Kfc I A I it I f R PA 75 rl Ax hsbwbsbwwb gwcoBWHW K Our Big Rou sing Continues with the Greatest Enthusias More Goods Added to Stock More Tempting Bargains Than Ever More Reasons Why You Should Buy at Once Mens Supendeis 35c value at Mens Combination Supenders and Garters regu larly 75c value Mens Half Hose regular 25c goods pair Mens Handkerchiefs 12 Ac value at Mens Cotton Underwear Vests or Drawers 100 values at Mens Suits up from Mens Winter Overcoats up from Boys Overcoats 500 value Boys 2 piece Suits up from - Boys Hats value 150 Notice to Creditors In the County Court of Red Willow Count Nebraska ss In the Matter of the Estate of Ira H Harrison deceased To the Creditors of said Estate You are hereby notified That I will sit at the County Court Room in McOook in said Couuty on the twenty seventh day of May 1911 at the hour of one oclock P M to ex amine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is the 20th day of May A D 1911 and the time limited for pay ment of debts is One Year from said 19th day of November 1910 Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court this 19th day of November 1910 Seal J C MOORE County Judge C E Eldred Attorney First publication Nov 24 19104t Auction of School Land Notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of December 1910 at one oclock p m at the office of the county treasurer of Red Willow coun ty the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings or his authorized rep resentative will offer for lease at public auction all educational lands in said county which have been de clared forfeited for non payment of rental or interest as follows Lot 1 16-3-28 C F Babcock S 16-4-28 C H Taylor Dated November 21 1910 E B COWLES Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings Subscribe for The Tribune m Great Doings Here Before Thanksgiving MAMMOTH OUTLET SALE takes on a new lease of life today with the arrival THE another big shipment of Mens and Womens Clothing bought by us at from 25c to 50c on the dollar The sensational bargains continue There is no let up in inter fered If you dont take advantage of the tremendous values offered you are passing up the best chance of a lifetime Come Today Come Tomorrow But the Sooner You Do Come the Better Bargains You Will Get Everything included in this big stock is offered at one third to one half under regular price We cannot give a full list of the wonderful bargains Here are just a few LADIES GOODS Ladies White Waists formerly 100 at 37C Ladies Fancy Waists 125 values at 40c Ladies Petticoats 1 value at 44c 150 value at 59c Ladies Hosiery Black and Tan 25c values at 10c 100 values at 36c Ladies Handkerchiefs worth 10c each 3c Ladies Suits Grey Navy Light Blue and Black 1 800 value 1098 Ladies Long Coats regularly 1500 1098 Ladies Long Coats 16 50 value 1198 Ladies Long Coats regularly 1200 798 Ladies Skirts regularly 500 98c Ladies Hats that sold up to 1000 98c MENS GOODS f 19c 41c lie 4c 36c 298 398 250 139 50c 8 s NOTICE The Mangelsdorf Brothers Company a corporation defendant will take no tice that on the twentieth day of Oc tober 1910 Egbert H Everist the plaintiff herein filed his petition in the county court of Red Willow coun ty in the State of Nebraska against said defendant the object and prayer of which are to recover a judgment against said defendant for the sum two hundred ten and 23 100 dollars with interest thereon at seven per cent per annum from the first day of December 1909 for moneys ad vanced and services rendered as agent for the defendant under a con tract in purchasing alfalfa seed and bags for the said defendant at its request during the months of Octo ber and November 1909 The plain tiff has caused to be issued out of said county court an order of attach ment in said case against said de fendant and the sheriff of said coun ty has levied the same upon forty one bushels and twenty five pounds of alfalfa seed the property of afore said defendant in said Red Willow county for the satisfaction of the amount due as aforesaid You are required to answer said petition on or before the fifth day of December 1910 W S MORLAN Attorney for Plaintiff First publication Nor 3 4t Lily Patent Flour when once usee none other will satisfy you Notice to Creditors The State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss In the County Court of Red Willow county Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Eva A Tnmlinenn npnpaspn To the creditors of said estate You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court Room in Mc Ccok in said county on the 6th day of May 1911 at the hour of nine oclock a m to examine all claims against said Estate with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said Estate is six months from the 28th day of Octo ber A D 1910 and the time limited I for payment of debts is One Year from said 28th day of October 1910 Witness my hand and seal of said County Court this 2Sth day of Octo ber 1910 Seal J C MOORE County Judge C E ELDRED Attorney First publication Nov 3 4t Kexamethylenetramine Is the name of a German chemical one of the many valuable ingredients of Foleys Kidney Remedy Hema methylenetramine is recognized by medical text books and authorities as a uric acid solvent and anti-septic for the urine Take Foleys Kid ney Remedy promptly at the first sign of kidney trouble and avoid a serious malady A McMlllen INDIANOLA Nina Jones was a McCook visitor Monday afternoon Asa Wolfe came home from Crete Wednesday night for Thanksgiving vacation Mrs Jim Haley and Miss Demster were in McCook Monday afternoon Miss Demster taking 14 for Repub lican Joe Harrison and the Mousel Bros are shipping their stock to the In ternational Stock Show in Chicago The Dunning Bros built a big shed on their farm this week for the cattle during the winter Mrs A D Burress visited a few days with friends here this week Some of the Normal training class took examinations Saturday Mr Gordon and Miss Spear went to Lincoln to attend the Teachers Association there Wednesday McCook and Indianola played foot ball Saturday The score was 6 to 0 in favor of McCook The High School had three