The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 12, 1911, Image 4

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Our Fire Proof
are at your disposal Whj
not have a Safe Uepos t
Box i which to keep
your will insurance poli
cies deeds abstracts
notes leaese and other
valnable ppers In this
ma iner you safe guard
yourself against any pos
sible loss by fire
If ou are not familiaf
with lhe plan we will be
rlad in have you call at
the bank inspect the
boxes an- allow us to ex
plain fully this secure
a of taUing care of
urn- prhat apers and
other valuables
McCook Nebr
MM JUljt
L rgest Circulation n R ed Willow C
TTnoicd it- iKtoKice McCook Nebraska as
Ee oud das- matter JnblUied wcekl
The U S supreme court recently
decided coastiuttloiral the hank de
posits guaranty lawn of Kansas Okla
homa and Nebraska The law in Ne
braska will become effective in about
a moath Its operations will effect
every bank in Red Willow county bu
ecery band in Red Willow county but
the three national banks of McCook
All banks in the county outside this
city are state institutions
Some men kick about the ex
travagance of their wives and per
haps with cause However there is
another side to the question and 02
not often exploited The sale of to
bacco and cigars last year in Chicago
amounted to 50000000 or two and
three fourths times the total spent
by the women in millinery gloves
furs hosiery and underwear It has
been said that men chew tobacco and
then chew the rag with the women
for extravagance they send up a
lot of money in smoke and then ask
the wife what has become of it
There seems to be some doubt in
the minds of some people as to the
operation of the proposed rural par
cels post The Tribune admits some
doubt in its awn mind However the
following from a prominent and non
partisan Chicago newspaper leaves
small room for doubt as to how they
consider the matter in Chicago
The business done by the mail
order houses is specially significant
It amounted to 204400000 THAT
The McCook Tribune 100 a year
CURES disease with Pure Blood
That is a question that is frequent
ly asked when inspecting a neatly
fitting suit -worn by your neighbor
We hold ourselves out as experts in
that line and can give you a fashion
able well cut and well made suit
equal to the best
Lineburg Co
Compared with many of the east
ern Nebraska counties some of the
western Nebraska counties notably
Red Willow county have made very
satisfactory and encouraging growth
indeed in not a few instances the
population of Red Willow one of the
extreme southwestern counties equals
now or exceeds that of older settled
and longer cultivated eastern coun
While our material development
has not kept step abreast our in
crease in population yet there is
not lacking solid evidence of pro
gress and improvement in both towns
and country Some of the more pop
ulous and richer agricultural sec
tions of Red Willow county would
be a credit to even an Iowa or an
Illinois county in improvements and
thoroughness of cultivation
This growth and development have
been withal largely without special
effort indeed more or less in the
face of the fact that for several years
past some real estate men have spent
more money in advertising and la
bored more zealously in securing im
migration to other states and to
draw investments to other places
What might be accomplished should
an intelligent and persistent campaig
of- advertising and publicity be wag
ed by real estate men and others for
this county and city might astonish
us in results
An effort to advertise Nebraska
might well be encouraged and in part
financed by the statev This aug
Its Status and Its Prospects Fully Explained in a
Comprehensive Letter by
r t
House of Representatives U S
Washington D C Jan 4 1911 Mr
Earl Ludwick Se Commercial
menee immediately to work 01 the
buildings provdied for in the law
which embraces McCook They take
these buildings up in a particular or-
Club McCook Nebraska jder They first take up all the pro
Dear Sir I am receiving quite a visions in the law for additions and
number of inquiries in regard to the extensions of present existing public
condition of the McCook public build
ing proposition and in order to save
writiiis a good niiii letters I tin uch
I would write to jou as secretary
lli ConuiiQw cub and ncqunui
you with ihc lact requesi ii
jou transmit same to the citizens par
ticularly interested
A great deal of misunderstanding
comes on account of the misapplica
tion or rather misinterpretation of
the terms authorization and ap
propriation What is ordinarily
known as the Omnibus Public Build
ings bill carries no appropriations
It simply contains authorizations
The appropriation is a formal matter
and is usually made as the money is
required so that as a matter of fact
there may be several appropriations
made before the entire authorization
has been exhausted
The last public buildings bill in
which the McCook item was includ
ed like all other bills of its kind
contained only authorizations The
proper officials of the government
were authorized to go ahead and
construct the buildings as specified in
the bill No appropriation is neces
