i B - fr wrmfrmnrr -- I 1 I CHRI STM AS NEEDS w TH A SUGGESTION as to the best place to buy them W here Sanla Claus has been and will be with nothing but a line of gift goods of every description He has unloaded a large supply of presents at our store and it is all for your benefit so come early and often and see what you need in your home and for your friends from this assortment We have all the new things and many of the old reliable gifts Large and elaborate presents and many minor items which are appropri ate as tokens of remembrance To our usual line of gifts we have added a complete line of mechanical and automatic toys Not only toys for amusement but toys of worth and quality This is any opportunity that people of HcCook and vicinity have never before realized and we extend you a personal invitation to come often and see our enormous display before making your Christmas selections We have the goods and are confident we can satisfy ALWAYS WELCOflE Toilet Articles Single pieces and a variety of sets traveling cas es dresser sets etc Toilet sets in ebony Kraft wood and silver mounts Manicure articles in the most artistic combination sets with elegant leather uass velvet lined compact so they are very nice and convenient for traveling cases We have them in sets of three pieces up to ten and twele pieces in pearl ebony and bone mounts with the triple cut flexible files All the novelties and necessities of the ver best quality for manicuring Cape Goat Seal Nohiug better or more serviceable in the way of la lies hand bags Quality and quantity and the lijjit price Genuine leather leather lined fitted with miniature toilet articles nothing we know of moie appiopnate for a ladys present Remember her with a useful lasting gift Also a number of coin purses chatelams in ger inan silver lined with kid These too make good gifts and i if which our stock is not lacking DANBURY W P Crosby was an Otis Colo rado visitor last Thursday E E Dvoe of Lebanon visited here between trains last Friday H V Lord was in Cedar Bluffs Kansas on business last Thursday Hack Ryan was home from Wil sonville for Thanksgiving Mr and Mrs Will Yates visited in Hendley from Saturday until Tues day Mr and Mrs John Smiley of South Omaha came out last Friday on a Tisit of a few days with his brother Ben H L Goodenberger has moved his 3arn from town to his place north vest of town Miss Dora Greenway left last Wed aesday for a visit with relatives in Akron Colorado John and James Rittenhouse are 2tere on a visit to J L Sims and family The club girls held a meeting at She home of H V Lord last Thurs day A fine time is reported from the dance in the hall last Saturday night Mrs M M Young and Mrs C W Sogers and daughter were McCook visitors Saturday Sunday Mrs S A Minniear entertain ed the club girls Saturday night The company was a numerous one but taere was a fine time for all A force of Burlington men passed tfrrougb here last Friday en route to Marion to lay the track to the alfalfa mill siding The prayer meetings are growing very interesting in the Methodist church at this stage of the series of lectures by the pastor It is un derstood that Rev Anderson will have these prayer meeting lectures printed in book or pamphlet form The Sunday school of the Metho dist church surprised their superin tendent last Friday evening with a social at his beautiful home Sunny dale It was an evening of com plete surprise to all but- the efficient committee having the entertainment in charge Mrs Woods chairman of the arrangements committee had ev erything pass off without a hitch keeping the little folks at play and making a joyous time for the adults as well The veteran superintendent Mr L Cann and wife enjoyed the oc casion in spite of the surprise The committee and all concerned are to be congratulated MARION The Methodist church had -a larg er attendance last Sunday to hear Rev Andersons sermon than at any service since he came on this cir cuit Rev Anderson will deliver his lec tures each Wednesday evening at 8 oclock at the prayer meetingsThese meetings are for Christians as well as non Christians All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Boos lets Cards and Folders make nice remembrances and perhaps you have a number of friends you wish to remember with an in expensive token now i your chance such an array of the latest novelties in picture books beautifully de signed cards with approptiite verses and of various prices we have never before shown Remember all your friends this year if only with a good wish it will make them happy Oxford Bibles Hymnals and Prayer Books With and without index flexible covers good print concordance india papi r hand sewed New Testaments for the children Toys from Toy Land A world of toys Enough toys to make every little child in McCook happy Iron toy wot den toys mechanical toys trains houses garages stores circuses and all the latest creations in the toy line Dolls and doll sets furs hats dishes tables and everything to make the doll house complete The Billiken and Baby Bump dolls Dolls of every nationality Be sure you see our Dolls Perfumes in Abundance Fanry packages in the various odors at any price you wish Bulk perfumes toilet waters and sachet powders any of whiVh are most acceptable for a gift to a lady Nothing more pleasing in toilet requisites and a necessity Practical and useful Please