The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 15, 1910, Image 3

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We are showing a complete line of Holiday Goods in Shoes Slippers etc
Special I71ens Hose
FOR CHRISTMAS nothing could
please more than a beautiful holiday box
of famous
Interwoven Toe and Heel
Mens Hose The Socks need no com
ment their reputation is world wide
The Box is handsomely done in colors
after an oil painting by a distinguished
Four pairs and the Box for 100
Ss33S3EiT SV
J H Wicks was to St Francis
closing days of last week on real es
tate business
C H Angell and family moved to
McCook first of last week to live
until spring
Ernest Galusha did some cement
work at Lebanon recently
Nolan Short of Wilsonville is stay
ing with his sister Mrs Bacon dur
ing Mr Bacons absence
Archie Molian from south of town
is working in the alfalfa mill
The M E prayer meeting last week
was well attended The lectures by
the pastor were well received and
we hope great good will come from
Rev Anderson preached
to a well filled house at the usual
hour Sunday afternoon His sub
ject was a character study of Jonah
Ernest Dodge Roy Partridge and
N R Rholes were out bagging rab
bits along the creek Monday
Jasper Harvey resigned his posi
tion as clerk at W H Eiferts last
The M W A lodge elected the fol
lowing officers at their meeting last
Thursday night T F Gockley con
sul T J Dimmitt past consul W
W Rodabaugh adviser W H Ei
fcrt banker Frank Fields clerk B
F Darnell escort W S Barthola
mew physician Harvey Sutton watch
nan E E Blake sentry C W
Reed manager
Floyd Lafferty and W C Wyckoff
returned from the eastern part of
the state last midweek where they
had been husking corn and report a
10 inch snow fall there
Another light skiff of snow fell
here the first of the week
Powell and Nilsson shinped four
cars cars of cattle to the Kansas
City market first of last week and
received six cars 1G50 sheep from
Howard Smiley who has been work
ing in the alfalfa mill for some time
left first of last week to work on a
cattle ranch south of Benkelman
Little Mabel Furman had a narrow
escape from being severely burned
last mid week while playing with fire
in her fathers blacksmith shop A
badlv burned dress and blistered fin
ger was the extent of the damage
Well we have had a snow Some
of the farmers predict a crop next
Jesse Hammel from Denver is visit
ing his parents of this place Mr
and Mrs Wm Hammel
Little Miss Gladys Hall has been
on the sick list for a few days
- Mike and Phil Moore are deliver
ing their wheat crop
A party of hunters passed by Mr
Jake Zimmers in an auto and shot
his dog which he valued very highly
Mrs A Strawder and daughter
Elsie have returned from a visit to
the formers mother who lives in
D B Reisher and N E Hall are
about to close a land deal for the
Walker homestead north of Wray
Miss Maggie Doyle teacher of this
district contemplates having a box
supper for her school in the near
Francis Hall spent Sunday with his
parents of this place
I had been troubled with consti
pation for two years and tried all of
the best physicians In Bristol Tenn
and they could do nothing for me
writes Thos E Williams Middleboro
Ky Two packages of Chamber
lains Stomach and Liver Tablets
5 cured me For sale by all dealers
Ladies and Misses
Shoes and Slippers
Ladies brown grey black wine and pur
ple Fur Trimmed Slippers at 150
Ladies blue pink and red Croquet Slippers
at 125
Misses and childrens Cioquet Slippers red
Felt Slippers etc 75c to 100
Ladies All Felt Slippers 5CC
Over Gaiters and Leggins for men women
and cnildren
Hope Henderson and Berenice Too
good spent Saturday in McCook
Mrs Jas Boldman spent a few day
at her home in Bloomington last
Maud Goben is back after an ex
tended visit in Illinois
Friends from McCook visited at
the Neal Quick home Saturday
Mr and Mrs Cox left Friday for
their new home in the east
W A Dolan and family moved in
to what was the Sargent house hav
ing purchased it recently
Chas Martin held a sale Monday
Col Snell being auctioneer
Tom Ruggles left for Eureka
Springs Monday night in hopes of
befiting his health
