r bJ i k INDIANOLA -- Xtozrmsmart - Oliver Eiilinss a pioneer resident MARION J H Wicks was a visitor at Falls City last week Eay daughter of Mr and Mrs KewL Dayton was under the doctors czre a few days last week Powell Nilsson shipped two cars uf cattle and two of sheep to the St Joe market first of last week A C Pew who ranks among the highest of hog raisers of this farfam el valley sold 80 head of May and Jane pigs that weighed 235 -pounds each to Powell Nilsson recently were a fine bunch and brought Oint a fine bunch of money E G Caine of Indianola and A Exrnett of McCook were business visitors in town last mid week A J Greer and family moved on tie Metcalfe ranch southeast of iianbury closing days of last week A- Reed and wife of Fairbury mov ed fn the Greer property closing days -of last week H A Reed attended a convention of Buick auto dealers throughout the slate Tast midweek at Lincoln 5L M McFadden returned Friday from his visit at his old home at UeLamL III Arthur Rozell and wife returned Izst mid week from a few months Tisfc with relatives in 111 J El Dodge and wife attended a ianquet and social gathering of the 3L W A and R N A lodges at Ce dar Bluffs last Friday night and re port a splendid time Clarence Reed Geo Harbor and Idhn Hust were McCook business vis itors from Thursday night until 2ay noon JS W Stilgebouer and wife of Dan Tiury were in town one day last week between trains guests of their son 5 H and family Floyd Aiken of the mill force was initiated into the mysteries of Wood craft last Thursday night Real Estate Filings The following real estate filing izve been made in tho cousty clerks tffice since our last report Charles H Nichols single to Samuel R Jolly qcd to 4 in 3 Lebanon JL B Kinzer to Charley Doyle Tffd1 3 in 1-4-20 1 00 500 00 John H Thomas et ux to E BL Walters wd to 6 in 4 4th McCook 2500 00 Orville B Woods et ux to Jesse R Young wd to 11 in 6 Danbury 840 00 Henry L Goodenberger et ux to James L Sims wd to 3 4 in 5 Danbury v 1200 00 Allan McLean et ux to Albert Ebert -wd to w hf neqr nese qr 15 ne qr 21 n hf nw qr 22-2-29 9847 3 Something special The Weekly inter Ocean and Farmer and this pa 3r 125 for one year Ask us -what UHHiJJlWIIIUW IT GROWS HAIR u a A An Vnn n Red Willow county died at his ncre rc ro - n ennfiiwoef f TiiHitmnln Prove at Our Risk - v uw day at 4 a m A nephew from Lin tn came up to attend the funeral Mr Teffcr cf is here TEiting his con Frank Deffer and izmily Edward Bj field our former print er is editing a paper in Parlier Cal ifornia The infant child of George Smith sad wife died Saturday Hiss Conety was called to her iusne in Valley Neb by the serious oKaess of her father Marvelous as it may seem Rexall 93 Hair Tonic has grown hair on heads that were once bald Of course in none of these cases were the hair roots dead nor had the scalp taken on a glaze J shiny appearance Rexall 93 Hair Tonic acts scien tifically destroying the germs which is a combination of the Lincoln Daily all members of the family and you GRANT Still dry weather and a poor show for wheat crcps Aug Wesch Sr and wife were McCook callers Saturday A numbar of young people from here attended he danct and oyster supper near Perry last Saturday eve ning Mr and Mrs Alice Beard from over in Kansas visited the parental home one day last week A Weeks and family and U Week WHY HESITATE An Offer that Involves No Risk for Those Who Accept It We are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation no matter how chronic it may be that we offer to furnish it free of all cost if it fails Constipation is caused by weak ness of the nerves and muscles of the large intetsines or decsending colon To expect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity We want you to try Rexall Order lies on our guarntee They are eaten like candy and are particularly ideal for children They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bow els They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands They do not purge or cause any inconvenience whatever They will positively ov ercome chronic or habitual constipa tion and the myriads of associate or dependent chronic ailments Try Rex all Orderlies at our risk Two sizes 10c and 25e Sold only at our store l V - V are usually responsible for baldness an outline or perspective plan of your It penetrates to the rccts of the hair contour from the belt line down to the stimulating and nourishing them It ankles This may be obtained by sit is a most pleasant toilet necessity is - i 1 n - Arl nnrl 1511 i nif oiim J DO YOU NEED OVERALLS If You Do Why Dont You Make Them Yourself Its Dead Easy Many a man says thit lie would be glad to do chores