The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 17, 1910, Image 8

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W B Street
La Vogue Label is the
Hall Mark of Quality
The feeling of quality is worth double the price
But when you can buy that quality at the ordinary
price and less
As you can here
We feel we have an unanswerable argument and induce
ment to offer you -
The La Vogue suits and coats are made on quality
Quality in cloths
Quality in linings
Quality in trimmings
Quality in tailoring
Quality is the watchword of the makers throughout
For they know that when you wear a La Vogue garment
you will appreciate unusual quality and will want another
i And we know it too
Thats why we buy these La Vogue garments and sell
them to our customers
Because we know they will satisfy you and you will be
our customer next season and the seasons to come
Let us show you the La Vogue styles for FalL
James Mc Adams
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McConnell for drugs
da 1 1 VV
IS A SATISFACTION to handle and try on Stein Bloch Evening Clothes They aie
If so soft the silk is so beautifully sewn the clothes are such high grade examples of real
Few tailors cn make them you know Stein Bloch makes the best No tailor at
your command can- approach them It is a sin to let an ordinary tailor touch full dress
clothes It you are thinking of getting a full dress suit or a Tuxedo for the winters festivities
S come to us before Ou make up your mind The price question aside from the high quality
we can show you will afford you nterest
AlcCook Neb
McConnell fills prescriptions
McMillen prescription druggist
Kodaks and kodak supplies
Connell Druggist
California Orange Blossom honey ai
MAGNERS Phone 14
The best I ever used is what
they say after using Pure Gold flour
MAGNERS Phone 14
Huber handles the Carhartt gloves
and caps also and a full line of
other makes
We never hesitate to guarantee
Lily Patent flour At the McCook
Flour and Feed Store
For Rent Steam heated rooms on
Main ave Phone black 133
FOR RENT Dwelling house Phone
cedar 983 or 25 tf
FOR RENT Furnished room with
light heat and bath Phone red 345
FOR RENT Two 5 room cottages
shade and lawn close in 4 rooms
modern Main avenue furnished or
unfurnished Mrs J I Lee Phone
red 455
FOR SALE Wheat and barley
straw and cane hay Dave Deveny
Phone cherry 1G51
FOR SALE My residence at 601
4th street E Address J S Williams
or phone black 189 tf
house Small sum down and balance
on monthly payments Inquire of
Mrs Julia Yager West McCook
WANTED Poultry of all kinds at
the National Hotel 10 tf
DRESS MAKING Five years ex
perience Satisfaction guaranteed
Will sew by the day Phone black
64 -10-2
LOST Saturday last Ah belt pjn
set with large topazsurrounded -by
smaller stones l Finder please leave
at Tribune -office
LOST A purple and black scarf
at St Patricks guild dance Find
er will please leave at Tribune of
Beautiful Wedding
At 5 oclock on the evening of No
vember 8th 1910 at the home o
the brides parents Mr and Mrs E
C Bradbury of Imperial Nebraska
occuried the wedding of their beau-
ul an I accomplished daughter Su
un Alice to Mr James Harold Mor
as of McCook Nebraska Rev Bick
jut of the Methodist church officiat
inj None but the immediate friendi
of the happy contracting parties wer
The bride was dressed in wlit
he dress being trimmed in lace
hich made her beautiful dark eye
nd glossy hair a sweet contrast
liiie the grccm was dressed in the
onventional black
The happy couple left by auto last
ednesday morning for Denver Col
j ado going by way of Bnkelman
Vs this auto wp id its way soutL
it i o vojagers on lifei
i f ere followed them in thei
rney the heartv bast wishes o
jvery one in Imperial
Alice as she was familiarly known
om her infancy to bright happj
vomanhood has grown up among us
one of the bright sweet flowers of
it town aiii all who knew her b
o love her We charge her fortunate
n 1 lucky young husband that he har
ome among us and plucked one of
Tr choicest roses and we knov
e has made no mistake in his choice
md it is the prayer of all thatAlice
ias not
The happy couple will be at home
t McCook after December 15th
McCoos Imperials loss is 3our
May joy happiness and peace ever
tje of of these young people ic
the wish of all Imperial people Im
uerial Republican
Where are you going my pretty
To the bazaar sir she said
What will you do there pretty one
Buy Xmas gifts and eat and have
some fun
When and where is this all to be
At Monte Christo hall the first of
Do you think that actor can sink
ais personality in his part His act
ng is heavy enough to sink anything
Wisdon in This Sentence
Love the spot where you are and
