The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 19, 1911, Image 5
k r m titiVJ Time Card - iuMsi Mccook Neb kia Mam Ltue Eat Depart Central Time No 6 1110 P M 16 430 A M 2 520 A M 12 700 A M 14 020 P M Main Line West Depart Mountain Time No 1 1235 P M 3 1142 P M 5 arr 830 p m 15 1230 A M Imperial liue Mount sin Timel No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS J O McArthur left for his new po sition in Lincoln Monday night Eight members of C E Emersons force have been let out this week The Western Union has a gang stretching another wire over the main line from Denver east The gang started east from McCook Wednes r MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE U G Ethcrton deputy oil intec cor was in the city on official busi ness Saturday Mrs J O McArthur and daughter expect to remain in McCook lor a month or two Mr and Mrs David Diamond are the parents of a fine large girl baby born on Saturday W F Everist was down from Monte Vista Colorado early days of the week on business Coy Burnt tt was tip from Lincoln close of hist week Uniting the homo folks and on I isiiicfts Miss Kate Caffrey of Stamford is visiting her sister Miss Ella Caffrey of the third grade west J P Crouse is spending a week or two in Chicago and other points east on company business Mr and Mrs D F Neiswanger of Cambridge were guests of Mr and day morning I 21 General Foreman J O McArthur THE POSARY has been promoted to the general j when Rowland and Cliffords new foremanship of the Lincoln round play TIo Rocai y by Eiward E house John made good here in Rose comes to the Temple theatre each position and it is safe to i next Saturday evening the discrim prophesy that he will in this latest advancement A district convention of members of the Order of Railway Telegraphers met in McCook Tuesday with 3C members of this growing order rep resented in the gathering The O H T is growing and the boys hope to come into their own with the oth er organizations of railway men The Colorado and Southern rail way was sold to Proctor Eorden a block of 31400000 refunding and extension 4 per cent bonds The proceeds from the sale of the bonds will be used to complete the connecting links in Colorado The Colorado and oSuthern has been con trolled by the Burlington since 19 OS Men inating public will be given an op portunity to see pictured before them the growing unrest and irreligion of our times It is a faithful picture of the misery and unahppiness that surely comes upon a man who lacks faith in the supreme good and its triumphs in our world Can one evil mind poison a whole household Is the human brain cap able of producing disastrous effects upon a household by adverse sug gestive thoughts Do we realize adequately how o mental attitudes influence our lives and the lives about us And the answer Well the play is the answer This play has proven the sensation of the season in Chicago and New York one company has just closed a three months run in Chicago and an- When you meet with men of worth other is packing the Garden theatre think how you may attain to their New York City nightly level when you see others of an op- - amine ISSud The McCk the year in advance It is 100 SHOES THE MODEL SHOE STORE S xx O Jbj S i Mrs H P Waite over Sunday Mrs J E Kirchner of Titonka ffl HCV luivci it m Lilt U1L Uil il V151L Willi her sister Miss Ella Caffrey Bert Sutton arrived in town as last week waned and was the guest of j his cousin H P the jeweler j Mr and Mrs Seth S Silver re- turned home close of last week from Clel Pope was in his old haunts at a visit in Iowa covering the holidays j McCook headquarters end of week Mwg gtella Faug returned end of past week from her visit and has resumed Conductor A G King is off duty her desk in C E Eldreds law office and Conductor T E McCarl has his D C Marsh arrived home Monday run meantime night from 0maha where Mrs Marsh Two new engines 350 and 351 was recently under an operation of a for the C S passed through minor sort Cook Wednesday Mrs E c nm Qf PlBttsmcuth very C E Bnggs has returned from briefly visited in the city Tuesday coin under the new schedule rear- night coming in on No 5 and de 1 rangement of enginemen rartir came evoning Word from Denver announces the W W Wright departed on 13 on birth of a daughter last week to Gen- Monday for his home at Wallstreet eral Foreman and Mrs Gary Dole Colorado- Mrs Wright will remain Bryce Jones went up to Denver with her parents Mr and Mrs T F last night on a visit of a few weeks Rowell some time longer with his sister Mrs L H Lindemann Mr and Mrs H C Clanp will de Mr and Mrs Ira E Converse re- art Saturday evening for New York The McCook Tribure the year in advance It is 100 WiMikW ffif W CVvi j yet offices but the raph turned end of week from spending ascnt several weeks buying - distance nu twn vR xvith intiv in npS spring and summer goods They wiu i ong teicipio Moines Iowa 1 Chicago on their return James E Murphy of Edgemont S Bo le has opened