The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1911, Image 5
to P V R i I l H r s Time Card v i lJfifti nIi ygW McCook Neb ijfeJL Main Line Ea t Depart Central Time Xo G 1110 P M 16 430 A M 2 520 A M 12 700 A M 14 920 P M Mai i L ne V1 Dpp rs 11 iint in T me No 1 1235 M 3 1142 P M 5 arr S30 p m 13 945 A M 15 1230 A M Imperial Linc Mountain Time No 176 arrives 345 P M No 175 departs 645 A M No 175 departs Wed 630 A M Sleeping dining and reclining chair cars seats free on through trains T5rL ofo criH find haetrace checked to any point in the United States or o Or i For information time tables maps and tickets call on or write D F Hostetter Agent McCook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Fifteen brakemen were let oat uf the service this week Engine 2917 went through McCook yesterday for Havelock being return ed by the C S Engineer McBride and Engineer French have both moved back to Mc Cook from Oxford Three carloads of fine show cattle from Illinois passed through McCook for the Denver cattle show Wednes day Sid Wheeler sent his car to Akron Monday on No 15 and followed him self on No IS Tuesday He will dem onstate for the boys on the west end for a while The C S is returning to the Burlington the engines leased by that road some time since Nos 2919 1312 1461 2912 1930 and 700 have gone through McCook this week al ready for Havelock for repairs GRANT Mr and Mrs Jacob Wesch are both among the ailing ones in this vicinity Roy Albrecht and family were Sun day guests of Mr and Mrs C L Harris Edwin Carfield ad sons hauled corn to Peter Foxen in McCook last Saturday John A Hoffman is numbered with the sick John H Wesch was in McCook on Saturday to arrange some matters in district court - A number of the young people from this section attended the dance at James Robersons last Saturday night Jesse Cackler of Marion Neb was a visitor at the home of Charles Wesch Sunday last Roy Albrecht and John Wesch had some school business in hand las week R F D No 3 Fine weather Joe Downs went east with his broth er J M Tuesday C M Loftons barn begins to loom up When completed it will hold 40 tons of hay in the loft Some one pulled up Clamps mail box and was in small business F M Austr is digging himeslf an ice hcie this week Tom Munday was in towi on busi ness Wednesday George Hawaiis mail box ii in the road Wednesday Mrs W S Fitch is still in Cal ifornia with a daughter Mr and Mrs Cratty were city vis itors Tuesday marketing IV MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs D C Marsh was in Lincoln close of last weak Mr and Mrs C C Brown received a fine boy baby from the rtor day night W B Yullz wan in T rton e to--day figuring en a heatir plant for a cliurch in that burg John Ekstedt has resigned as sprinkler man He went to Wiscon sin today and may remain Mr and Mrs Lewis Cann of Dan bury visited McCook relatives cari in the week They expect to become residents of McCook about March 1st J R McCarl was in Lincoln clo ing days of last week observing the irend of political affairs and oiling up the Norris senatorial machine a little on the side Mrs J T Utterback returned to her home at Arapahoe Wednesday evening after visiting a few days in the city with her daughter Mrs J W Hasty Mr Clark of the water service had an arm broken at Oxford litis week by getting his arm between the spoke of the fly wheel while the wheel was in operation Mrs Goldsmith entertained the La dies guild at the rectory last Thurs day The next meeting will be with Mrs J E Kelley on Thursday af ternoon the 19th at residence BOX ELDER Alpha BollesW illie Hughes Violet Tyler and Freda Campbell have been among the ailing ones but are better again The Mite society at A C Hock mans last Friday night was well at tended and all report a very enjoy able time The ladies Aid Society will meet this week with Mrs Laura Spaulding Mrs Stephen Bolles Sr Mrs Dora Doyle MrsE Ha Hughes and Mrs Wm Doyle met at the parsonage on last Thursday and made a dress for Mrs Tyler On Friday evening January 20 the Mite society will meet at A Morosics The girls are preparing a program for that evening Mrs Chas Bolles received word last week of the death of her little brother north of Centerpoint R F D No 4 J W Little is hauling baled hay tc town Ed Clrk of Humboldt Neb is vis iting his uncle Milton Clark F Wasson has gone to Denver to spend Milton Clark is filling his ice house this week E J Eaker put up ice this week Mrs L J Burtless has returned home from her holiday visit Francis Swartz and George Wallen both remembered the carrier this week George Wallen was a city business visitor Friday last R M Hill doesnt enjoy being road boss Stay by it Hill the roads need you R F D No 1 Otto Ebert mourns the loss of some traps but has some advice to re place the loss no trapping re morse etc Nelson Downs lost a valuable horse in the corn stalks last week Big social dance at J W Rober sons last week Friday