about the House to trim the grass or weed the garden if he had overalls The trouble is that when he wNlie to wear overalls the stores are rioted and he cannot buy them I wonder that men do not maUe them for them selves To provide a pattern you must bavt ting in wet eiay and on arising pour- ing plaster of Paris in the impression Mrs Conrad Miller is visiting a uwibv jjuhuuicu auu faU Wlun thJs lirdeIls lft e uold Iwrs and friends here this weak J or permanently stain the hair it tle wn nj olituin mens Skating is quite popular this week on the river A baby girl arrived at the home of Garry Doyle and wife of Denver last week Mrs Dole was Claudia Batcher our former county superin tendent Charlie Allen and wife of Fair lrary former res idents of Indianola are back to take charge of the I R Sheridan farm north of town Mr and Mrs Barnum Taylor and baby of Hastings are visiting at the parental home Alec McDonald and wife this week Word was received from Council Bluffs Iowa of the marriage of SGss Flora Quick to Mr Jess Hadley Monday Jan 16 They will make a short visit in Grinnell Iowa before returning to their home in Indianola Heres wishing them much joy and success Hr and Mrs Joe Rayer returned from their trip out west Thursday evening JTr Stork left a baby girl at Hiy dens last week Urs Toogood received the news of the death of her brother Walter Sten ner who lived in Omaha Mr Shephards jewelry tsore was moved from the Main street onto a We want ou to get a Dotue or urements with a tapeliue Another Rexall 93 Hair Tonic and use it as way Is to dust talcum powder on the directed If it does not relieve scalp carpet until it Is thickly coated Then irritationremovedandruffprevent the slt dou tni talcum powder and carpet thus removing the talcum from hair from falling out and promote an the floor where you have been 1 hen increased growth of hair and in cut apound ontllneH of tImt ImpW ery way give entire satisfaction simp slon wtb snarp knife rtiBive tne ly come back and tell us and with- carpet so detached and you have a out question or formality we will pattern for one side of the overalls hand back to you every penny you Purchase several yads of denim paid us for it Two sizes 50c and and cut it into the shape Indicated by either pattern you have now obtained i nn o u i store The J 100 Sold only at our Make two sets or these pieces and sew L W McConnell Rexall Store them edfe to pdge Pockpts mav be A Hot Offer The Lincoln Daily News will be mailed from now until April 1st for only 25 cents giving you all of the legislative news right straight from the capital city A bigger offer yet made by cutting slits in the material and sewing empty salt sacks Wilbur D Nesbit in Delineator ELECTRIC LIGHTS Their Use on an Important Scale Dates From 1876 I TliP firr PTncrlmonMl rthllnonnlm f n News Weekly Independent Farmer dIscover tnat electric light could be and Monthly Poultry Topics all three produced by a dry battery was Sir mailed to one or separate addresses Humphry Davy who In 1S10 exhibited from now until Alpril 1 1912 for only a light three inches long between ear- half bor before the RiaI society of 225 not much more than price Loudon But no commercial value was i j j v jii nOT A splendid big family daily newspaper - attached to the use of electricity as an clean as a whistle and bright and mumlnant until more than half a snappy a sixteen page weekly farm tury ater Tne Centennial exhibition and home magazine and a monthly held In Philadelphia in 1S70 really poultry paper full of practical talk marks the era of our present form about chicken raising Reading for uiecinc ugiu inougu eieciric ugius had been in use abroad prior to that time cri Li if tt Tot where the Cain Lumber yard stocl exniuiuon moaeis ana the by buying all three save tue money Dy Diiyinb an Uire Iave practjca demonstrations of electric recently Miss McCool is in the postoffice alone this week her father having 3een called to the bedside of a sick relative in Texas of them at once Address ine uauy nshts at Philadelphia In 18715 attracted News Lincoln Neb the attention of scientists and capital- ists in this country and the first in candescent lamps and the first av Foley Kidney Pills system were put to practical use in Are tonic in action quick in re- a small way in 1878 The Brush art suits A special medicine for all kid- Sht gained favor in the beginning nr nfl hiniiQr HismvW p as tu mst adaptable for street light- Abbott Wolfeboro N H says I wa3 afflicted with a bad case of rheumatism due to uric acid that my kidneys failed to clear out of my blood I was so lame in my feet joints and back that it was agony for me to step I used Foley Kidney Pills