an office D is the new general foreman to sue m t2e First National Bank Building ceed John O McArthur promoted to in lbe room Just west of the banks Lincoln He went on the job Monday JJa lers where he will continue his professional work and business tae yoii crn save mo ey at ncs in r 4 ntrTnmt c n TlT inn The groat advantage of the new arrangement lies in th e fact that while there are comparatively few telegraph Oificcs open at all hours Confidence In the Mails Having sent a strong box key by mail in an unregistered letter a clerk was told by his employer that the key arrived O K but that the means of transportation adopted showed too much conHdeuce In answer the clerk said Ever since a New Years eve incident of two yea re standing my conttdence in the postodice is great And pressed for an explanation he said That evening or early in the morning rather a man came out of a restaurant rather the worse for cele brating fie had a wallet in his pocket containing considerable money and was uncertain as to the honesty of his companions He went to a letter box forced the wallet through the slot and continued to make a night of it It required considerable red tape to re cover his property but he got it New York Tribune Tipping and Treating There are two practices in this coun try that are being justly condemned One is tipping and the other treating To be sure we are not responsible for originating either Away back in the days of Queen Elizabeth every coffee house had a box bearing the inscrip tion To Insure Promptness hence T I P Neither is treating an innova tion Some of the Caesars so says his tory used to get huffy when their guests could not see the bottom of the glass often enough But both have got such a hold on Americans that they have come to be recognized as national habits and the latter sometimes as a national evil Indianapolis News Legend of Holyrood Palace Holyrood palace Edinburgh Scot land once a British royal residence Is the subject of a strange legend Rob ert Louis Stevenson alludes to It In his little book on Edinburgh There is a silly story he writes of a subterra nean passage between the castle of Holyrood and a bold highland pipei who volunteered to explore its wind ings He made his entrance by the up per end playing a strathspey The cu rious footed it after him down the street following his descent by the sound of the chanter from below until all of a sudden about the level of St Giles the music came abruptly to an end and the people in the street stood at fault with hands uplifted Whethei he was choked with gases or perished in a quag or was removed bodily bj the evil one remains a point of doubt but the piper has never again beei seen or heard of from that day to this WEBSSgBm ssz tmMBeMmMwwMmMmffiYWfi v pfflm oftaait emu in Z5 txcytst ffsar yi i qq You save from home when he was a mere boy and sought his fortune in the west where he grew to manhood as an In dian lighter hunter trapper and mountain guide Although not an ed ucated man he was possessed of great acumen to which was united u keen wit When gold was discovered in I onr 1 niwi 1 f H a iau - - icarlv ever- telephone user has ry four hoar service and vhn local t ii 1110 iany subscriber or the Nebraska Tele phone tolany who desires to send a telegram witli the nearest Western Unicn office then eper without ad ditional charge The Western Union Company has made similar arranggements in all parts of the country so that Bell Tel ephone subscribers anywhere may send or receive telegrams at any time over the telephone without additional charge beyond the regular telegraph message rate II l rJI l ll JUIVL -- LtU HI v- telegraph offices are closed telephone j an oHCtf tht d the duties of operators are instructed to connect navor illKi justice of the peace The first case coming before the new al calde was that of a gambler who while drunk had ridden his horse over a young Mexican woman She was seri ously injured The trial took place in the largest cabin in the neighborhood The gam bler who was rich had retained able counsel to defend him Alcade Black burn called the young woman to the witness stand She told a straight forward honest story When she had finished the alcalde peremptorily end ed the trial The attorney for the de fendant protested vigorously but the alcalde disposed of his protest thus Jf this court knows herself and sh thinks she do I fine you 00 damages and assess upon you the cost of puttiu this young woman in good condition When asked what he meant by good condition the alcalde replied that the gambler must pay the doctors bills and all other costs of the young womans sickness Exchange MOZARTS UNTIMELY END Sad Finish of the Career of the Great Musical Genius Late horns unwearied vigils ever lasting labor the effects of chills damp and exposure in the hard life he led a life alternating between brilliant passages and the most loathsome drudgery between rosy anticipations of fortune and inevitable and eternal