No school in district No 3 this week G C Smiths baby is not expected to live being rery ill Henry Rogers is laid up with an attack of grip The Model Shoe Store MENS WORK SHOES We have new lines in Work Shoes that are made up special for us They are made of best of leather and wear the best Prices 2 to 3 TRY AND BE SATISFIED Shoe Repairing a Specialty FISHER PERKINS New norris Building akmi ifcu d wtt avra Z s Z - - J 1 No More Letters Opened Proof against the curious is a double envelope that a Frenchman has in vented The flap of each envelope seals against the back of the other so that the contents cannot be removed without destroying the cover Drawback The Alpine guide waxed eloquent Behold he cried yon beetling crags They beetle ior everybody though sneered the rich American and sullenly spat in token of his dis content It was not true however that he lacked appreciation of the beautiful and the sublime provided these were costly and exclusive Puck IBf mwri ft A- rV J m V wot 1 w It Was Remarkable Not For Distance but For Results Writing in 1S41 of a fall from an im mense altitude which did not result n death a French observer M Man zmi declares that he had searched in vain in the annals of science for a similar case We can well believe it The victim or patient was a tapis sier who had been encaged in putting up decorations on the occasion of the belated obsequies of Napoleon the Great in the lofty dome of the Church of the Invalides in Paris When busy moving a ladder on the top of a lush scaffoldins he overbalanced hiniM lt andJn obedience to some obscure in stmcl jumped clear of the ladder and the platform cryins to hi fellow workmen a only a Frenchman would Behold me quit With tliee cheer ful words on his lip he fell eishty two leet hounding in one place off the root of a little dome which caused him to describe a second parabola in the air and landing finally feet first on the of a small sacristy Crashing through the slates he land p1 astride a rafter where he was found sitting surprised but coherent for he was able to give his name and address when asked for them lie had no recollection of this and became un conscious when put to bed shortly aft erward under the care of the great Pasquier His insensibility lasted a very short time however and he made an extraordinary rapid recovery hav ing sustained no apparent Injuries either external or internal At the end of a month Pasquier found him quite well Loudon Lancet THE SQUAWS SHAWL It Must Be Just So to Suit Her Fas tidious Taste The Indian wears his blanket on the hottest summer days His theory is that if it keeps out the cold in winter it will keep out the heat in summer says Ben M Myers of Oklahoma City While he might not care to buy any thing else expensive the price of a suitable blanket is never questioned but it would be difficult indeed to de ceive him as to the texture of an robe A squaw will imitate almost any thing that pleases her fancy but in the matteV of her blanket or shawl she exhibits an unusual amount of individ uality With great care and patience she designs her blanket and when she places the order with the mill man he does not dare duplicate it until she has had an opportunity to wear it If she makes the request that it shall not be duplicated ber wishes are regarded because it is the one article she possesses in which exclusiveness is much coveted and also because what would please one squaw would not ap pear at all attractive to another The lightweight shawl or blanket is thrown over the head of the squaw and unless she is able to purchase a bright colored silk kerchief it will serve as her only bonnet as well It is just as common a sight now to see the papoose securely bound on the back of its mother by a portion of ber blanket as it used to be to see the wee head of the Indian babe peeping from the te kas or frame cradle Washington Herald The McCook Tribune 100 a year FOR RENT Four room furnished house awn and shade Phone red 435 Mrs J I Lee FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone cedar 983 or 25 tf FOR HENT Farms with 4 room house barn and granary wells and cisterrs Inquire of G W Trimpey Culbertson Neb X t L - - i The McCook Tribune It is 100 the year in advance FOR RENT Quarters on Main ave nue for small business or office Heat and light Ground floor Desirable Inquire for particulars and terms at the Tiibune office FOR RENT Four unfurnished ooms 1002 2nd street east Mrs S A Uowell FOR SALE A fine Jersey Cow hone Black 315 12 TOR SALE Lot 2 block 7 4th Mc ioo rite Ray K Benjamin Fair Hir Xeb Thoroughbred Barred Rock roosters Jor sale Mrrs T S Dr aper Mc Ccok Xeb ll Call at 319 1st st west BS551 i FOR SALE Straw at 2 per load I livered Phone ash 732 j FOR SALE Desirable residence pioperty E Benjamin FOR RENT Two furnished rcom with heat and light Phone red 2S1 WANTED Gallon of home rendered i lard Call or phone black 46 LOST Roman gold cuff button