sary for these officials to go ahead
and comply with the law but no
contractor or other furnishing person
contractor or other person furnishing
supplies or doing work for any of
these public buildings would be able
to get his money until the appropria
tion va3 actually made No contro
vsloy ever arises and no fight is eier
made over the matter of the appro
priation once the authorization is
povided for by law the balance is
a matter cf form merely This is
he situation at McCook
The last public buildings bill auth
orized the proper officials to con
struct a building on the site already
owned by the government there not
to exceed 95000 in value The mon
ey will be appropriated from time to
time as it is needed in the work
The Supervising Architects office is
considerably behind They have not
completed all the plans and speci
fications for the buildings provided
for in the act which was passed two
years prior to this one For instance
in that bill passed two years ago last
winter there was a provision made
for a building at Holdrege The plans
and specificatiosn for this building
have just been completed and ad
vertisements will take place foi let
ting the contract sometime during
the present month I have gone over
the matter with the supervising arch
itect and he tells me they will not
finish the plans and specifications of
the buildings provided for in that act
of two years ago until about the
first of July They will then com-
buildings Next they take up the
buildings provided for in the law in
cases where the government already
owns the sites they then take up
the provisions for buildings where the
sites must be purchased
In the law passed which included
McCook there were quite a number
of provisions made for additions to
old buildings Then there are 11 j
buildings coming next in places
where the government already owns
the sites McCook is in this list
and is numbered 23 so that it is
near the top of the list even if it
does have an unfortunate number The
supervising architect told me he would
like to work some scheme to advance
it a number so it would be 22 to
correspond with my majority If his
rork progresses as he expects it to
and he commences on the new law
by the first of July he will be re
quired perhaps to devote a couple of
months to the extensions and then he
will commence with the buildings
where the government owns the
sites and McCook will soon be reach
I presume that no appropriations
will be made at the presene session
for any of the buildings provided for
in said bill except perhaps an appro 1
priation made to purchase sites where
provision has been made for that
purpose but the actual appropriation i
of money for building on sites al
ready owned by the government will
perhaps not be made until the next
session of congress as no money can
bo used until that 4time It will
take the officials a good while to get
the plans and specifications made and
to advertise for the construction of
buildings and no money will be need
ed until sometime arter tnat very
likely not for a year from the pres
ent time In fact there will be no oc
casion for an appropriation of money
in the McCook case until after the
contract is let and the building com
menced Under the law as it stands
the officials have the right to make
a contract just the same as though
aa appropriation was made and they
do not wait for appropriations but
go ahead as fast as they can
I have written you thus fully in
order to reply to the various ques
tions that have been put to me I
think I have explained it so it can
be readily understood There is no
occasion for any anxiety on account
of appropriation The authorization
is the rub That has been made and
the building will be constructed just
as quickly as the officers can reach
it in its turn The appropriation will
follow as a matter of course and as
a matter of form Very truly yours
I Growing Red Wiliow County
mented by means and endeavors of
commercial bodies real estate men
and tiii otheis interested in the
growth and prosperity of Nebraska
would soon have a telling effect in
not only keeping people and money at
home but in attracting settlers and
mvestUK our tate rll ol which
will conduce in time to a smug state
of prosperity not now fully enjoyed
by the state
Southwestern Nebraska still offers
inducements and offers opportunities
to the man of small means who is
willint to work and wait wilh pa
tience the development of his farm
or business aiiJ its inevitable in
crease in value This is the his
tory of every new country It has
been the case here in years agone
and will be true in the future with
every one who is willing to pay the
price of success in labor wise econ
omy and patient fidelity
Let us of Nebraska of Red Willow
county of McCook resolutely determ
ine to advertise to the world that
here are r apleily for
the laboring man especially for the
farmer of small means on account of
the comparatively low price of our
farm lands
And as to the investor who de
sires safe and sure returns rather
than large promises of profit there
isnt a county in Nebraska that does
not offer reasonable and profitable
openings for the investment of mon