disappointments had their effects on the vigorous constitution of Mozart His lamp of life burnt out untimely While still a young man only thirty five years old he fell into ill health the symptoms of which were a fitful restless nervousness a craving for in ordinate excitement and a rapid decay of the physical stamina of his consti tution Unfortunately for him in the ab sence of any strong infiuence at home which might keep him in the path of duty he was tempted to seek recrea tion abroad and fell into the company of a dissipated set of men haunters of the theaters and taverns of Vienna the chief spirit of whom was one Schikaneder a low coarse man of nei ther refinement nor talent In com pany with this crew the glorious gen ius whose critical state of health de manded the utmost care and attention from loving hands fiitted night after night from tavern to tavern In Vienna deluding himself with vice under the idea that he was gathering the secret spirit of brotherhood for use in his opera The Magic Flute on which he at that time was engaged Row bothams Private Life of Great Com posers - o No Apology Necessary I congratulate you most heartily said the nearsighted guest at the wed ding on this happy oh I beg your pardon I thought I was speaking to the bridegroom Thats all right the other man re plied I accept your congratulations I am the father of the bride Chicago Tribune The McCook Tribune 100 a year tjstxzxztsrezi iiJ -ca x w - i Lack cf Material My dear young friend put a watei on your passions Cant put a watch on anything Just pawned mine -Baltimore American Not Quite Clear I gave a hint to Pinks that In go tag into that enterprise he was skat Ing on thin ice What did he do Oh he tumbled FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC FOl t RErr roar room house fur 1 r I or miur iriicu lawn arJ t shade Phone red 435 Mrs J Lee Kit RENT Dwilint ar j83 or 25 tf 1 houu Phone empie I FOR RENT Farms with 4 room house barn and granary wells and ciren 5 Inquire of G W Trimpey j CuiDertscn Neb J FOR RENT One room in Electric theatre building McCook Hardware j Co FOR RENT Quarters on Miin avo aue for small business or office IIeit i md light Ground floor Desirable I Enquire for particulars and terms at the Piibune office i - ssS tf fesu 3iPr money in two ways iiwv iRfo bv boying from us First our xxrW HI sKsKtt vnAmnaA X5S8sfi w -- wS prices as c iuuie vUiitVU n vyiijs yui a Ggtuai pi LZz as this is the end of the season for us Yon how a Ion time to use and encv cbftes ait ef our eoods is always the beLt aid it f times by baying from is beonure the r -- Telegrams By Telephone I ORIGIN OF A7J EXPRESSION The Nebraska Teljphone company Hit ri i UIIC J made arrangements with tne -- - u TLrifn cia rn c - - Western Union Telegraph company We hear the expression frequently whereby telegrams may be snet by tel Jourt Jkno and t eplone at night on Sundays or thInbR u dQes but few prsons are days when the smaller telegraph ilvire of tla o iKin thereof fices are closed For some time The individual who gave birth to It ephone subscribers have been able was a Pike county Missouriun uanied io sen anl receive telegrams over Blackburn who nourished in the west fitnioio tn nr1 fm7n lnral niany years ago Blackburn ran away HC -- plan cf using buy the best Come to rT Sc j wr iv QgS fi s v Ifc 1 w5Sf Vs1 vfcir i vjfw l tviv u s V4t iifSS as and save FOR SALE Desirable residence property E Benjamin FOR RENT The Ebert residence 1104 1st st W H L Kennedy phone black 124 19 FOR RENT Four unfurnished rooms 1002 2nd street east FOR RENT Two furnished rooms with heat and light Phone red 281 Call at 319 1st st west WANTED Board and room in pri vate farily for man wife and child Inquire at Tribune office T PIK J j 11 a vwim u rtlin waiQJ L rPultt 5flCfe5 -7 UflMOU WHERE QUALITY COUNTS FOR SALE Staw at 2 per load wilh vital importance is in the com- delivered Phone black 31S FOR SALE A fine Jersey Cow Phone Black 315 12 FOR SALE Lot 2 block 7 4th Mc Cook Write Ray E Bnjamin Fair bury Neb Thoroughbred Barred Rock roosters for sale Mrrs T S Draper Mc Cook Neb 12 3 FOR SALE Fine Jersey cow el igioie to register H L Kennedy Phone black 124 19 pounding of your prescriptions AH of our drugs are fresh and abso lutely pure We will compound YOUR 1911 PRESCRIPTIONS and with them goes the guaranty of a dependable trustworthy repu table store that they are com pounded exactly as the Doctor or dered A McMILLEN Prescription Druggist Theatre aturday Jan 21 ED W ROWLAND and EDWIN CLIFFORD Inc OFFER A Play of Human Interest Founded Upon an Emblem of Purity BY EDWARD E ROSE B Author of Janice Meredith Alice of Old Vincennes The Prisoner of Zenda David Harum The Spenders Etc 3 MONTHS IN CHICAGO Now Playing to Crowded Houses at the Garden Theatre New York City x THIS IS POSITIVELY j AQUARANTEED ATTRACTION j COMPLETE MAGNIFICENT PRODUCTION GORGEOUS ELECTRICAL EFFECTS PRICES Lowe Floor 150 100 and 75c 50c Gallery 35c and 25c Balcony 100 75c and M I VI u j