we can meet your every need in these lines from our large and complete stocks in all grades Barnett Lumber Co Phone S S