for three days when I was able to get tp and move about and the pains were all gone This great change in condition I owe to Foley Kidney Pills and recommend them to anyone suffering as I have A Mc Millen ing and Cleveland O the home of Charles Francis Brush tlie inventor was the initial American city to adopt the arc system for street lighting Since 1S78 both the Brush arc sys tem and the Edison incandescent sys tem have developed Marc M Rey nolds in Moodys Magazine Halcyon Days Alcyone or Halcyone the daughter of Aeolus married Ceyx said the Latin professor Ceyx was drowned and Alcyone on learning of his fate threw herself hi to the sea The gods were moved by the tragedy of the young lovers They brought them back to life In the form of halcyons or kingfishers and they decreed that for the seven days from Dec Il te Dec 2U the sea should remain calm while the sea birds built their nests upon it Those seven dayt the last of the year are therefore called hal t cyon days days of tranquillity a kind of very late Indian summer Here in America we have no real halcyon days but the myth of Alcyone and Ceyx comes from the Mediterranean and in that blue and gold region It Is a fact that the year is ushered out by a procession of still mild splendid days silent and glittering days of and family F S Bobmeyer and family Cyon weather Washington Post and Roy Albrecht and family took dinner with A Peters and family on Sunday B W Benjamin is hauling straw from Joshua Rowlands this week Alfred Harris and family visited relatives in McCook over Sunday John Carfield and Joe Gragg took two loads of old iron to McCook on Saturday R E Adams who took a bunch of horses over to the Platte country re turned home Monday He says the country looks good to him over there Lifting a Child I wish said the woman who has children- of her own that women would understand the delicate mech anism of a child How would they like a giant to come along and suddenly drag them from the ground by one arm as I have seen so many people do to children When youre lifting n child lift it evenly by both arms or from the waist Dont yank It up by a grab at one wrist and then wonder why it cries It makes me so angry I always want to pull the arm of that inconsiderate woman hard and see If she wouldnt cry too Its a thing that mothers and aunts and sisters ought to learn Philadelphia Times His Expectations Have you Great Expectations asked the fluffy hatred damsel as she entered the circulating library and cast her large lustrous blue eyes upon the new assistant And he his mental equilibrium upset for the moment by her loveliness stammered out Well er no miss I cant say ex actly that but I believe Im heir to my old aunt whos got something just under a hundred pourids in the post office savings bank London Tele graph Insult and Injury We are told that the Invention of scissors dates back to the fourteenth century Just think of it Delilah must have cut Samsons hair with a knife Cleveland Plain Dealer Always Agent This speedometer will enable you to know how fast you are going Otto Feend I dont need one My bank balance tells me just as well Puck The man who forgets to be thank ful has fallen asleep In life Steven- TV WHIFFED THE LEOPARD But It Took a Troop of Baboons to Ki the Big Cat A vivid pen picture of- a fight be tween a leopard and a troop of baboon is jriven in a Ccruiau paper b p IM ter a sportsman and explorer in 5er man West Africa Leopards have a particular liking for baboon Hi di which Is often used as bait to trap them One afternoon the hunter relate- I was resting on the shady side of a big rock which formed the bank of a small stream Ou the opposite side a troop of baboons came down chatter- him He gave as good as he got and two big baboons rolled down the slope apparently done for but numbers told und he was literally torn to pieces It was a horribly fascinating sight and I never regretted more having no camera with me than I did then THEY DIDNT FIGHT It Was Only a Little Friendly Discus sion That Excited Them Two Spaniards were conversing ear nestly then excitedly at last angrily The young American woman who pass- ty ed them looked with frightened eyes toward her Spanish guide What are they talking about Senor Jose she asked timidly Do you think they will fight or maybe kill Ah no Seuorlta Marie replied lose smiling and showing his pretty teeth One man that one you see senorita with the long mustachios he is saying Me I prefer much the col laire button which is steel and the other one look senorita he is running his fingers through his hair now and his sombrero has a gold cord he is j saying Ah no senor the button whi b is of gold si senor