Mrs Frank McDonnell and Miss
Vonie were county seat visitors Mon
Clark McClung left for Oklahoma
Monday evening on No 8
Nina Jones and Velma McWilliams
spent Wednesday in McCook
Tom and George Minnick of Cam
bridge visited relatives and friends
here Sunday
Georgie Short and J Campbell wer
Cambridge visitors Monday evening
An extra agent is here to take the
place of Ir Boldman who is off on
a short vacation
Geoge Wing of Holdrege is visit
ing his brother Harry this week
Susie Collings and Stella McCool
were in McCook Tuesday
On Tuesday evening of last week
Louis Elmer and wife celebrated the
5th anniversary of their marriage A
number of their young friends were
present and all who could wear their
own wedding apparel were arrayed
in them Mr and Mrs Elmer receiv
ed a number of useful and pretty pre
John Longnecker lost the head of
his herd of cattle last week Cause
not known
They are preparing for a Christmas
tree at the school also one at the
church for the Sunday school
Mr and Mrs King were visitors
at Ben Kings on Tuesday of last
week staying all night
Mrs Taylor has been confined
pretty closely with a troublesome
A letter from Mrs Holland form
erly of this county tells us they are
now living in California She and
Mr Holland were much benefitted
by the sulphur and mud baths at
Pass Robles and drinking the miner
al water
R F D No 2
Conad Eckhardts house was newly
papered Monday
Some snow but room for lots more
George Cappel went up to Osborn
Wednesday to heln his brother Aug
ust saw wood for winter use
Miss Merle Miller left Wednesday
for Wray Colo where she intends
to work
James Doyle has been laid up with
a painfully strained back but is im
proving now
R F D No 3
Will Nothnagel is home from Desh
ler Nebraska where he has been
husking corn
A basket suppr will be held in the
Fowler school house Dec 22
Services were attended at the Fow
ler school house last Friday
A successful literary was held at
the Kennedy school house last week
Walter Ebert has been out west
shucking corn He returned home
close of last week
C K Shears arrived home from
Denver fore part of this week
The Rebekah lodge served supper
and oysters in the band hall Saturday
A number of the Texas land peo
ple received a copy of the Francitas
Bee of that place
Ed Ruby and Orley Newberry are
home after a months work up to
Bird City Kas
A cantata entitled Santa Claus
Defenders will be given at the M
E church Christmas eve-
The little daughter of Mr and
Mrs Rea Oman has been on the sick
The band will ghe another con
cert Dec 31
Ralph Soycr and mother were Mc
Cook visitors Friday Ralph goin
over to take the Rural carriers ex
B M Leisure returned home Fri
day from Pawnee City Neb aftei
a few months visit
Robert Cathcart came home Frida
after being away fo two ears
ing in the eaifrn part of the state
The High School play Saturday
night was veil attended and each
individual acted his or her part well
Mrs W K Eerist is visiti g at
the G B Moan home this week
Mrs M M Young and son Ed
Avere SaturJay night visitors at R
R Omans home north of Marion
1 The Epworth League of the M
E church grows more interesting each
service The membership was in
creasei last Sunday
The services last Sunday at the
M E church were well attended
Each Sunday seems to bring more
people to church
Rev Harvey Anderson preached a
straight gospel sermon Sunday even
ing Sin was searched for in its
hiding place The people may not
have looked at the preachers state
ments as stated but no one can deny
that if they lived up to the ideal of
the gospel as preached in the sermon
that they would be free from sin
The duet rendered at the M E
church by Mr Howard Ruby and
daughter was very much appreciated
by those present
The M E church has received the
new hymn books
There are only two more lectures
lo be delivered at prayer meetings
of the M E church under the study
of Gods Concern for Man They
are Mans Destiny in God and
Gods Method of Reaching Men
Prayer meeting each Thursday 730
p m
Mrs Lewis Cann is rendering ef
fective service to the choir of the
M E church
Rev Anderson will preach at Leb
anon Sunday Dec 18th in the M