Let us stand up for Nebraska Let
us ic vertise Nebraska
9 S
The crowning of the king of Eng
land has usually been accompanied by
what was regarded as the still more
solemn rite of anointing with oil
which dates from the days of the an
cient Hebrews And in England be
fore the Norman conquest the term
used was hallowing or consecration
rather than that of coronation
But from old records it seems that
the ceremony as then performed at
Winchester was in all essentials the
same as that which now takes place in
Westminster abbey Few people seem
to be aware that the coronation cere
mony was the only religious rite of the
Anglican church which escaped the
pruning policy of the reformers hence
its impressive ritual and gorgeous pag
The last coronation at which every
old world ceremony was dcly per
formed was that of King George IV
At his crowning a coronation banquet
took place there was a procession of
peers the herb strewer scattered flow
ers and tbe challenge of the champion
of England was included in the cere
mony But at the coronations of Wil
liam IV Queen Victoria and King Ed
ward these old customs were for va
rious reasons omitted
However much remains that is of
deep interest and stately splendor The
dean and chapter of Westminster claim
the right to instruct the sovereign in
the duties of this solemn service and
on coronation day the regalia are de
livered into their custody
According to old records o00 is paid
for the anointing oil supplied by the
royal apothecary The coronation
chairs are of interest That of the king
is the chair of Edward the Confessor
used by every British sovereign since
the time of Edward II It Is of oak
and is recovered with fresh crimson
velvet i each occasion Beneath it is
placed the stone of destiny an ancient
relic which came originally from Ire
iirjxt cur rm awayt Sir sharply
exclaimed the indignant maiden
So said the young editor musing
ly an unexpected accident we re
gret to say prevents our going to
press Chicago Tribune
Judged It by Himself
Tawkins Why does a hen cross the
road Poorpeigh Really dont know
A hen hasnt any tailor Boston
Bepentance is the golden key that
opens the palace of eternity Milton
i rjrr im t j b
xxwpamFiMnKJuTnmirmM vm
January 14th
But all who may desire may take advantage of these great reductions and charge all goods
purchased Friday and Saturday the last two days of this sale in next months account to be
paid on February Pay Day
So Come in and Get Your Share
We had three extra salesladies last Saturday and -will be prepared to handle the crowd
even better these last two days
Our Muslin Underwear Sale holds the Interest of Every
Woman Seeing the Extensive Lines
with such telling force in the merchandise a long story telling of the advantages of this
JANUARY SALE is unnecessary Women are quick to judge values and
Saturday will Be the BANNER DAY With fresh bargains
and New Goods on Sale
A rush order for replenishing stock of Muslin Underwear will be in for Saturdays selling
and all who failed to secure enough of those wonderful garments at 19c 25c 39c 49c and
69c will find more of them on sale Saturday So come early this time
liS gtticoats wl11 Q at 3Q each
AH blankets are going at 20 percent discount AH fancy silks go at ONE FIFTH OFF
Cloaks Furs Suits Dresses Waists Skirts Sweaters Underwear Mufflers Lace Cur
tains and Everything as advertised in last weeks paperin fact anything you may want in
Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishingsyou can buy during this sale at PRICES BELOW ALL
COMPETITION Dont wait and then regret it after this sale is over for THIS WEEK
is POSITIVELY YOUR LAST CHANCE No other sale will equal this one this year
Come and see for yourself
222 Maim
- S7GT
ij fid
H 1
Dry Q3d
Ladies Furnishings
Many Historic Customs Dropped Since
George IVs Coronation
One Black mare 8 years
weight 1200 pounds
One black mare 8 years
weight 1100 pounds
One black mare 5 years
weight 1100 pounds
I will sell at public auction at my mothers farm Mrs I H Har
rison 11 miles northeast of IVicCook or 2 miles north of Box Elder
and 6 miles south of Center Point the following described property
commencing at 10 oclock on
nesday Jan 25
One black mare 4 years
weight 1100 pounds
old One saddle horse weight 800
old One span mule 5 and 6 years
Frank Lytle will consign four head of good three
year old mules
Four head of milk cows fresh soon One heifer 2 years old Two
spring calves One Hereford bull 2 years old Three thoroughbred
Hereford bulls
Farm Implements and Farm Machinery
One 2 row Go Devil l McCormick mower l McCormick hay rake l
Rock Island Lister 1 Disc 1 4 horse Superior drill l Ohio riding cul
tivator 1 3 section harrow i breaking plow l buggy l cultivator l
set of double buggy harness l spring wagon 2 sets work harness a
big iron butcher kettle 2 Incubators Sure Hatch
Free Lunch at Noon
Terms of Sale
Sums of 1000 and under cash on
sums over 1000 a credit of eight
months will be given purchaser to give bankable paper drawing in
terest at 10 per cent from date Five per cent discount for cash
No property to Se removed until settled for
George H Harrison Owner