that is the button for me But as for myself senorita the bone collaire button that I prefer above ail the others Do 1 not speak with good sense senorita Listen If the button is of steel it will cut if it is of gold one can not afford to lose it but If It is of bone It does not cut and if it goes what mat ter I have a dozen at home in my little top drawer You speak with great good sense Don Jose but tell me were the men really angry Oh not at all senorita It is only our southern way of being interested two Germans senorita or maybe two Englishman you would never have no ticed them Philadelphia Ledger Then They Talked In English A couple of Cleveland business men visited Mexico In Mexico City their train was switched from one station to another One of the Clevelanders went to the first station to make in quiries Approaching a pair of dark visaged employees he cudgeled his memory for the proper words from the phrase book Donde esta he hesitatingly asked and paused The two dark visaged persons listen ed attentively Gracias stammered the Cleveland man Donde estan Then one of the men looked at the other Say Bill he growled what in merry blue blazes is this fellow talkin about And after that it was easy Cleve land Plain Dealer Tho Donkeys Choice The vexed question of the future life of animals has troubled the Mo hammedan as it has other religions The question it seems was considered by Allah a long time ago and all the animals were asked If they wished to enter paradise They at once said yes except the donkeys These were cautious and asked it little boys went to heaven The answer being yes they replied In that case we prefer to go to the other place S H Lee der vouches for the fable in The Desert Gateway Friendships There are three friendships which are advantageous and three which are in jurious Friendship with the upright friendship with the sincere and friend ship with the man of much informa tionthese are advantageous Friend ship with the man of specious airs friendship with the Insinuatingly soft friendship with the glib tongued these are Injurious Confucius Cutting Down the Butchers Bill Isnt there any way to cut down a butchers bill asked Tightwad sar castically addressing his meat man Why yes Mr Tightwad said the latter You might pay a little on account now and then Harpers Weekly It is easier to enrich ourselves with a thousand virtues than to correct our- JLpJseajQf ji jdnele fanltrrBrnyre t WASHING FUaKITUPiE Easy to Restore Tarnished Pieces to Original Freshness Very few people know hit fund ture ought to be washed s iid a sales man in the furniture section of a largo department store Yet he c outinued it is the best thing one can do to keep furniture looking as well as it should One should take a bucket of tepid rain water and make a suds with a good pure soap Then with a soft piece ox cheesecloth all the woodwork sbotiid be washed It is astonishing how much dirt will come off A second piece of cheesecloth should be wrung dry out of ing toward the water a large male go- hot water On this should be poured a lug cautiously In rtant glancing and scenting around for danger I remain ed immobile A deep grunt assured the herd that all was well and down the steep slope they came last of all a female with two young which the mother tenderly helped over the rough places Sudden- tablespoon of first class furniture pol ish The heat will spread the polish through the cloth Next the furniture should be gone over with the second cloth There will be no need of put ting on more polish for that much will do all one needs Too many persons make the mistake of using too much ly a big leopard shot out from behind polish and leaving it thick on the fuml a bowlder and with one blow of his ture where it looks dauby and where paw grabbed one of the young it gathers more dirt The mother with a roar of fury There is furniture in homes today threw bprself upon the big cat The that is cast off because of its appear others halted and with one accord ance when it might be brought back clambered back to her assistance The j to its original freshness by this simple leopard had just settled the female and process of washing Many persons do was about to make off with bis prey not know that a fine bit of mahogany when lie found himself surrounded by j is improved by careful washing and iue nuuie uurue wuiuu ciuseu in upon hundreds of pianos have never been more than dusted in years A square of cheesecloth for the washing and an other for the polishing will do the work and the result will well repay the effort Indianapolis News HOT DRINKS If Taken Above 130 Degrees They In jure the Stomach Many people without realizing it are in the