E church in the morning at 1100
Subject The Influence of God Ev
ening at 730 A Great Question
Prayer meeting at the M E church
730 each Friday evening Rev An
derson will deliver his ten minute lec
tures as delivered in Marion and Dan
The Sunday school of the M E
church is well attended and is in
creasing in numbers
R F D No 1
C A Phillips little baby is very
ill was some better Wednesday
Henry Brening has rented a farm
near Culbertson and is moving some
of his machinery etc to the same
Cal Nuss an oldtime friend of
W N Rogers is here from Spokane
Wash guest at the Shadeland ranch
Fred Troester is shredding corn
fodder1 using the Wilcox machine
and the Kennedy gasoline engine
Some of the patrons of route one
generously remembered the carrier
this week and rightly too
Ladies Dress Slippers
Patent Colt 3 strap Dancing Slippers at
3 00
Dull Kid 2 strip Bcadi d Dam ing or Dress
Slippers at 350
Ladies High Cut Boots for stot my weather
New Styles
in Ladies Shoes
Each Week
Cosne and see our assortment
before you buy
Fisher Perkins
New florris Building
Miss Edna Alexander visited over
Sunday with Miss Dossie Younger
Mrs L A Bible and Mrs W B
Sexson are on the sick list
A W Campbell is home from visit
irg a daughter at Lincoln and a
son at Tobias and is now visiting hU 1
son near Osborn j
Over se enty attended the Mite
Society at T M Campbells last
Friday night The next meeting will
be at the parsonage on Friday even
ing Dec 23rd
Glen and Walter Modrell have re
turned from Iowa where they went
to shuck corn
Mrs Margarpt Harrison visited I
Sunday with Mrs F G Lytle
Another nice little snow Sunday
night and Monday
R F D No 4
H Schmidt has about 700 bushels
f corn to husk yet
Quite a number of young people
kated o 1 the swamp Sunday
W G Dutton is fencing his place
hog tiaht He has some fine hogs
to turn into his alfalfa
Tlie carriers on the routes each
ot a nie ar s of meat from their
appreciative patrons last week
Earl Zcafco3e is tearing down the
old sod house on the Cordeal place
George Wallen is mending fences
this week
Don Thompson bought COO bushels
of corn from W S Fitch this week
at 40 cents a bushel
Will Institute in McCook in Court
House Kail on the Night of
December 17th 10
and will hold their second meeting
on Sunday afternoon Dec 18th at
2 oclock and will initiate the larg
est number of charter members that
has ever been initiated in any new
lodge in the city of McCook The
ceremonies will be conducted by
Pap Curtis assisted by his dep
ty organizers Leroy H Curtis and
L McKendrick
We will obligate members Install
officers and exemplify the initiatory
work There will be a hot time
in Moosedom Sat night and Sun
Dec 17th and 18th
No order protects its members to
such an extent and within the reach
of all
The benefits are 7 per week in
sickness or accident 100 in case
of death and free medical attention
to members and their families
Go to Dr McDivitt and be exam
ined as soon as possible Come to
Moose headquarters after Monday at
10 a m and sign the roll book
The dues are 75cents a month pay
able quarterly or semi annually No
Join now and become a charter
member before we close the charter
and the dispensation will permit us
to accept you with 5 initiatory fee
Moose office over Ludwicks furni
ture store
Worse than an alarm of fire at
night Is the metallic cough of croup
bringing dread to the household
Careful mothers keep Foleys Hon
ey and Tar in the house and give it
at the first sign of danger It con
tains no opiates A McMillen
In making up your order for read
ing matter see us and include the
Daily State Journal from now until
January 1 1912 for 3 except Sun
Lily Pa ut Flour when once us
oont rber will satisfy you
See our window display
Mens and Boys
Mens black and tan Romeo Slippejs
Mens black and tan Evert tt Slippers
Meus black and tan Opeia Siippers
Prices from 1 co to 175
Mens All Felt Slippers 75c
Mens and Boys
High Cut Shoes
Mens black and tan High Cut Shoes
from 3 co to 6 50
Boys tan High Cut Shoes from 250
to 350
Our Shoe Repairing Shop is equipped
with the best machinery for sewing
nailing and repairing shoes
Will Start a School Paper
The pupils of the McCook High