her Pyrography Sets and Pieces ready stamped for burning and in variety too numer ous to mention All the new patterns in dresser box es waste paper baskets tie racks tabourets plaques etc If you dont want to bum a piece it makes a nice present any way for any one owning a pyrography set Fountain Pens Of the standird makes are an indispensible article and just what either a lady or gentleman would want The Waterman Non leakable pen and Conklins self filling pens are the best makes and most service ible pens for general ue Pens from i to io Want a pen We have only given general details of the stock here What we wish to do is to awaken enough interest to induce you to make an early start on the inspection of holiday gifts It always pays You will get new ideas you will have widest choice you will have a chance to secure novelties that may not be here later Entire displayFirst door north of DeGroffs store i i I I GRANT INDIANOLA RED WILLOW BOX ELDER Chas A Wesch is working for the McCook Electric Light and Power Co The Misses Bertha and Mary Stim bert of Inland Nebr are visiting their aunt Mrs Aug Wesch this week also their brother John over in Kansas Jacob Wesch hauled his wheat to the TraerKansmarket last week The dance at John Maisels was well attended last Wednesday night Mr and Mrs Jacob Wesch Harry Marshall and family Albert Weeks and family took Thanksgiving din ner with Roy Albrecht and family A number of young people attend ed the pie social at the Anderson school house Thursday evening The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less danger from pneumonia and other serious diseases Mr W L Hall of Waver ly Va says I firmly believe Chamberlains Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me For sale by all dealers Worse than an alarm of fire at night Is the metallic cough of croup bringing dread to the household Careful mothers keep Foleys Hon ey and Tar in the house and give it at the first sjgn of danger It con tains no opiates A McMiilen Dr Hansen spent Thanksgiving at his home in Holbrook Mr and Mrs Sexson were Frank lin visitors last week Floyd Welborn came down in his private car and spent Thursday and Friday with relatives here The Ladies Aid Society of the Con gregational church served dinner and supper Thursday realizing about 5000 C C Bauer and family are locat ed at Oxford Word was received from Mary Hoagland nee Windhurst that she liked her new home in New Mexico very much Mr Jonathan Puckett and little granddaughter left Friday night for Ohio Mr Puckett having received word of his sons illness Mrs Norland was in McCook Fri day Mrs Vanwormer and Mr Ike Smith attended lodge in McCook Friday night Mr and Mrs Neal Quick spent Sunday with Mrs Quicks folks in McCook Mrs Catherine Tailor died Satur day afternoon at the home of her daughter Miss Burgess Mrs Tail or was blind and has been bed rid den for some ten or fifteen years She was 73 years old Harry Wilber went to Benkelman Monday morning to shuck corn McCook Tribune 100 a year Fine weather for gathering corn flIrs Reese Harrison is entertain- Jacob Randel and wife and niece mS a brother from the east Miss Baker ate Thanksgiving dinner The first quarterly conference on at Will Randels Mrs Taylor Horace wife and ba by ate turkey at Mr Hoaglands on Thursday Mr and Mrs Longnecker and Mr and Mrs Lewis Elmer and family had a social dinner at Louis Long neckers on Thanksgiving day Mrs Waddell Mrs Wm Meyers and Mrs F C Smith gave a surprise party to their respective husbands Thursday evening at the home of F C Smith A large crowd was pres ent from the little tots in their mothers arms to grandmothers and was managed to perfection through the executive ability of Mrs Smith this charge will be held at the church Tuesday December 6 Earnest Dixon who has been visit ing relatives here left Saturday for his home near Alma After a short visit with friends in this vacinityMiss Elsie Roberts re turned Saturday morning to her school duties near Elwood Mr and Mrs J S Modrell spent Thanksgiving with their daughter Mrs Maxwell Wolf Mrs T M Campbell and Mrs G A Shields entertained to dinner at the home of the former on Thanks giving day Rev F C Tyler and family F G Lytle and family and and her helners It was a Dretty lulss JMSie KODerts of Elwood sichf tn rrp thfi lareo finndav school Tfle first meeting of the Mite class of little folks seated at the ta ble together Oysters and cake were served and music old fashioned spell ing school and some high toned plays Society met at the home of F G Lytle last Friday evening The so ciety will meet every two weeks The next meeting will be at the home afforded entertainment for the youns o T- M Campbell on Friday even- people ims -December 9 Everybody under Mrs King and children took din- ninty nine years of age is eligible ner at Louis Longneckers first of to membership the week Montgomery Doyle passed away In Mr and Mrs Henry Crabtree -Hastings baturaay morning jNovem ited at Lewis Elmers on Sunday ber 26 The body was shipped to McCook Sunday and brought to the Box Elder church Monday where Foleys Kidney Pills are tonic In Rev Tyler preached the funeral action quick In results and restore j ter which Interment took place in the natural action of the kidneys and the Box Elder cemetery bladder They correct irregularities I A McMiilen Subscribe for The Tribune 1 ft Jr I 4 i - II 1 i