habit of drinking tea at much too high a temperature Sir Henry Thompson points out in bis book on Diet In Relation to Age and Few persons are aware that they habitually swallow hot liquids tea es pecially at a temperature which if applied to the bands or feet would in flict painful scalds Most tea drinkers take It about 140 to 145 degrees F which the mouth bears very well if slowly sipped while the cup Itself is too hot to be held by any hand But the habit of swallowing such tea is Injurious to the stomach and t ought not to be taken above 130 de grees or so Again water at 120 de grees which feels a little more than lukewarm in the mouth causes severe pain if the band Is dipped In It and cannot be endured He has however some good words to say for the early morning tea This morning tea in any case should be taken at least an hour and a half before the first meal of the day For many years I have been accustomed to write for an hour every morning In bed after tea as I am doing at this moment and at no time do I find the brain clearer for work while the ap petite for solid food is excellent when the hour for breakfast arrives Trudging For the Wash The Portuguese country people as a in what we discuss If it had been usual ruing nave giuai jujia durance doubtless as a result oi tue survival of the fittest for many erations The laundry workers are an example of this People come In from long distances to get soiled clothes of city customers The clothes will be placed in big panniers on the family donkey and the peasants will start back late in the afternoon Some of them will travel all night and it will be sunup before they reach their homes many miles from Lisbon or Oporto A day or two later they are trudging back to deliver the clothes now spotlessly clean and to get an other lot from the same patron Many a countryman and his wife take a jaunt of fifteen miles or more which makes one think that there might be many who could rival the feats of Weston and OLeary as walkers if they tried Christian Herald An Early Trust As an example of trusts and monop olies prevalent even In that early day It may be mentioned that in 1750 one Benjamin Crabb obtained the exclu sive right to make sperm candles in Massachusetts for fourteen years A year later however a factory was started in Providence R I and with in the decade there were eight fac tories in New England and one in I Philadelphia Their output greatly re duced the price of candles whicn not long before sold for 5 shillings a pound In those days S123 was worth fully three times as much as it is now N Hudson Moore in Designer Tho Sixteenth Century Critic But why prithee contended the first critic should this new play wright Shixpur have introduced a comic gravedigging scene into his trag edy perdie Tis easy of solution by hen an swered the second critic Our author hath put in gravediggers for the pur pose of unearthing a plot Boy a cup of sack Wit was crude in them days Cleve land Leader Placing the Blame Little Eva Mamma didnt you say that If my new dolly got broke some body would have to be spanked Mamma Yes dear Little Eva Well she broke her arm today Spank her please Exchange Interested What did the rhinoceros do when you fired at him asked the eager listener He just stood still and watched me jmnhjtactoJ3 DAVID MAUL Tuner of Pianos South McCook Leave orders with in Rishels store C C Brown I carry a complete line of hair goods Switches puffs and curls made from your combings L M CLYDE PHONE 72 Ill W B St UP STAIRS UPDIKE GRAIN CO handles the following POPULAR COALS Canyon City Lump Canyon City Nut Maitland Lump Baldwin Lump Sheridan Egg Iowa Lump Rex Lump Pennsylvania Hard These are all coals of highest heat producing qualities Give us your orders they will be filled promptly and to your satisfaction S S GARVEY Manager Phone 169 COAL We now handle the best grades of Colo and Penna coals in connection with our grain busines Give us a trial order Phone 262 Real Easterday Walter Hosier Drayman Draying in all its branches promptly and carefully attended to Your patronage is earnestly solicited Phone black 244 Leave orders at any of the city lumber yards Osuorn Kummer Co DRAY LINE All kinds of Hauling and Trans fer Work promptly attended to Your patronage solicited Office First Door South of DeGrofPs Phone No 13 Fire and Wind Insurance Written in First Class Companies C J RYAN Flour Feed Main av 4JJj4JJJl2Jj White Line Transfer Company Hawkins Sheaffer Props Specialty of moving Household Goods and Pianos Only covered van in city Phones Office 68 residence red 456 FOR SALE Several Fine Young RED POLLED BULLS Inquire of JOS DACK McCook R F D No 4 J5fefiflcrIbuna10Oaysar