Scbool are going to start a school
parer for the rest of the present
school year The paper will be small
in size printed on a good quality of
paper and will contain no advertis
ing matter The paper will represent
the different phases of school activi
ties particularly from the stand point
of news An effort will be made to
have such material in the paper as
will be of interest to all pupils and
patrons of the schools The differ
ent classes in the high school met
and elected three members of their
own to form agnominating committee
This nominating committee met in
the superintendents office and chose
the editorial staff The paper will
have to stand financially on tie money
received from the subscriptions No
effort will bo made to realize any
profit on the enterprise The follow
ing were elected on the editorial
Editor In Chief Fred Archibald
Business Manager Karold Schwab
News Editor Fred Amsden
TitornTTr Cla rtniria Anrritcov
Alumni Joe Moore
Reporters from the grades
Ninth Clyde Rankin j
Tenth Leta Monks
Eleve th Maurice Benjamin
Twelfth Adaline Koller I
The name of the new paper will be
The McCook High School Mega
phone There will be six issues
this year one for each remaining
month of the school year The first
issue will be out Jan 4 11
The subscription price will be 25
cents for the six issues this year
At the Right Time
Nebraska lost the National Con
Exposition because the officers of
the National Corn Association insist
ed on holding it in Omaha just be
fore the holidays This met with
so much objection on the part of bus
iness men and newspapers that thp
Omaha business interests let the
show go The objection was that
the corn show drew people into the
city at a time when they would do
most of their holiday trading in Oma
ha instead of at home
But for two years the corn show
was an inspiration to the farmers of
Nebraska and Iowa No one doubts
its good influence and that it increas
ed interest in farm crops to such
an extent that we have larger yields
from our lands
Since the National Corn Exposi
tion left Omaha there has been such
an insistent demand for a mid winter
farm crop exposition where the work
of western states could be gathered
under one roof and compared that
enterprising Omahans have planned
and arranged to hold the Western
Land Products exhibit in the aud
itorium of that ciy from January 18
to 28 It is to be held in the same
building where the corn show was
held and will take its place in every
way except that only western states
can enter their products and it thus
becomes a greater exposition for the
west than the now famous National
Corn Exposition
The dates selected should be more
satisfactory and the attendance lar
ger than at the corn show and by
the exhibits made from Nebraska
and Iowa people of the two states
should be convinced when comparing
soil products that these two states
offer just as good advantages for
more profitable agriculture as the
newer states in the west which are
making every effort to get settlers
from Iowa and Nebraska
Subscribe for The Tribune
Get the Genuine Alvays
A substitute is a dangerous maJce
shift especially in medicine The een
uine Foleys Honey and Tar cutbb
coughs and colds quickly and is az
a yellow package Accept no ssfr
stitutes A McMillen
When a traveling solicitor calls si
you and gets you to take a paper is
member you are paying all of his ex
penses Come in and see us and k
can save you a dollar right thereat
you will take the Lincoln Journal
ouauiyuuiug nan uicsoiug 1
Scalp and Facil Treatment
Phone 72 Ill W B St Up Stairs
vv - J
Athletics Conland Wilson
Excl ange Chas Meeker Your Patronage Solicited
ex r
Prompt Service
Phone red 203
Third cutting of alfalfa John
Thomas Phone ash 2354
Thats All
Best Imported
Percheron Belgian-
English Shire
Suffolk Punch ai
jij tzennan toacn
yo Mamonss 1000 et
SjW Imported mareshcn
W bred stallions SJ3J
60 each
Creston Iowa
Home Bred Draft Stallions-
250 to 3000 imported stallions your choies
1000 F L STKEAM Creston la
But we can meet your
every need in these
lines from our large
and complete stocks
in all grades
Barnett Lumber Co
Phone 5