days vacation the lower rooms two days Thanksgiving Tree Pruning I will be in McCook for a week or so All persons having any shade tree pruning to be done should com municate with me at once Time is short FRANK BONGER All grades of Oxford flour and each sack guaranteed at the McCook Flour and Feed Store Something Bpecial The Weekly Inter Ocean and Fanner and this pa per 125 for one year Ask us what it means J H Bayston Passes On J H Bayston died in St Anthony Idaho last Tuesday evening Novem ber 15th Deceased is widely known in Red Willow and Frontier counties He was formerly a teacher and county superintendent in this county a res ident for a number of years in this county He afterwards lived in Frontier county publishing the Stockville Fa ber for a number of years going west on account of impaired health He and wife were both teaching in the St Anthony schools at his death The bereaved wife nee Miss Chrys ler and children have much tender sympathy from Red Willow county and McCook friends James H Bayston was born in Orland Cook Co 111 Sept 13 1858 and died at St Anthony Idaho Nov 15 1910 Was converted in Illinois in ear ly manhood and joined the M E church of which he was a member John Collins M E church Denver Colo at the time of his death Mr Bayston was ailing for several months and was ill with remittent fever and yellow jaundice two weeks Leaves a wife daughter son fa ther mother and five sisters Remains taken to Bennett Nebr for interment where his family lives Library Notes The Power and the Glory Grace M Cooke Romance of the Tennessee mountains and cotton mills The horrors of child labor are vivid ly but not too realistically pictured Clever Betsy Clara L Burn ham The author has returned to the manner of her early novels and written a pleasing though sentimen tal love story New England and the Yellow Stone Park supply the local color Burning Daylight Jack London The powerful and the gentle are strangely blended in the hero a strong personality of the frozen north known as Burning Daylight The King of the Klondike The Hero of the Arctic and The Thirty-Million Dollar Millionaire of the North Max Katherine C Thurston Skill in handling amazing situations is the reputation this author achieved in her famous The Masquerader and readers whose expectations are high will not be disappointed in the present emotional story and its re markable plot The Glory of the Conquered Susan Glaspell While this book has been in the library for a few months it is certainly well worth the time one puts in reading it LIBRARIAN The Practical Joker The following paragraph appeared in last weeks paper under what pur ported to be regular correspondence which was however unsigned Cards are out announcing the ap proaching wedding of Mr John Daw son and Miss Katie Sellin and Mr J F Sellin and Miss Mary Dawson We are advised that the article is entirely erroneous And this moves us to state that a horse whipping would be about the right remedy for such a practical joker and to urgently request regu lar and special correspondents to not fail to sign their names to their letters not for publication necessar ily but that the publisher and the public may not be imposed upon Both Speedy and Effective This indicates the action of Foley Kidney Pills as S Parsons Battle Creek Mich illustrates I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found no relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills These cured me entire ly of all my ailments I was trou bled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregularities The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all my former troubles They have my highest recommendation A McMillen Warning to Postmasters In view of difficulties that have risen by reason of postmasters sign ing testimonials for patrons of their offices the postoffice department has issued a warning against the prac tice After you have read all the local country news in this paper how plea sant to have The Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer at hand to give you the happenings of the outside world 12 pays for both one year Heinz pickles and vinegar MAGNERS Phone 14 llfg - POWDER Absolutely Pure The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar iio Alum No Lime Phosphate PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY DR C M DUNCAN Physician Surgeon and Electrician All chronic diseases treated with electricity Lady attendant in office Phone 26 Office in residence third block east of Temple theatre ROLAND R REED M D Physician and Surgeon Local Surgeon B M Phones Office 163 residence 217 Office Rooms 5 6 Temple building McCook Neb DR J O BRUCE Osteopath Phone 55 Office over Electric Theatre on Main Ave DR HERBERT J PRATT Registered Graduate Dentist Office 212 Main av over Mc Connells drug store Phones Of fice 160 residence black 131 DR R J GUNN Dentist Phone 112 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh building McCook DR J A COLFER Dentist Phone 378 Room 4 Postoffice building Mc Cook Neb R H GATEWOOD Dentist Phone 163 Office Room 4 Masonic temple McCook Neb DR EARL O VAHUE Dentist Phone 190 Office over McAdams store Mo Cook Neb C E ELDRED Lawyer Bonded Abtracter and Examiner of Titles Stenographer and notary in office McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY Attorney at Law and Bonded Abstracter Agent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Water Works Co Office in Fostoffice building McCook Neb JAMES HART M R C V S Veterinarian Phone 34 Office Commercial barn McCook Nebraska L C STOLL CO Jewelers Opticians Eyes tested and fitted Fine re pairing McCook Neb H P SUTTON CO Jewelers and Opticians Watch Repairing Goods of quality Main avenue McCook Nebraska JENNINGS HUGHES CO Plumbing Heating and Gas Fitting Phone 33 Estimates furnished freeBasement Postoffice building A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Office 302 over Woodworks dru store - Go to NELMS FEED STORE j frT Vln 1 FAMOUS CAMBRIDGE FLOUR and all kinds of feed Your combings made into switches and puffs MRS L M THOMAS Phone Ash 2354 Subscribe for The Tribune - Phone 186 t I- 1