In itial E Leave at The Tribune of fice Real Estate Filings The following real estate filings have been made in tho county clerks office since our last report W L Rose et ux to E J A Rice wd to w hlf nw qr 2-1-30 250000 Elizabeth Fletcher et cons to Edward E Smith wd to nwi nw 790S 00 Marcellus C Shurtleff et ux to Enos Rishel wd to nw 1 T j r IlJi fcJ l1 - 2Tt Buy - Cheaply- Ip wITen we first make our afterthehoiday price re tactions is the very best time to boy for those wlio want to take advantage of lowered prices We shall not replenish our winters stock Yon how have the most to pick from Oar reductions are not reductions from false highprices but from the regular prices at which we sold goods before the holidays Whan we sell you something worth 5 for four dollars yoa save one dollar of real money LADEES SUITS COATS FURS SWEATER COATS MENS CLOTHING OVERCOATS CAPS UNDERWEAR BLANKETS ETC ALL AT CLEARING SALE PRICES COME SEE g9 m3 nuiMUn SuUiHERN HERuiwto Miss Kinney Given Largest Sculpture Contract Ever Awarded Woman To commemorate the sacrifice pri vation and bravery of the women of the south during the civil war ten southern state will erect in their cap ital cities monuments in bronze or marble replicas of the original design made by Miss Belle Kinney a young daughter of the old south says Hamp tons Miss Kinneys father was a Confed erate soldier her mother a southern woman and she herself was horn in Nashville Tenn ahput twenty three years ago This young woman wioe art education has been entirely in the United States has thus scared the largest contract for sculpture work ever given to any woman Tin- monument is a group of three figuris all heroic The central form is that of Fame bending slightly to set the laurel wreath upon the brow of a figure at the right topmsenting the southern woman who is placing the palm of victory upon the breast of a dying soMic r boy The boy is strug gling to raise once more the torn and tattered battleflag which he has been carrying The group is ui atttempt to reveal te heroism sympathy and steadfast loyalty of the southern wom en to their soldiers in the field WANT TO BUY AW ISLAND Duke of Argyle Has One That Is Rich In Quiet Tiree which the Duke of Argyll would be glad to sell to any one who loves a quiet island life is rich in things which few people want and poor in the treasures which appeal to the average man Thus the purchaser can enjoy the proprietorship of a mul titude of lochs without fish broad acres without trees or hills marble quarries that cannot be quarried Scandinavian forts that protect noth ing and standing stones without a his tory Perhaps Skerryvore lighthouse al though some miles off its coast may be claimed as the glory of Tiree Built of granite from Mull it has defied the waves of the roughest sea for over sixty years and its reputation stands second to none among the lighthouses of the world FLIERS SEEK GRAND CANYON Fear Suction From Great Ditch of Arizona Flight by aviators over the Grand Canyon of the Colorado river in Arizo na is to be attempted in the near fu ture if proper arrangements can be made The aeroplane men believe that such a flight is practicable despite the probable suction when over the ditch The canyon is 7000 feet above the sea level and from the rim to the Colorado river the lowest part of the canyon is 9000 feet It is about thirl een miles across where the flight will be attempted The aviators say they must first ascend 2000 feet above the ground be fore hovering over the canyon to avoid the chance of suction from below If this Is done the machines -would then be about 9000 feet above the sea A RECORD FALL A 13-3-29 3500 00 W D Burnett McCook to Mc Cook Natl Bank bill of sale all furniture fixutres etc used in cigar store and pool room at McCook Neb 100 00 United States to Jesse Smith patent sw 21-1-28 United States to Jesse Smith patent to n1 ne 21-1-28 Charles G Kerst et ux to Max F Grosch wd to seVI 3000 00 Max F Grosch et ux to Geo Karschner wd to se S-2-26 2509 00 T05 jP ZSl63sZfe ffWfflWFS Wr MdMMMHS m RaW s n a i e r Fi a usMiy werarf u swstfgsvKrs 1 fist j rJ - aWfii - WHERE QUALITY COUNTS with vital importance is in the com pounding of your prescriptions All of our drugs are fresh and abso lutely pure We will compound YOUR 1911 PRESCRIPTIONS and with them goes the guaranty of a dependable trustworthy table store that they are com pounded exactly as the Doctor or dered A McMlLLEN Prescription Druggist McCOOK NEBRASKA Temple Theatre SATURDAY JANUARY 141911 Carl M Dalton presents the Swedish Dialect Comedy a TILLY OLSON The Funny Swede Girl From Minnesota Supported by a Strong Company A Comedy Drama of the Northwest Played over ioo nights in Chicago Own special scenery for each act Beautiful costumes Funny comedians Latest music and advanced vaudeville See Sweet Swede Tilly Olson She Bane So Yolly Prices 25c 35c 50c 75c Seat sale now at M cCO NE L LS i i as 18 Hi