the friends God has given you and
be sure to expect everything good of
tJiem John Albee
Jury Penalties
Nowadays no penalty Is
when tin tiveve men chosen to form
the jury ate unable to agree upon a
verdict Formerly however a re
fraftory juryman was committed to
prison and the verdict of the eleven
was taken In the reign of King Ed
ward III the judges decided that a
verdict gien by a majority was a
nullity and recommended that the
judges should carry the jury about
with them in a cart till they should
acree The old custom that jurors
should favi until they had agreed in
their verdict prevailed lonsr but was
hm ifullv relaxed somewhat in Tu
dor times and during Queen Eliza
beths ren a banquet was usually
given to the jury by the successful
party to a suit St 1aul Pioneer
Science and Cheese
A medical authority kindly assures
us that as 1011 as cheese isnt decay
it it will not afreet the health of the
v onsumer This is a fact that we have
sivpected for a cousideiable time But
tiow is the ordinary cheese epicure lo
Select the difference unless he waits
or resiltsV
Theie is cheese so thoroughly dis
iihed in the costume and aroma of
lecav that its proper standing on the
sanitary testing table would puzzle a
For instance there is the brand
inown as limburger
But why pursue the subject V Cleve
land Plain Dealer
Circumventing Papa
Reginald Im awfully sorry but
tvi says he doesnt want to see you
coming here any more
Poadicea your fathers wish is law
He shall not see me again if I can
help it What eveiiimrs in the week
do he hpend do vniowuV Chicago
Force of Habit
A thousand stars are looking down
on you this night said the poetical
young man to the girl
We have had an official warning
not to burn much gas this month
I never heard of such a tiling
Oh yes ii was last months bill
Buffalo Express
A Lost Inspiration
enforced Seated one dav at the mirror
I was weary of rats and puffs
And my fingers wandered idly
Over the curls and puffs
I know not what I was building
Or what I was mimicking
But I struck a sort of coiffure
Like the head of an Aztec King
It flooded my brows and temples
In a most expansive way
And it lay on my cerebellum
Like an overweight ton of hay
It fell into puffy billows
Like that foolish old silk floss
It seemed like a harmonious jumble
Of excelsior and moss
It linked all my marcel vavings
Into one humy heap
Then coiled in a roly poly
Like a kitten going to sleep
I have sought but I seek it vainly
That one coiffure so fine
That came from the head of an Aztec
And decorated mine
It may be in some shop window
That style I can 3et procure
Ad it may be that only in Juja
I shall find that grand coiffure
Carolyn Wells
There is quite a changing and
working of roads in our neighbor
Mr Ed Phillippi and family were
visitors at the parental home Satur
day and Sunday
George C Hawkins and Nannie E
Goodenberger were married Tuesday
Nov 15th at the office of the coun
ty judge returning to their home
where a few of their nearest rela
tives and a good supper awaited
They go immediately to house
keeping on what is known as the
Lawthers farm We see nothing to
And she unconsciously put her hands keeP theirs from being a prosper
np to arrange the position of her hat ous and happy future and with their
many friends wish them success
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A FliHinery Sale of
Special Importance
After Thanksgiving we use our Millinery Department for
the display of Christmas Novelties Handkerchiefs Lin
ens etc and in order to make room for this display we
will place on sale
Saturday November
and continue to sell until
Saturday Night November 26
Every Trimmed Hat in Our Immense Stock
at Reductions Unheard Of
All Childrens Hats will go at Half Price
Beautiful Hand Draped Turbans will go at i5o each
Y A special lot of Trimmed Hats which sold for 5 to 7 will go for 250
vj And every Trimmed Hat will be sold this week at Bargain Prices
X This is your opportunity Secure that hat youve been
wanting during this week of Exceptional Reductions
Dry Goods Millinery and Ladies Furnishings
Latest novelties in Jewelry are ar
riving every day and our line is
now complete See our stock while
you have lots of time and allow us
Made It Clear to offer you a few suggestions that
Now Clarice says the Boston Globe will help you in making your Christ
dont get these things twisted You mas purchases
eat b valves see throush binoculars h P STJTTON CO
ride bicycles wish you had biplanes
and marry bipeds
A tailor on Thirty ninth street has
Deepest Hours of Sleep -clothes
ft sgn mended in the rear
The period of deepest sleep varies vChicago Tribune
frnro 2 tflS oclock